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Everything posted by ranjeetmore

  1. Really Christians are too full of themselves...atleast some.They see 33 million gods and come to conclusion that they are all demons ! There have been kings in the past.There is a govt. now.Kings had the power to control the world,etc.Similarly,some beings have the ability to control planets,etc.There is nothing astonishing in this. Actually,Christians have no basic responsibilty.I cannot control my mind,I smoked a pot. Why did i do it. The other One made me do it.Oh ! Lord,forgive my sins. So Easy. It is just a pious variation on the charvaka siddhanta. Do all the nonsense in the world,but eat your food in ghee.Who has seen what happens after death ? But here...Jesus will save me ! WOW. They say sins are inherent in humans.But any person,through pondering,can come to the obvious conclusion that the mind is the root of all desires,good or bad and thus the root cause for all sins and good work.This takes 5 mins.Not any yogic exercise.Where is the time for some lucifer to come in ? Love thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul. Fine.Don't even THINK of the hindu gods.Could you atleast love that father who resides in 'heaven' ? In whose image man has been made ? Make a attractive form of His and Love Him ?? Oh,but we do ! We thank Him for our meals and say,"I love you God."What's more,we even cry sometimes,thinking about His compassion. But you fools,have you attached your mind to that Godhead ?? He can take any form for His devotee. Sveccha pad pritah vapuh. Godhead takes up any form He wishes.Whatever is His devotee's wish,is His wish. He came as Shukaravatara,Matsya avatara.He came as a MIXTURE ALSO ! The vedas say,"Tvam kumari,Tvam Jeerno" Oh ! You can take up any form.A Young Girl's or even an old man's. So have you attached your mind to God in this way,thinking of Him constantly within you,Noting down all your thought from within?(Since Love means attachment of the mind completely) Christian : No. Then what is the use of your beliefs ? We have the process of attaching the mind to the lord.That's why the minds of our saints are as holy as God Himself.They might not feed a hungry man,but they sure glance upon him and embrace him or even put their feet on his head.These saints have embraced the Lord and they embrace this miserable,hungry man.You decide which is more beneficial feeding him or giving the Lord's Mercy so freely ???
  2. Actually the vedas describe all the three features of God. Bhagavan is addressed in the upasana kaanda. Brahm in jnana kaanda and paramatma in karma-kaanda. Some foolish people choose to believe that brahm is only Niraakar.They completely ignore the mantras describing Sri Krsna or twist them,manipulate them to make them fit.
  3. The radha tapani upanishad,radikopanishad were quoted heavily not only by the mahrasikas of the gaudiya sampradaya(Gosvamis,etc.),but also nimbarkis and most recently by Sri Kripaluji Maharaj. There is a set of teachings handed down from Hamsa avatara to the 4 sons of Brahma,the kumaras,Sanat kumara,sanakadika.. These teachings are known as the sanat kumara sanghita...just like the brahm sanghita.This scripture reveals the most intimate and blissful form of brahm as Sri Radha krishna.
  4. rrao,your taunts are pathetic If you dnt want to accept chaitanya as God,fine.But even the dumbest of all neophyte devotees would come to know the tremendous maha-bhagavata personality traits of chaitanya.Those who were addicted to sastra discussions also were in awe of the auspicious signs displayed in Gauranga's body.Very few personalities have such signs.Sukadeva paramhamsa,the 4 kumara paramhamsas etc have such signs... These basic facts should do nothing but urge common people to atleast observe steadfast respect for Gauranga. I have always observed humble Nimbarkis.NEVER do they talk a single bad word about anyone.They invite everyone from iskconites to local babajis for kirtan.They TOLERATE everyone(barring offenders obviously).Such humble vaishnavas know very well to respect everyone from ramanuja to Gauranga. I have always maintained the inclination towards addressing Chaitanyadeva as merely Gauranga.I don't think the intimate fact is meant to be voiced so openly as is the custom. Who was this Gauranga ? Oh,he was the greatest bhakta ever.Describe his ecstatic symptoms.His person. Who was this Gauranga ? The Supreme Personality of Godhead. Anyone will run away.
  5. http://nimbark.org/shri-golok-dham-ashram-vrindavan-and-new-delhi-india/about-shri-golok-dham-ashram-new-delhi/ The above link leads to the page of teachings and ideologies of Nimbarka Sampradaya.
  6. Srila Puri Maharaja is the head of Gaudiya MAth or what ???
  7. I have the answer. Each and every Acharya of Bhakti has strongly maintained that NOTHING is at all the cause/root of Bhakti let alone varna-asrama. Sri Gauranga refused Ramananda's proposal that follwing varna-asrama is the highest ideal. Sri Tulsidasa has counted Varna-asrama is his list of things that canot lead to the ultimate Ananda. Bhagavatam,etc. also confirm this. BUT. This rule applies to the devotee who is immersed in bhava stage or higher or more importantly for the RAGANUGA DEVOTEES. For the neophyte devotee,constant remembrance is nigh impossible.Thus the need to first undergo discipline and regulations as regarded only to his deity of Sri Vishnu.This increases attachment for spontaneous performance of services. You say that GV's stress the need to become brahmanas.Brahmanical culture is performance of karma kanda/yagnas/cultivating knowledge of Brahmn etc. GV's or any vaishnava brahmana doesn't do all these things.Bhakti is foremost.A person who is born as chandala and who cries in ecstacy in remembrance and a high class brahmana who reads the vedas out of strict vows etc, are in no way the same.The so called chandala is washing away good/bad karma of millions of lives(Sanchit karma) by merely clapping in ecstasy.The Brahmana does NO SUCH THING.In Fact he INCREASES HIS GOOD KARMA by performing Karma Kaanda. If the Brahmana is cultivating Jnana,if he is consistent for million years,eliminates Ajnana(ignorance/avidya).For Jnana destroys avidya.This avidya is nothing but the combined entity of Rajo/tamo guna.The Jnani STILL REMAINS in sattvic guna.This is the final verdict. Thus the chandala is unimaginably purer than the brahmana. There should be no problem in accepting such a pure person as a brahmana. I hope you got ur anser.
  8. But a madhurya rasika or maharasika devotee expresses various sentiments that are enlisted under OTHER bhavas ALSO. Vamsivat babaji was a through n through maharasika BUT he often nursed Vatsalya rasa feelings.He would treat Nitai-Gaura as his sons. This is not so suprising.Rather the MERE FACT that shines from the evidence,that Srila Prabhupada wanted to Go BACK to Goloka and have laddus with Sri Govinda is so exhilarating,heart warming and heart wrenching.It literally pulls your heart to experience that moment or even a glimpse of it.Just Magical. It must be such a teary moment for his direct disciples who merely touched his feet.Those feet which walked with Krsna. Radhe Radhe.
  9. Once the Asta Siddhis came to Sri Kapila Bhagavan when He was 'doing' Bhakti (identified with the sadhana kaand of the vedas). "Who are you all ?" He asked them. "We are the 8 siddhis come to serve you." "GET LOST FROM MY SIGHT !" This is the ideal way to deal with siddhis.They SUCK. EVEN Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa condemned the practise for gaining siddhis(i know !) . Sri Chaitanyadev classifeied siddhis(broadly as bhukti) as witches. Sri Tulsidasa wrinkles his nose and shakes his head vigorously when the siddhis' topic comes up. Such siddhis are like waste products in front of the spritual power of Yogamaya that the bhakta has.He is as powerful as the Supreme Lord and absolutely HATES such Siddhis and Moksa.This is evident in the life and times of one of the alwars who rivalled the powers of Lord Shankara with his powers of Yogamaya.Why did he display such powers ? Just to prove a point . What was the point ? I (the alwar) don't want Mukti or any kind of siddhi from You(Uma-Mahesvara.)
  10. Yet,in mahabharata Srila Veda vyasa gives a clarion call and final decision,"Oh Humans ! I have studied the vedas in full detail and I proclaim to you that Sri Hari Bhakti is the ultimate goal !" I not only support your statements from Visnu Purana,I in fact ENDORSE it. But this Lord Sadashiva is a completely different tattva than what you describe.He is a personality,possessing the three lingas or levels of energies, Svarupa,Jeeva and Maya Shaktis. Who is the possessor of these three energies ? The Supreme Godhead. Vishnu shaktir para prokta... -Vishnu purana. So this Supreme Person Vishnu manifests as Lord Sadashiva.This is confirmed in many puranas. Now there comes the local personality of Lord Shiva in every universe.Now this Lord Shiva is SOMETIMES a JEEVATMA.This is confirmed in the Puranic tale when Lord Shiva gives his Atma Linga to Ravana.Should Ravana worship it,he would become Lord Shiva. Your statements are offensive.But that is due to various samskaras.Please be careful here onwards for your own sake. This Sri Krsna is the topmost tattva there is.There have been 4 jagadgurus.All 4,Including Sri Shankaracharya has ACCEPTED Sri Krsna/Sri Vishnu as the Supreme INDEPENDENT Godhead. We should follow the Jagadgurus and NOT our own whims.This is common opinion. It so happens that Sri Narayana is described in the various upanishads and the Rg Veda and the very commentary of Sri Shankaracharya on the GEETA,as being the ONLY ONE who exists before creation.He is defined as the VIRAT PURUSHA,THe primeval Person.The Fire sacrifices of the Karma Kaanda sEction are exclusively meant for the propitiation of Lord Vishnu,The inherent Paramatma. Now the vedic and vedantic teachings of Brahm,Jeeva and Maya MATCH ONLY AND ONLY with the tattva of Sri Vishnu and His energies.ALL OTHER VIEWS have been considered useless and speculative for they do not conform with the teachings of 3 of the jagadgurus. Lord Shiva is a manifestation of Sri Krsna for the performance of the Dark destruction of the universe.He is not independent.There cannot be TWO GODHEADS. Ishvarah Paramah Krsnah. Krsnas tu Bhagavan Swayam. Krsno ha Vai Harih Paramo Devatah. The beginning,middle and end of the vedas only lead towards Sri Krsna. There is absolutely no other way round.The Siva tattva whom you describe as the Jeevatma is faulty and arises out of the ego which is enshrined in each of us.This ego principle is none but Shambhu. You are not Brahm.Your just Jeevatma and the Siva-is-jeeva-brahm type of monism has ABSOLUTELY NO TAKERS in the circles of Vedantic studies.It is just TOO SPECULATIVE and NOT supported by ANY shastra WHATSOEVER.
  11. thanks a lot. Jaya Prabhupada.so innocent and so childlike.
  12. I'm sorry to say but the present "Ramanujites'' are very dissillusioned. They say ONLY and ONLY Sri Sampradaya is the one. What about the three other Jagadguru titles given to the highly exalted personalities ?? MAdhva,Nimbarka and Ramanuja all are mahatmas. Forget all the nonsense about how GVs try to show Ramanuja down to show Gauranga as God, your most offensive and third class philosophy is 'Radha-a bogus deity.' I mean who the hell calls Mahalaxmi bogus ? .Do you realise you just did that ??? You praise Ramanuja,no bars.Why do you have to comment upon Chaitanya deva ?? If Hari bhakti would be contained within a sampradaya,there would've been no Meera,Tulsi,Kabeer,Surdas,Nyaneshwara,etc. Why don't you understand this ?? You have absolutely no right or the authority to identify the authenticity of the incarnation of the Lord. You have no spiritual vision and neither do those who say that 'Radha is a bogus deity.' I'm not sure even patala loka will suffice for such offense. Have no doubt whatsoever that for such an offense you shall go to hell. Just because you have failed miserably to gain the knowledge of scriptures like Radha-tapani upanishad,Radhikopanishad, etc. doesn't mean you can dismiss Sri Radhika as a human.You are ignorant of the fact that Sri Suta Gosvami would go into bhava samadhi for 3 months when he would just utter the word 'Radha'. Thus there is no apparent mention of Sri Radhika in bhagavtam by Name. Forget the GVs.Sri Ramabhadracharyaji of the Ramanandi sampradaya,spent an entire hour PROVING that Sri Radhika is indeed indifferent from Sri Sita and that She is mentioned in the bhagavatam. A REAL Mahatma knows perfectly all these truths eventhough his position as Vishnu bhakta or Rama Bhakta,is PROTECTED by Yogamaya,thus making His dearmost form of the Lord appear as most attractive. You are NO MAHATMA for making such comments. Only you are limited.If this topic would've arose during the times of Sri Ramanuja,and had you made such a statement,I have no doubt that Ramnuja would've dismissed you forever.
  13. I have reason to believe in black magic.I shall not disclose them,but events HAVE happened to my relative who lives in small town. It so happens that Hanuman chalisa is really effective.Sri Tuksidasa advises to worship Hanuman becoz he is seriously better than all the other devatas. Why ?? He tore open his heart and to the entire universe's sheer awe,there was Parabhram Sri Sita-Rama. Tht's why.
  14. Shuddhayati naa antaratma krshna padam bhoj bhaktimriteh. - Aadi Shankarcharya. Without performing bhakti of Sri Krsna's lotus feet,the mind will NOT GET PURIFIED. Why do we need pure mind ? Becoz according to shakara. Shanto dant uparatas tithikshu. These are the 4 requirements for Jnana marga. Shanto-dant means control over senses and mind. So tell me,all the jnanis,how will you even purify your mind ??? Jnana marga is useless if there is no support of bhakti.
  15. Guru is indifferent from God.This is accepted in all the bhakti scriptures right from Narada Bhakti sutra to the bhagavtam. Sri Kabeer das says,"Jo kare so Hari kare,Hoye Kabeer Kabeer." Now,Sri Hari has taken Over.I am on vacation now ! What does this mean ? Kabeer became Sri Hari ? Hardly. Soon after Bhagavat praapti,Sri Krsna takes His rightful control over you. See Jeevatma => Maya => Sri Krsna. This is the heirarchy for a maya baddha jeeva.But as soon as he surrenderes completely,Maya runs away from the Mahatma.Now Sri Krsna is in control.First it was Maya who used to dictate,Now it is Sri Krsna's Personal energy. Sri Bhagavan is the one who performs all the work through the body of the mahatma.This is a very important fact.That's why the need to accept Sri Guru as All-knowing,Omni-present and to worship him as God.The Mahatma actually takes a back seat.It is Sri Hari who performs all the tasks. You must have noticed that every great Vaishnava has introduced himself as just a humble servant,whereas he also states that Sri Krsna is the inspiration.I remember the author of a very high class book(Gaudiya Vaishnava scripture,mind you) stating that it was Sri Krsna who actually wrote the book,not he. Hari and Guru are indifferent.The Supreme Lord manifests internally as the Paramatma and externally as Sri Guru.This fact is stated in the Bhagavatam. Hence the need to always worship Sri Guru's feet just as one would Sri Hari's.Actually 100% guru bhakti ALONE is sufficient to attain Bhakti. What you said is true.Sri Krsna CAN NEVER BE ADDRESSED DIRECTLY.How will you ? You can't even see Him with the material eyes. Guru ? Well,he comes down from the Spiritual world,in all this garbage material world,smiles at us.Embraces our dirty,degraded material bodies.That same Bhagavata enjoys Sri Krsna's embrace and he touches us.Just imagine how fortunate those disciples are. This above regulation of considering guru even greater than God is the one that can make or break our bhakti.If you have charlatans who haven't even cried one drop of ecstatic tear for krsna and if he says he is guru,you are finished.The real mahatma never falls down.All this nonsense going on is intolerable.I don't knw how you people can maintain purity of thought towards Sri Krsna and SP after such incidents....
  16. Guru should know Krsna.He should have PREMA.Hence,He should've touched,Smelt,Seen,Heard Sri Krsna and His Features.This is called Bhagavat praapti.This hppens after the Swarupa Shakti of Sri Krsna enters the heart. This Swarupa Shakti comes only with the grace of real guru. After SP,It all went up in the air.Finished. Everything else like pure/advanced devotee is a farce. There is prema bhakta like SP,the 6 Gosvamis,etc. and then there is the non-realised bhakta. Now putting the non-realised bhakta on the vyasapeetha and then considering him as non-different from Sri Krsna is pure disaster and a way to hell.
  17. The endnote 4 is really reallly amazing...Love it !!! Ha Gauranga ! Ha Rama !
  18. forget all the veda sastras. Tulsidas says,"Cidanand deha tumhari" Sri Rama ! Your body is Sat.Chit.Anand. Now.Everyone knows the Jeevatma CANNOT die.Why ? He is Chit svarupa.An entire mountain may get destroyed.Why ? It is made up of MAya. But Sri Krsna/Sri Rama ?? Their bodies are sat.Chit.Ananda. Ishvara paramah Krshna Sat.Chit.Ananda Vigraha. Vigraha means body.If Sri Krshna died then even JEEVATMA SHALL DIE. Just as absurd as that sounds,imagine how foolish it is to say that Purna Brahm Sri Krsna 'Left' His body. Sri Krsna manifests Himself on the earth,but to jeevatmas under maya,He is seen as an ordinary cowherd boy.That is due to the veil of Yogamaya.She reveals His original form to those who have attained bhakti,while she manifests an ordinary form to those who are under maya. Understand YOGA-MAYA. She performs purely spiritual feats(YOGA) and yet it appears as MAYA.Hence the apparent 'thought' that sri Krsna died. Please abandon such offensive thoughts henceforth.
  19. Sambya,form is spritual as well as material. Narakritim parah brahm Para Brahm has a form as well as is formless,accepted by Shankaracharya as well as so many others. It is wrong to say that MAhesh dham,Devi dham is material let alone Vaikuntha. Bhavani resides on the lap of mahesvara in the spiritual world.She is the most intimate friend of Sri Mahalaxmi and manifests as Durga in the material world for creation in union with Shambhu. She is Godhead's energy as revealed by sambya himself.She is called Vishnu sakti or Vishnumaya. The Durga of the Spirtual world is rightly termed as Yogamaya and is accepted to be another form of Mahalaxmi.
  20. My obeisances to the Merciful Lord Sadashiva,who manifests in two eternal Forms in the Spiritual world of Vaikuntha. One as Sadashiva in Vaikuntha and the other as Lord Gopesvara in the intimate circle of Sri Krsna and Gopis. I prostrate before that Sadashiva,to whom if someone attaches his mind,becomes extremely dear to Sri Krsna. Sri Krsna Karnamritam (2. 24) by Shri Lilashuka Bilvamangala Thakura “I have always belonged to the 'Saiva Sect' and I have been sincerely chanting the "Siva Pancaakshari Mantra" - "Om Namah Sivaya" all along. But I have no idea why this Young Sweetheart of Gopis is following me and my heart is also enjoying the remembering of His Smiling, Beautiful Blue face!" I bow down to that Shankara who is none other than Sri Govinda's transformation in view of carrying out blissful pastimes. I bow down to that Lord Sadashiva who manifested as Sri Advaita Acharya alongwith the Supreme Lord to display His opulence and love towards the Lord. I bow down to Lord Shiva,who is described by foolish people,to be immersed in an ordinary Samadhi.These people say so due to ignorance about scriptures. Brahma Vaivarta Purana (Prakriti Khanda 2.56.61) svapne jagarane sasvath Krsna dhyana ratah Sivah yatha Krsnas tatha sambhur na bhedo madhavesayoh "Sleeping or awake, Siva is constantly absorbed in meditation on Sri Krsna. As is Sri Krsna, so is Sambhu; there is no difference between Madhava and Isa." His Ecstatic,mad behaviour and bouts of asolute Stillness are nothing but the manifestations of intense prema for Lord Shyamasundara.Such sentiments are understood only by maharasikas. I bow down to Lord Sadashiva who entered the maha raas due to the mercy of Sri Vrindadevi. I bow down to Sri Vrindadevi,who is answerable strictly in spirtual terms,to the topmost tattva,Sri Radharani. I bow down a million times before Sri Radharani who is supremely innocent and so beautiful. I bow down to Sri Radharani.She Appeared 5000 years ago in the material creation.If She were to not control even an iota of the divine fever She nurses for Sri Shyamasundara,with Yogamaya,She would have turned the entire creation of Sri Mahavishnu to ashes. Lastly I bow down to the spritual master who is the most beloved of Sri Radharani and who never ceases to take Her Names.
  21. Can you SCOOP or separate out a small portion of Brahm ?? Or ' Can a liberated "jeevatma" become a Jeevatma again ?? Answer yes or no. (Sambya,Don't give me your holy epositions.Anwser yes or no,simple.)
  22. So jeevatma is Brahm .Undifferentiated,Non divisible,Unlimited Brahm who is ONE ? Yes.Or no ?
  23. Think about the inexplicable ecsatasies of the Gopis when they merely look at a part of Sri Krsna's body,when they get His fragrance.That ecstacy makes Bhramananda look like rubbish. This is how we are attached to the idea of becoming a billionaire.I would be so happy !I will buy a mansion,cars,this that. Now similarly,try to imagine the intense concentrated PURE bliss that you will experience when you merely SEE Him.The GREED for this bliss alone will keep you going in sadhana.Otherwise the sadhaka will do various things alongwith bhakti,which is not advisable.
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