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Posts posted by krishnadasa

  1. If that whats said by Srila Raghavendra Swamiji (about eternal hell) hadnt been true then why still all the souls which are the part and parcel of the Lord's eternal body are suffering here. Since everyone was destined to go back they should have done so by now.


    Krishna is not everyone's piece of cake, however he sends his closest associates to revive the devotion of those devotees who have by mistake / bad friendship have fallen down. Infact once the devotee always the devotee even when he is fallen down krishna sees that his devotion is revived and thus he will be back, back to Krishna, by means of movements like Hare krishna movement.


    And then about the Danavas reaching vaikunta like Ravana , hiranyakashipu and so on are actually the devotees of the Lord and as I said earlier fall in the category of fallen devotees.


    hari hari bol


  2. When the people say that so called arayans (eurpoeans as they claim to be) following questions come to my mind which directly relates to the meaning of aryans according to the shastras


    -arya means advanced " and advanced means spiritually advanced !! he he what made these white europeans to all of a sudden turn to eat pig and cow (even in their break fasts)from their advanced spiritual stage?


    - What made these so called aryans to live without gettin marriage and leave and catch another at thier will - animilistic life?


    -What made these so called aryans to leave the nicest culture which they claim to have given to india and lead an animalistic materialistic way of life?


    and finally these British, bugs i wud say not only ate our welath but also raped our history !!!!well sometimes i feel these boody whites are responsible for alll the problems persisting in india - infact to certain extent more that by Muslims!!!


    what happened in London is not bad!!! but more brits shud have been killed , afterall karma matters


    Hari hari bol


  3. here he shows his experieces of many such types of powers which he says one gets on the runto realisation. A sincere yogi will not get bewildered and just goes on whith his meditation and finds the supreme


    you can find many more such type of things here


    its name is


    Living with the himalayan masters - by swami rama


    hari hari bol

  4. The vedic body of knowledge says Vasudeva kutumbakam , meanng the whole world is like a family and we all belong to the same god !! so all these sentiments like indian, american and so on are man made. The hinduism as its called as varnashrama dharma is for one and all and for all the people


    Hari hari bol


  5. When one takes birth for the first time, one will do so from one's mother's womb. And one will be named for the first time

    And the second time one will be initiated by a spiritual master and will be given a second time a name. And after this the person is suppossed to leave house to get lessons about Brahman from the Guru!!


    Hope that made it more clear


    hari hari bol

  6. [The truth is hidden and it's your inability to discover it]


    Nothing is hidden, when the lord came as Krishna , it was mentioned already that he comes as krishna and his parents will be devaki and vasudev. and its mentioned directly -:))

    Similar quatations u can find even for all other incarnations. But unfortunately/fortunately no baba is mentioned in any scriptures as god. And then lord whenever incarnated showed his spotless BEUTY , seeing whom anyone wud just become his follower .

    This is just a tip of iceberg, there are so many other things cn be presented just to refute the claim to be God. No one becomes God , God is God by birth, activities and pasttimes, God dosent have to sit and medidate to become one he he


    [it's people like you and me who are pretends to know all]


    True, that i know nothin!! but i m fortunate enough by the causless mercy of my spiritual master and the supreme lord Sri krishna to know atleast who is God-:)


    [Miracles are everywhere for those who believe. It's the possitive mind that generates miracle and it happens because God is inresident of self.]


    If you show a child which has never seen a glass breaking , show that it does, then its a miracle for the child , in other words its cos of ignorance which made the miracle. Understnad there are no miracles , just a play infront of an ignorant , when filled with knowledge, same ignorant becomes learned and sees as it is without doubt, then what to speak about miracles!!!


    [i AM IN YOU]


    Huuu! You are not in ME , We all are individual souls and yet same in quality



    Hari hari bol

  7. Dude can you debate with the net? i dun think so! debate can be done only with the living things, and forum consists of living biengs i guess.


    I can get info from the net, but cant debate with the dead info. to debate people have to be active and that can be found only in the forums

    hari hari bol

  8. As I see many jews hang around in this forum, I thought there must a great amount of similarity between the the Judaism and the religion what we follow in Bharath. But unfortunately I have very less knowledge about this particular faith which is followed in Israel mostly. So are my questions down here, let us start from the fundamentals and then develop slowly.


    1. Whats the basic difference b/w hinduism and Judaism?

    2. Does Judiams give a Beutiful form for the God?

    3. What are the things they think necessary for God realisation=?

    4. How many scriptures they possess for the same?

    5. Does it relate to Hinduism from time immemoria`?

    and lastly but not the least

    6. Who are their spiritual masters?


    Hari hari bol


  9. Why don u understand a simple truth? When god comes down its already written down in a simple and straight forward manner , with his names and also his parentage. None of these things exist about this being which his wordings claim to be!!!


    Well I dont want to scold this person for whatever reason he calls/pretends himself to be God . Its pity that people go on miracles. As srila prabupada says, miracles are for the ignorant , probably the genaration of kali if sent to sathya yuga, it woud say every other person there as God as every person in sathya was endowed with so many spiritual power.


    When the kid learns the science the nescience is broken and the knowledge is revealed, then what to speak about miracles???


    hari hari bol


  10. For me, this is a foolish way to live - ignoring the World and only concentrate in God's kingdom. This world is made by God and if He asks you, what beneficts you have given the world? What could you say? What answer you will give?


    Athato Brahma Jijnasa- Rig veda


    this means now the time has come to enquire about the absolute truth , and this enquiry naturally leads one to desire for the kingdom of peace and purity and this exists only in God's PERSONAL abode. Ya its very true that even this world is created by the Lord himself but for the revolutionaries who thought living independent of lord in a world different from one of its own is better. Now having known that thats foolishness , one should try for the Lord's kingdom again without wasting much of time in changing this world. Ofcourse during the process one can help others to reach the supreme abode together. Or I wud say is this what you mean by changing (helping) world? thats to say helping other to chant hari to get salvation? then thats welcome.


    You are very shallow in the way of the World. Your duties do not determine whether God will be please with you or not, it is how you perform your duties and approach God. Gita goes to whomever God pleases - with or without anyone's consent .


    Yes thats right! I consent with that!!! but normally one gets such type of birth (butcher) coz of his ill deeds , and ILL is absense of Lord.



    And besides, everyone who lives are "butchers" in same way - when we hurt other people's feelings, take what is not ours, say what is not true, see what shouldn't be seen and heard what you should not hear .


    Thats also right what u said. But what I meant was the real Butcher not the figurative one


    Good luck in obtaining your perfection, then. Mine lies in living my life properly


    Dude you asked for the referance from the gita and I showed it ! On the one hand you claim to love lord (as I saw from some of your answers on other threads) and here you try to go away from his own words. This looks a bit self contradictiry to me


    Hari hari bol






  11. If you do not live, then there is no reasons for you to exist. You might as born as a tree or stone. To me, this is a cowardice way to live - by afraid of living.


    Thats a blessing given so that the very ascetic and difficult /celibatic leavin come to an end and a new beutiful spiritual living at the lord's kingdom wud start .


    Disagree ... a person's duties itself do not bring him down to hell, it is his "sin". Gita said if you perform without attachment, you will become sinless. While we at it, do you think Yama Dharma is in hell? No, right ... despite of the fact that he takes countless lives, he is not destined to hell because he does the duty for God (Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma) without any attachments.


    I guess no butcer cud be that fortunate to come in contact with Gita (except exceptional cases). so its evident he will neither be knowing anythin about soul nor the supersoul


    I don't remember reading anywhere that the Lord said that the world is miseable and temporary


    Here is where the Lord mentions this world is temporory and miserable


    mam upetya punar janma

    duhkhalayam asasvatam

    napnuvanti mahatmanah

    samsiddhim paramam gatah


    mam--unto Me; upetya--achieving; punah--again; janma--birth; duhkhaalayam-- Place of miseries Ashashwatam - temporory

    apnuvanti--attain; maha-atmanah--the great souls; samsiddhim--

    perfection; paramam--ultimate; gatah--achieved.



    After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogis in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection.



    So dont waste time and start chanting the name of Hari


    hari hari bol



  12. Hear what Krishna says:......


    If I answer your prayer at once, it is because I am testing your faith.


    If did not answer your prayer at once, it is because I am testing your




    If I did not answer your prayer at all it is because I have a better


    plan for you. Remember Krishna's promises are yes and Haribol! He is God


    not man, which explains why He can never fail, hold on, don't be discouraged, your


    miracle is knocking at the door of your heart. A little more faith is what you


    need to see all your needs met. The Prayer Answering Krishna is saying He has met all


    your needs.


    This was sent as a mail attachment by one of my friends on the occasion of janmastami.


    Hope that brings some peace


    hari hari bol

  13. The basic quality the person should pocess to Understand krishna is submissiveness. You are lacking it so much. You get what you give, so are the answers here. As it has been said to see your hand you dont need a mirror do yu?


    This is not the way to ask /inquisite ! and then I have mostly seen that people tend to read few para or verses of Gita or for that matter any scriptures and keeping this as a weapon try to debate/quarrel. If you want to learn the human anatomy you must learn all the knowledge/books related that field. Otherwise you will end up in a conclusion like human body contains only bones . /images/graemlins/grin.gif


    Its infact useless to answer or debate with the kind of logic you present. First read all the scriptures properly and then come up with questions.


    Hari hari bol



  14. I imagine its only a point of view what matters. whats food for the pig is the stool for humans.


    but, here i see that even mature people are supporting evil only bcoz their mythical hero is supposed to have said to do that .


    You should note that Krishna himself went to Kauravas to have a settlement without war. He even showed his viswarupa to the people out there as well. But unfortunately except some (like Bhisma deva) couldnt understnd krishna and they insulted him saying Mayavi. So it became highly obvious to go for war then. All the kaurvas were highly sinful and those who supported them in this war also became one as they supported the sinful ones. And these have to be killed to purify /punish. And moreover the war was forced on pandavas. even if they hadnt liked to fight, they wud have had to do so as they wud have been killled otherwise .


    So the moral is that if the dialogue doesnt seem to work its better hold weapons and fight till the death, So that the peace prevails on the expense of the war. And this is wat we follow as we have seen the dialogues/negotiations always went in vain.


    is there any proof that krishna is the eternal parent ?other than the mythical books and your crooked ideas?


    Every realisation has got two stages, 1) theory 2) practice. So a sincere person should first read the theory (about how krishna is eternal parent) and then should practice the theory to realise the fact that Krishna is eternal parent. And then about the proof, even if I have it you wouldnt possess those eyes to see it, or any senses to percieve it. So make yourself eligible first then you would appreciate what I am saying.


    Hari hari bol

  15. This word has actually got no meaning. it was crfted by the third class minds to give rights to choose the leader by using the third class poeple. Otherwise what on earth can such a situation prevail. India can be taken as an example of how this so called democrcy fails.


    On the other hand the vedic way has to be utilised. Wherein the RIGHT people get the chance to select the leader for ALL (even for the third class men). And by doing so a RIGHT person will be selected.


    A society where in more than 90% of people are non vedic and having third class mentality , what can we expect when we ask them to choose the leaders?


    Well only hari can save us in that situation......


    I invite you including Sephi and Madhav to read the article below and see the hight of rascaldom of these Third class men. what to speak of democracy then?. Anyone who doesnt know Visnu wud deifinately be bewildered by this kinda unfortunate work.





    Hari hari bol


  16. Child is ignorant , and it can think rightly only when it becomes matured. To make it so it needs to be taken care by the parents. And Krishna is that (eternal) parent .


    Surrender to him and you will soon be matured from your tender childish state......


    hari hari bol


  17. I take a part of the lecture what srila Prabhupada said about the First class civilisation. Its quite evident then that the kinda civi'sion we are living in is just a third class one and so are the people living in that.


    HH Srila prabhupada says


    Now... In another place it is also clearly stated: yanti deva-vrata devan pitrn yanti pitr-vratah. So karanam guna-sango 'sya. Therefore the first-class civilization is that which associates with the modes of goodness. That is, means, brahminical civilization. Truthful, satyam samo damas titiksa arjava..., jnanam vijnanam astikyam brahma-karma svabhava-jam. This is first-class civilization. People must be truthful, they must be equipoised, not disturbed, not being disturbed by different situations. They must learn how to control the senses. They must learn how to control the mind. Samo damas ti... They must be tolerant, titiksa. Arjava: they must be very simple, no duplicity. Arjava. Jnanam: they must know everything in full knowledge. Vijnanam: apply the knowledge in practical life. Astikyam: they must believe in the Vedic injunctions. Astikya. That is called astikya. The atheist and, and theist. The theist believes in the Vedic injunction. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah. That is theist. Not that "I believe in God." They must believe in the injunction of the Vedas; what is said in the Vedas, one must believe. That is called theist. As we have given several times the example: the Vedas says that cow dung is pure. One who believes in that, he is theist. And one who does not believe in the words of the Vedas, they want to change, they want to misinterpret, interpolate, they are atheists. Bhagavad-gita, anyone misinterpreting, giving wrong interpretation, or according to his concocted inter..., they are atheists. Theist, he'll believe all the words of Bhagavad-gita as it is, as Arjuna believed: sarvam etad rtam manye yad vadasi kesava. "My dear Krsna, whatever You are speaking, without any malinterpretation, without any change of words, I believe in it." This is theist understanding. Not like the so-called rascal scholars: "It is not like this. It is not like that. I think it is like this." These are all rascaldom


    So , the best medicine is to turn the Third class civi into the first class civi is to fill the atmosphere with the spiritualism. And the easieist way to do it is chanting the names of the Lord .


    Why still waiting then........ /images/graemlins/confused.gif..start chanting the name of the Lord Hari and make your life successfull /images/graemlins/laugh.gif


    Hari hari bol


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