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Posts posted by krishnadasa

  1. I wonder how u must have got enlighment ? Infact, the ones who have realised the real existance as soul (if u take this as enlightment) then i imagine the way one speaks is entirely differnt (as confirmed in Bgvadgita), evry word will be a complete and whole truth.....


    kindly clarify what did u mean by engihtment


    hari bol

  2. First of all to get answers to such questions u shud try to reach a realsied soul, .well what more one can expect from the confused and biased minds...........


    reach out for a guru and i bet u will be liberated not only from all these questions but also from many more


    hari hari bol



  3. There is a story of Kupa Manduka (a frog in the well). It took for granted that the world is all about its well only to know thats not so when a frog from the ocean comes into the well......


    U got to be open minded to read, understand, inculcate and finally to realise the scriptures


    hari bol


    pavanasuta hanuman ki jai


  4. 1.Considering that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system, what makes up the Hindu religion?


    Thats wrong, religion teaches to give respect not only to the director but also to the people in the lower heirarchial level. Just like Supreme Lord is the Director and the other gods are the servants at different levels. Just following the supreme lord and ruling out the possibility of the existance of the other gods doesnt make any sense does it?



    2.What are the cultural and societal influences that have made Hinduism vital to the region in which it originated?


    Hinduism is the religion for the world. Its maim motto is to take away all devouring human suffering. and it vital to all the regions isnt it?


    3.Explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence.


    Remember earth is filled with miserable temporory things and Vaikunta is filled with permanent all blissfull things. The transfer of soul from the former to the later is called liberation


    hope that help




  5. The basic falw of te society nowadays is following so called "Anukula shastra" i.e the shastra doctored to advocate your activities. In other words we take only that seems to be good to us and consider it as shastra. Just like we may consider using condom as adharma , where as seggregation interms of so called castecism as dharma as its been mentioned in manu smrithis. Well the right intepretation and the right usage in right time is the key here. One cant expect to follow each and evry ordinace of shastra right now, as they are written dependenet of time and as the time changes they will be modified by the authorised spiritual masters sent by the supreme . But i imagine the basic things remain same , only some details change from one term to the other


    Hari bol


  6. Hey sephi,


    I greatly appreciate your debate with barney, guess both of you should be given credit for such a debate, just like had there been no duryodhana, there wud have never been the battle of kurukshethra, and the gita wud have been never spoken by the supreme.


    I do very less writing here, and then I think I do the right reading........


    hari hari bol


  7. indriyani parany ahur

    indriyebhyah param manah

    manasas tu para buddhir

    yo buddheh paratas tu sah


    The working senses are superior to dull matter; mind is higher than senses; intelligence is still higher than the mind; and he [the soul] is even higher than the intelligence.


    Hey remember we re neither north indians nor south indians we are the souls, the outer identity is just like the outer dress wich we have to throw one day.


    I just dont understand even after reading so many scripturs, we fail to understand the very core thing.


    Hari hari bol



  8. <Fear not Rajeskar, Rama himself will be pleased as will Hanuman>

    Good advice yet not healthy, for inqusition is fruitful only infront of a certified Guru, or else the answers tend to delude


    < A true bhakta questions his God or his Ishta and if one form is not befitting, lo there are others.>


    A TRUE bhakhtha is the one who has got no doubts abou his revering diety, not otherwise. Once one starts following and all of a sudden he leaves and picks the other , then that bhakthi is wandering, its not focussed and would be like pouring water over a rock, which wud never settle down.



    hari hari bol





  9. Srila prabhupada says all the dreams are nonsense!as it brings you to yet another illusion but yet the dreams of Krishna and Spiritual masters are always good and fortunate!


    so u re one of those!


    hari hari bol


  10. As I know if one likes to join Islam, then the very mullah surely makes the desired person to do two things


    1. cut the lower part for sunnat

    2. eat beef as the formal entry


    I dunno whether Quran says to eat beef or not , but it certainly refers to propetiating holy cows to allah to appeace him, and the obvious fact is that the sacrificed cows should later be eaten, comeon have you ever wondered how the supreme lord can be appeased by killing cows?


    I think the same thing holds good for christianity as well!


    Afterall both of the faiths started for either cave dwelers or for the nomads. Thats not the stuff for the holy vaishnawa who relishes by pleasing the Supreme Lord with ecstatic kirthan and hymns


    hari hari bol



  11. If you surrender to ALLAh- Then you wil have to eat Beef


    If you surrender to Jesus - Then you will have to drink


    And If you surrender to Krishna - Then you will have no restriction but to only Love Krishna


    So dear guest choose now whatever you want the choice is yours


    Hari Hari bol



  12. Before discussing this issue one should turnaround some of the history books I imagine. When we look in there its clearly evident that the so called british rule in India started in the folowing way.


    Although in the later point of time Brits look a kinda rogue people and so was the thought even for the country in genaral, in the beginning it was not so. Although the peeple who came were in need of money for the research and many more things back home, they had actually no idea of staying back and rule over. All the things started when a crooked and evil minded Guy called Mr. Roberet Clive with whom the british goivernment in Briton was very much worried about cos of his crooked and cunning nature . This very person because of the foresaid reason was sent to India. This was the most unfortunate thing ever happened to India as he later became the responsible person for the strong base of the east india company. I imagine this is the person who actually made use of the fact that Indians in other words the Indian so called Kings were fighting with each other and had lost Unity and Integrity.


    The reason for this partly being the religion as one can find the usual fights were normally between the later came muslim kings and the indigenous Hindu kings. Although there was a kind of Unity between the hindu kings but still lacked the strong Integrity and military power which cud surpass both Muslim and british rulers. So in any case if one sees although brits were partly respnsible for all the chaops existing now , the main responsible were the very old muslim kings who gave a start to the destruction by killing innocent priests and destroying out beutiful temples.


    Hari hari bol

  13. Hmm right discussion in between


    Guess this is a curse for bharatha varsha , which arose cos of the false social system existing°


    Just got to bring varnashrama - hatur varna dharma,then the things will balanace.


    On the main topic.


    Gandhi never proposed any such kind a dharma, he said all are equal, and he meant that in a vague manner. Only Krishna knows what exactly he meant when he saif all are equal. And the result you can see all the lowest class shudras however you call them SC /ST or anything, have taken the ruling chairs and raping both the country and the culture.


    Don be proud of gandhi, for he has brought (if you think so)such an independence , which has brought a much of turbulance than nothing!


    hari hari bol

  14. how did we gain independence?


    Thats a good question infact the question shud be framed in a rather different way. Why did the Brits leave only in 1947 august 14 th midnight? couldnt they live before that, ? or might be they found gandi's so called movement nonsensical before our so called independence date?


    He he the reason for independece is different, rather very very ugly, infact only few know (might pretend) it.


    Its cos Nehru used to have illicet realtion with Mount baton's wife /images/graemlins/tongue.gif and mount baton didnt want to loose his wife. So on asking Nehru to not to touch lady mount baton, nehru asked him to give independance /images/graemlins/shocked.gif, and so we got it on that date- well the story looks a little dupious, but still sometimes sounds sensible he he /images/graemlins/grin.gif

  15. The basic understanding of Vasudeva Kutumbakam has lost for Hindus . Although they consider europeans and americans as their family members of which the leader is Lord Vasudeva they have failed to do so for thier own people. The relations are made in india only on the basis of money. What to speak about self respect, self esteem and such fundas to these asses, have you ever seen a a Big Buffellow responding for Lound music he he , such is the situation. The ones who consider the relation only on the basis of money, one who desert the realtives if turned out to be poorer, how one can expect to be good to thier own land!!!!


    And yet there are if not many very very few who reely care about what you have said, these have to reely work hard to spread the essense the real matter, the real patriotism towards Vedas and Vedic land.


    The jeans which are bought in India are considered to be of low quality, but when the same one bought in US (exported from India) is considered to be of top qualilty. We have fallen in our own eyes, sometimes I think, the situation has reached to such a pathetic level, that the prayer is actualy required for Bharath not for US. Cos the dead ones don come back, wise thing to do is to pray for the living.


    hari hari bol



    hari hari bol




  16. This relates to the the well known old saying the "other side of the hill looks greener". This has what happened with the fellow indians. They have become so mad after Back street boys and Scorpions (rock bands) and that they have forgotten Agasthya and kashyapa. The parents are the ones to be blamed first as they failed to imbibe the Vedic culture right from the childhood. The second being the Indians living abroad, who even after being leading a terrible life sometimes show to be living a heavenly one, this naturally attracts (especially unemployed youths) to leave the Vedic land and occupy the Mlecha lands of whites. I myself sometimes feel so sick about me being in Europe, I sometimes relish thinking about those times when I used to attend regularly every other auspicious occasion at our Sri Vishnu temple near our house , the happiness was truly spiritual and now I realise the difference being happy here and there in my village. But nevertheless I appreciate the very thought as that motivates me more and more towards going back , back home to derive that happiness in serving the supreme lord , rather than staying here to make money and fall again in the cycle of births and deaths and also Karma.


    Hari hari bol

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