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Posts posted by Bishadi

  1. It seems when Einstein mentions the childish aspects of beliefs, it is quite easy to recognize that honesty and integrity is where the error is.


    Meaning when one side suggests 'miracle' or 'omnipotence' or 'it's a phenomenon'...... that nothing is of magic but that the understanding of the evidence is incorrectly described.


    it is childish to ever become complacent to a belief over reality.


    Words from another contributor



    To live in accordance with the essence of things, as Socrates said, is the premise of the moral life. One cannot live in peace of mind without at the same time being in harmony with reality.” Also, “The premises of a moral life is based on a covenant with reality.” “No life is authentic that is in conflict with the order of the universe.”


    And not knowing the order of the universe constitutes a serious handicap in living a moral life!


    the truth lives in absolution...........all else is speculation


    He was surely influenced by those who presented "belief in God". And this you find almost anywhere.


    Seems like any person alive would be influenced by beliefs.


    Just the same, since peace and equality is not upon this earth than most all the religions are still held in complacent beliefs by so many of the current 'fakes'........



    Fake Hindu swamis, sanyasis, babas, gurus and godmen thrive in a society which lacks awareness about the true essence of Hindu spirituality.
    As the true spirit 'of' is not by maintaining rituals and sayings just to appease the like believers by the prime rules must be 'golden'.


    Such that to "This is the sum of duty: do naught to others which if done to thee would cause thee pain "


    which shares responsibility to each person and that in itself maintains no furtherance of material knowledge that is not grounded in truth. as to mislead a mind with selfish imput of failing doctrine to global peace, then ill regard for the 'other' ruins the golden truth.


    By regarding these hypothetical cases as science fiction, proposals can soon be advanced for cloning considered "reasonable" or "compassionate": the procreation of a child in a family whose father suffers from aspermia or to replace the dying child of a widowed mother; one could say that these cases have nothing to do with the fantasies of science fiction.

    But what would be the anthropological significance of this activity in the deplorable prospect of applying it to man?"

    Not sure the question but no need to worry about that 'uploading' of mind into an SAI or such. Them road blocks have already been identified but stem cell research and simulating dna is old news.


    This realization is the beginning of God realization. How can we claim to be God realized if we haven't realized the nature of our self yet?



    I believe it far more valuable to use logic to help someone understand aham brahmasmi then to try and convince them the Lord came as a gigantic boar and rescued the earth from the ocean that fills half the universe with his tusks.


    First the self then the Superself and then one can talk of various incarnations and pastimes etc. This is my view anyway.

    So the true premise of Understanding is reality.


    Krsna says, "time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds.."

    BG 11.32


    In other words, when God says that He's the destroyer of the worlds, does this mean we can play God and also start killing?

    But we can create life as well we can define that called death.


    So in a pure sense, to continue, we must destroy but to live we create.


    Since it is now in the Vaishnava school-books - biological life is what the world of living entities is made of - these questions were asked by some students.

    "Does that mean that a soulless animal gave birth to and raised the first 46-chromosome homo sapien with a soul?

    Or did man evolve from dirt (mass and energy)?


    All life has ‘purpose’ defined as ‘intent to continue.’

    That change that occurred is simply that the ‘experience’ of life is felt. In a molecular or scientific frame, the energy of mind is associated to existence with the ability of predetermination; energy (light) is increasing potential greater than the reactive potential because of the entanglement to its environment. (see casimir) Meaning; that a spark of light is increasing its ‘flame’ greater that the fuel of (wood) consumption based on the input of sensory perception: entanglement to the environment.

    Think in the line of a single celled organism and a rock. The organism has intent to continue, thereby moves to consume fuel/energy. It senses its surroundings to absorb more energy.

    Now think in the lines of sentience; it is the association of other persons by words that entangles the present with the conscious of past experiences while predetermining the future in thought.


    How did that work?
    Energy is entangled to everything else. Sentience can experience this association to everything else.


    Did that person mate with another soulless animal?
    Of course, there had to be that first One.


    Is the soul gene recessive or dominant?"
    See autism. Alive in human body yet not conscious. A gene is not what makes sentience; the collective and order of interaction does.

    Is intelligent design pseudo scientific?
    ID, seems to be a combination of science within a religion but return to ‘phenomenon’ to represent the undefined.



    "Which of the following comes closest to your view of human nature?

    1. Humans are composed of three parts; e.g., body, soul, and spirit. (trichotomism)

    2. Humans are composed of two parts: (dualism)

    2a. A body and a soul.

    2b. A body and a mind.

    3. Humans are composed of one 'part': a physical body. (physicalism)

    4. Who cares?"

    Compassion; consciousness is what allows a physical body to experience existence.

    The line items above are metaphorical descriptions.

    i.e…. define body, soul, mind…….. without equal definitions between parties; they are words! (sounds, symbols)


    Previously the great scientist's comments on religion - such as "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind" -


    "He's fairly unequivocal as to what he's saying. There's no beating about the bush," he told AFP.


    It just goes to prove that having so much brain substance and material knowledge can never alone reveal the existence of the Kingdom of God


    Prabhupada was determined to expose these mundane scientists as rascals and fools



    Except maybe if the true comprehension be recgonized

    I wondered what kind of body he is encaged in now
    We have schools, professor and even on this thread, people are honoring his contributions. His is still alive in his gifts; honor the man at least for the effort.



    'science with religion is lame, religion without science is blind'


    seems most would rather have their eyes.


    honor what good and build from there.


    at least, unlike some, he continued to work, even on his death bed ..... humble to the fact, he still did not have the full understanding of the truth


    and throughout history, many stand up as being 'the one' but until the sciences and religions combine for a set of knowledge to combine both the physical and metaphysical, then not a one has finished the work.....


    Try the focus of humility to learn rather than suggest one man knows the complete form of truth and you represent his teachings.


    IN fact I was beginning to think this was a Jewish site with all that secularization of compassionate contributors....


    Most mechanisms are beyond our control and knowledge.
    This kind of statement should never be allowed to cross the minds of a child.


    as any of 'enlightenment' or knowledge can share that all existence can be experienced and it is simply by words that we are incapable of defining the experience.


    but knowledge evolves my young friend and each are capable if we seek within the humility of choice.


    we are all equal, so as one can experience and describe, the next can also.


    in time, with all the contributions, then the total experience of existence can be One within the collective consciousness


    my friend it is really that close


    Metaphysical means "above the physical" or, in other words, "spiritual." In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna says, sarva-yonisu kaunteya: "In every living being there is a spirit soul." That is metaphysical understanding. Now either you accept Krsna's teachings as metaphysical, or you'll have to take a third-class fool's opinion as metaphysical. Which do you accept?


    often the 3rd class is better with the fools humility


    accept nature as the first guide, such that the first meal is 'naturally' from consumption; from even the mother's flesh (think brand new babies first meal)


    such as death of the sentient; thou shall not


    sentient being experiences choice. As to honor all life is natural; say thank you to mother earth for the sustenance.




    to drink water; a consumption of the microscopic life would be called murder with an over supposition to life's soulness.


    honor and appreciation is warranted but failure to honor the evolution oppresses sustanance to build the bodies development. (home of a consciousness)


    Could be likened to suppressing knowledge itself; the food that develops Understanding.

  10. Based on a priorities.


    Prabhupada: No husband, no children, one dog. Just see. Children—contraceptive. And dog—welcome
    Women comes to ‘see’ with personal companion (dog);not of a system to procreate, (huby/child)…. But to see (understand)


    Prabhupāda: For children—kill them. This is Kali-yuga.
    Period of the self; not life. Time of personal needs; kali-yuga.


    They are killing their own children and patting a dog. Just see how much fallen they are, and they’re passing as civilized. Fourth class.
    the choice of the self is less than ‘good’ (to support life). A judgment within the wisdom of words.
    Complaining of overpopulation, and the dog gives birth at a time half a dozen—there is no overpopulation, welcome; we shall maintain them. Huh?
    The choice of the self, still with no child but with many more for things for the self.


    They’re giving twice in a year, or once in a, even once in a year, that is no overpopulation. A man gives one or two birth, it is overpopulation. Formerly they are begetting hundred children. At that time there was no complaint of overpopulation. At that time, the description in the history is kāma vavara parjanya [SB 1.10.4]
    Then life was of purpose to continue; today is occupied by things (dog) many times over.


    On account of good rains, the earth used to produce immense necessities of life. Just like this portion is maintained with sufficient water, there is green everywhere. So if there is sufficient rain, everywhere you can do. Where is the question of overpopulation? [break] …population you work for growing food. No. Some of them are becoming hippies, no work. And some of them are working for manufacturing tire tube, tools, that’s all. Where is food? Still there is food, but they’ll not work for this, for growing food.

    need any more be said?


    "The unmotivated devotional service of your loving servitors always defeats You. Then having conquered You, such devotional service enters within You and secretly hides as the greatest of treasures." Sridhara (sold his banana wares to Lord Chaitanya) speaking to Lord Chaitanya. Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata, Madhya-khand Ch 9


    Does anyone have a nice explanation for this quote, especially how to best understand unmotivated devotional service? Is there any example you can give? Please explain this to me so that I can better understand what is meant by unmotivated devotional service? Thank you.





    Words defining selfless understanding.


    Man created words (do define experiences), each word is unmotivated (once created) unless understood, then once understood, the 'conscious' comprehends the treasures of love.

  12. Shivaduda,

    Thank you for the material to think on.


    The three forces (embodied by Brahma Vishnu and Shiva) are primeiveal forces of cosmic energy which involve the creation, the maintainence and the destruction...

    The ongoing process is a endless one and all three are "all powerful" in their own sense... and creation cant be complete without any one of the three.

    Mass, energy, time with personality…… a unique way to observe the combination; to the physical attributes of existence

    if a vehicle has three wheels it is obvious that only those who respect and accept each of the three wheels can drive the vehicle well...

    so also anyone seeking true knowledge cant find it unless he respects and values every aspect of the eternal existance.

    So as knowledge lives its life, often to build a new structure means tearing down the old back to the foundation; and of course recycle the material.


    Where there is no decay there is no progress either...

    if u were 10 meters away from your ishtadevata today even after a million years you would not be an inch closer...

    not many would want to be a part of such a existance... even if it existed.

    Such as the evolution of knowledge; to continue.

    we seriously should think if a plane where there is no fear of destruction and no one is capable of making anything new or thinking a new thought.. can be called "enervating" ... many would prefer a "perverted reflection" where a shankaracharya and a prabhupada are born and can come up with their new individual and unique enlightning thought processes.

    many would risk a death to get a chance to improve the meaning of life <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 12pt; HEIGHT: 12pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/images/smilies/smile.gif" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\TODDBI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>

    ideas could be like the colors of a rainbow, each combination make a new shade.

    To combine the wisdom of the fathers, contributors and the very guru that shares peace in his gifts to you; to assemble and convey the ‘good’ of this knowledge is a life greater than physical death

    "enervating" ……. A creation.


    C'mon Lord KRSNA it's time to make your timely appearance


    here and now as Supersoul.


    Please manifest yourself to me,


    I beg you dear Lord KRSNA


    as I need to feel your presence in my life here and now


    or else I'll simply be devoured whole meal by the forces of maya


    namely lust, anger and greed.


    Make me your KRSNA das.


    is that a prayer?


    what about recognizing KRSNA in all things? the mirror?


    since you can experience choice, maybe wash a dirty bowl, plant a tree, teach a child, all the while learning what is good, and contributing to existence with each creation of life you choose.


    r u krsna?


    could be! :>:>:>


    Who shall unequivocally speak the truth - boldly, uncompromisingly and fearlessly - to one and all, without consideration of any political correctness?
    from the position of this ‘I’…..

    to experience the choice, of such intent for the truth; can exist within each; by knowledge

    each can be such intent with the compassion for others over the self.

    To understand that the life of each can exist by supporting ‘life to continue,’ in choice; represents good.



    When all are doing wrong, be the first to do right, or just keep silent.


    Would that be the most KRSNA Conscious thing to do?




    Since consciousness experiences compassion and consciousness has no beginning or ending within existence; to observe the pain that can be reduced of other conscious persons with knowledge; the compassion to share the defined knowledge, begins Peace to the total of existence.

    Within the humility of ‘not knowing’ and then not acting, there is wisdom; no adversity to existence.

    But there is an old set of wisdom sharing the act of doing; if the bowl is dirty, wash it

    If there is purpose of good, then act for the completion.


    I know KRSNA here


    because I am KRSNA das


    KRSNA is my Lord and Master


    telling me from within His manifest presence


    in His Holy Name and as the divine preceptor the spiritual master


    KRSNA is known by His Srimad Bhagavatam,


    His Story Book Incarnation of Himself and His Pure Devotees


    There is no other way....


    as to suggest a learning of 'windows' came from the same book


    compassionate associations can be noted in such faith but understanding meets when many forms of knowledge, represented in the many faces of krsna (existence), combine for the truth to continue in the evolution of knowledge.


    What are the differences and similarities between the Hebrew prophets and Indias Holy men?
    Location and culture. During each period in time, there are men and women whom each of us hold true to their interpretations and delivering of good material knowledge. Almost like the wise of the period.

    As time passes their knowledge conveys and others build from the previous contributions. Just as now your choice of work is in observing the interpretations of previous teachers but the beauty is when more than one opinion is being learned for an assessment.

    With your assessment and the combining of the material opinions and observations a possible evolution can convey and who knows maybe you could be a profit of compassionate knowledge for our future generations.

    It’s all about the choice, the contributors offered their time, energy and experience to convey understanding for the next generations. From any religion in recorded history, each contributed knowledge for life to continue. Compassion is the beauty of the conscious. The combining basis that each offered was the human experience to life. It is the words and how the material is conveyed that often share different versions but universally, compassionate associations are the primary theme.

    So like wise the theme from this opinion is to share knowledge learned over the short period this “I” has experienced.


    I'm writing a paper for school and need some help. From what I've read so far(and that isn't much) I see similarities, but can't find the differences, could someone tell me where to look?
    It’s at your finger tips. Run a google for any questions you have. That is the beauty of the internet, you can observe material knowledge from most every university on the earth.

    Please observe these little reminders and when the universal truth behind the comprehension sets in, teach another.

    a few items for thought;

    Each makes their own choice.

    Always be honest with yourself.

    Good: supports life

    Bad: loss to the common

    Use these as tools when you experience that choice. :>:>

  17. in each sect of theology there are many representations of what was written, spoken of the suggested incarnations and affects.


    In observing the 'Triyuga' or how many in the West might suggest trinity.


    Body, mind, soul ...... or in a literal sense of trinity; mass, energy, time; One.


    For body, mind and soul to realize existence in form representing the key truths of understanding, then knowledge is the combining frame offering the balance between the three to be realized within each.


    It is by equality and premise of truth to return to the fixed aspects of knowledge with which to describe the experience of existence. In descriptions the words combine each person to the truth of the experience.


    since descriptions currently leave much to be desired where opinions spread the field of understanding to separate practitioners within each culture, it is by words and the precept of equality that sustains the evolution of knowledge to over come complacency of teachings.


    That final chapter for peace to exist is by the combining of knowledge and that knowledge brings all cultures together based on physical truths bringing medicine, food and Peace within the Understanding of Light!

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