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Everything posted by ranjeetmore

  1. I think that living alone and being surrounded by 'the others' is very in conducive for sadhana. The most convenient method is to slowly develop attachment to the lord's form.Otherwise,there will be no basis for Kirtana and it will eventually vanish. For eg. Think about the cute little little blueish bums of the lord,when he is walking unsteadily towards the cows.When He would want to get up,He would catch the tails of the cows use them to get up. This adoration,sentimental association with the Lord is a good way of attachment.Otherwise Sadhana slowly becomes physical drill and then dwindles.
  2. Jaya Jaya !!! Couldn't put it better myself ever. Ha Gauranga ! Ha Jagannatha ! Ha Praan natha ! *** Once Sri Gauranga took Gadadhara Pandita to Pundarika Vidyanidhi.As soon as Gauranga saw Pundarika,He rushed and embraced him and both showed extraordinary ecstasies. Now Gadadhara saw Pundarika's house.Hundreds of maidservants,Gold everywhere.He was literally richer than the king.Pundarika's intelligence got 'degraded'(LEELA LEELA LEELA).He went back.Sri Gauranga too came back.He rebuked Gadadhara,"What happened ?? Buddhi bhrasht ho gayi?? Are you dis illusioned." Gadadhara said"Ha Maharaj ! Vidyanidhi is so rich.He has so many opulences.He is married.He has maidservants.He looks so materially engrossed.Why did you embrace him ?" Gauranga : "You Donkey.Reflect upon history ! Dhruva,Prahlada,Arjuna all of them have ruled the earth and higher planetary systems for thousands of years.All of them had wives.Krsna Prema manifests in the heart and it remains there.It has very little to do with the outward appearances.Go and fall at Vidyanidhi's feet.If he forgives you,come back in My satsanga." I have seen so many devotees in ISKON.I asked one of them politely to merely listen to a couple of lectures to a personality without the sampradaya.I still cannot forget the expression he had when he saw that the person had long hair.He was livid with anger.I immediately switched off the T.V on which the lecture was appearing. Prabhupada said,"You should go to HEAR a Vaishnava.Never go to SEE him." One of the exalted babajis used to eat the Jagannatha prasada which used to 'rot' near the garbage.I know I WILLl make some observations when i see such a sight.This is aparadha.So please do not try to pass any comments EVEN in the MIND. He is outside sampradaya ? Fine.Don't listen to him.Why do you have to criticise him,especially when he can explain the most profound truths by support of Sastra ???
  3. According to Mayavada, What happens to the personalities who are eligible for liberation after leaving the body ?
  4. I would like to ask a series of questions in an earnest spirit,to the Mayavadis.I hope Mayavadis,except kaisersose(He thinks that Sri Shankaracharya's Brahm can perform work-(I know!)),will reply and invite anyone else you would like to. Please try to answer the immediate question as briefly as possible.Since it is generally expected from us(Vaishnavas) to quote scriptures,it would be expected from the mayavadis that they quote at least shankaracharya ESPECIALLY when sensational claims (Like that of Kaisersose) are made. I am positive that the end of this discussion shall culminate in an intense,if not life changing,conclusion. Mayavadis,Hear Hear.
  5. tasya va etasya purusasya dve eva sthane bhavata idan ca paraloka-sthanan ca sandhyam trtiyam svapna-sthanam tasmin sandhye sthane tisthann ete ubhe sthane pasyatidan ca paraloka-sthanan ca Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad (4.3.9) There are two positions about which the jiva-purusa should inquire – the inanimate material world, and the spiritual world. The jiva is situated in a third position, which is a dreamlike condition (svapna-sthana), and is the juncture (tatastha) between the other two. Being situated at the place where the two worlds meet, he sees both the jada-jagat (inert world) and the cid-jagat (spiritual world). Vrajanatha: What is the tatastha-svabhava (marginal nature)? Babaji: It is the nature that enables one to be situated between both worlds, and to see both sides. Tatastha-svabhava is the eligibility to come under the control of either of the saktis. Sometimes the shore is submerged in the river because of erosion, and then again it becomes one with the land because the river changes its course. If the jiva looks in the direction of Krsna – that is, towards the spiritual world – he is influenced by Krsna sakti. He then enters the spiritual world, and serves Bhagavan in his pure, conscious, spiritual form. However, if he looks towards maya, he becomes opposed to Krsna and is incarcerated by maya. This dual-faceted nature is called the tatastha-svabhava (marginal nature). This means Jeeva is situated LITERALLY between Maya and Sri Bhagavan.So much for the non-existence of Tatastha position. *** Please read this carefully : babaji: Innumerable jivas appear from Sri Baladeva Prabhu to serve Vrndavana-vihari Sri Krsna as His eternal associates in Goloka Vrndavana, and others appear from Sri Sankarsana to serve the Lord of Vaikuntha, Sri Narayana, in the spiritual sky. Eternally relishing rasa, engaged in the service of their worshipable Lord, they always remain fixed in their constitutional position. They always strive to please Bhagavan, and are always attentive to Him. Having attained the strength of cit-sakti, they are always strong. They have no connection with the material energy. In fact, they do not know if there is a bewildering energy called maya or not. Since they reside in the spiritual world, MAYA IS VERY FAR AWAY AND DOES NOT AFFECT THEM AT ALL. Always absorbed in the bliss of serving their worshipable Lord, they are eternally liberated and are free from material happiness and distress. Their life is love alone, and they are not even conscious of misery, death or fear. “There are also innumerable, atomic, conscious jivas who emanate as rays in Karanodakasayi Maha-Visnu’s glance upon His mayasakti. Since these jivas ARE SITUATED NEXT TO MAYA, they perceive her wonderful workings. Although they have all the qualities of the jivas that I have already described, because of their minute and marginal nature, they sometimes look to the spiritual world, and sometimes to the material world. In this marginal condition, the jiva is very weak because at that time he has not attained spiritual strength from the mercy of the object of his worship (seva-vastu). Among these unlimited jivas, those who want to enjoy maya become engrossed in mundane sense gratification and enter the state of nitya-baddha. On the other hand, the jivas who perform cidanusilanam of Bhagavan receive spiritual sakti (cid-bala) by His mercy, and enter the spiritual world. Baba!(Addressing Vrajanatha) It is our great misfortune that we have forgotten our service to Sri Krsna, and have become bound in the shackles of maya. Only because we have forgotten our constitutional position, are we in this deplorable condition.” Vrajanatha: How can the shackles of maya bind the atomic, conscious jivas? Babaji: Objects of this material world cannot touch spiritual objects. However, as soon as the jiva develops the conception that he is an enjoyer of maya, his atomic, spiritual form is covered by the subtle body made of false ego. That is how the shackles of maya bind his legs. The jivas having a sattvika ego reside in the higher planets and are called devatas; their legs are bound by sattvika shackles made of gold. The rajasika-jivas have a mixture of the propensities of the devatas and of the human beings, and they are confined in rajasika shackles made of silver. And the tamasika jivas, who are mad to taste jadananda (bliss derived from dull matter), are bound in tamasika iron shackles. Once the jivas are bound in these shackles, they cannot leave the prison. Even though they suffer various types of miseries, they remain in captivity. Thus there is NO SUCH THING as a 'subconscious projection' and a 'dream-like state'.It is all just what you people have invented.I'm sorry but you need to really be alert and not do something like this...
  6. I'm waiting...... Hope you have some spare time to correct Srila Veda Vyasa ? That same Srila Veda Vyasa who is confirmed by Sri Shankaracharya as "Narayana Saaksat" and whom he accepts as the 'Supreme Guru'. But then he says in the his bhasya of a vedanta sutra,"Srila Veda Vyasa has become 'bhraant' that means 'mad'/'illusioned'." Oh...I pointed out another contradiction there.I hope you got this one atleast ?? Don't bother slinging mud on me by taking some words from this post(Not that have any problem:) ).Reply to Srila Veda Vyasa's logic. CHEERS.
  7. I'm waiting for your logical reasoning that will surely have Srila Veda Vyasa at his wits end. CHEERS.
  8. In case you haven't gotten it,I just pointed out the gross condradictions in Shankara's teachings. Shankaracharya says that Brahm has no kriya Sakti,for according to Mayavada,Brahm has no energies(Mayavada NOT VEda). Now observe carefully,Kaisersose.: No kriya sakti => no Work No work => No 'residing' and 'giving' mercy. And then he says,"Come and reside in my heart". This is called CONTRADICTION. And what i was trying to do was 'POINT OUT THIS CONTRADICTION'. You know,i'm quite tired of Explaining every little thing.I think you need some lessons in Advaita for starters. *** BTW,I'm waiting for your logical reasoning that will surely have Srila Veda Vyasa at his wits end. CHEERS.
  9. Beautiful ! Beautiful ! Beautiful !
  10. Give me a point blank explanation without any speculations and incredulous observations of your own.If you support Advaita and KNOW that it is 'IT',surely you must've an answer for what Veda Vyasa has to say. I'm waiting. CHEERS. : Advaita vadis support their views by stating that Jeevatma is like the space(ghata-akasha) in a pot.As soon as the Pot breaks,he becomes Brahm(Purna- akasha). Srila Veda vyasa confirms in the Vedanta that the Jeevatma UNDERGOES Utkraanti,Gati,Aagati and thus he is Not Brahm/Infinite/All pervasive. Utkrantya gatyaagtinam...Brahm sutra. Utkraanti- Leaving the body. Gati- The journey of the Jeevatma after leaving the body according to his own certain karma. Aagati - Taking up another body. So ? An all pervasive element like the akasha NEVER undergoes the process of 'travelling' from one place to the other.A 'handful' of space DOES NOT travel from the earth to the moon planet,after the pot,which contained it ,breaks. This is the clear logic of Srila Vedavyasa.
  11. Kaisersose, Your questions have always perched on sheer speculation.It's fine,but sometimes they're just plain stupid(seriously). Mercy is bestowed by an embodied personality,Who has a Mind and who has the required intelligence to identify one thing from another. *** you ask me to quote but when some clear views are presented in front of you,you ignore them.I think you consider these as part of just another 'philosophy'.But there's the catch. These teachings are the only ones in accordance with the vedas. *** I would like to see a Formless,Nameless,Workless,Inteligence-less,Mind less,Sense-less entity bestow mercy on you. Actually its not your fault,Shankaracharya himself says,"Oh Brahm,Come and RESIDE in my heart.Give me your mercy." Vaishnava: Why Jagadguruji ? You are Brahm,Everything is Brahm,why do you say that Brahm should COME and Give MERCY ? Also,you say that Brahm is inert.That whatever undergoes transformation is illusory,unreal and that Brahm NEVER undergoes transformation and is thus you term it 'inert'.So HOW can that Brahm POSSIBLY 'COME and RESIDE' in your heart ??? Adi Jagadguru : Shut up and go read Padma Purana.Let me do my work.
  12. yes,you have that correct,partly. In kena upanishad,the gross incompetence of the great personalities of the material world is pointed out...incompetence in understanding Who is Brahm. It should be noted that Brahm appears IN A FORM in front of all the devas.BUT the light covering the body of that Brahm is so dazzling that not even Indra can pierce it. This incident is depicted only to highlight the most important thing : Brahm CANNOT be understood by one's own efforts. There are five senses. There is one mind and there is intelligence. Whatever activities or efforts towards 'understanding' brahm will be done,are limited to these faculties ONLY. Meditation,etc is work of the mind. Now the vedas are clearly declaring that Brahm cannot be understood by any of this.He Himself provides the energies with which all these faculties work,just like the sun provides energy for a solar bulb. Now,a solar bulb CANNOT light up the Sun.That's quite stupid.So we cannot really understand Brahm even if we sit in a place for billions of years nad try to 'realise' Him. Even if your einstein(generalisation) whatever statements you make about God/Brahm are totally faulty,of this there is no doubt. Thus Kena Upanishad says that He is Beyond the mind,intellect,senses. So how can we understand Him ? Only if He gives you mercy.Period.There is no other way.I have tried to explain this in 'Brahm has a form but it cannot be understood by you'. This is not philosophy.This is vedic fact. Thus there arises no question of speculation,logical thinking,reasoning,etc. Only one option remains: Learn from a person who has recieved the Mercy of Brahm.He knows Brahm.He alone can tell you. Svetasvatara Muni states in svetasvatar upanishad: I Know Him.You can also know Him if you recieve His mercy. *** Now comes the obvious part: Who has recieved His mercy ?? Shankaracharya's doctrine,by definition,refuses the phenomenon of 'Brahm's mercy.' Hence the need to move forward to Vaishnavacharyas. Please take the time to go through 'Brahm has a form but it cannot be understood by you.' You might understand better what i'm trying to convey.
  13. it seems,the 'other philosophies' which sound 'secondary to spiritual realisation' are the only ones that follow the teachings of Vedanta. So we should say that they're quite mandatory for spiritual realisation.
  14. Jeevatma is related to Sat.Chit.Ananda for eternal and from beginningless time. Everyone wants to live eternally...A minor possibility of threat to life puts us in misery.They're making so many solutions to live etrnally,not to die,but it is impossible in the material body. Everyone wants knowledge...constantly.What is that ? How does this work? Who did she run away with ? What is the origin of the universe?? What is this ?? Everyone wants happiness.I eat rasa gulla.I hear music.I see movies.I hug my mother.I earn money.Everything for happiness. Sukham me bhuyat dukham me ma bhut. I want sukha/happiness and i do not want dukha/misery. These are the three functions : Sat-eternality. Chit- Knowledge and Ananda- bliss. Veda says that jeevatma is the ansh/energy/atom of that Brahm who is Sat.cHit.Ananda and hence you also have these qualities in minute proportions. Thus the mad/Incessant search for Happiness.The ansh/part ALWAYS hankers after the anshi/Whole. A flame always points towards the sun.Anything that is made from earth is pulled towards it.Thus the jeevatma/ansh/part is eternally in want of ananda/Hapinness/Brahm. These practical truths DO NOT fit with the doctrine of Mayavada,for by definition,Brahm is jeevatma thus it has to be ANANDA too. Now,the veda says, Rasam he vayam labdhva ANANDI bhavati. it says ANANDI NOT ANANDO. Anandi. After attaining that Brahm who is Raso vai saha(Ananda) the jeevatma becomes HAPPY(crude) i.e. ANANDI.It doesn't say - "Anando bhavati"-He DOesn't Become ANANDA.HE becomes ANANDI. *** Now these eternal functions remain unsatisfied in the Sayujya Mukti i.e. mukti of the jnanis.Thus the path which points to such a liberation is not to be considered for the result is non-satisfying.In mukti state,the jeevatma maintains it's seperate identity from the Nirvisesa Brahm for By default,both Jeevatma and Paramatma maintain their Satta/position.If it were not so,liberated personalities would have never emanated out of the Brahmjyoti,taken up a material body and Practised Hari Bhakti. Theory which appeals to a certain intelligence is not necessarily the highest truth.Certainly not in the case of Vedanta doctrines.Those which perfectly satisfy all the teachings of the vedanta are to be accepted.
  15. True that Shiva purana etc are tamasic. But lord Mahesvara says himself in Shaiva puranas that if the teachings found in the tamasic/rajasic puranas do corroborate with the sattvic puranas,they are to be accepted without doubt. Skanda purana,Vaishnava khanda is a glorious example.
  16. Crying is the only tool. So says Vamshivat Babaji. You want anything ? Cry.Just cry and become humble.You'll get guru,your mind will become pure and you will get mercy. CRY. Raghunatha dasa Babaji says,"Ha ! Rama ! Ha Jagannatha ! Ha Gauranga ! -These cries should come simply from the core of the heart,like a miser cries in front of a rich man." Only in such humility,is He going to give mercy.Otherwise,forget it.You may go on chanting Hare Krishna for eons.(No offense...) My suggestion is don't go street hunting for Diksha Guru. I have seen many 'gurus' give Diksha even to 5 yr olds over the Micro Phone.This is intense Kali example.Point blank cheating. Such 'gurus' are themselves Bhikaris/beggars in terms of Ananda.What Ananda will they give you ?? Hari and Harijan are the only ones wealthy.They are enjoying in ananda.You want happiness? Go to them.
  17. I do accept that i added 'the navel' part.But believe me,it was unintentional. It's REALLY hard to remember the content of the verse EXACTLY. I did not say that PARAMESVARA,this word comes in Isa up. I said that the Supreme Lord Is one WITHOUT a second.That is why He is known as Param-Greatest Ishvara-Lord. The verse about the two birds in the same tree ALSO confirms the following : One bird PARTAKES in tasting the fruit,whereas the other bird is a mere Observer. AND SAKHAYA means Benefactor/Friend/Sakha. Further perusal of the upanishads leads to the knowledge that this 'other bird ' is paramatma,with an INTELLIGENCE,hence the activity of 'observing' and 'noting' the karmas of the Jeevatma. Thus Advaita holds no ground.So it is natural that we move on to more...SATISFYING interpretations of Vedanta.Through unbiased study,only Acintya bheda abheda can be accepted. There are abheda- richas found in the vedas signifying the non-difference between Jeevatma and Paramatma in some points. BUT also there are Bheda-richas signifying the massive differences between Jeevatma and Paramatma. Thus Acintya bheda abheda. Forget that,anything excpet ADVAITA is welcome,For Advaita Only accepts non-difference,thus eliminating the possibility of Brahm bestowing His mercy. But the vedas declare that this 'mercy' is absolutely necessary for LIBERATION.Advaita can never be beneficial for satisfaction of Self. There are other points also. Advaita vadis support their views by stating that Jeevatma is like the space(ghata-akasha) in a pot.As soon as the Pot breaks,he becomes Brahm(Purna- akasha). Srila Veda vyasa confirms in the Vedanta that the Jeevatma UNDERGOES Utkraanti,Gati,Aagati and thus he is Not Brahm/Infinite/All pervasive. Utkrantya gatyaagtinam...Brahm sutra. Utkraanti- Leaving the body. Gati- The journey of the Jeevatma after leaving the body according to his own certain karma. Aagati - Taking up another body. So ? An all pervasive element like the akasha NEVER undergoes the process of 'travelling' from one place to the other.A 'handful' of space DOES NOT travel from the earth to the moon planet,after the pot,which contained it ,breaks. This is the clear logic of Srila Vedavyasa. Thus the idea that Jeevatma is ALL PERVASIVE is only imaginary and concocted. Then there is the obvious question: Why,If ONE and ONLY Brahm,Don't all the Jeevatmas get liberated when a single one does? And if they say that they have the different perceptions due to some pathetic theory about illusion, Why then does each and every Jeevatma percieve the Outer world as the same ? When we come across the Himalaya,I see a mountain and so do you. Like this,the most brilliant Vaishnava Acharyas have served innumerable other rhetorical questions which are bound to enlighten the fictitious nature of Advaita. So it is natural that seekers of truth should move on.After Sri Shankaracharya only 5 others remain. Sri Ramanujacharya Sri Madhvacharya Sri Nimabrkacharya Sri Vallabhacharya And Sri Gaurangadeva. There should be little to doubt since all 5/5 acharyas accept that Sriman Narayana is the supreme Goal of the vedas. Of course you may call it dogmatic,but then I'm sorry to say that you consider Vedanta on the level of Bible and thus you make a mistake there. You HAVE TO accept one of the 6 views on Vedanta.There is no other way.How will you(generalisation) even understand two words of it otherwise ??? Either accept the Acharyas or denounce Vedic religion completely.If you opt for the former,Sriman Narayana should immediately replace the vague principle of 'GOD' that existed in your mind for eternal time and bothered you,for you could never really understand who or what it is. I just read my post...It may sound a bit too proud...but believe me,it's not.I just have a ..way of writing.
  18. What can i say,Even Svetasvatara upanishad is insufficient for your highness,what to speak about Skanda Upanishad. *** Take up the Brahm samhita and peruse it.Then go through the vedas. Svetasvatara upanishad says,"Yo vai brahmanam vidhidhati purvam.." One who projects Brahma(Vidhi) from His navel at the beginning of creation,He is brahm.(Sriman Narayana also described in subala shruti,etc. as the origin of Vidhi thus Also known as Aadi kaarana.) Isa upanishad describes Him as One without a second,Supreme.(Parama Ishvara-Paramesvara) Rg Veda (1.164.21) states: dva suparna sayuja sakhaya samanam vrksam parisasvajate tayor anyah pippalam svadv atty anasnann anyo ’bhicakasit Dva SUPARNA SAYUJA SKHAYA. He is your friend,The one who resides within each and every living entity. One of the most celebrated ved mantras is ,"...Raso vai saha".(Ananda) He is Bliss. So,Brahm samhita is merely corroborating with this. Ishvarah paramah Krsnah Sat.Chit.ANANDA vigraha Anaadir aadir Govindah Sarva Kaarana Kaaranam. He is the Supreme Lord.(Paramesvara) He is Supreme Bliss.(ananda) He is beginningless(Eternal) Yet the prieval cause of everything(Aadi Kaarana). Lord Brahma further describes the Paramatma feature,faultlessly addressing Him as the Supreme Benefactor/friend. In practical cases,such evidence is enough for intelligent people to accept such texts as authority. But on the other hand,those who are in gross ignorance and averted to Godhead,demand an 'authoritative evidence',whereas they absolutely adore the materialistic and cheap views of 'scholars' who think that 'anyone who knows sanskrit can easily understand the upanishads.' The fact is that ONLY ADVAITA/MAYAVADA is the one that cannot be identified with Vedanta.It is glaringly faulty and meant for confused people or those who refuse to believe they can be anything less than God.
  19. "Coming From the Brahmjyoti" this action never happens,for the Jeevatma is in the Mahat tattva from beginning less time. If you say that is not possible,then you have to also deny the fact that Bhagavan has a particular form since beginningless time. Jeevatma coming from the Brahmjyoti as a separated particle is not real,for Jeevatma maintains its atomic form for eternal time.That is it's satta. Just like the formless Brahm maintains its satta as different from Jeeva tattva. Both maintain their personalities. Thus there is no question of falldown of jeevatma,for there is no falldown in the first place. *** If you say jeevatma fell down from Vaikuntha,where did Sri Krsna's ever increaing All attractiveness go ??? In the liberated state,we MAY get attracted to the miserable material world ??? It is like a slap on the Vaisnavacharyas who tirelessly propagate that Sri Krsna is Supreme Bliss itself. getting attracted to material happiness AFTER attaining goloka,means that BLISS is different from Sri Krsna.Otherwise why would anyone get attracted to material world ?? BUT there is one little snag. RASO VAI SAHA. He is BLISS itself. He is BLISS itself He is BLISS itself He is BLISS itself. SADA PASYANTI SURAYAH TAD VISHNOH PARAMAM PADAM. SADA SADA SADA. For ETERNITY,the siddhas stay in Vaikuntha. ***
  20. This is the most pathetic discussion i have ever seen. You people have built an entire castle on a few statements of SP. I mean these statements don't even come from scriptures. Then again there is the problem that SP never says it directly, "You are dreaming.You have entered the Mahat tattva as a subconscious entity as a PROJECTION." This is just so pathetic. This means that Jeeva Gosvami may,in the future,get the body of a pig,if he has some 'selfish desires'. You know how offensive this is ??? I don't even think you can nullify this aparadha. And it's not even as if you have any scriptural support. You'll have just built it upon your own imagination. And if a person says you'll are wrong,you all merely overwhelm him and send him away.
  21. So You want to say that SRIMAD BHAGVATAM is man made,interpolated,manipulated and NOT AN AUTHORITY amongst vaishnavas ??? OKAY,try telling that to...i don't know...Vaishnavas ? Lets consider manipulation of the above text. It is a Vaishnava text.Someone interpolates it.So why is Lord SadaShiva being hailed as equal to Lord Vishnu ? It is a vaishnava text,which has been the study scripture of millions of vaishnavas over thousands of years.So now,a vaishnava will infuse such verses which apparently demeans the position of his own Lord Vishnu ? Why. I understand if a Shaivite interpolating Shiva purana to suit his own views.But will a shaiva interpolate Maha shiva purana to glorify Lord Vishnu ??? No. So how do you say that bhagavatam is interpolated? *** I agree i'm not an authority,but have you ever considered what a position you are in ?? I suggest you tread carefully before you commit offense. This is a personal advice.
  22. Why ? I gave you pramana from Svetasvatara upanishad. You chose to 'interpret' it. Whereas your quote that Lord Shiva worships Lord Vishnu holds true.I am not even opposing it. It is YOU who is 'interpreting' rudra as that implying Vishnu. Shaivites can say the same now,can't they ?? Then there is Skanda upanishad. *** Thanks for enlightening me about the higher position of Shruti over smriti. But you didn't seem quite to follow the other norm That smriti is greater than Itihasa before. You say that some smritis are man made,ordinary,etc. HOW DO YOU KNOW WHICH ONES ARE? YOU CLAIM THE SAME ABOUT Radhikopanishad and Radha tapani upanishad. Pray tell me,do you have complete understanding of brahm,that you know which shruti corroborates and which does not. No offense,but you couldn't even identify Sri Ramacharitmanas as containing truths that can only be found in the hearts of realised transcendentalists.
  23. The vedanta is saying that the jeevatma is not Infinite ,but neither is he of the form of the body. Srila Vedavyasa made 3 sutras for clearing this out. If there was more to it(jeevatma) than it's atomic nature,it would have been specified in the Vedanta. So WHAT is going on here ?
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