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Posts posted by krishnadasa
the fight with ur husband is just coincidental it has got nothin to do with your eye flickering. Then one small adive. Respect ur hubby more than u ever did he will never fight with u rather feel ashamed to do it
hari hari bol
shastra says BHUMANDALA, and in this word there is a word ANDA and it means egg shaped, cetainyl that does mean earth isnt flat is it?
good if she affends krishna, she will become HKs one day, coz takes into shelter even his haters; just see wht happend to Hiranay kashipu, ravana , oh lord he fave them vaikunta
If you ask any Hindu Priest he will say he never followed or observed ISKCON in the devotional way at all.
It looks like you have made a survey of Indian priests to have an authoritative statement like that, havent u?
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Srila Prabhupada is not an Indian he came for the world. True indians always thought in the word WOLRD rather than some specific country. This kinda thougth was brought us /forced on us by Brits and still sticks to us thats quite unfortunate. Otherwise there was only one king and for the one world and her name was Prithvi/dhatri or earth.
Then what made westeners leave the beutiful culture and start following hippy culture. I am afraid u will not have any answere as you didnt really have any culture. NO OFFENCE
I see still brits eat something called as blood pudding in thier break fast (pudding made up of blood) well Veda must have told somewhere about this doesn it:smash: ?
Wealth and culture flooded in India for many centuries, its only few hundres years she started seeing adharma and akaala......and so is the resultant india//////////
Hari hari bol
Hi,I am new and I hope nobody's offended by this, but my friend has made some convincing points, which made me sit up and take notice. When I said I was becoming interested in SP's teachings, he said SP was trying to get western people return to their roots.
I didn't understand, initially, but what he meant was that Hinduism (or vedic dharma or SD, whatever) was brought to India by the west, and now Indians like SP were doing them a favor by returning that great religion to the rightful owner, namely the west. Is that true? At first, it seemed odd but it makes sense now. Such a great and wonderful religion could've been founded only in the west, nowhere else. So is it OK for westerners to 'lay claims' to Hinduism? Or is that offensive?
I don't want to argue about this, I simply want to know your insights and learn more.
Hare Krsna!
don bother about things like wher it came from! bother about following it and getting benigited from it
hari hari bol
i dont think u shud compare the acharyas like that in degrading sense!!!
All acharyas are equal and they had a definite objective
hari hari bol
Nimbarka ie., Dvaitadvaitha is the complete philosophy.It contains essence of both dvaita & advaitha. It accepts both doctines in one way or other. So it is complete philosophy.
Moreover, Nimbarka is only philosophy comingly direct chain from God(Krsna). Krsna taught the philosophy to his "Hamsa" avatar. Hamsa taught it to "Sanath kumaras". Sanath kumaras directly appeared in person to Sri Nimbarkacharya and taught the philosophy.
Sri Nimbarkacharya got darshan of "Sri RadhaKrishna" (whereas other acharyas such as Sankara, Ramanuja & Madhva didnt got).
Jai Radhekrishna
you re fooled!!! i have no other word:)
It's the bloody educational system which Brits brought to replace the Indian Vedic gurukul. This education system really sucks, its out to make everyone equal, true, everyone as perfect sudra class.
This trend (going to west) has been seen happenin only in recent 25 years , else in olden days , i remember how my grand parents used to get away from Mlecha culture. I see its only the education system which potrays the the Westeners (Whites) are high and Vedic is low (they say its non -scientific).
If we bring the |vedic eductaion| back then again the true India will be shown to the world. well thats stilll a dream and cant be done in near future. Or until all the westeners like you know the hollowness of thier culture / imperfect educational system
Hari Hari bol
from which scripture is this verse from?
Some one told be longtime back
Be a FACT finding machine not a FAULT finding one
prahlada maharaj when he was kid asked his fellow mates to listen to his commentry ratherr than wasting time in playing. But that was differnt time, and now the time is differnt. As Sripada Madhwa used to be one of the greatest sportive kids during his childhood. He used to jump from high hill to the ground at one stretch ad used to defeat all his frinds in Wrestling. He even used o advise his desciples to take sport and excersise to keep themselves fit. Without proper health, where can there be devotion?
there is a saying in one of the regional langauges in India, Kalakke Thakka Kola meaning go according to the time
hari hari bol
Just one question is it mentioned in any of the scriptures about, when these barabric rule in India by politicians end? when will again a Vaishnawa king will come into power? when will ther be peace from the rule of melecha and barabarians?
Hari hari bol
Thanks a million; post more of this kind,
That was cherishable
hari hari bol
indonesians eat Monkey's head
Some Afrikans eat Human beings
I my view and from what i have seen till now following can be termed as tending to pure vaishnawas
Some Madhwas
Some Ramanujas
No offense , this is just my view it could be utterly wrong
in the course to satiate the dirty desires of the English queen to lord over the world, the english made everyhting english. as simple as that. Otherwise how on earth the beutiful sanatan culture which was in india has been converted to the nameless mixed culture now:crying2:
Hari Hari bol
Good question !!
this question has bogged my mind so many times and indeed I have aksed this question directly to the Lord of my heart so evrytime , and I got the same answer as follows
" Dear I think you are lukcy, because inquring about such things will take more near to Krishna and more away from this material world. Not everyone is blessed to think in this way":smash:
i know what u re pointing at, but listen tol this small poem,
Pothi Pothi Pade Jag mUha,
Pndith Hua na koyi
Dhyi achhar prem ka pade so pndith hoyi
hari hari bol
Discussing anything about Islam is just a waste thing to do. Better spend that time in chanting some more rounds.
What to show way to the pretending rascals!!!!
Hari Hari bol
Does anybody know the actual meaning of this?My understanding is they will be judged. (together I think?) Collectivily.
So I guess after death they have to wait in some kind of slumber before being transported. (I wonder how long the wait will be?).
So I am of the feeling (and they really cannot deny it) they will be judged individually perhaps. Anybody really studied this? Here.
there was a devotee in the holy place of Udipi, his name was Purandara Dasa. He had composed millions of songs on lord krishna. Indeed he had in his time composed some songs on Ganesh ad lrod shiva as well. Whenever he sung about them he in the end sung, like ' Oh dear ganesh, please bless me so that I would think all the time of Hari' similarly for Lord shiva.
so i see no offense in worshipping or praying Ganesh or for that matter any other gods, incase one has a sincere prayer to keep one's mind on the Lotus feet of Lord hari. Afterall every soul is the part and the parcel so are the demigods
Hari Hari bol
Hare Krishna Kripamoya,
Thank you verymuch fo your answer. My doubts are gone after your reply
Hari Hari bol
Hare Krishna to all,
Yesterday I had dream where in someone sent me a box , which when I opend I found
1) Some Lingas
2) A very big brown colored Lord Ganesha's Idle with some tilak on his forehead
there were some other things as well, but by the time i could open other things I woke up all of sudden.
What does this mean , i am not bale to comprehend!!!
Can anybody help me in this
Hari Hari bol
Vaikuntha Planets
in Spiritual Discussions
Guess it deals with the degree of understyanding of a person. Just like if i say not all become devotee of Lord Krishna, only the sattvic ones , then doesnt it say that the salvation is only for the sattvic souls. Had all been good guess all wud have become devotees , thats not true and you can see that infront of you. So if you relate this with the distinction what Sripada Madhwa made i imagine his theory holds perfectly true....
In addition I have read Srila Prabahupada mentioning in his lectures about how all his followers were in some past lives the devotees of Lord hari....
Not all can become devotees so not all can reach vaikuta. Well it does hold good however that once a devotee then the devotee for ever
Hari hari bol