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Everything posted by Amlesh

  1. I can understand that you know things AS IT IS.
  2. At last Dark Warrior, get to hear something from you. I undersand your points, I cannot blame the Founder, but the ISKCON Bhaktas do have to make some progress in this field. But the SP taught the right lessons; many can't understand them.
  3. Yep, there is no other way. Initially, it appears to be tough, but when done, it is the easiest. But to invoke the initial setup, we need to chant, as prescribed by the Great Acharyas.
  4. I don't think we need to confess to the one who already knows our sins even well before committing it. Accepting our vileness and surrendering is the real process. Mea Culpa, is only a temporary and mild atonement process which does not remove the sin from the root level.
  5. True, none of the aspects should be neglected. If we analyze our scriptures, we can see that The Vedas [Thesis] do speak a lot about Physical Nature and that the Upanishad [AntiThesis] is more focussed on the Spiritual platform. The Gita [synthesis], is the only scripture that brings these 2 extremities to a common ground, not neglecting anything. Any of these scientific experiments should not be claimed to be false or seen with an envious eye. The reason is simple, all these scientific experiments gives proofs of the Credibility of the Vedas. Everything has already been said, we are only proving it.
  6. I do share the same point of view as Theist and Bija and I should thank Bishadi for his neutral but frank point of view which I find it as True.
  7. He is someone that you always try to evade from. I suppose for you, God is Nature.
  8. Refreshing indeed. Thanks dudes.
  9. Theist, on his usual ride. Thanks dude, for knowing how to mark an end to a thread in a conclusive way, which I suppose, very few have. Lucky we are, for you to be among us.
  10. Might be, but if there are 1001 Darwins with 1001 thesis, it will take time for me to bring forward an approval, anti-thesis or may be synthesis of all what they said. Surely, anything lacking spiritual elements, is incomplete. Man who is abusive and who is a slave to misconduct is under the cathegory to Dumbo. You are right, but original remains the original. The original is complete in itself. Nothing to add and nothing to remove. I'm understanding where you are coming to, but Darwin left the spiritual element concentrating only on Physical aspects. Krishna considered both. You can start a new thread for that. I don't like the Versioning of Truth. It will make the present Truth falsified in the near future. Everything is mutable except the spiritual element. It seems you are neglecting it. Truth is as old as the hills and mountains, Srila Prabhupad never invented or extended the philosophies given by Bhaktivinoda Thakura. He just taught what Bhaktivinoda Thakura taught. The Guru is satisfied when the Knowledge acquired by the Student is on the track followed by the ancient. You have seen people evolve, did you see improvement or rather a degenerated society. Nirguna is the stage above satva Guna. Nothing to do with niraakaar and saakaar. But the ultimatum is Bhakti. You are right, but you have missed the element of mercy from Krishna. I've told you earlier I don't like the word belief. I've never say no to your way of acquiring knowledge, but it's never conclusive but speculative. If i'll ask you when will your doubt be dissipated and reach a sound conclusion, I'm still wondering about your answer. My way for gaining knowledge is not a predetermined way, I wait for the mercy of Krishna and the devotees like Hanuman, Sita Maa and his other dear most. If you find it irrational then so be it. I don't mind to lose my integrity in front of anyone. I don't mind if I'm proved wrong in this forum. I don't mind if I'm called the very Dumbo. I suppose I need to thank Hari to let me have this capacity or if you like, this incapacity. Anyways will do. Once I was accused of never quoting or giving facts from Shatras, today I'm accused of being mirroring others thoughts. Decide for yourself. I prefer the way you don't like, it's safer and more beautiful and more conclusive and also more rational. I don't trust my dirty mind to collect Gyan, I prefer the Lord to cater for that.
  11. Your Job is assigned according to your ability and your nature. Vyas Dev was asked to Compile Vedas because he is a Brahmin. Likewise Arjun was asked to fight because he was a Kshatriya. He does not like interchange of Job. That's why he said, better be destroyed accomplishing your duty which is in accordance to your nature than to do a job which is not according to your nature and achieve success. You won't be asked to do such a job if it is against you. And I suppose, the changing of garment affects you a lot. know it for certain Death does not exist.
  12. And who says Krishna is not here, He is here, all we need is that beautiful vision which is tough to explain on forums. Ask Theist, he is the best Teacher out here.
  13. I like your humbleness. your questions have shown your intelligence, not your ignorance. These days very rarely people can ask themselves these questions. Krishna says, though he is the creator, but still he is not the doer. Our path to enjoyment or suffering, it's only us who create. flood, Famine, Disease, Nuclear accident are all the merit that we have cultivated by our own hands, when the time harvest has come, we ask ourself why? When Krishna says Kill, it might seem so he is saying Kill, But it's only Him who said, for the soul there is neither birth or death, "Na hanti na hanyate", no one kills and no one dies. Now, our being here, is something important. Think deeply, in a country, where do we put criminals? obviously in jails. Likewise, materially affected people lives in this material world. Imagine, how can a person like me, who is full of sin, be part of Vaikuntha where perfected being like Hanuman, Narada and Bhisma lives. Don't u think I'll disturb them? The world is the best place and has all the ingredients to overcome our frailties and know things in its proper place. After knowing the unknown the doors of Vainkuntha will be opened where there is no Famine etc, since vice and virtue does not exist and in consequence no reactions to suffer or to enjoy. And remember Krishna does not enjoy all that, he himself suffered the loss of his favorites, Abhimanyu, Ghatockgaj, Bhisma, Karna etc. But duty is duty for the sake of Truth. Ram accepted to Leave his dear wife Sita because of Duty and If our dear lord can sacrifice, then why not us also. Now concerning all the cheap talks of Politician, then if you know Gita, you will be like the swan which can differentiate between right and wrong.
  14. No, I did not read much about Darwin, but I've heard about him. Concerning nature, it is ever existing and it is not whole truth but part of truth. It is something that even dumbo can sense. the theory of evolution was spoken well before Darwin said it. It is Gita who proclaimed, "The physical world is ever permutable" and the spirit is ever changeless. When you come here, speak something new dude. Or if the issue is old then give credit to Krishna not to the Darwin, whose theory will be baffled in years to come by some new Dumbo. concerning master and student stuff, I appreciate your view which is beautiful, but reality is something else. Never is a time that a student can surpass his master. If the student believe so, he is no longer worthy for any credit. the reason is simple, if we think like that, he have already doubted the credibility of our Guru. I don't have faith in Good, it is an element for binding me to the material world. And i don't like the word faith. I want to rise above that also. To the stage of Nirguna. Now you try to understand the Nirguna stage above Satva Guna. Gita was spoken, many many years ago, has anyone been able to add something new in that Divine song. So how can one try to make a better Truth. I never neglect material nature, because I know its Source, That Supreme Brahman, Our dear krishna.
  15. Thanks cBrahma. It is that only that I wanted to point out. And you are the best in quoting the appropriate thing at the appropriate time and circumstance.
  16. All your life and many more to come, you'll be jumping like a monkey only. Or rather wait for some time, your theory of evolution will modify you from Cats to monkeys. your way of analizing things are cute for us, but not for you, your approach is never conclusive and I can't say either it is Asymptotic, it is oscillating.
  17. Lots of morality in appearance, but not really deep and wise in substance. To follow the Bhakti marga, in short term basis and as it appears is a choice but the event that has been decided by Krishna, is inevitable, whether you agree or don't agree to carry on with the task. Krishna says, "Rise above vice and virtue". What you have said is according to your calculation which might be infused with Vice or virtue or mixed. But what the divine has calculated is free from any vice and virtue. To carry on with that calculation depends on your great fortune, which is opened to a very few. And to know that Krishna is God or not is another issue. If Theist or cBrahma wants to elaborate more on this, it will be our great fortune.
  18. Well, did you ever ask the question, how SP ever thought about himself. Just try to investigate, all those who are against SP saying Rascal will stop blabbering abou this issue and will be happy to be proclaimed as 3rd Class Rascals. And don't you all worry, no one can surpass me in that order. just to make you all relieve about it.
  19. In all 12 know that Supreme Truth, it was confirmed by Yamraj himself to his Dutas. When the latter were confronted in a peaceful debate by the Vishnu Dutas. That's why the MahaBharata suggest us to follow anyone of them.
  20. you like the evolution process, be it knowledge or body. My dear cat, it will take a huge amount of time if you continue in this process to become one day a lion. It is not me who says so, but the theory of evolution. Truth does not depend on evolution, it is eternal and changeless. But personally, I still like to hear from you, in a temporary and short run basis, your views do outline important points which we can deal with our eternal and already existing knowledge [bhagvata Doctrine].
  21. taking or not taking the Lord's name is not a matter of the degree of exaltedness but that of time factor. If I'm taking the name of Jesus, I should take into consideration what his student has learnt and accordingly deploy my words. Likewise, the Student of SP knows the name of Krishna, accordingly the name of Krishna should be associated. Otherwise, the meaning conveyed by our saying will be detrimental for the first instance and incomplete in the second.
  22. Kool; if it can make the Sai devotees happy or understand something. But as far as i know, Srila Prabhupada never treats authentic Gurus, whether Mayavadi leader Sankaracharya as rascal or fool. I'll remove you from my cathegory, you've proved to be intelligent by not saying for the sake of argument.
  23. He didn't take the name of Jesus but that of S Prabhupada. And SP did reveal Krishna's name. When all the lines that SP wrote were attached by the Lord's name, I understand that whenever taking the name of SP, whether relating some stories about him or quoting from Him, it should be linked with Krishna. As simple as that.
  24. Interestingly for me, the word rascal and fool sounded as sweet as nectar when coming from his lips. The way of viewing it might be different from person to person. Maybe because, among the fools and rascals I'm matchless.
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