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Posts posted by krishnadasa


    If one analyzes the scientific evidence, where are the bones. I mean, if there were millions of dinosaurs, why arent we trippin over bones.


    Easy answer, folks, bones turn to dust as well. There are no bones left from dwarapa yuga, showing twelve foot human skeletons. However, there may be isolated discoveries, and these are pursued by certain scientists.


    The dinosaur bones that we come accross are ones unfortunate enough to fall into peat bogs, get engulfed by pumice from cytoclastic lava blasts, and other things that have perservative effect. But humans dont generally hang at peat bogs, not very good living situation, so dwarapa yuga humans didnt generally get stuck there.


    The C14 is bogus and very discredited process. The process has no way of differentiaTING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 5000 years and 50,000 years..


    Anyway, have a nice end of the world, see yall in the survival camps. Remember, your karatalas will be found by future anthropologists, but they might be mistaken as weapons. But we dont care, because they are weapons.


    hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


    these modern scietists , they dont keep any stone unturned to make themselves greatest fools he he:rolleyes: , mightier fools are those who follow them anyways- u see what i mean, the 99.99% of todays population, the varnashnkara public:crying2:


    Jai radhe


    hari hari bol


    You know I've always wondered about that. If humans frequently cremated their dead at that time we may have no way of knowing scientifically that anatomically modern humans like us may have lived at that time and had civilization. Also if during this age humans made things out of metal more than they made things out of stone we would have no way of knowing either. The only remains of a possible lost civilization during the Ice Age are the pyramids off the coast of Japan and the Bimini Road in the Carribean area....those two could be our link to deciphering the strange mysteries of human civilization.


    On another interesting note I have learned that the Egyptian pyramids are aligned with Orion's belt which could only have been built when Orion was at it's lowest point during 10,500 BC, unfortunately carbon 14 dating says otherwise. Also the Sphinx has water erosion on it...the last time there was constant rainfall in Egypt was during the Ice Age. Crazy huh? Could carbon 14 dating be wrong?


    Honestly , i totally disagree with whatsoever theory the modern science brings out about the civilisation. On the otherhand, i firmly belive our scriptures, they dont change with time do they, but these science is very imperfect and cant see anything in the future. I don agree that egyptians or for that matter, whomsoever the modern science claims to be very civilised at certain time in the past. Indeed I firmly believe that the most civilised people were living in the Bharathevarsha. Afterall the supreme lord Krishna himself came to this land . Believe me this is the land of devotees, this is the land of actual science , the science of soul, and at the end of the day , this only remains..... Also the burrying of bodies is considered to be tamsic and is done only for dead animals in Sanatana dharma, so this clearly indicates even mummyfying is a kind of tamsic act.:smash:


    Science is very imperfect,:crazy: it cant even see the presence of supreme lord and his manifestation!! Maya is heavily fooling the modern scientist.... God save modern scientists......:pray:


    Hari hari bol


    I just want to put my two cents into this topic. If anyone pays close attention to the flood/ Atlantis-like stories around the world you will see that something DID happen. They are, after all, found all around the world. Do they Vedas not say civilizations have come and gone? What could be found lying in the ocean that we don't know about? What about those pyramids off the coast of Japan, they could only have been built when the oceans were lower, in other words during the Ice Age. If anyone recalls the frozen mammoth they found a while back that had warm climate food in its mouth and stomach.....don't you find that to be a little weird? Something catastrophic happened.


    I also have a book on a theory that the Mayans were using the stars to predict the next catastrophe, just to let you know the mayans believe in cycles like the Hindus do.


    Unfortunately, we are not able to find any mammothic human bodies which existed during Dwapara age , apparently coz we burnt the bodies after the death we don burry them.....


    hari hari bol


    I am talking about dreams that have lead to various objects being unearthed and miracles happening. The disciples dont have dreams devoid of any meaning. Also, Dvaitha follows hard logic unlike other philosophies ,sometimes people find it difficult to accept this philoposhy as it violates the comfort zone that they weave around them. There are certain hard facts to accept and people in general dont find that very comforting,instead they adopt a philosophy that can comfort their tired bodies and souls. I like Gaudiya, but Dvaitha is logical and believes that the Lord is not only kind and loving but also just. All cannot reach Swarga. People experience different levels of happiness accordign to their "Swabava" or nature. All souls are not alike and can be characterized into Sattwic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Only the Sattwic souls can have "Aparoksha Jnanam" (direct realization) of Lord Narayana .Only they go to Vaikunta and other spiritual heavens .The Rajasika go to a different world just like Earth only a bit better. There they have varying degrees of happiness and grief.


    The Tamasikas fall into hell known as Andhan Tamas where there us only darkness, ignorance and grief. All these worlds are eternal and permanent with no escape.All this happens after one obtains liberation or "Moksha" . So "Moksha" doesnt mean that a person is going to Vaikunta ,he may go to any of the spiritual planets ,even Hell.


    This philosophy shakes you to the core and is a wake up call to all those who thought they could sneak into Heaven just by frequenting temples and later on committing heinous crimes.Though all souls have a mixture of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas it is a question of which 'guna' preponderates.


    thats perfect and thats dwaitha , i always see this scientific. and this is the reason why Sripada Madwa has been counted as the one of he thirteen great soluls knowing spirituality pefectly


    hari hari bol


    There is no Hindusm in this World - only Secular Hindus who follow halfheartily while still living a life of sin.


    Among Buddhist societies, they have forgotten the teaching of Gautama Buddha and taken up some new sect called Pure land Buddhism which teachs them to work to be reborn in some Pureland.


    Jews are in danger of being bombed and Muslims literally rule the World by default using their "We are the victims" crying techniques, Christians more interested in promoting Atheism and people simply doesn't care about God and Spiritualism anymore.


    Frankly speaking, I will welcome the End of this World and usher the New Age. :pray:


    Thats very true! the Hinduism seems to sneak inside Bollywood heroes and heroines :smash:


    hari hari bol


    only if you want to see such gurus in a bad light.

    I cant dare to speak anyhting against vaishnawa. You got me wrong! what i meant was, from outside they may be very weak because of the sickness, but from inside they are knowing the all knower, or might be the lord inside is taking care about them specially.... Hope you had me now


    Hari hari bol


    Hi I too belong to the Madhva sect. You are right ,The Madhvaites have not predicted any end of the world scenarios . But all the same, Tha Mayans were no fools either. They are, as everyone can see, a descendant of the Ancient Indians.Their methods of worshoip are also similar to the Hindus. Since these

    people were great Mathematical geniuses who computed the value of "pi" to the sixth or seventh decimal(i dont really know) ,I am sure they wouldnt commit any major slip ups when it comes to predicting future events.


    i dun understand your point! and especially the way u re relating the madwas (they are not sect) with the mayans (am I right calling tem that way?) . And you calim to be madhwa! apprently u seem to even support christainity as i saw some of ur old threads...

    Ther calender ended coz that particular sect ends after 2012 , its as simple as that, thats in no way realets to any end to this world:smash:


    hari hari bol


    Dandavats, Namaste!



    For example: reincarnation works differently for a totally clueless person who doesn't believe in reincarnation, who has lived a life with a mix of papa and punya, has no sukritya, and has not prepared themselves for death. They assume it is an automatic process or they don't even want to think about it.


    please tell me then wat happens to the people given in ur example? wat kinda reincarnation they get?


    hari hari bol


    I've read somewhere that people who tend to have visions of someone just have a chemical imbalance and nothing more. They're not observing the person's atma or soul or anything like that, it's just a matter of brain chemistry gone wrong. I know that many people who meditate see visions and many wondrous experiences, and some even get to see God Himself. Are these necessarily due to chemical imbalance as well? If not, why not? How do we know that these visions and mystical encounters and such aren't due to chemical imbalance?


    see whether he or she has got a authorised guru or a guru in that lineage, if not better not to believe.........

    hari hari bol

  10. Guess india as has been named by the sages as Punya bhumi holds a perfect atmo for the spiritual realisation, on the other hand the west which is called a Bhoga bhumi holds the perfect atmo for sensual pleasure . But look at the lord's mercy in this age of kali he has brought the devotion in bhoga bhumi as well.....no wonder when the punya bhumi is turning into a kind of bhoga bhumi isnt it?:smash::(:confused::mad2:


    hari hari bol

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