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Posts posted by krishnadasa

  1. firstly stop blaming the Lord for ur deeds. :eek4:


    And then remember the world has changed and its difficult to get a girl who truly loves u! what normally girls like is ur






    see that in future u never get attached to any girl/////Huuu


    Hari hari bol

    p.s: Krishna will anywaya take u out of this. as he isnt with any Gunas he is in always spiritual mode of goodnesss


    Hare Krishna

    I posted before long time ago

    I just wannet to share you this new drawing with alot of help of govinda, drew.


    I dont like to say I DREW IT , because I am not capable of such things, but I asked help and prayed strong to krishna and vishnu, to help me draw this, if not, draw it for me and use me as his tool,

    I hope you enjoy

    that was good indeed. But dear why did you drew Visnu with a sad face? He is Sac chit Ananda , all time happy. Or propbaly a bit unhappy coz of filth in the world:(


    Haro Hari bol

  3. Krishna is same as Visnu. Just like a Judge in the court and the same Judge as a grand father for his grand child. When the Judge is in court he is Visnu, but when he is in the house he is Krishna../


    I dunno much about Swami Narayana, but he isnt a ras$£%^. Can you please be humble in your wordings:P


    Hari Hari bol

  4. I do agree that usama, mullah omar and many more like him are actually bringn the destrcution of humanity as well the relgion. But i guess in no way the so called world leaders have to be appriciated in anyways. Hehe Taliban was made by these leaders and they just pay the price for what they or thier anscestors might have done...


    Believe The Light is Only in The devine Bharathavarsha where the supreme played with his devotees in the play ground of vrandavana. And a humble soul born in such a place can only lift this world, not a soul born in a Mlecha country in a Mlecha body.....


    No offence here I am dealing w.r.t soul. If eg: Bush wants to lift this worldthen probably he has to take birth as a Devotee (of Arjuna or Bhimas's calibre) in Bharathavarsha then he would have success


    Sri Hari Hari bol

  5. I guess if you are really a servant of the lord, there is no harm in asking \krishna for anything. Afterall whom do u call if u re in danger! in one or other way u shud be calling Krishna. Krishna never minds as u re really in trouble...(He is named as Bhakthavatsala, Apathbandahva and by many more names- meaning he is the real helper)


    One should not ask for material comfort , but one can certainely beg for materail necessity!!


    Hari Hari bol

  6. here are the transaltions for the verses from garuda purana


    1.96.72 "By eating garlic and onion one becomes sinful and as atonement one should perform Candrayana. If one takes meat after worshiping deities and manes in Sraddha one does not acquire sin."


    1.96.73 "If one kills animals otherwise (and eats their flesh) he will fall into hell and remain there for as many days as there are hairs on that animal. Eschewing flesh a devotee attains God Hari after due prayer."


    1.97.10 "...[for purification] he should touch his right ear. Gods of Fire, etc. stay in the right ear of a brahmana.

  7. thats not superstition (i mean which makes ur husband's lifespan more). Indeed what u re doing (calling ur husbnad by hs name) isnt Vedic. And then it really doesnt matter if ur husband likes it that way!


    But dont say something superstition withiout knowing anything about the scriptures


    And then get one nice username before writing anyithing here


    Hari Hari bol

  8. God does only incarnate in India, and then India was not the same india what you see, india was the whole world, i mean , just like Sri Parikshith Maharaj ruled over the entire panet . So in that way it wud be wise to think that Krishna incarnates on the earth rather than narrowing the thought w.r.t to some so called country


    And about the acharyas its wise to follow only those whose appearence has been foretold. Afterall risk with the spiritual things can cost many many lives (unlike material risk which can cost only a life). Better to follow the acharyas authorised , recommonded in the scriptures .


    hari hari bol

  9. I wonder why the foolish dont want to become witty.

    hari bol


    Then it is most logical to assume that when a cow dies a natural death, the best thing to do is to eat that cow. Old cows have tough meat, but there r ways to soften it very well. It is much better to eat it than let it rot. Especially when many people around are starving. Or should we sacrifice cattle earlier, when they r not productive otherwise? The Wedaas advice gomedha, and also that the sterile cows should b given to braahmanaas for sacrifice. Sacrifice is thought to benefit the victim too, isn't it so?

    Did i make you angry? forgive me, i almost never eat cattle meat; only once or twice a year i m so tightly forced as to do so. Still other people eat cattle meat every day and eat it together with dairy products, and still they seem to enjoy heaven's favor much more than me.

  10. Its always easy to comment by being at the safer end , doesnt it? I dont know whether you are with some indian origin. If not then there is no point in discussing this with you. I understand that whole muslim community cant be blamed for something thats happened cos of few people, but then I have experienced personally, how these people are utterly biased with us . They don have slightest respect to our religion . In whatever way they show respect, ultimately they follow thie misintepreted Quran , which says idle worshippers are demons. I guess you too worship krishna like me, and according to them I and you both are demons. And demons have got no right to live so kill them, this is what the so called holy Quran says.......


    Hari Hari bol


    P.S:How can a person living in the luxury of England can ever know the pain of Kashmiri Pandits who have been driven /massacred from their own land


    Even the Lord descended (not everytime but most of the time) only to take away the dirt..........

  11. I am a follower of Lord Shri Hari , but I also dont belong to the category of fightingon who is better and who is superior. The Lord is in the heart and he shows (guides) as he likes as he has got no one to command.

    I felt good about your sincere request about worhsipping Lord Shambhu. If thats for the Mukhthi, then its similar to worship Lord Visnu as Shiva can get you Mukhthi thru Visnu just like a Great Acharya can do.

    I can help you this matter of how to worhsip Shiva and what are the basic requrements and so on. But I need time as I also live outside India and it might take a while to get in touch with folks following Shambhu ardently....

    Dont you worry, Shambhu wil take care if you are sincere..

    Someone said truely

    Kailasavasa Gaurisha Isha

    Thailadhareyanthe Manasu kodo Hariyalli.........shamboooooo


    Oh the one the Lord of Kailasa, the Lord of Mata Gauri...

    Please bless me so that I could think ofthat supreme lord Shri hari, always

    Hari hari bol

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