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Everything posted by ranjeetmore

  1. Making any vows in front of shalagrama shilas and pleasing a 1000 brahmanas will amount to nothing,if in your mind,the Shalagrama sheela is just as good as any deity. A person is supposed to take a bath in the Gangaji with his mind.He is supposed to attach his mind to Her,for She emanates from the Supreme Lord. This is not some offer.Anyone come take a bath in Gangaji and get liberated.There is a condition.Gangaji is not some 'holy' river at your disposal.She is the Personal associate of the Lord. You may go and drown in the ganga,be assured,nothing will happen.The duskriti you are performing now,will swiftly eliminate any chance of obtaining even to the heavenly planets.
  2. You stop here ?? You can't proclaim something as absurd as 'Every deity is saguna Brahm' and 'stop there'.If you have the audacity to say such a thing,the least you can do to support the credibility of your views,is to provide a couple evidences from the Sastras. You CANNOT stop here.
  3. Please provide the evidence from Sakta,Shaiva sastras supporting the idea that the Supreme Person is their respective deity,who is the origin of Brahmadeva.Who is unborn.Who is Eternal.Who possesses the three energies of Para,Jeeva and Maya as enlisted in the vedas.Whose definition matches that of 'Brahm' as provided in the vedas.Who description matches that of paramatma in the vedas.Whose spiritual dhama/abodes are mentioned in so many upanishads. Then,Kindly expound on the Advaya Jnyana tattva. Svagat bheda Shunya (Indifference with svarupa shakti) Sajatiya bheda Shunya(Indifference with Jeeva shakti) and Vijatiya bheda shunya.(Indifference with maya shakti). Tell me a single deity,including even Sri Vishnu,what to speak of Sri Shankara,Devi etc. who can conform with this tattva. Lastly,please state why there are exactly three sections in the vedas: Jnyana.Karma and Upasana each proclaiming the Supreme Worshipful as Nirguna brahm,Paramatma and Bhagavan respectively.These features are explained solely in the Bhagavatam. This is not a joke.You have to provide evidence boss.There are 3(4,including Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura) acharyas who have already done it.There is not a single sakta,shaiva who could successfully reconcile Vedas and more importantly Vedanta with their respective doctrines centering around their respective deities.
  4. Oh i do not have the courage to go to any of your sites.They scare me.Why don't you browse through the 'Vedanta' library ??? The shankarites have taken upon themselves to provide crystal clear meanings of the sastras.The disciples who come in chain,must surely know better than you whether authentic Shaankar bhasya on ''XYZ" text exists or not ?? I have already told you,I do not possess the translations.Jeez,will you stop embarrassing me ? In all seriousness,I'm telling you bluntly,that I've got no word to word traslations.If you have the confidence,that people involved in such discussions generally have,that the disciple/student/sadhaka is NOT twisting the meaning explained by his master,then you should be satisfied.I can only do so much. But if you still think that I'm lying,you are invited to take it up with the concerned master.I shall take it upon myself to get you there.Perhaps you can get the 4 'jagadgurus' who are warming the seats established by Adi Shankaracharya ??? It can be only beneficial.
  5. HEee HEEE. Mukta means one who has merged in the Nirguna Brahm.You must have forgotten that. A mukta is performing UPASANA/BHAKTI for Whom ?? Nirguna Brahm ?? But,silly,he is mukta.He has already realised Nirguna Brahm.You must surely know that there is only One Brahm.So whom is he worshipping ??If you do not accept that the mukta is worshipping saguna Brahm,there remains only one alternative: He has again come under Maya.This should mean that all the jnyanis who have achieved Mukti are going to come under Maya again.Wonderful.Why even take the pains to do sadhana ? There remains only paramatma and Bhagavan feature.There is absolutely no clarity on saguna brahm in any of the other sects.If you say there is,you must prove it.We have all the confirmations in the bhagavtam.Show me one non- vaishnava scripture which doesn't confuse the concept of devi,Shiva,Ganpati,etc. and concoct something as "Shiva is advaita.He is nirguna brahm.Jeeva is shiva.This and that." Everywhere the same nonsense is there.He(shankara)/She(devi) doesn't have a form.They are nirguna brahm. Look at the Vaishnava scriptures.Straightforward the Saguna Brahm is described as beyond maya,the controller of Maya and the origin of the universe,equipped with Intelligence,mind and senses and most importantly having an eternal form. Nothing of this sort is provided in the sakta,shaiva traditions.If you don't agree,prove me wrong.
  6. Do you even know what you are saying ? You are openly endorsing the 'creation of universe'.It is like your back stabbing Sri Shankaracharya from behind without you even knowing it.Do you realise your utter clash of theories as given in the vedas and the one you uphold yet?? Hiranyagarbha clearly refers to the Supreme Purusha.This Supreme Purusha is identified as Narayana in Subala sruti.Every baccha knows that Sri Naryana projected Brahma from His navel.Yo brahmanam vidhadhati purvam. This supreme Purusha is Sri Narayana.Thus He is called Hiranyagrabha,the One who projects Brahma.
  7. 15th century ?? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Shankaracharya lived till the 15th century ??? Wow. *** And are you seriously going on to explain YOUR Hiranyagarbha concept ?? It's precisely that.YOURS. I state point blank that i have no word to word Transliteration.It so happens that some of still follow the Shabda pramana process.It is how Shankaracharya's disciples learnt of a 'brahm'. I have full confidence in the source.Since you don't seem to,you can challenge HIM.You up for it ??
  8. There is a reason two verses have been quoted.It is a known fact that some limited minds cannot accept the bhasyas of Ramanuja,etc. ,thus Sri Shankaracharya's commentary has been provided.Next,the vedic verse refers to Para brahm,obviously a Personality.This leads to an obvious conclusion for intelligent people.The vedas are not meant to be read by people like you and me.They are to be understood through one of the 6 acharyas. P.S : I feel it's very unfair.The vaishnavas have to quote Sri Shankaracharya to get a point across,but your sect is SO SAD,that it cannot take support of any of the four Vaishnava bhasyas.It just reflects how incredibly ignorant and staunch the Advaitins are.They have nothing but a few lines written by Shankaracharya.Neither Vedas,nor the vedanta conforms with any part of the fantastic doctrine.
  9. Puh leez do not even try to translate any sloka.I don't give two hoots even if you might be pandit Kashmiri's direct disciple.(Brahm Yonim = hiranyagarbha concept.Wha ?!) Secondly,Your own shankaracharya is the one who adresses Nrsimha in the Nrsimha tapani upanishad. *** The evidence is so glaring in the vedas that the doctrine of Jeeva is Infinite stands no ground AT ALL.There itself you lose all your credibility for making claims to the right path to the Supreme Truth. Everything that follows in just your continous,senseless ranting. The vaishnavas have time and again waved Shankara's written approval of Sri Krsna bhakti superior to Brahmajnyana and yet there are some deluded people who try to turn everything around based on their limited speculations.You should actually be a politician.You can very expertly steer a thousand miles away from the main point. The fact will always remain that you cannot refute the constitutional position of the jeeva as always subservient to Brahm,as given in the vedas and the vedanta.And that's why I can say without the slightest chance of hurting an innocent person, Your a loser.That's what you are.
  10. To the post starter, we come here because we are under maya.Just as you can't stop performing some karma or the other,you are helplessly sent from one body to the other according to the karmas. Also,this mayadevi,Jagadamba is troubling the entire samsara with the three modes/gunas.She serves her master,Sri KRsna. "So dasi raghuveer ki ... " Sri Tulsidasa states that she is a maid servant of Sri Rama. So,to cross this unhappy,boring and depressing state of life,we must serve Bhagavan.Why should we ? He is ananda.Raso vai saha.When you will attain Him,you shall be happy forever and ever. Sada pashyanti surayah tad vishnoh paramam pada- Rg. veda. Forever you shall experience unlimited ecstasy.How can we go there ? If Bhagavan gives His mercy,we can go there. How will He give His mercy. He states in the Geeta,"Surrender to Me,and I shall take you upon My Head." The sveatsvatara upanishad states,Just turn towards that pramatma in your heart and all your karmas are burnt like ashes.So,turn to Sri Krsna i.e. just surrender to Him.
  11. Sri yogi,your avatar has something wrong with it. Sri Krsna does not belong there.Sri Krsna's beauty is not even matched by a billion cupids.He always spends time with lots and lots of girls.You should not place Him like this in between great yogis. Also,He is such a renunciate,that He killed His family of millions by His yogamaya.He still remained smiling.Also,due to this,He shouldn't be placed with these yogis.
  12. YEs YES YES YES 1110000 % yes. You can chant radhe radhe also,as long as you attach your mind to the form,abode,names,devotees of the lord,you can call Him Shyamu also.Do not Worry !! Gudiyas would sing,"Hari haraye namah krsnah.." You can put any names together and chant,that is obviously,if you have no intention of creating a mantra of your own. I like the name Shayamasundara.I can call Him that over and over again.I can call Him Kalua also.There's only benefit in Bhagavan's names.There is no fault whatsoever.Actually,your supposed to chant whatever you like most(the names).
  13. He is sat chit ananda. Sat- samvit sakti chit- sandhini sakti ananda- hladini sakti. Hladini sakti is the main boss.Thus Sri Krsna is said to be simply ananda.The veda say,Raso vai saha. He is rasa. Sri Krsna is only ananda.When you say ananda,sat and chit is immediately understood by the word,just like Jeevatma is understood by the word Jnana.
  14. A person like Raya Ramananda put to shame the biggest of the 'yogis'.He was purest at heart.He discarded even Bhukti, and even mukti.If such a person who throws away mukti,is engaged in worshipping someone,it is natural to believe that that someone has much more to offer than mukti. Your question is not an enquiry but just a derogatory remark to return to sonic yogi.
  15. Sambya,dimak mat lagao.Aap devi devtao ke yaha buddhi lagao.Yaha mat laana woh mayic buddhi.
  16. Yes.I was waiting for this.Never mind your inability to understand my question. "Yadah parsya pashyate rukma varnam kartar misam purusam brahm yonim sada divyaan punya paape vibhu ya niranjana paramam samyam upayati !" Mundakopanishad 3.1.3 "The jeevatma submerges into the brahmjyoti BUT ! he doesn't become Brahm." I will give you some evidence from the horse's mouth. "MUKTA api leelaya vigrahan kritva Tvam BHAJANTE." -Shaankar bhasya (Nrsingha Tapani upanishad )--- (1) "Mukta api henam UPASATE." Sauparna sruti. --- (2) Even the veda states that some of those who are mukta,come back to do upasana of that para brahm. Sri KRsna is the parah brahm who is RASO VAI SAHA.Sri KRsna that is Bhagavan feature fully manifests all of the energies and is thus the ultimate goal of the jeevatma.Also,it should be noted that Sanatha kumara's statement should be held true,due to the evidences (1) and (2) His statement was,"The BLISS derived from SAGUNA brahm/Sri Visnu is vaikuntha,is like an infinte ocean and the nirguna brahmananda,like water contained in a hoofprint." You might ask,what is the implication.A millionaire gives up millions of his dollars if he is offered billions in return. Implication is : Brahmananda is merely like a million dollars.Krsnananda is billions and billions of dollars. Oh,and after providing evidence from Sri Shankaracharya's bhasya and the one from Sauparna sruti,if you still say that Sri Krsna is some derivative or mayic form of Nirguna brahm,I shall kindly ask you to DISPROVE the vedic evidence.This is only rational and not any kind of taunt or whatever you may take it to be.
  17. Shalagramas are naturally found in the ganga or what exactly ??
  18. Arjuna had no flaws.He was acting ignorant. This arjuna was unaffected by the best of apsaras- Indra's wife. Indra had sent her to seduce him. As soon as arjuna saw her,he said,"Mataji !" The apsara was embarassed. This arjuna says in the geeta,Mind is swifter than the wind.That is his leela,not his ignorance.
  19. OH ! I do not want your respect. I really hate replying to your derogatory and insulting posts.I'd take a thousand primates than half of a sambya.
  20. You do not understand my question.Lets try again.I'm sure you have lot on your mind,that's why you couldn't figure it out. (1) Suppose a jnyaani has merged into the Nirguna brahm. (2)This Jnyaani COMES down to earth and accepts a material body. (3)He does this JUST so that he can cultivate bhakti towards Sri Krsna. (4) Sri Krsna is the basis of Brahm and the Supreme original person mentioned in the vedas (raso vai saha). Now , the statement is IF ....(1), (2) and (3) happens,Would it or would it not mean that : 4 is true) Yes.I have used a CONDITIONAL CLAUSE. your answer should be : yes,It DOES mean that Sri Krsna is the original Person,basis of Brahm and the One mentioned in the vedas. (since we are talking hypothetical,please don't bare your fangs and just simply state whether you agree with me or no.)
  21. It should be noted that Uma-mahesvara are a part of the raasa leela.I may worship them,but just so i can get devotion at sRi Radha's feet.It is exactly like worshipping Hanuman,so that we get the mercy of Sri Rama. Do note the last statement also.I am guessing this is Sri Ramakrishna's prayer.His life events can lead to one conclusion for me : He worshipped Uma so he could get mercy of Sri Krsna.After all He was very vocal about Sri Vishnu's supremacy. Divine dance.. Such display of feelings towards any of Sri Bhagavan's parikar is not new.The divine anger,etc. has been manifested in many cases. Humility.Reference to the holy name.Please note the name,"SHYAMA".The original Shyama is Radha.We call brahm Shayma shyam. Such a method of worship of Uma is NOWHERE mentioned in any of her scriptures.How much ever anyone might deny it,this method of attaching the mind to the Form of the Lord and the holy name is ONLY enlisted in the Bhakti Scriptures. It is VERY VERY important to note the process of FOLLOWING one of Sri Bhagavan's parikar to obtain to his/her rasa,method of worshipping Sri Krsna,etc. In this,the mind is always attached to the particular parikar(Say lalita).The sadhaka always chants Lalita's name and sings her glories.He always puts Lalita in front of Sri Bhagavan.This is not speculation.This is fact. Sri Ramakrishna is said to have had intense bhava of Sri Krsna.I strongly believe that Vivekananda has got everything wrong.He has very conveniently provided his own interpretation to the realisations of ramakrishna.He has always stained it with his advaitic point of view.Never in Ramakrishna's statements do we find such confusion. I still have to say that I'm not sure about Ramakrishna.On one hand he glorifies Sri Vishnu as the sole paramatma and on the other,he displays wierd realisations(according to Vivekananda's account.)
  22. The Supreme Person is the basis of Nirguna Brahm "Yada parsyam pashyate rukma varnam" Mundaka upanishad.3.1.3 "Brahmano hi pratishtha ham...." 14.27 Bhagavad Geeta. Sri Krsna is the BASIS / Pratishtha of Nirguna brahm.Mundaka upanishad says so and so does the Geeta. This is because Bhagavan is the feature which manifests all the energies.Even Nimbarkacharya proclaims Sri Radha Krsna as "The original form of Godhead ENDORSED BY THE VEDAS." The bhakti Scriptures state: Krsnanda/Ramananda is like a ocean,whereas the brahmananda of the jnyanis is like a drop.Thus Sri Krsna is said to be the basis of the other two features. For the veda states,"Raso vai saha" That Brahm is Rasa.Ananda.This refers to Sri Bhagavan. I'll pose you a question : Does the ACTIVITY of Jnyanis who have submerged in the nirguna Brahm,of coming back to the earth and taking up a material body JUST TO CULTIVATE Sri Krsna Bhakti,IMPLY that sri Krsna is the original person,the basis of Nirguna brahm or does it Not ??? Please answer in yes or no .
  23. I'm not blasting Ramana.But could you stop yourself from comparing a Vaishnava with Ramana ? ? No. People like you like to get fooled i guess.Oh,he's throwing fiyah from his mouth !!! The other one is simply teaching veda,the real meaning of veda. Lets go to the first one.Yay !! This is your case.Ther's nothing new in this.Best of luck. In the end,Haidakhan babaji could do nothing with ALL OF HIS YOGIC POWERS put to gether to rescue Yogananda. I remember Yoganandas words, "Christ,Krishna and Babaji are eternally present.They are working in union.Especially Christ and babaji." "The goal of kriya yoga or whatever is to make this body spiritual/of light." Who wants to make the body into light ?? I mean seriously. When yogananda's master,contacted him from the Heavenly planets,he described of an 'eternal' world where they drink light and have 'evolved consiousness' i.e. siddhis and powers.Where there were 'divine' bodies.But he clearly stated that,"There are still defects in these bodies.This is merely a mediocre level.There are higher levels where the bodies are pure light."He very well was aware of the material defects present in the svarga loka.He thought it was some kind of lesser evolution. Poor Yogananda was being given a first hand account of Svarga loka and wasn't even aware of it.If the goal of such exercises is merely heavenly planets,such yoga,etc is useless. ANd you would be lying STRAIGHT to my face if you even think that Ramana could ever be a greater yogi than Babaji.It's not hard to figure the ignorance in the teachings of all these great but limited people.
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