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    Served in Bhaktivedanta Manor - Driver/cook of Gurudas Swami. Went with his travelling preach
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    chanting 16 rounds, cooking, meeting devotees, painting, dreaming of spiritual projects that attract
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  1. This toothpaste is not meant to be used everyday. Rather it is meant to get all the germs out:...Still in remote villages, in forest, they do not come to the physician, doctors. The bils, the aborigines, they know so many drugs. For toothache, we go to the dentist and they extract the teeth, but I have read in Ayurvedic medicine, there is a drug, a root. Only if you touch this side of the mouth, all the germs collected within the teeth will come out. I have seen it. Sometimes in the year 1931 or ’32 I had a very severe tooth pain. So I was taken by my servant in the jungle to some, this vaidya. They cured me, and the dentist could not. I attended so many times to the dentist. I have got my practical experience. And in the Ayurvedic literature there is mention some drug, the root only if you touch here, the germs collected in the teeth, they will come out in the corner of the teeth some germs—sometimes it is itching; there is all germs—so they will come out. Sometimes pains in the toe. All they are germs. The germ theory is all right, but they want to cure these germs in different way. But by nature’s way there are so many drugs and roots and creepers that can cure all the diseases.
  2. By Laura Barat The Argument for the Tropical Zodiac in Vedic Astrology A look at historical and theoretical evidence that knowledge of the precession of the equinox was lost, therefore giving birth to the erroneous Sidereal Zodiac for Rasis (Signs) within the Indian sub-continent. Laura Barat: I am a Vedic Astrologer and I use the Tropical Zodiac. To many this is very close to sacrilege and a contradiction in terms. This novel way of delineating the horoscope is gaining momentum and validity within the Hindu Astrological community. I am writing this article with the purpose of giving valid and logical reasons why the Tropical Zodiac of Rasis (Signs) is to be used instead of the Sidereal Zodiac of Rasis. “Of Rasis” is stated because it is quite clear that the Sidereal Zodiac is to be used when delineating Nakshatras. What is the Tropical Zodiac? In America, Europe and in ancient Greece, Persia and Egypt, the Tropical Zodiac is and was always used. The Tropical Zodiac measures 12 portions of 30 degrees each beginning from the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. The Vernal Equinox is the point where the Sun crosses the equator on its way North. This is the first day of Spring and is 0 degrees Aries. Thus, a portion of 30 degrees was given to Aries, 30 degrees to Taurus, 30 degrees to Gemini and so on for 12 Signs until 360 degrees are covered. When the Sun is at its farthest northern point and begins to move South, then it is the Summer Solstice and the Sun is at 0 degrees of Cancer. For example, if one has a Sun positioned at 12 degrees of Taurus, that means that one’s Sun is 42 degrees north of the celestial equator. If a person has their Sun at 24 degrees of Leo, then their Sun is 54 degrees South of the Tropic of Cancer and 36 degrees north of the equator. The same principle of measurement is applied to all the planets. Thus, the Tropical Zodiac is based upon the Sun’s longitudinal relationship to the Earth. What is the Sidereal Zodiac? In regards to Rasis or Signs, the Sidereal Zodiac is made up of 30 degree portions beginning with the Nakshatra of Aswini as measured from certain fixed stars. Since astrologers use different fixed stars to determine the first point of Sidereal Aries, we have different Ayanamshas. An ayanamsha is the difference between the vernal equinox (the Sun at 0 degrees Tropical Aries) and the first point of Sidereal Aries. The Sidereal Zodiac bases the measurement of Signs on the fixed stars as opposed to measuring Signs from the relationship of the Sun to the Earth as in the Tropical Zodiac. The Argument for a Tropical Zodiac A rasi simply means a “heap of thirty”. That is all. Hindus use rasis in their calculations with all circles and arcs and it does not automatically infer that Zodiac signs are to be used. In about 100 A.D., a Greek astronomer by the name of Hiparchius, took the names of Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so forth and gave these names to the fixed stars starting with the first point of Aswini. This was a very grave mistake and would cause the science of astrology to be looked down upon from then on. The reason he named the constellations thus is because around this time, when the Sun was as the vernal equinox, or the 1st point of Tropical Aries, it was also at the 1st point of Aswini. Suddenly, with the help of Hipparchius, the birth of the Sidereal Zodiac of Rasis was about to be born. 100 A.D., according to Sri Yukteswar, was a time very close to the heart of Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, when important astronomical and astrological knowledge was lost and this included knowledge of the precession of the equinox. Since evidence clearly supports that the Hindus exchanged information with the Greeks and Persians, the names for the Fixed Stars were also exchanged and the Hindus named these star constellations the familiar Aries, etc. What is forgotten is that these star constellations already had names. They were the names of the Nakshatras and the names of the Chaldean and Chinese lunar mansions. The star constellations were and are the “realm of the gods”. “Swarga Loka” is the name of this heavenly realm. The story goes that they are the heavenly abodes of extremely pious beings that became “godlike” due to their austerities and were given a place in the heavens to influence the Earth. To name these stars after animals (the Signs) was a grave mistake with unfathomable ramifications. At the same time the Hindus named their star constellations after the 12 Signs, evidence from several ancient texts shows they lost knowledge of the precession of the equinox and these measurements of 30 degrees each of the star constellations became FIXED and remained so up to the present day. Only with the help of astrologers that are also astronomers and that have studied the history of Astrology at this time, are we able to sort through this mess of the Rasis and the Sidereal Zodiac. The Rasis before Hiparchius The Surya Siddhanta is the greatest astronomical text of the Hindus and gives all the calculations to calculate the Lagna, the Nakshatras, planetary positions within Nakshatras and Tropical positions of the planets. NOWHERE in the Surya Siddhanta does it say to use Sidereal Signs and Sidereal positions of planets to erect a horoscope. In fact, there is more evidence in the Surya Siddhanta that the Tropical Zodiac is to be used instead of the Sidereal Zodiac when erecting horoscopes. And here is why….The Surya Siddhanta gives the calculations for finding the Nakshatra position of the planets. It then uses an ayanamsha to convert the planetary positions back to Tropical positions and from there find the Tropical Lagna. After finding the Tropical Lagna the Surya Siddhanta leaves it there. Since it is impossible to find the Sidereal Lagna without the use of the Tropical Zodiac, then it would be concluded that the Surya Siddhanta would mention to convert the Tropical Lagna back to its Sidereal position if that were indeed the method to be used. It does not mention this at all. The Yavana Jataka, the Srimad Bhagavatam and the works of the great Varamahira all mention the Tropical Zodiac as the harbinger of the signs. Oddly, they also mention the first part of Aswini as the beginning of Aries. It becomes clear that the authors were not aware of the Precession of the Equinox and summarily thought that the 12 constellations named after the Solar Months would forever coincide with those Solar Months. With the introduction of the importance of Rasis with the Yavanas as per Yavana Jataka and the religious and philosophical importance of the Nakshatras in the daily life of the Hindu, during the time of the alignment of the two Zodiacs (around 100 A.D.), the Indians lost knowledge of precession of the equinox and therefore the Sidereal Zodiac for the Rasis was born. The Realm of the Gods and the Realm of the Earth The Nakshatras of the Hindus and the Lunar Mansions of the Chaldeans and the Chinese are deified. They are also referred to as Swarga Loka, the heavenly realm. Through Parasara we know that the Planets are incarnations of God and have consciousness so they are also deified. The Rasis are also incarnations of God however they do not have consciousness and are named after earthly creatures. Their manifestation depends upon the Earth’s relationship to the Sun, therefore they are Tropical. The Nakshatras are deified beings living within the heavenly realm and therefore they are star based and are rightly represented through a Sidereal Zodiac. Modalities of the Rasis (Signs) Another valid argument for using the Tropical Zodiac and confirming the relationship of Rasis to the intertwined movement of the Sun and the Earth is the modalities of the Signs. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are called moveable signs. Their common characteristic is change and their beginning heralds a change in the Sun’s movement. At 0 degrees Aries the Sun crosses the equator on its way North, changing from the Southern hemisphere to the Northern hemisphere. At 0 degrees Cancer the Sun changes from moving North to moving South. At 0 degrees Libra the Sun crosses the equator on its way South, changing hemispheres and at 0 degrees Capricorn the Sun begins to move North. If the Rasis were sidereal and not based upon the Sun’s movement in relation to the Earth, there is no valid reason why these particular signs would herald change. The fixed Rasis, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, represent the Sun being steadfast and resolute on its course. The dual Rasis, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, represent the Sun losing momentum on its course and getting ready for a new beginning. This is why these signs are energy transformers. The dual signs are steadfast and resolute just enough to get the job done but are also flexible enough to allow for necessary change. Again, there is no reason for the aforementioned Signs to carry any of these qualities divorced from the fact of the Earth’s relationship to the Sun. Just having a certain constellation of Stars behind the Sun does not automatically bring these characteristics, especially if such “constellations” do not carry consciousness as they do not per Parasara. The qualities are ONLY explained by the Sun’s motion relative to the Earth. One Zodiac, One Astrology Astrology systems are as varied as there are cultures upon the Earth. However the many variances are rather small compared to the many similarities. This points to the fact that at one time, many centuries ago, the many different cultures practiced a unified Astrology with varying techniques and shared these techniques among themselves. And they all used the Tropical Zodiac when it came to Rasis. When delineating a horoscope, an astrologer has many techniques at his/her fingertips, the Parasara techniques, the Jaimini techniques, the Tajika techniques, the Bhrigu techniques, Western techniques and on and on. All of these techniques can accurately read the horoscope and they are all valid. That is, unless, 2 different Zodiacs are used. Tajika techniques, which originated in Tajikstan, an ancient Persian culture, are the originators of Greco-Roman astrology and thus, modern day Western Astrology. Tajika is widely used in India today. So we now know that the Indians use their aboriginal astrology techniques, Parasara, Jaimini, and Bhrigu, along with Western Astrology. Western Astrologers should be encouraged to use Parasara techniques as well and they should also incorporate the Nakshatras into their practice. The Nakshatras were widely used by Western Astrologers up until the time of the Inquisition. They were associated with black magic, black magic being anything that was not sanctioned by the Catholic Church. The Role of the 3rd and 9th Houses There is a saying, “with effort comes grace”. While many Vedic Astrologers are open to the idea of a Tropical Zodiac, many are not. Some resist it forcefully because of their religious beliefs or because it is not what was taught by their guru. Some resist it because they have become comfortable with their own horoscopes and do not want change. But research into the mystery of the Zodiacs by human beings weighs in favor of a Tropical Zodiac being used to delineate all horoscopes while using Rasis and not a Sidereal Zodiac for using Rasis. Human research and self-effort into this mystery has revealed a mistake was made in computation of the Zodiac around 1900 years ago. And this mistake has cost the reputation of Astrology. Human effort and scientific enquiry are 3rd house endeavors. The 3rd house is the opposite of the 9th house which is divine inspiration and knowledge or knowledge that can only be revealed through grace. The rule of opposites states that opposites at their extremes are exactly the same. Thus, the 9th house which is higher knowledge and divine grace must be balanced out with self-inquiry, research and one’s own effort to find the Truth. With a sincere effort by the individual (3rd house) the Truth will be revealed (9th house). Dogmatic beliefs and unwillingness to research has no place in Astrology if it is to become a worldwide respected science by the general populace again. As always, research into this fascinating subject is welcomed and encouraged. Studying several horoscopes with both Zodiacs along with the history of Astrology is the only way to convince oneself of the validity of one over the other. But as we move from the Dark Age into a more enlightened age, the Truth will slowly reveal itself. It is imperative that Astrologers of all disciplines keep an open and scientific mind with regard to this subject. As an astrologer I welcome any comments and discussion to this novel approach. __________ Joseph Ledzion: Salutations! To Laura, I absolutely commend your efforts! It is now clear (enough) to those who will honestly look — that the knowledge of precession was lost and Vedic astrologers were lead into a path of deception. Of course Vedic astrologers don’t want to hear that, but if they are as faithful to God as they think, then I hope that other Vedic astrologers will start using the Tropical Zodiac in their delineations, and simply see if they get better results or not. Everything is measurable and testable. I am confident that the Tropical Zodiac is the proper zodiac.
  3. India sets out ambitious solar power plan to be paid for by rich nations Maseeh Rahman in New Delhi guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 4 August 2009 18.01 BST India sets out ambitious solar power plan to be paid for by rich nations | Environment | guardian.co.uk India plans to generate 20GW from sunlight by 2020, putting green energy targets of developed nations in the shade India has decided to push ahead with a vastly ambitious plan to tap the power of the sun to generate clean electricity, and after a meeting chaired by the prime minister, Manmohan Singh, it wants rich nations to pay the bill. Although India has virtually no solar power now, the plan envisages the country generating 20GW from sunlight by 2020. Global solar capacity is predicted to be 27GW by then, according to the International Energy Agency, meaning India expects to be producing 75% of this within just 10 years. Four-hundred million Indians have no electricity and the solar power would help spark the country's development and end the power cuts that plague the nation. It would also, say some analysts, assuage international criticism that India is not doing enough to confront its carbon emissions. It is currently heavily reliant on highly polluting coal for power. The plan provoked prolonged discussion at a meeting of the national climate change council in New Dehli yesterday, which resulted in major changes from early drafts. The draft document had envisaged a government subsidy of around $20bn (£11bn), and falling production costs, in order to achieve a long-term 2040 target of 200GW of solar power. But experts pointed out that a large government subsidy contradicted the Indian government's stated position in the negotiations to agree a treaty to fight global warming. India, along with China and others, has demanded that the costs of clean technologies should be carried by developed nations, which have grown rich through their heavy use of fossil fuels. Under the revised plan, India's solar mission will seek to achieve its targets by demanding technological and financial support from the developed nations. "In order to achieve its renewable energy targets, the Indian government expects international financing as well as technology at an affordable cost," said Leena Srivastava of the TERI energy research institute. The move suggests New Delhi could use its solar energy plan as a bargaining chip at the forthcoming climate change summit in Copenhagen. The government reaffirmed its hardline position last month when the environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, told the visiting US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton: "There is simply no case for the pressure that we, who have been among the lowest emitters per capita, [have] to actually reduce emissions." If rich nations do fund the solar plan, the aim of both sides – economic growth for developing countries but with low-carbon emissions – will have been met. Nonetheless, the plan's optimistic cost projections were debunked at the meeting, leaving it unclear how much money the 2020 target would need. "In terms of vision, it's a very good plan," said Kushal Singh Yadav of the Centre for Science and Environment. "But the nuts and bolts will remain uncertain until we get a fix on how much money is needed, and where it will come from." Yadav pointed out that India has taken significant strides in wind energy production thanks to a shift in government policy. Spain, for instance, added 3GW of solar power capacity in just one year in 2008. In another significant policy shift following the meeting, solar thermal power (which heats water) will be given as much importance as photovoltaic (which generates electricity). The Tamil Nadu government has already asked for New Delhi's assistance for setting up a 100MW solar thermal plant in the southern state.
  4. Notice how this will lead India more and more into the same financial fiasco like all western States are hooked up. Krishna Consciousness & Ecological Awareness : Hillary Clinton: US to Build Nuclear Plants in India By Dean Nelson, The Telegraph/UK The agreement was announced after Mrs Clinton, the US secretary of state, met the Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh, in the Indian capital. S.M. Krishna, India’s external affairs minister, said India had agreed to buy US defence equipment under an arrangement which will allow Washington to monitor its “end-use” to prevent weapons technology being sold on to rogue regimes. The agreement puts the United States ahead of its rivals as India prepares to spend billions on modernising its armed forces, including the purchase of 126 fighter aircraft. Lockheed Martin and Boeing are expected to benefit from the defence deal while General Electric and Westinghouse are expected to win substantial contracts to build reactors for two new nuclear power plants. India is desperate to increase its power generating capacity to fuel its growing economy. Its growing strategic partnership with the United States is a legacy of the former US president George W. Bush, and has been strengthened under President Obama. It reflects Washington’s need for a democratic partner in Asia to support its counter-terrorism efforts and as a check on China’s expanding influence in the region. As a mark of India’s growing status in Washington, Mr Singh is due to pay a state visit to Washington. Mrs Clinton was warmly received in New Delhi after she began her trip with a stay at Mumbai’s Taj Palace Hotel, the scene of last November’s terrorist attack. She has also won Indian hearts by pointedly not visiting its neighbouring rival, Pakistan. She pledged to work with the Indian government to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions – Indian emissions are predicted to rise by 50 per cent by 2030 – and to modernise its agriculture. But the deal focuses on defence and civil nuclear energy agreements which could be worth more than $40 billion to American companies. © Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2009 by environmentkrishna at July 30, 2009 01:08 AM
  5. Since you have Jupiter in house 9, good Mercury in its own sign and Sun in 11, ruler of your chart Mercury, you did a lot of higher education in the past lifes. With Ascendant conjunct Mars you can easily reach any goal. Since your Sun is aspected with Saturn and Neptune, you're rather a spiritually inclined person, although this might become more prominent at 55-60. Why do you feel stuck presently? Guess you just have to be more resolute.
  6. Saturn is not neccessarily only bad. Saturn is often called the planet of destiny, but there can be also good destiny. Of course in the material world good and bad are both an illusion. Material world is called Durga, prison house, we are all prisoners here, the punishment is, birth, old-age, disease and death. In a prison house we can have better conditions, like a more luxurious prison cell, this is what the materialists are seeking for. But ultimately, it is all temporary and not our real home. Our real home is the eternal spiritual world, Vaikuntha. Saturn is also ruler of house 10, profession. When seeking for a material career, Saturn in house 12 might be an obstacle, although there are a few jobs which seem to go along with Saturn in 12. House 12 is the house of Pisces where materialism dissolves. For Vaishnavas it is transcending the material world and becoming situated in spiritual activity, bhakti-yoga. Actually you don't have Saturn in 12, just saw. According ayanamsa you might have Saturn in 12 because they count backward, but this is a false calculation. The right and correct chart is pic above, you have Mars, Venus and Mercury in 12. Many famous people have planets in 12, this is not exceptional. Could be that there's presently a transit which makes you think like, tough times, but it will to turn to good account. These things come and go.
  7. Aborigines came from South Asia to Australia, genetics indicate : Australasia World New Delhi, Wed, 22 Jul 2009 03:47:39 GMT - A genetic examination of Aborigines indicated that they arrived in Australia from the Indian subcontinent, Indian researchers said. Certain mutations found in today's Indian population are shared only by Aborigines, the researchers said in an article published Wednesday in the open-access science journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. Anthropologist Raghavendra Rao and a team at the government's Anthropological Survey of India analysed 966 genomes of mitochondria, dubbed the powerhouses of cells, which convert energy from food so it can be used by cells. The mitochondria examined in the study were inherited exclusively from the subjects' mothers and, therefore, allowed the researchers to trace their subjects' ancestry. They found that certain mutations in Indian tribal people are found otherwise only in Aborigines. These shared genetics indicated that the Aborigines migrated to Australia over the "southern route."This dispersal of the world's human population suggests a migration at least 50,000 years ago from the Horn of Africa to Arabia and South Asia before human expansion along the coastlines of South-East Asia, Indonesia and then Australia. Copyright, respective author or news agency
  8. Shivakumar wants to take ISKCON row to assembly By: B V Shiva Shankar Date: 2009-07-21 Place:Bangalore Says apart from dealing in real estate, society was selling India's poverty abroad and it was time the govt stepped in THE Iskcon land row just got curiouser with Congressman D K Shivakumar urging the government to take over the society itself. Dubbing Iskcon's real estate activities illegal, Shivakumar has demanded a CBI probe saying there were many irregularities in the society's activities. Speaking to MiD DAY in the state assembly lounge, he said he would raise the issue on the floor of the house. "If this government is not able to take over Iskcon, I will wait for our government to come, and show them what I am," said Shivakumar. Root of the problem Iskcon is developing residential and commercial complexes on 35 acres of private land on Kanakapura Road, to fund its ambitious theme park on 28 acres of government-allotted land. Shivakumar was one of the bidders when the private land was put on sale a couple of years ago. "Shivakumar was eyeing the land and now he is making a noise because he wants to gobble it up," said a source in the Congress. "However, it is bad to hinder the project which is in the interest of tourism more than anything." DKS' grouches Admitting that he was one of the bidders, Shivakumar said that while politicians could do real estate business, it was illegal "if a religious institute makes money" by selling land. He was also miffed that Iskcon-controlled Akshaya Patra Foundation was collecting money under a government-supported scheme to feed school children. "While other NGOs like Adamya Chetana are spending Rs 2.80 per meal for each child, why is the Iskcon foundation showing Rs 6 as the cost?" he asked. "They are collecting money from outside India by exaggerating our poverty, which is nothing but an insult to the country." Refuting the charges, Chanchalapathi Das, vice-president of Iskcon and vice-chairman of Akshaya Patra Foundation, clarified, "We were spending Rs 6 per meal, but now things have improved and the cost is just Rs 4.80. We have to spend that much to give quality food." He said the foundation was getting Rs 2.64 per meal as government support, while the rest was funded by donations. Shivakumar also alleged that Iskcon and Akshaya Patra had both become family trusts, since the two key people controlling them are related to each other. Interestingly, Chanchalapathi Das and Madhu Pandit Das, Iskcon president and Akshaya Patra chairman, are co-brothers, married to sisters. All in the family Madhu Pandit Das and Chanchalapathi Das are co-brothers married to sisters Bhakthilatha Dasi and Chameri Dasi. Madhu Pandit Das, whose former name is Madhusudan S, was born in 1956 in Trivandrum. He was selected by the National Science Talent search programme as a pre-degree student. During his days as a student in IIT-Mumbai, he became interested in the books of Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of Iskcon. In 1981, he became a full-time member of Iskcon. Chanchalapathi Das, who was earlier known as S Chandrashekar, was born in 1963 in Bangalore. While an undergraduate student in PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, he became interested in the message of Srila Prabhupada. Later he joined the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, for a Masters programme in Electrical Communication Engineering. He became a full-time dedicated member of Iskcon in 1984. Chanchalapathi Das said it was a conscious decision to marry because Iskcon allows married life. "The two sisters were devotees and they remain devotees. Iskcon members can marry fellow devotees," he said. Bhakthilatha Dasi is a BA graduate who was a teacher at a Chennai school before becoming involved with Iskcon. Chameri Dasi is a graduate in English literature and has been a full time worker at Iskcon all along. Pai condemns 'politicians poking their nose' T V Mohandas Pai, director-human resources, Infosys, and one of the trustees of Akshaya Patra Foundation countered D K Shivakumar's allegations strongly. "It is not a family trust but a public trust which is serving a cause. It is disgusting that politicians are poking their nose in this to nurture their own interest." Pai said that Akshaya Patra had four external trustees apart from him, and three permanent trustees representing Iskcon. He also defended the expenditure incurred per meal, saying they were providing better quality food. He ridiculed Shivakumar's allegation that Iskcon was selling India's poverty in the global market, saying, "It is a fact that 40 per cent of Indian children are malnourished. I want to ask politicians why they could not solve this after 60 years of independence?" Pai also expressed surprise at why Shivakumar was raising these issues now, since he was a powerful cabinet minister in the S M Krishna government which cleared both Akshaya Patra scheme and the theme park. The Krishna factor Representatives of Iskcon are understood to have met S M Krishna, former chief minister and now foreign minister, in Bangalore on Sunday. Although he is known to be Shivakumar's political mentor, he reportedly expressed his solidarity with Iskcon. When MiD-DAY brought the meeting to Shivakumar's notice, he said, "Krishna doesn't know so many things about the Society. I will speak to him, and he will change his stand."
  9. Examples from the 11th Canto of SB (24 Gurus) The 24 gurus are: the earth, the air, the sky, water, fire, moon, sun, pigeon, python, the sea, the moth, honeybee, elephant and honey thief, the deer, the fish, the prostitute Pingala, the kurara bird, the child, the young girl, arrow maker, serpent, spider and wasp. (SB 11.7.33-35) 1. Earth: a sober person should never be distracted from progress on his won path even if he is harassed by other living beings, because they are acting helplessly under the control of God. He should be as steady as the earth. Like the mountain and the tree, he should dedicate himself to the service of others. 2. Air: a transcendentalist may be surrounded by innumerable material objects possessing good and bad qualities. But like the wind he should never be entangled by them. When the wind carries different aromas, it never mixes with them. 3. Sky: Though the sky extends everywhere and everything rests within it, it does not mix with anything. The soul and Supersoul have the same quality. The sky is never implicated or affected by the blowing action of the wind. In the same way the living entity is never affected though it may enter a body of material elements. 4. Water: The saintly person is like water because he is free from all contamination, gentle by nature and when speaking creates a beautiful vibration like the flowing of water. By seeing, touching or hearing such a saintly person, the living entity is cleansed as if coming in contact with pure water. 5. Fire: Even if a saintly person eats contaminated food by chance he is not affected, like the fire that burns up con-taminated substances that are offered to it. Like fire, he is sometimes concealed and sometimes revealed. As the spiritual master he burns up the past and future reactions of his dis-ciples. The Supreme Soul is like fire in that He enters dif-ferent bodies as fire manifests differently in various pieces of wood. Like the flickering fire, the waves of time flow constant-ly and imperceptibly bring with them birth, growth and death. But just as nobody can follow the changing pattern of a flame, no-one can see the changes wrought by time upon them. 6. Moon: Though the moon waxes and wanes, it is not affected my this “change.” Similarly the living entity is not affected by the changes of the body from birth to death. 7. Sun: A saintly person can accept a material thing with his senses and at the apppropriate time he gives that thing to the proper person. So also the sun evaporates water and returns it to earth as rain. Sun and saint are never entangled by this. The sun is reflected in many objects but is never divided. Also the soul is reflected into various bodies but is always one and the same. 8. Pigeon: he is an example for excessive attachment, because he chose to be captured by the hunter after seeing his wife and children so captured, thinking that without them life was not not worth living. 9. Python: he does not make arrangements for food, but waits for food to come to him. This exemplifies peacefulness and patience. 10. The sea: just like a tranquil sea, the saintly person, being full of knowledge, is never disturbed. 11. The moth: a foolish man is captivated by a woman’s charms just like a moth is captivated by a flame and burns within it. 12. The honeybee: a renounced person who begs a little food from different houses is like a madhukari, or honeybee. Also a honeybee takes nectar from different flowers. So also an intelligent human being takes the essence of different scrip-tures. But a saintly person should not become greedy and collect too much. 13. The elephant: A saintly person should remember how the great bull elephant is captured by the she-elephant; therefore he should never desire to touch the body of a young girl. 14. The honeythief: sannyasis and brahmacaris are entitled to take away the wealth of the laboring householders, just like a hone thief takes away the honey from the nest of the busy bees. 15. The deer: they are bewildered by the sound of a hunter’s horn, and thus are killed. A renounced person should never become attracted by mundane sounds like sensuous music, especial-ly the sweet singing and dancing of beautiful women. 16. The fish: they are caught on the hook by their uncontrollable tongues. A learned man should control all his senses by first controling the tounge, which is the most powerful sense of all. 17. Pingala: this prostitute gave up her plans for earning money through sex indulgence out of frustration. Feeling satisfaction from her abandonment of material desires, she could remember Krsna and became peaceful. 18. The kurara bird (hawk): When a hawk carrying some meat was attacked by larger hawks, he gave it up out of fear for his life. Renouncing and saving himself, he felt more happiness than he did when he took the meat. 19. The child: a foolish child is happy due to ignorance, and a saintly person is happy due to having surrendered to Krsna. 20. The young girl: receiving some prospective bridegrooms on a day when her parents were away from home, she went into the kitchen to prepare food for them. While beating rice, her bracelets jangled, and she was afraid that the young men would think her family was poor because she was doing all the work in the home. She broke all the bracelets except two on each arm, but these also jangled. She then removed one from each arm, leaving only one on each arm. Thereafter she worked in silence. So too, when many people live together, there will be clashing of interests and fighting. It is better to live alone. 21. The arrow maker: the devotee should be so absorbed in the Lord that he does not see duality, just as the arrow maker was so absorbed in his work of making a straight arrow that he did not notice the king passing buy. 22. The snake: he makes no home for himself, but takes over the homes of others, having eaten them. A sage should similarly make no endeavors for his own shelter. 23. The spider: God is like the spider because He creates the network of the cosmos from his own potency and then withdraws it into Himself. 24. The wasp: he trapped a weaker insect in his hive. This insect took on the mentality of a wasp out of intense fear of the wasp, and thus became a wasp in its next life. This illustrates how one attains in the next life what one’s mind is fixed upon.
  10. What many thought but didn't dare to say seems to be true, swine flu is an engineered virus.
  11. This, see below, might sound like a rare exception. It isn't. Last week in our town a young girl had an operation at her foot, routine work. They gave her so much pain killer that next day she was dead - died due an overdose of pain killer. Man wrongly told he was terminally ill is to sue hospital 11:30am Friday 17th July 2009 A CANCER patient spent his life savings and even planned his own funeral after being told he had terminal cancer only to find out later that the diagnosis was wrong. Phil Collins, 61, of Clovermead, Yetminster, is now suing Dorset County Hospital after going through the two-year ordeal and suffering health problems. The former lorry driver said he was shocked to be diagnosed with advanced gall bladder cancer and told it was inoperable. Mr Collins quit his job, planned his own funeral and spent £18,000 from a pension pay-out on fulfilling a life-long dream of buying a Triumph motorbike and buying his wife Isabel a car. But earlier this year Mr Collins went back to hospital – where checks revealed the growth on his liver was an abscess. Now he is claiming that complications from the cocktail of cancer drugs he was prescribed have ruined his health and he is planning a legal bid for compensation. He said: “I was a fit man and a keen motorcyclist. I still had a lot of working life left in me. Now I cannot do anything. I am an absolute wreck. “When they told me I had cancer I thought I was dying and I knew I had a chance to do everything I wanted. “If you have spent two years thinking you are going to die – then you are told you are not – it knocks you backwards.” Mr Collins first visited GPs at Yetminster Health Centre in April 2007 complaining of reduced appetite, weight loss and anaemia. He was referred to Dorset County Hospital where a CT scan revealed an abnormal gallbladder and liver and further tests confirmed suspicions that it was cancer. His wife Isabel stopped her part-time work to become a full-time carer. The couple, who have been married for 44 years and have no children, did not take holidays and chose to spend his last days at home in Yetminster, Dorset, together, surrounded by friends. Mrs Collins said: “Six months came and went and we had what we thought was our last Christmas together. “Then, in April last year it was Phil’s 60th birthday – that came and went. The doctors said, ‘You should not be here – we cannot understand this’.” The couple insisted on more tests and in April 2009 scans revealed that Phil did not have cancer of the liver or gall-bladder. Hospital chiefs ordered a review and doctors then said they believed the ‘malignant tumour’ was actually an abscess. In a report, Dorset County Hospital boss Jan Bergmann apologised and said the diagnosis had been made before all the tests had been properly analysed. Mr Collins still has a series of unexplained health problems and is currently being treated by doctors at Yeovil District Hospital in Somerset.
  12. Parents.com: "The washing machine is another unknown hot spot, says Gerba, because fecal matter from underwear (belonging to both kids and adults -- even those who practice good hygiene) spreads to other clothes. So although your laundry may seem clean, some germs may still remain on your clothes. Rotavirus, for example, will survive on soiled underwear in a normal wash cycle, which is typically only 12 minutes long and often uses cold water. It will even survive in the dryer for 30 minutes. The best bet: Use bleach and hot water, when possible. Either clean underwear separately or with other washables that can be bleached to make a load. Bleach substitute for colored underwear is better than nothing, says Gerba, but it won't kill as many germs. Neither will hot water alone because the temperature isn't usually hot enough. Always wash your hands after you transfer wet laundry to the dryer and put the dryer on 45 minutes to help kill more germs." The Truth About Germs: Where Germs Hide
  13. July 9th, 2009 Festival of the Chariot rides into Parc Chariot of fire Hour.ca - News - Festival of the Chariot rides into Parc Jeanne-Mance Meg Hewings photo: Jean-François Jetté You can bet that any festival that has been celebrated for thousands of years has a lot of life in it.Plus, what could be better than free curry and pointers on reincarnation?A mini version of the Festival of the Chariot, known as Ratha Yatra in India, takes place all this weekend, starting with a big parade on Saturday at 11 a.m. at the corner of Sherbrooke and St-Laurent and settling down on Sunday in Jeanne-Mance Park. Ratha Yatra is India's biggest festival, a Hindu celebration to commemorate Krishna's joyful return to his home in Vrindavan after a long period of separation from the people there. Over a million pilgrims gather at Puri in the state of Orissa during June or July to haul gigantic chariots through the main street, the air filling with the reverb of metal gongs, meditative chanting and the blowing of conch shells and trumpets. "It's less well known here," says spokesperson Jean-François Jetté, a member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON Montreal), which hosts of the event along with the Indian community of Montreal. "But this year marks the 31st year of the re-enactment in Montreal, which includes the parade, colourful costumes, classical Indian music, dance and drama and plenty of culinary delights - including a veggie feast for 5,000," says Jetté, who expects around 15,000 people this year. There are also cooking and reincarnation demos, workshops on the importance of sacred cow protection and an illustrated version of the Bhagavad Gita, which depicts the practices of mantra meditation and bhakti yoga. Ratha Yatra was first celebrated in North America in San Francisco in 1967, more than 30 years after the international Hare Krishna movement first started to attract followers in the West. It's now celebrated annually in over 50 cities worldwide. The parade and festival are free and open to all.
  14. Magnum opus in true sense M.C. THOIBA July 10 2009 The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Northeast | Magnum opus in true sense The life and times of Rajarshi Bhagyachandra have been staged several times in the past four years with varying results. While M.C. Arun’s project depicts the king as a skillful diplomat who prudently used culture and religion as tools to achieve his goal, A. Dorendrajit, R.K. Danisana and Aribam Syam Sharma view him as a great innovator of Manipuri Vaisnavism. But Rajarshi Bhagyachandra, the dance drama directed by N. Tiken and choreographed by W. Lokendrajit, can be called Tiken’s magnum opus because of its opulence and brilliance. It was presented as a press show at Iskcon prasadam hall in Imphal by the Rajarshi Bhagyachandra Research Institute under the aegis of University of Bhagavta Culture. Its project director is late H.H. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami Maharaja. Bhagyachandra was a famous king of Manipur who reigned in the second half of the 18th century. He was a poet, visionary and good administrator. He established the Manipuri maharas lila. When Rabindranath Tagore watched a performance of maharas lila once in Silchar, he introduced it as a classical dance form in Santiniketan. The two-hour performance traces the events from Bhagyachandra’s childhood to his ascension to the throne of Manipur and his installation of the idol of Krishna. The stagecraft is excellent and so is the use of pre-recorded synthesis of ballads likekhongjom parva, nat sankritana, songs and dialogues. The director uses the costumes, dances and children’s games of the Chothe tribe to portray the harmonious relationship the king had with the hill tribes. Actor Atombapu Sharma brings out the king’s skill with the sword during the endless war between Manipur and neighbouring Myanmar, then Burma. But Bhagyachandra is defeated and exiled in Assam. Director Tiken and Iskcon members have fulfilled a dream of Damodara Swami by paying tribute to a great soul. Designer N. Jilatombi’s props are excellent. Set designer H. Shatananda, costume designer L. Sarat and lighting designer L. Ibochouba have made a commendable contribute in making the dance drama such a huge success. The only drawback was lack of co-ordination among the 90 artistes.
  15. Never heard of Bhagyachandra, seems to be a great vedic king? Will Bhagyachandra’s devotional vision save his people? The Imphal Free Press By RK Lakhi KantI After watching the Rajarshi Bhagyachandra Nritya Natyam (dance drama) staged by the Imphal centre of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON, today evening at the ISKCON’s Sri Sri Radha Krishnachandra Manimandir in Imphal, one gets the feeling that life is finally going to come back a full circle in Manipur. The portrayal of the grandeur of king Bhagyachandra, a devotee king of the erstwhile kingdom of Manipur, and the magnificence of his religious reformations which took place in Manipur around 250 years from now, blended with the high ideals of the modern-day incarnation of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s bhakti movement, the ISKCON, brings back memories of a distant past and rekindles hope deep down in one’s heart that Manipur will finally find its cultural bearings once again. The dance drama is an innovative venture but the storyline strictly adheres to historical records and the tradition of classical Manipuri dance. What is an important aspect of the dance drama is the underlying essence of bhakti which it has tried to convey. Coming at a time when our culture is juxtaposed dangerously with a social insanity of sorts, it would not be an exaggeration to state that the small yet significant effort by the ISKCON is truly a landmark event. The dance drama was wholly conceptualized by the devotees of the Imphal ISKCON in the initial stages under the guidance of ISKCON acharya His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami. Later, some of the leading professionals in the field of dance, music, martial arts, tribal culture and other technical aspects of performing arts in the state took over from them to train over a 100 artistes at various locations in the state. The rigorous training culminated today in a breathtaking display of robust yet soul stirring music, bold and fascinating choreography, an extraordinary display of the Manipuri martial tradition, inventive stage craft and setting, and a judicious use of lighting – something which has not been experienced in Manipur for a long time now. Unforgettable moments of Manipur’s history like the devastating defeat of king Bhagyachandra at the hands of the Burmese army, his taming of an wild elephant in Assam under duress, the discovery of the jackfruit tree at Kaina hills out of which the idol of Manipur’s famous Sri Govindaji deity was made, and the founding of Nat Sankirtan and the Maharasa Lila at the Langthabal palace, all came back to life once again at a specially constructed stage at the ISKCON temple complex. The dance drama on the whole was a rich experience in cultural sublimity and gives confidence that Manipur’s past and present will dissolve one day in this sublimity to rejuvenate the land and its people. One also wishes for more such genuine productions from our artistes in the state as it gives hope in these troubled times, and also strengthens a belief that surely there is another cultural revolution looming at the horizons of Manipur.
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