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How does one convert to Hinduism from Jainism?
hindu12 replied to Sanskruti's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Are you kidding me? The Guru of the Beatles deserved every bad name in the book by the media. I am glad he got exposed. He lived in a 200 room mansion and made millions under the guise of yoga and Hinduism. People like him deserve no respect. The news comments had nothing to do with Hinduism, they were just exposing this fake Guru. The only person from the Beattles that was really a true Hindu was George Harrison. He was a disciple of Swami Prabhupada and even though he still battled with addiction here and there, his spirituality really helped him become a better person and Swami Prabupada didn't take millions from him. I am sick of these fake gurus using Hinduism for their own benefits. These selfish people need to be ousted at any given chance. And you are comparing to Mother Theresa? Yea Mother Theresa might have been a Catholic but dare compare some fake Guru to her. I would say Amma is more like a Hindu Mother Theresa -
what have you been reading? brit propaganda from the 19th century. there is no evidence what so ever that it was based on race or skin color. most modern scholars reject it.
really? well then its rather odd that you would make a statement like this to Arjuna Haridas: its funny how you accuse others of nieng non hindu when you are not a hindu yourself
well you're not really a hindu, i think you are a non hindu pretending to be a hindu
typical response from a hindu extremist
do you think so? i think vaishnavas focus heavily on puranas- vishnu and bahagavat purana etc...not as much on vedantic philosophy, if not hardly it all. vedantic philosophy it is also based on realization and yoga dont you agree?
this is not true. hindus have always regarded vishnu, shiva as one as it is written in the scriptures. i am sure there were hindus that saw vishnu, shiva as different gods but those were ones that did not read the scriptures or not well versed in them. vishnu is not fake, vishnu is mentioned in the vedas. hindus today are basing their beliefs off of vedic/vedantic aspect which believes god is one. while the hindus that worship many gods and believe in different gods are basing their belief off of puranic/mythology aspect which was very popular during the gupta era. so hindus today who believe god is one etc... are actually following the older version of hinduism then the puranic hindus. i feel that the puranas were meant to be for morals but people worship the gods in there. i do agree that vaishnavas have made vishnu/krishna very christian like but the bhagavad gita was written before the bible. krishna was a diety who was originally associated with the upanishadic philosophy (bhagavad gita) and later on he became very messiah like when the puranas were written focusing on his childhood, pastimes. many say that jesus is a copy cat of krishna. also there were a lot of other saviour types who had similar characteristics as jesus etc.... krishna and jesus are not the same though, there lives are very different from each other except for some similarities. jesus never came to india ether.there is no proof for this what so ever. there is not even any evidence that he existed according to many. plus krishna is mentioned in ancient writings that date back to 4bc before any supposed jesus which concludes that the two cannot be the same. just because vishnu is acciated with savior type qualities should not make vishnu fake. vishnu/krishna like i said were originally associated with upanishadic philosophy which sees them as infinite and formless. the idea of vishnu incarnating was meant to show how the formless comes to form to put human biengs into the right path but during the gupta era many many puranas were written which focus of human aspect of vishnu/krishna which is more of what hindus today follow then the philosophy. this is why vaishnavas are more fussy then shaivas because shaivas are closer to the original upanishadic philosophy ( but they also follow some puranas like shiva puranas) and vaishnavas today focus heavily on puranas (not so much upanishads), and half of these puranas claim vishnu is supreme and this and that. if they had followed the upanishads then they would understand that vishnu/shiva are one but because vaishnavas follow the puranas, whic claim vishnu is supreme they don't understand the oness of the two. and there is actually archeological evidence of vishnu, recently found ancient idols of vishnu in russia, but he was definitely not originally russian diety because the phenotype of the statues are not caucasian in any sense. so this probably means that there was some contact between hindus and russians. there are also vishnu idols found in cambodia etc... too.
this is not true. hindus have always regarded vishnu, shiva as one as it is written in the scriptures. i am sure there were hindus that saw vishnu, shiva as different gods but those were ones that did not read the scriptures or not well versed in them. vishnu is not fake, vishnu is mentioned in the vedas. hindus today are basing their beliefs off of vedic/vedantic aspect which beliefs god is one. while the hindus that worship many gods and believe in different gods are basing their belief off of puranic/mythology aspect which was very popular during the gupta era. so hindus today who believe god is one etc... are actually following the older version of hinduism then the puranic hindus. i feel that the puranas were meant to be for morals but people worship the gods in there. i do agree that vaishnavas have made vishnu/krishna very christian like but the bhagavad gita was written before the bible. krishna was a diety who was originally associated with the upanishadic philosophy and later on he became very messiah like. but many say that jesus is a copy cat of krishna. also there were a lot of other saviour types who had similar characteristics as jesus etc.... krishna and jesus are not the same though, there lies are very different from each other except for some similarities. jesus never came to india. there is not even any evidence that he existed according to many. plus krishna is mentioned in ancient writings that date back to 4bc before any supposed jesus.
this is not true. hindus have always regarded vishnu, shiva as one as it is written in the scriptures. i am sure there were hindus that saw vishnu, shiva as different gods but those were ones that did not read the scriptures or not well versed in them. vishnu is not fake, vishnu is mentioned in the vedas. hindus today are basing their beliefs off of vedic/vedantic aspect which believes god is one. while the hindus that worship many gods and believe in different gods are basing their belief off of puranic/mythology aspect which was very popular during the gupta era. so hindus today who believe god is one etc... are actually following the older version of hinduism then the puranic hindus. i feel that the puranas were meant to be for morals but people worship the gods in there literally.
Who are we to decide which God is Supreme ?
hindu12 replied to gokulkr's topic in The Hinduism Forum
padma purana is not authentic though -
again another crock of bs vishnu and shiva (rudra) are both mentioned in the vedas.
Who are we to decide which God is Supreme ?
hindu12 replied to gokulkr's topic in The Hinduism Forum
another bs. ved vyasa did not call shiva purana tamasic. -
Who are we to decide which God is Supreme ?
hindu12 replied to gokulkr's topic in The Hinduism Forum
you are right on it! -
this is what i meant when i said its a shame that people havent grasped vedism. they are one the vedic text say all a part of supreme reality. they are just different forms.vishnu is infinite and so is shiva. it doesnt take a scientist to grasp this concept.