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can a Krsna devotee marry a christian?

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What do you mean by Christian? A lover of Jesus?... than yes. A fanatic who views anything outside the Bible as the devil's work?... then I don't see how that would work. In a marriage you will be supporting each other in your growth towards God so you should be on the same track.



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i'm just ending my 6 years relationship, with my wife... after less than 2 yearsof marriagewe just broke up... she's more or less a protestant....


So be careful, make sure to talk about it before... i grow into KC gradually and when i took 2nd initiation, she just couldn't handle me waking up early and offer food.


Also if you wanna have kids make sure she'll agree with the vegetarian diet. i don't have kids but when we talked about it it was obvious that it would be a problem. What will you do if she wants to give meat or eggs to your children ? or if when they visit the parents in law they wish to give them meat? you have to agree together and be strong.


My relationship was doing very very good for years, then it changed in one year anad degraded so much. i must say i'm no fanatic at all, and did a lot of compromises. We had a "normal" intimate life and i accepted meat or eggs in the fridge.


So better to talk about it before.

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  • 2 years later...

I think the post above by Sunanda should be very instructive for you.

Most all the mixed marriages I have heard of ended like his after some period of apparent success


Even marriages between devotees can be very difficult.

Marriage in general is very difficult in this age.


Personally, I would recommend against it.

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There're so many different kind of Christians...http://www.jesusveg.com/

At least she should be vegetarian and pray the rosary... http://www.rosary.org/


At least or at minimum she must be vegetarian because that will (hopefully) help develop mercy for all living beings and maybe slowly lead to becoming prasadetarian.:idea:


As I can remember reading somewhere that a person who is a vegetarian has a better potential of become more compassionate towards living entity.


A persone who gives up drugs/lust becomes more cleansed.


A persone who gives up gambling can become more truthfull.


So to me it is not a big consideration of whatever religious background she comes from....

For myself coming from an Indian background being a "Krsna Devotee" it is very difficult to find a suitable partner. I have to think very hard even when considering marying a partner from Indian background I know the principals and know what I can compromise on and what I definitely will not compromise on.


But Yes first follow Sunanda Prabhu's advice and draw up what I would call a list of "deal brakers" or something that you are not willing to sacrifice/compromise on and show her the list:deal:


Always remember you have a responsibility towards the partner you will be bringing into your life and even bigger responsibility towards a living entity you bring into this material world.


Therefore choose carefully and wisely.


Hare Krsna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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It really depends on which Denomination.. I know that Pentacostal Churches wont tolerate such relationships.. Jehovah Witnesses won't either..


I believe it is Audarya-lila that is married to a practicing Catholic woman and they have it worked out well. I think it takes a couple of very mature people to pull it off though. His input on this thread would be very helpful. He just posted here in the last few days so there is a chance he will see this thread and chime in.

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At the church, there are scanners, and anyone who is not scanned will be zapped. Krsna devotees are required by law to register with the state, and anyone checking the block that says "Are you attracted to Christians" yes will be instantly excommunicated from the krsna church, thereby meaning that they are not really krsna devotees when they approach that altar.


Be really sacred, because there are billions in the black budget to enforce these statutes. Thousands have mysteriously disappeared and no one even remembers that they existed.


So, go ahead, but be prepared for the consequence. Dandavats are not allowed, only genuflection, only one knee can hit the ground. Dead giveaway.


However, there is one place that allows this. in far away Kingdom of Tonga, the nikualofa government has informed this writer that they welcome even druid/shinto relationships there. Ever seen stonehenge draped in kimonas? This explains easter island completely.


mahak, without anything else to write.

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  • 2 months later...

The person who asked this question may not even read threads on this board any longer since it was asked over two years ago. However I believe the answer is fairly simple.


Marry a person you love and who shares your lifes ideals. Marry someone who will support you in all your goals and help you to realize them.


Amongst western converts to Gaudiya Vaishnavism the divorce rates are considerably higher than the average for the population in general, so a happy union is not guaranteed even if you restrict yourself to marrying someone 'from within your own faith'.


My experience in marriage is that a lasting and loving relationship requires deep commitment and that there will be many twists and turns along the way, as there are in any deep and meaningful relationship. I have been married for 20 years now and I am as committed to my wife as when we first took our vows.


We have had some very trying times and it certainly isn't fairytale like in any way, but if you expect that then you shouldn't marry anyone because it will only end in disappointment for everyone involved.


Love is born of sacrifice. In relationship you must be prepared to give, you must be prepared to truly become selfless and act on another behalf without thought of remuneration.

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:cool: Do you believe Krsna`s here? But he will be gone tomorrow! You see, like the waves of the sea, Krsna comes and goes. He comes before the devotees whenever they are harrassed by the demons. That is Krsna`s promise to his devotees. And he never fails. After jesus and mohammad, Krsna appeared again but you just didn`t know that he was there, here, and everywhere...An avatar, so to speak.
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:cool: Do you believe Krsna`s here? But he will be gone tomorrow! You see, like the waves of the sea, Krsna comes and goes. He comes before the devotees whenever they are harrassed by the demons. That is Krsna`s promise to his devotees. And he never fails. After jesus and mohammad, Krsna appeared again but you just didn`t know that he was there, here, and everywhere...An avatar, so to speak.


That makes krishna sound like santa clause, "Oh , he was just here, you missed him, darn", don't worry, just believe, see those milk and cookies that you got? they are not there anymore.

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:cool: Do you believe Krsna`s here? But he will be gone tomorrow! You see, like the waves of the sea, Krsna comes and goes. He comes before the devotees whenever they are harrassed by the demons. That is Krsna`s promise to his devotees. And he never fails. After jesus and mohammad, Krsna appeared again but you just didn`t know that he was there, here, and everywhere...An avatar, so to speak.

The Appearance of Lord Caitanya

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

from a lecture at London's Conway Hall in November, 1969:


Another feature of this avatara is that He is always accompanied by His associates. In the picture of Caitanya Mahaprabhu one will find that He is always followed by many devotees chanting. Whenever God incarnates He has two missions, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita. There Krsna says, "Whenever I appear, My mission is to deliver the pious devotees and to annihilate the demons." When Krsna appeared, He had to kill many demons. If we see a picture of Visnu, we will notice that He has a conchshell, lotus flower, club, and disc. These last two items are meant for killing demons. Within this world there are two classes of men -- the demons and the devotees. The devotees are called demigods; they are almost like God because they have godly qualities. Those who are devotees are called godly persons, and those who are non-devotees, atheists, are called demons. So Krsna, or God, comes with two missions: to give protection to the devotees and to destroy the demons. In this age Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is also like that: to deliver the devotees and to annihilate the non-devotees, the demons. But in this age He has a different weapon. That weapon is not a club or disc or lethal weapon -- His weapon is the sankirtana movement. He killed the demoniac mentality of the people by introducing the sankirtana movement. That is the specific significance of Lord Caitanya. In this age people are already killing themselves. They have discovered atomic weapons with which to kill themselves, so there is no need for God to kill them. But He appeared to kill their demonic mentality. That is possible by this Krsna consciousness movement.

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