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Everything posted by Amlesh

  1. A frustrated little boy or a frustrated Sanyassi sincerely surrendered to Hari is far much better than an exalted personalty devoid of the Bhagvata Doctrine.
  2. Sorry dude, to have answered you in such an uncivilian way. My mistake and I admit it. Sorry again.
  3. Thanks dude, you've defined it nicely.
  4. I'm at a war, but this time the weapon is different. MK Gandhi ......(Truth)
  5. Those monk are fighting for their own deliverance, a vaishnava does not care for his own deliverance but that of others. But it's a shame that many organisation, have concocted some process of spiritual realisation for their own material benefit. If I sum it up I can say, everything has become a show.
  6. Ok srikanthdk71. But you should have replied that on the other thread. This thread is to help the fellow from the fear of ghost. I don't glorify the past, I just take example from it. By the way, vice and virue is as old as hills and mountains, in our stupidity and intelligence, there is never originality, it's the past that makes us aware of our mistakes and help us improve our present for a better future. Got it....
  7. Go and argue with Sukadeva Goswami. Even then I'll explain to you why???? The concept of superiority is a relative concept, incluenced only through time, because at a given future time, the ghost will be subjected a body and hence be brought to the same level as a human or lower than a human (incase he gets an animal body). How about the case of superiority? The soul is covered by 8 layers. Each layer is an impediment to self restriction and further desire motivations. When 5 layers are removed, it is left with only 3, making the soul less desiring for all kind of wants. After paying for his sins, he gets a material body accordingly.
  8. Yep, even there, it will depend on the subtle elements [intelligence, mind and ego] and likewise reflect the act of the individual. Even if the gross body is not there but still the 3 subtle elements don't leave him, till the individual acquire another body.
  9. Bhagvatam says superior than Human are Ghost, they don't possess any material body [on a temporary basis]. Anyways, whatever you are feeling is a mind game. Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
  10. It's good that Dark did not hear you. I would have enjoyed the show, and given him a hand also.
  11. The Bhagvata Doctrine is not tagged by the time factor. It stood in the past, it stands in the present and will stand in the future. Your comments are good for forwarding via mails and texting via mobile phones. The Lord should not only be realised from within but from all sides. Read the Gita well before posting any of your comments.
  12. True.... It's better to be ignorant rather than misinterpreting something. Any knowledge acquired but still not yet realized is incomplete. True also, the more knowledgeable the more the amount of responsibility, sometimes one might ponder, it would have been better being ignorant, but the wise knows that Truth is something difficult to maintain, but when once digested, it becomes the sweetest. Adhering to truth stands out to be the real test.
  13. I admit about Parsuram, but that of Vishwamitra is a fact. So still my point stands. Concerning being a sudra putra shows us the evergreen misintepretation of Varna System. Even though a Sudra Putra, still Karna was on the Battle Field following his instinct.
  14. Really surprising from your part. It's an example often cited by greats. About the rare example; it's really rare from your part to make such useless comment. Concerning Vidura he was subjected to the same misinterpretation of Varna System as today. Truth he only knew. I do admit that ones birth is not an accident it is based on guna karma, but that does not mean it is a mandatory criteria.
  15. Don't teach me Vaishnavism, there is no chance I'll understand. It's not that I'm a bad student, you are a bad teacher.
  16. Thanks to the great Saint Tukaram... The history of Maharashtra is deeply connected to that.
  17. Whatever action is undertaken by a Bhakta, that too of His calibre, is above all dualities(including vice & virtue, correctness & incorrectness...) Your argument does not even stand... Kulapavan is certainly a great devotee and so are BhaktaJan, Theist:)
  18. Cent per cent, but it's also true that not many of his followers are abiding by the principles laid by Srila Prabhupad, and He was well aware about this forthcoming scenario.
  19. You have a more refine and cooler way of putting things. I hope someday I'll be able to learn that art from you.
  20. And since when did I say birth is not an important criteria???? But it is not also a mandatory criteria. Go and learn the term Svadharma and then come to comment. To hell with your stupid philosophies... I do have an example, Parashram was born is a Brahman family but turned out to be a kshatriya and also Vishwamitra was born in a Kshatriya family but became a Brahmana. Dude, you are all Vaishnavas; behave like one.
  21. Yep, my views perfectly converge with yours. Only a Hari Bhakta can think like that, without a tinge of self interest. Jai Radhe Krishna.
  22. Nope, it's only for naming conventions... Vaishnavism means end of all designations. The word need not exist, but in this material world, we do need a name to call someone. What does the name holds should be the real question.
  23. Yep, it reminds me of Mira Bai, she wanted to meet one of the greatest Sanyassi of her time. The Sanyassi refused to meet her saying, I'm not allowed to meet a Woman. Mira Bai smiled and said, "I thought Krishna was the only male out here, anyways, who dares challenge Him." When the Swami heard this from his disciples, he immediately went to have the Darshan of the universal mother.
  24. The solution lies in the proper understanding to the problem. It's true that being a Brahmana is not something determined by birth, color, country of origin etc... It depends on the nature of an individual. However it's also true that we cannot set up some factory or academic institution to produce Swamis, just like that... It sounds too easy, as if Alice in Wonderland. It depends on many criterias, thorough testing and investigation should be made before initiating someone. The proper functionning of this world depends on Brahmanas, if they themselves are corrupted, what will happen to other ordinay people.
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