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Posts posted by krishnadasa
As a Westerner, I'd be interested in knowing what the purpose of posting this was for? It certainly reinforced my opinion that Prabhupada was nothing more than a male chauvinist who would have fit right in with the patriarchal workings of Catholicism. In fact, he more than anything else has made the whole Krishna movement distasteful for me.
Spiritual things are like poisson, untill you leave the embrace of materialism. And what srila prabhupada spoke was perfect spirituality. How that can then be relishable for the materialistic public?
hari hari bol
I wonder whether this topic has got anything to do with this forum????
Kulapavana is a confused individual.
Muslims all over the world make sure Kafirs never live in peace. If not Israel, it's Kashmir, if not Kashmir, it's Chechnya, or Eastern Europe, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, bangladesh etc. In Bangladesh and pakistan, hindus have been exterminated by 'peace-loving muslims.' Then there are instances like Thailand where muslims have killed buddhist people too. Bottom line, muslims are killing non-muslims all over the world. So even if there's no Israel, muslims will continue killing kafirs all over the world.
That should be our primary concern, why Islam allows the killing, rape and plunder of non-muslims, even as it demands-quite hypocritically-rights and freedoms for its own people in Israel and elsewhere. In Saudi Arabia, any non-muslim religious symbol is confiscated at the airport itself, and dare these hypocrites demand freedom to practice their religion in non-muslim countries! Don't people like Kula have any shame or self-respect?
Of course, one cannot expect apologists like Kula to answer these questions. As far as he's concerned, all muslims are innocent, even though they've killed millions around the world, and the whole world, including Americans, Jews, Hindus, Russians, Filipinos, Thai, Lankans, Africans, Europeans are all oppressing Muslims! It is a world-wide conspiracy to oppress muslims (as if the rest of the world doesn't have better things to do), even though muslims are persisting in murderng, mutilating, raping millions upon millions year after year.
Sri Madhva is of the view that asuras will be asuras, they can never change. Didn't believe it before, but after observing blood-thirsty Islamists and their shameless apologists, I am beginning to believe it whole-heartedly.
With exceptions of Jaya and Vijaya in the form of ravana, kamsa, shishupala etc etc. Whomsoever Krishna himself kills are not simple beings, they are indeed his own devotees. afterall every activity of his lotus hands are for transdedental purpose
hari hari bol
You say chemical weapons - that is not proven and - even if...how would you fight irregular fighters [like the islamists]who are bent on nothing less than your termination?
You think that the "holocaust" was a collective jewish karma - that says it all about your support for these pigs called islamists - funny how you are critical of Israel but not of the islamists - you think the latter are a providential godsend to 'deal with them jews' - isn't that correct?
You've not said a word about the ballbearing and shrapnel plate laden rockets the hezbollah fired - was that not against "Geneva conventions"?
well, bhakta don, you ask us to choose among demons; for bharathiyas all the same; no one left us un-raped.....
the same old simple proverb prabhu.... As you sow , so shall you reap
hari hari bol
Actually I agree with the views of my namesake. Simply because I have experienced it all. India is highly corrupt and I find most Indians highly irritating and immature .I reside here so I know how it is .
India WAS a great nation during Vedic times,sadly thats not the case now.
We gauge a nations greatness according to the way the country is governed and the way the nation is looked after by its people.
I do feel sad at this crass commercialisation of our values but there is nothing we can do about it now. The burgeoning incidences of various diseases are a sign of things to come.
Personally, I see no hope for India either materially or spiritually!!!!
I see these people are leading thier life just according to time, palce and the situation. As they change so does the life...
hari hari bol
What say Krishnadasa? These people on the forum seem to equate progress
with economic growth and quote the National Income,per capita income etc etc
You siad:But I am talking about spiritual growth my frienfs and yes that does not mean going to temples and praying for materialistic things.....
Guest, take a proper username first , it takes only few minutes and takes away lots of confusion...
On the matter of sense enjoyment guesss Bharathiyas had had , for centuries , for ages when they ruled the world, now its the turn of kali and as u know he shows his effect more, where there is more devotion (kali is afraid of it). And i dun see any chance of Bharath leading the world atleast in the near future, or atleast until we get a devotee king like Parikshith Maharaj
Jai radhe
Honestly the problem with this age is quarrel, just quarrel, and only qaurrle, EVEN ON THE FORMS OF THE SUPREME...what an age , krishna save krishna save, common first worship, just quarrelling wudnt yield anyhting
Jaya jaya
Karma bhumi is for karma ; and bhoga bhumi is for bhoga
hari hari bol
If one realizes Vevekananda, one will be definitely delivered to Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Ramakrishna.
Best of lucks to you, to reach Krishna thru Swami vivekananda
Hari hari bol
Is this the same Vevekananda who ate mother cow & drank wine?
Yes! u re right! its the same!!! I wonder when ramakrishna (vivekananda's guru) became supreme personality of godhead????
God save Bharath and also Bharateeyas
Radhe radhe
Respected Krishnadasaji,
This not my statement, I am just a desciple of this great
Gurudev, Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya whoe's personality was a harmonious blend of a saint, spiritual scientist, yogi, philosopher, psychologist, writer, reformer, freedom fighter, researcher, eminent scholar and visionary. His life and work represent a marvelous synthesis of the noble thoughts and deeds of great personalities like Swami Vivekanand, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates and Confucius.
You can find more about him and his revolutionary literature at www awgp org
I read the literature in website what u said , they look like the ones written by Vivekananada. well such ones are good for the people who have no love towards krishna the orginal personality of godhead. They are very moral and empowering thoughts. Well belive me nothing can change over night, It took ages to bring the world to this stage (chaotic). And will take if not age but a century atleast to bring back in line ....
Hari hari bol
According to Vedmurty, Taponistha Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya, the world is not going to end. India has a very bright future. By 2011 India will be leading the entire world just like it did in olden times. If you want you can find out yourself in the book, "Glimpses of Golden Future" at
www awgp . org / books / english / glimpse_of_golden_future . pdf
Wish that cud happen! well lets see if krishna wills then sure!!!! not bad to dream about good:) isnt it?
radhe radhe
You say these spiritual worlds are permanent, eternal, and once you go to them, then you are stuck forever. This view seems more like fire and brimstone Christianity, the type of evangelical religions that I find utterly repulsive and truly devoid of real logic and sense. If this were the truth, even if I happened to go to heaven, I would be repulsed by such a God who would be so judgemental and unkind as to not give every soul the opportunity to improve themselves and attain Him, assuming He is worth attaining. It is the very antithesis of a God who is loving and kind and just.
Think of it. A person who has base desires all his life will have no desire to see God. Simple.. Just like a pig living in a pigsty will not be happy in a clean and palatial house and just like a clean man will detest a pig sty in the same way God gives everyone what they want and according to Madhva God is definitely just.
You think of evolution as a system of elevation in status. That people who are bad will later on become good. Except in rare cases a person takes many births and becomes more and more rajasic ,sattwic or tamasic and then liberation will free him from the material world and he can then "enjoy" the same permanently in the spiritual worlds forever! Got it???
And in that way they can never reach Krishna as he says in Gita!!!
both of these Christians and Muslims are no better for Bharath, both have done enough looting and destruction. Might be better among devils we can choose!!!!!!......
we have a saying " Muslims pierce from the front and are straight forward, but these so called christians are like slow poisson, wouldnt really know when it has taken over-jut like brits in India"
hari hari bol
In a way sometimes I see these terrorists are better than materialistic third class athiests scientists! afterall they have some element of GOD in thier whatever doings? otherwise todays world is moving on these scietists inventions.....
Hari hari bol
You said: Let me assure you that if you unconditionally dedicate yourselves to this Divine Mission, your own worldly responsibilities will be properly taken care of.
I appriciate your views and I pray taht you would be successfull. But the quoted sentence looks like a kind of bribe isnt it?
We need the ONE, and that ONE will be sent soon by Krishna , believe me, he will have a BOLT to thunder the wolrd , He will speak and the WORLD only listen. He says and the WORLD HAS TO FOLLOW. And those who dont will have no time to LIVE.
Hari hari bol
About 99% of Hindus in India have not read anything from Vedas or sastras and yet think they know better than others.
In gita Shri Krishna clearly states that none is equal to HIM and none is above HIM. Scripturally all your claims are FALSE and are merely your ignorant emotional rants.
Bhagavad Gita:
O Arjuna, even those devotees who worship demigods with faith, they too worship Me, but in an improper way(i.e. not in the prescribed way). (9.23)
Because I alone am the enjoyer of all Yajna, and the Lord. But, people do not know My true transcendental nature. Therefore, they fall (into the repeated cycles of birth and death). (9.24)
Vedas are also very clear as to who is the Lord. Lord Visnu is declared the Supreme and above all other Devatas including, Lakshmi Devi, Lord BrahmA, Lord Shiva, Parvati Devi etc. who are given in the order of superiority from highest to lowest. Lakshmi Devi is highest, followed by BrahmA, Saraswati Devi, Rudra or Shiva, parvati Devi in that order.
Even Lakshmi Devi cannot be compared Lord Narayana.
Question about Lord Ram allegedly worshipping Lord Shiva:
Please do a reading of scriptures rather than arguing by seeing some TV serials and movies. Knowing religion involves studying carefully.
Public Uername and password: dvaita
Padma purana says:
ahamapyavatAreShu tvAM cha rudra mahAbala |
tAmasAnAM mohanArthaM pUjayAmi yuge yuge ||
in the 'tAraka-brahma-rAja-samhitA', Vishnu says that he would,
for the sake of deluding the tAmasAs, worship Rudra in his
avatArAs and people will be deluded by such an adhArmic act.Shiva seeks:
anyadevaM varaM dehi prasiddhaM sarvajantuShu |
martyo bhUtvA bhavAneva mama sAdhaya keshava ||
mAM bhajasva cha devesha varaM matto gR^ihANa cha |
yenA.ahaM sarvabhUtAnAM pUjyAtpUjyataro.abhavam.h ||
Vishnu says:
devakAryAvatAreShu mAnuShatvamupeyivAn.h |
tvAmevArAdhayiShyAmi mama tvaM varado bhava ||
in the Rudra-gItA section of the varAha purANa (and a similar
incident in the kUrma purANa) narrate Shiva's obtaining the
boon of being worshipped by the Lord in his incarnations.
Thus, just like the Lord granted the boon of being the
charioteer to Arjuna, here too, his bestowing such a boon
should be seen as an indication of His easy accessibility to
his devotees (Ashrita-saulabhya-pradarshAnarthatvena) and not
as a hindrance to his being the parameshvara.
agreed~¬¬¬Thanks to brits however
hari hari bol
You have heard many devotees say that "please stop sleeping on the the lap of the witch called maya" Now isnt that offensive as Maya is also Durga devi.
In any case, Durga or Kali scares me. I mean i chant and i am not in fear of her because "rakhe krsna mare ke, mare krsna rakhe keIf krsna wants to protect you nobody can harm you, if krsna wants to kill you nobody can harm you"
So what i mean is, her whole persona and such scares me.
Oh and I had once an interesting encounter with a crazy(now i know not all durga or kali worshipers are crazy) durga or kali worshiper once on broad daylight during books which I will tell you later. Just say Jai Narshimadev.
Anyways thats my story.
Please clarify.
how can mother Durga can scare you i wonder, she looks so beutiful sitting on a tiger with vareity of weapons in her hands...
hari hari bol
According to Baidyanath Agiwal, 2 varNas were/are veggy, 2
were/are not. Can u guess which was/is which?
I liked ur bottom line
radhe radhe
and to all those who claim white skinned are aryans race, they shud know Krishna himself was balck (Oh he was the most beutiful yet). And also if u read Mahabharatha u can find instances referring mostly great people as dark skinned , just like Dronacharya and. I don want to prove some is greater that the other. what i want to say is that outside beuty does not say anything about the spirit inside . Its the same spirit everywhere in every living entity. and its the same Lord in everyone's heart. Krishna is same for all...... NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE
Hari hari bol
Were the ancient arians of India(some 8000 years ago) great eaters of meat?... at the time of the arians india was a strong super power....
might be u want to claim meat eating is better by showin aryans ate meat. Aryans is not a race or cult, anybody who is spiritually advacend is Arya and the rest an-arya. As in the former yugas people were spiritually advanced were called aryans.....Not that a huge body and white skin make ,a meat eater arya:smash: .
hari hari bol
Aryans never came to India or the Indian sub-continent , the Aryan invasion of India has been totally made up by the British coz they did'nt want to give credit to the ancient Indian society of high cultural,spiritual & scientific advancement .
thats very true, but what great impact they made was by changing our educational system with theirs, which made the genarations to think west is the best and the east is useless. Now, its up to us to change back to the old vedic system. But that seems to be near to impossible. When you see specially the rise of things ike Bollywood, IT and many more. Need of the time is a person spiritually very strong, one who can make miracles (to show the fools, uncomparable power of spirituality), a true devotee and over that a great warrior, who can literally defeat anything. If such a person shows how the vedic is the best ; naturally will there be a reason for the nowadays fools to stop follwing the english based and follow the vedic based. This can eventually change back to square. Krishna has to send someone of that sort!!!!
Lets hope we will get one eventuallyy!!!!!!!!
Jai shri gurudev
Hari hari bol
Gayatri mantra is scientific
in Spiritual Discussions
ya, even i feel science (nowadays) is so imperfect that it could be correlated with any of the vedic texts or mantras. Vedic stuff are perfect and chanted by perfected ones.... This new bogus logic of science and spirituality going hand in hand can bring some peace but only tempororily. .. I my self am a researcher and see how imperfect is this science and also the assmuptions it makes for certain things are very baseless......
We should bring back the vedic system.,And this has to be done from the house.......doesnt seem like people in Bharath know that still. afterall only if they get time to think after watching bollywood obscene movies,,,,