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why Brahmins are so bad?

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i work of a company where my manager is a brahmin. He has given lot of abroad offers to brahmins only, he has given promotions and more salary hike to brahmins only. if any bodys name ends with iyer and iyengar he will be happy to meet him and do all the favours.


My specific case I am an software programmer I am performing equally well with all other brahmins but for me no promotions no salary hike nor no abroad offers.. why is this biasness...


will a brahmin get reward in the heven if he helps other brahmins alone?

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no, Brahimins are Brahimns by Karma not by birth. Lobh, Man, Matsar, Kaam, Krodh etc are all inner enemies which will affect if one hgets hevane or even hell. You cant be a Brahmins and expect to get Moksh just like that.

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i work of a company where my manager is a brahmin. He has given lot of abroad offers to brahmins only, he has given promotions and more salary hike to brahmins only. if any bodys name ends with iyer and iyengar he will be happy to meet him and do all the favours.


My specific case I am an software programmer I am performing equally well with all other brahmins but for me no promotions no salary hike nor no abroad offers.. why is this biasness...


will a brahmin get reward in the heven if he helps other brahmins alone?



First let me make something very clear for you and I hope all the so called Brahmins by birth will read this. These people are NOT Brahmin. Don't ever see these poeple as Brahmins, these are greedy, selfish , self centered creatures who are only carrying the name of Brahmin. These people love to brag and tell everyone they are Brahmin and they look down upon others. These people are NOT Hindu, they are only following a culture a Brahmin culture which they made up on their own along the way. Most people in India are no longer following Vedic culture. Hinduism was lost many a thousand years ago. Hinduism is no longer there, only small pockets of Hindu gurus and teachers are fighting to keep the religion alive, hanging on every breath to save Vedic culture from the leeches *(so called Brahmins) that have ruined Indian society.


So before you go any further you must get into your head these people are not Brahmin. In every Hindu scripture, it says only qualities of a person makes one a Brahmin. It is only the behavior.


You don't believe me I will list for you and you can look at Hindu scripture yourself.














Study of Vedic scripture


Buddha also defined Brahmin based on qualities.


Now you tell me if your boss is a Brahmin or a leech.

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First let me make something very clear for you and I hope all the so called Brahmins by birth will read this. These people are NOT Brahmin. Don't ever see these poeple as Brahmins, these are greedy, selfish , self centered creatures who are only carrying the name of Brahmin. These people love to brag and tell everyone they are Brahmin and they look down upon others. These people are NOT Hindu, they are only following a culture a Brahmin culture which they made up on their own along the way. Most people in India are no longer following Vedic culture. Hinduism was lost many a thousand years ago. Hinduism is no longer there, only small pockets of Hindu gurus and teachers are fighting to keep the religion alive, hanging on every breath to save Vedic culture from the leeches *(so called Brahmins) that have ruined Indian society.


So before you go any further you must get into your head these people are not Brahmin. In every Hindu scripture, it says only qualities of a person makes one a Brahmin. It is only the behavior.


You don't believe me I will list for you and you can look at Hindu scripture yourself.














Study of Vedic scripture


Buddha also defined Brahmin based on qualities.


Now you tell me if your boss is a Brahmin or a leech.


The biggest problem is our soceity is the fact that everyne calls these people Brahmins. Even those that hate them still call them Brahmins. Thje more you people continue to call these people Brahmins you are only giving them what they want which is to carry a name so they can continue to have power, ego and brag. The first step is to completely stop calling these poeple Brahmins. Then they will realize that they no longer desrve the respect they demand from society under the guise of their caste.


So i urge you not to refer to him or any birth Brahmin as Brahmin, and if they call themselves Brahmin and Hindu you can just laugh in their face, let them have their little dreams inside their head. Sooner or later they will realize that no one cares about their so called caste and this is how you will create true Vedic culture and all the leeches who call themselves Brahmins will no longer do so in the name of the their filthy caste system, which is shows no support in Hindu scripture.

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I perfectly agree that there are black sheep everywhere ( in all faiths) Only the person who respects fellow humans, mother nature and upholds humane values, shows real care and helps people in need could be called the real brahman and this cannot be earned by caste or birth.:cool: ..A pity that this breed is becoming extinct...:pray:

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First of all: Brahminhood is gained by virtues and punya karmas - hope u r in the right path to call urself a Brahmin (going by your associationw ith Indiadivine). A person who eats non-veg, never does sandhya vandhan, eat his food without offering to god, never does homas, never respect adhithis, never respect and love all is not a brahmin - though born in a Brahmin family.


Your problem may be due to: that the others are really/slightely better than you - which only a boss can notice. May be he links community to office environments.


Just becos few people are like this dont generalise it.


Just ignore - just be cordial and friendly dont pollute your mind with hatredness.


The whole Govt. of India is against Brahmin community and they are leaving no stones unturned to uproot their race. You be yourself - In history never was an instance where hard work was not rewarded.


Pray God - to make him see sense in what he is doing.


Thanks & regards


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First let me make something very clear for you and I hope all the so called Brahmins by birth will read this. These people are NOT Brahmin. Don't ever see these poeple as Brahmins, these are greedy, selfish , self centered creatures who are only carrying the name of Brahmin. These people love to brag and tell everyone they are Brahmin and they look down upon others. These people are NOT Hindu, they are only following a culture a Brahmin culture which they made up on their own along the way. Most people in India are no longer following Vedic culture. Hinduism was lost many a thousand years ago. Hinduism is no longer there, only small pockets of Hindu gurus and teachers are fighting to keep the religion alive, hanging on every breath to save Vedic culture from the leeches *(so called Brahmins) that have ruined Indian society.


So before you go any further you must get into your head these people are not Brahmin. In every Hindu scripture, it says only qualities of a person makes one a Brahmin. It is only the behavior.


You don't believe me I will list for you and you can look at Hindu scripture yourself.














Study of Vedic scripture


Buddha also defined Brahmin based on qualities.


Now you tell me if your boss is a Brahmin or a leech.


you are right he is not a brahmin he must be a leech

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Hi,Well, people born in Brahmin families are not really a brahmin according to the scriptures...people with knowledge are only true brahmin. There's a verse( i forgot the origin) "Janmano Jaayate Sudra" means anyone is Sudra by birth meaning the Karma makes people true brahmin. There's a huge crowd of Brahmin who don't got a bit of Knowledge in Scriptures and live like a Sudra...drink, eat meat, and go for all the stuffs against the morale of a typical Brahmin. I am too a brahmin caste but I am not a total brahmin coz I am not with even a bit of knowledge. Brahmin are those who can creat a fire with an angry eye. In ancient times brahmins used to possess really an awesome powers.So, pls don't regard those biased people brahmins, rather do some Sammohan sadhanas or Vasikarana Sadhanas and get that prejudiced fellow under your arm.regards

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  • 1 year later...



Heard and seen your ludicrous comments. Most of you are correct. A Brahmin is not by birth but by his karma. So should it hold for other castes as well.


I have the following contentions:

1) Tamil Nadu has so much reservation for the lower castes. How come this is done by birth only?


2) why have you never written that your caste has perpetrated an injustice on brahmins by taking their right to just competition?


3) What wrong in am iyer helping an iyer when there are rules and laws in place to effectively debar them from every govt service, and now the educational institutions?


4) A poor brahmin does not have the benefit of reservation while others have. If it not wreaking vengeance on brahmins?


5) The wise in above posts say that a Brahmin is one who has the described virtues and follow some duties. How many of the shudras, vaishyas and kshatriyas follow their code of conduct?


In essence, all I want to say is, if a Brahmin(by birth) adheres to virtues, it is only because of the fact that he is good in his blood and lineage. He is not dutiboud to do so, and if he favours someone, he does no wrong. I hope anyone with a sane mind will agree.



I am That

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Govindaraaja may be your work place is just not meant for you why not switch over to a new job, instead of crying over the brahmins? they are humans and greed and selfishness will show off in whichever manner possible. Just ignore these things and move further, if not think of the time when you were greedy or selfish? What did you do? And was there anyone helpless like you?

Please dont take me otherwise! Try to forgive and you will be more happier with what you are and what you have. I think this is better than thinking of 'those selfish brahmins at your office'.

You could have thought of something better that happened to you in your life? Move on Man!! By posting this you will only receive sympathy and some more bad words about brahmins and everything remains where they are. It is you who have to decide things. All we can do is suggest.




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i work of a company where my manager is a brahmin. He has given lot of abroad offers to brahmins only, he has given promotions and more salary hike to brahmins only. if any bodys name ends with iyer and iyengar he will be happy to meet him and do all the favours.
Such favoritism is everywhere. It is not like brahamanas are the culprits everywhere and everytime. Talk to your HR and let them know. Make sure you do not talk to another Iyer or Iyengar about this ;)
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I had this misconception too. But it was totally WRONG. Most people today are caring about themselves, right? Tell me a caste or religion in which people are full of selfless people who serve everyone without discrimination. Selfless people are very few. Some Brahmins help other Brahmins because they expect they would be helped in turn if someone from their caste reaches a greater height. It does not mean all Brahmins are the same. In any community or religion if a few are selfish, it does not mean everyone from that caste will do the same. But this is not the way of Brahmanism and it is not the way of any other community either.


I know a Brahmin, who guided my life in the correct path. He was a very SKILLFUL astrologer who does astrology for part time and working in a Government institution. He lives a normal life, not selfish at all. For his accurate predictions, I even wondered he could make a huge fortune with that. He also does not discriminate by advising only people from his caste. He advises everyone who comes to him for a very small money and he does it for the good of Hindustan and he wants people to practice SANATHANA DHARMA.


I hope you learn the greatness of Sanathana Dharma like I did.

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  • 2 years later...

Hello Mr. Iam THat,


I strongly contradict your statements..


I am not a brahmin yet my caste falls under Brahmin Varna and not among Kshatriyas, Vaishyas or sudras. Yet I hate Brahmins to the core. I have been humiliated by Brahmins right from my childhood.


If you say that there is nothing wromg in a Brahmin helping a brahmin, thats fine. But why does a brahmin restrict himself helping a brahmin alone.


But other ppl ( the above said Varnas) dont see if he is a vaisya, kshatriya or shudra,.. THere are only two categories - Brahmin and Non brahmins.. thats it. wherea brahmin is concerned about only a brahmin ans illtreats all otehr ppl.


All brahmins think that they are born from sky directly.. But they fail to understand all are human in the eyes of god.


According to me all brahmins are self centered creatures on world who suck other's blood and hurt other's feelings by treating them poorly.


THey say they dont eat food outside, or preared by a non brahmin. But how many of them really know that the dress they wear or other food packed food items are prepared by a non- brahmin.


I suggest you all people to open your eyes.

THey dont even know exactly what their gotra and sutra is or any related details about their caste. SImply they wander with a crown that they are brahmins.


Many peole eat meat, drink at homes but behave good outside. they dont even pray daily or know any basic mantra/slogams, yet they spend most of their time in humiliating other caste people.


Importantly, because they are fair, they treat very badly people who have a darker skintone.


Stil, if i give m personal experiences you ppl cant show your face.

I lost my life only because of a brahmin family.

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  • 9 months later...

hai, why do have such a aversion towards brahmins.u might have got humiliated by brahmins, but it doesnt mean all the brahmins are racists.u can find such ppl in all sorts of community.i do accept that there are some brahmins who consider themselves superior to others but u cant the blame the entire brahmin community.

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  • 3 months later...

I want to ask you a few questions Govindarajaa. I absolutely agree with the post of I_am_that...Ok my 1st question is what do you think people other than brahmins do not follow such tricks in office? My close friend who is a BRAHMIN was harrassed by a nonbrahmin senior just due to cast difference. The other people who where non brahmins though got less percentage in exams got immediate promotions. and my friend who got atleast 10% more than them was still struggling. Now the senior who did this is a Kshatriya. Is he following the laws of Kshatriya? my 2nd question is if you feel Brahmins are bad then why you need caste reservations? why you can't score more than BAD people in exam and straight away get admissions to colleges? A Shudra getting 55% will be a Doctor and a Brahmin with 95% will struggle for admission. Wow what quality Doctors and Engrs we will have in India? Can you think this way? my 3rd question is if we will have such low percentage students in colleges just due to caste system what will be our future? a MAMU doctor and a Circuit compunder looks nice in films but not in real life. But for thinking this way you need knowledge not by caste certificate mind you. get degrees of your own and promotions by efforts . If you feel Brahmins are harrassing you get more percentage and more work experience than them. and make them feel inferior by your efforts and not by reservations. By reservations you are making fun of yourselves. Stop talking about brahmins and concentrate on your work. You will get your goal. stop crying. there is no short cut for success.

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  • 1 month later...

I do agree with you. I am a brahamin from south India(tamil nadu). You can't generalize every brahamin like that . My view is that because nowadays after bringing in reservations (even after 60 yrs after independence) brahamins feel that they are not given due credit to their performance . For eg one SC guy got 67% in 12th and I got 94% and he got admission in a reputed college . Moreover That guy's dad is an educated man with a fat wallet. Now that guy has an undue advantage because he is a SC . Small incidents like this make bahamins supporting brahamins for their existence . Moreover it is common to see people of one community supporting their community.

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You can't accuse every brahamin . There are certain pockets in India where brahamin customs are still being followed. I am a secular person yet do my duty as a brahamin . I do trikala-sandhyavandhanam(prayer 3 times a day), go to temple everyday but my music preference is Hip-Hop and I live in Chennai. So it is up to a person to follow his religion. I am making an effort to study the vedas and I am learning Rudram and chamakam. My best friend is a muslim and he tells the values of the quran and he also does namas 5 times a day . I find a lot of similarities between all religions . Generally all brahamins who i know have no attitude or superiority complex. But tthere are few people out there who bring a bad name to our community. All i want to tell is that don't come to a conclusion about a community just by a few bad encounters you have had .

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thanks . You just said what i wanted to. Reservations in india should change from cast based to parent's educational qualification based. i.e even if one of the parent of a person is educated , he /she loses the right under reservation. Coz i have a personal experience where a SC who's dad is a chartered accountant and this guy is a spoilt kid . he gets all he wants and does not study at all. Now what will happen to the community if this person becomes a doctor under the reservation ? just think. The reservation policy is actually backfiring at us because highly educated Brahamins and forward cast people migrate to other countries for better opportunities which they din't have in India due to the fact that hey are brahamins or ere born as an FC.

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  • 3 months later...


I had this misconception too. But it was totally WRONG. Most people today are caring about themselves, right? Tell me a caste or religion in which people are full of selfless people who serve everyone without discrimination. Selfless people are very few. Some Brahmins help other Brahmins because they expect they would be helped in turn if someone from their caste reaches a greater height. It does not mean all Brahmins are the same. In any community or religion if a few are selfish, it does not mean everyone from that caste will do the same. But this is not the way of Brahmanism and it is not the way of any other community either.


I know a Brahmin, who guided my life in the correct path. He was a very SKILLFUL astrologer who does astrology for part time and working in a Government institution. He lives a normal life, not selfish at all. For his accurate predictions, I even wondered he could make a huge fortune with that. He also does not discriminate by advising only people from his caste. He advises everyone who comes to him for a very small money and he does it for the good of Hindustan and he wants people to practice SANATHANA DHARMA.


I hope you learn the greatness of Sanathana Dharma like I did.


Very well said....

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Hi Mr.THat


Most of the points expressed by you are right... Modern brahmins are spoilt and you dont even see one among 10000 agood one for sure... saying that i have got a good friend , who openly said becoz of the cruelty and prbs. created towards other castes by brahmins, now they r suffering a lot.... everyone in this world knows , they are the selfish people on this earth... they say, if they were not treated or offered help, they give SHAAP , bullshit man... they r ruining the country... i feel pity for u guys suffering.. even i suffered humiliations with those assholes during my childhood... even gals nowadays belong to brahmins are marrying lower castes to come out from dungeon...educated brahmins are also behaving is if they are orthodox...they do worst things man...

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