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Everything posted by maadhav

  1. maadhav


    i am pleased you decided to learn about hinduism. enve thoug there are separate spiritual planets (heavens), one can really feel happy here too by practing a yoga of choice as given in gita by krishna. one has to advance in a yoga to some extent to feel heaven here. i suggest you read gita eery day, even just one shloka if no more. more the better, bur be regular. a web page called panchajanya has very good article that give good info about hinduism. you can find it using google search. feel free to ask in friendly manner as you learn. wishing you best. understand hinduism, practiec it well, and try to stop malpractice if you see any where. once you undderstand something correclty, you can share it with interestd people.
  2. aa yannaH patnIr gamanti achchhaa tvashhTaa supaaNir dadhaatu vIraan ..## Rg. 7.34.20 ## When our wives come near to us, may He, the divine creator give us brave sons. Rg. 7.34.20 this says that the vedic woman's first duty is to produce khstriyas. she does not have to go to fight battles. (only rarely can a woman do so.)
  3. tmanaa samatsu hinota yaGYa.m dadhaata ketu.m janaaya vIram ..## Rg. 7.34.6 ## Proceed swiftly to the battle of life and set up a new flag of your victory, O hero, in the service of mankind. Rg. 7.34.6
  4. i cannot think of a black skinned european. only a very few of the vedic people from the indian subcontinent are of white skin.
  5. daNdaa ivedgo ajanaasa aasan parichchhinaa bharataa arbhakaasa. abhavach cha pura etaa vasishhTa aadittR^itsunaa.m visho aprathanta..## Rg. 7.33.6 ## The illustrious people find themselves like the stripped staves wherewith herdsman drives the cattle. The illustrious people are found defenseless. The celebrated sage, then, becomes their chief and leader. Then the fighters for justice flourish. Rg. 7.33.6 -------- this seems to say that no one should try to convert kshatriyas. has any swami given any good purport on this verse? if so, i would like to know what it is. ask your guru please.
  6. prabhupada was not the first to give sanatana dharma to the white skined people of europe. the below verse is the proof. -------------- shvitya~n cho maa dakshiNatas kapardaa dhiya.mjinvaaso abhi hi prasanduH. uttishhThan voche pari barhishho nR^Inno me dUraadavitae vasishhTaaH..## Rg. 7.33.1 ## (by maitraavaruNirvasishhTa rishi) My wisest disciples are the ones whoa re the accomplishers of holy ceremonies and of white complexion. They bear lock of hair on the right side. They give me delight. I call these disciples to sit on the sacred grass (near the altar). May they never stay far from me. Rg. 7.33.1 (by maitraavaruNirvasishhTa rishi). ============ perhaps the HK's would like to revive this vedic tradition of bearing lock of hair on right side in memory of the guru. sri maitraa-varuNir-vasishhTa guru maharana ki jai!
  7. Arya is pronounced as aarya. aarya is a person who accepts teh authority of the vedas and lives by it. aaryavarta is the land where aryas live. itis india. at one time the whole earth was aaryavarta. aaryavarti is a hindi word for aryan or hindustani or hindu. aaryavarti means aarya. Aryan is an english word. it means aarya to the hindus. to the non hindus it means one who is born in a superior race Aryan. however, aaryan is not a race at all. we know it from the vedic literature. no one is Aryan or aarya till he/she accepts the authority of the vedas and lives by it. aarya is also know as sanatana dharmi or varnasrami or hindu.
  8. read gita at http://www.asitis.com it has all the truth, supreme trutn, absolute truth, personfied truth.
  9. bhagavan vyasdev wrote the history as he witnessed it. he did not write a fiction. ganesh was his scribe. vayasa was able to compose verses very fast, and needed some one who can write it so fast. finally he requested ganesh for the work. none else could do it, he found. here is the dialogue between vyas and ganesh. vyasa: i request your help to write verses as i compose. ususlly i compose very fast. ganesh: i am too fast in writing and write very accurately. but i cannot wait while you compose. you cannot keep up with my speed. vyasa: well genesh ji, i have one more request. i would compose and give you verses as fast as i could, but please agree that you would not write any verse till you know it is true and you undertand it well. ganesh: i agee. so, with this arrangement, vyasa would occasionally compose a difficult verse, ganesh would stop writing till he understood it. mean while vyasa would compose many more verses. a faithless person can hadrly derive any benefit from mahabharat that includes bhagavad gita as a chapter. rather that thinking of the history, one needs to read it with faith and benefit from it. no hindu would or should say mahabharat is a fiction.
  10. maadhav


    do you? why or why not?
  11. i do not like it. << Rama - The heroic man who is disguised as Vishnu. >> rama a 'man' and an imposter or Visnu? this kills the spirit of ramayana. this could make manyhindus offended and angry. some may even mistakenly think this is how ramayana is. i do nto see any enefit coming out of this fiction. it seems it has intent to confuse non hindus about the hindu scripture. i have not rea teh whole post, but one sample above gives the hint what it is. i suggest it be deleted.
  12. one who surrenders to krishna does not worry like this.
  13. tvam dhR^ishhNo dhR^ishhataa vItahavyam praavo vishvaabhirUtibhiH sudasam. pra paurukutsim trasadasyumaavaH kshetra saataa vR^itrahatyeshhu pUrum ..## Rg. 7.19.3 Undaunted resplendent Lord, you protect, with all your assistance, the generous and the offerer of homage. You protect a man of discretion and of ripe wisdom in the struggle against any adversary, a person terror to the cruel. Rg. 7.19.3 bush is doing this: terrorise the terrorists. thus we the vedic people need to "struggle against the adversary" barbaric ideology that has invaded in india.
  14. pra ye gR^ihaad amamadus tvaayaa paraasharaH shatayaatur vasishhTaH. na te bhojasya sakhyam mR^ishhantaadhaa sUribhyaH sudinaa vyuchchhaan .. ## Rg. 7.18.21 ## Neither the destroyers of hundreds of infidels (asuric invaders), nor the noblest sages, who glorify you in every home, will neglect your friendship, O benefactor. So, may prosperous days dawn upon these pious devotees. Rg. 7.18.21 the words in parenthesis are mine. gandhi never read this. sad.
  15. aavad indram yamunaa tR^itsavash cha praatra bhedam sarvataataa mushhaayat. ajaasash cha shigravo yakshavash cha balim shIrshhaaNi jabhrur ashvyaani..## Rg. 7.18.19 ## Those, who abide by the order, and who fight to defend virtues, perform worship, and promote godly actions. The Lord, when he destroys turbulent actions in the struggle, the brilliant intellectuals, and the eloquent speakers, and divine powers cooperate in this sacred work. Rg. 7.18.19 This is what i understand: Those who abide by the order (of krishna in gita,) and who fight (asuras/terrorism) to defend virtues, (they) perform worship and promote godly actions (practice dharma corrctly.) The Lord, when he destroys (helps us destroy) turbulent actions (of enemies) in the struggle, (then) the brilliant intellectuals, the eloquent speakers, and divine powers cooperate in this sacred work. (Unity and cooperation is good to do, and is needed.)
  16. maadhav


    very good, saketram!
  17. dear Ganeshprasad ji, you have understood me correctly. thanks. please help others understand what we understand. << We can not blame the new generations of muslim for their aggression. >> the balme is that they follow islam even when they are the decendents of the hindus who were forcibly converted. now that they have freedom to come back to hinduism, they are adamently following islam, and islam is not compatible, in principle, with hinduism. the same decendents are acting as our etrenal enemies, and have taken away a large part of devabhoomi. the enemity can stop when either they give up islam. if they go to live in pak, then they ususlly engage in activities hostile to india. and we cannot check their activies. << also do not forget most of the muslims would be converted hindus, their ancesters would have been hindus. so it would be nice if we can bring them back to the family. their is no need to further alienate them. >> it is not just nice, it is very essential. if their ancestors were converted by force to accept a barbaric ideology (a negative chagne), then, if civil persuation cannot make them give up islam, there is nothing wrong to force them to give up islam. that change is in positive direction. they can pick up any vedic religion except xianity if they choose to live in india. even no religion is fine too, but no islam. and there are non violent ways to achieve this end. economic bycott is a verys strong weapon.
  18. << but because he's a perfect god's servant >> yes, and the other pointis that even when the guru may not be perfect, one can not learn anything from a guru if one cannot hold such reverance for the guru. sure there is some risk, but it is worth taking. a disciple is free to quit a guru if he sees there is no more learning or that the guru is not qualified as it was thought originally. similarly a guru can reject a disciple if the disciple is found not right.
  19. to reap the benefit of invasions and aggressions. isalm has invaded india. the aggresor invaders and their generations are reaping the benefits. we hindus have lost a lot over 1000 years. the agend of islam has not changed.
  20. maadhav


    just as a hospital is an essential institution in a society, a temple is an essential religious institution. temple is more important for bhakti yogis and karma yogis than for gyan yogis. most hindus are bhaktas. pracicing dharma in group makes one advance faster. it then becomes a cooperative effort. when there is cooperation, then 1+1 is more than 2. those who constructed and used thousands of temple in the vedic time and are using now are not fools. temples keep dharma alive in a society. just as a stage atracts dancers, a temple attracts sadhus and saints and aacharyas to cmoe there for darshan and give religious discourses. the heart/strength of the temples is not the buildings, but in the bhakti in the hearts of the supporters and swamis who come there. no hindu should ever think that temples are not important. it is a place to learn and practice dharma.
  21. thanks! you have understood me. no aggresor/invaders should be allowed to reap/enjoy/keep any benefit from the aggreson. the followers of aggresive islam - invaders - and their generation is ripping the benefits of their invaions. we lost land, temples, lives, dignity of may women, vedic libraried, etc. even when they are minority, their aggresive mentality does not go away. their insist that a majsid will/must stay on top of a hindu temple. this has to change.
  22. please share the names and locations of the temples. they may or may not have good reason to be so rude, but it is not common. a hindus could be any one of any nationality or race or color, but most look like indians. so for those who look like non-indians, it wouldbe a good idea to contact temple authority and introduce your self and tell him what your interest is to come to the temple and if you could come. then, if your interest is friendly, it is most likely theywill welcome you. but just intruding in a temple where no one knows you, could scare them in this time of terrorism. please share your future good experienes as well.
  23. << so your idea is weak >> if krishna's word is weak, dear saatvik. traiguNya vishhayaa veda naistriguNyo bhavaarjuna - krishna (gita)
  24. << arjuna is a pure devotee and again you do not know >> how you would like to live in a country that has no police and military please? why not? because no police and soldier is a pure devotee in any country. there fore all teh countries are wasting their money and manpower in keepign police and military forces. right? think.
  25. << The General Secretary of the World Council of Hindus, Shri Ashok Singhal, has explained that in spite of the rich diversity of religious sects and traditions in Hinduism, there is a certain unity because their principles are based on the 'eternal laws of nature' which can be rightly defined as Sanatana Dharma. This name also signifies unity in diversity. The Land of Hindus: Hindusthan >> listen on world!
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