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Everything posted by maadhav

  1. << --a large group among hindus believe that soul does not exist >> not true, as i knpw the hindus first hand and in person. << I nor any indians will say the message in Bhagvat Gita is for any particular group --so why call it hinduism? >> it is just a new name of sanatana dharma, and we have freedom to choose any name. so we chose to accept that name. drink some apple juice if you do not like it. << .... so how can they be reunite? >> we have no obligtion to show you how. you will see that they will. will it be any problem for you? sure, if you are a muslim in india and do not give up islam.
  2. evaa naH spR^idhaH samajaa samatsvindra raarandhi mithatIradevIH. vidyaam vastoravasaa gR^INanto bharadvaaja uta ta indra nUnam ..## Rg.6.25.9 ## "O powerful resplendent Lord, grant us courage to fight the forces of evil. Inspire us to overthrow the godless demoniac forces that fight against us. May we the bearers of the light of knowledge adore you and thereby be privileged to obtain your favour." Rg. 6.25.9
  3. sure for all, but some do not live by the vedas. they are not aryans then. one who accepts the authority of the vedas and lives by it is an aryan. i have said this many times here. hitler or the skin heads are not aryans. indian is the home of aryans. aryan is not a race. no aryan has come in india from outside. clear?
  4. thanks guest, please pick a user name. << If you sing Govinda Nama Sankirtan, to them, your posthumously prove your point. >> please tell me in different words what you are saing by the above words. I could not get the message. << But I dont see this point with Christians. >> that is rare exception. the fact is that by the book - bible - xianity cannot allow any other religion on earth. that will surely hurt the hindus in india. the pope wants to harvest thousands of souls from india. pope does not like a missionary teaching vedanta and give xianity.
  5. sachasva naayamavase abhIka ito vaa tamindra paahi rishhaH. amaa chainamaraNye paahi rishho madema shatahimaaH suviraaH ..## Rg. 6.24.10 ## "O resplendent Lord, steer our leader along war-path and protect him; defend him against a near or distant calamity. Provide him with security when he is at home or in a forest. And may we, blessed with brave sons be happy through a hundred winters." Rg. 6.24.10 yaa ta Utiravamaa yaa paramaa yaa madhyendra shushhminnasti. taabhirU shhu vR^itrahatye.avIrna ebhishcha vaajairmahaanna ugra..## Rg. 6.25.1 ## "O mighty resplendent Lord, grant us protection on all the levels of conflict of life, low, high or meddling. May you support us to subdue our foes; supply us, O supreme Lord, with your strength-giving food." Rg. 6.25.1
  6. please pick a user name. then i know with whom i am talking, and would galdly talk.
  7. << If these Xtian missionaies came in during the time of mahabharata or before they would not not have been able to convert anyone..because people back then studied the vedas a lot more than people nowadays do. If you look at the cities nowadays religion is on the decline..thats the sad part. Subroto >> in the time of mahabarat, there was no other religion than hinduism over the globe. xians have come in india forcibly, not as friends. read the history of goa. you will see how barbaric xians were to the hindus. the bible inspires xians to convert the whole world. xians therefore, cannot stand any infidel. therefore it is not compatible with hinduism. hence it has no place on the devabhoomi. xianity is organized. their authority is out of india, not within. hinduism is not organized (so far). even if the xians of india stop converting hindus, still xianity has no place on the vedic land. who know what xians will do at another oppertune time? their authority and money is coming from out of india. this is like a third party from outside is meddling the social and political affairs of india. this cannot be allowed. sooner or later the xians of india would have to accept back hinduism, the religion of the land and their ancestors.
  8. muslim, assuming you are from india or indian subcontinent, your forefathers some few hundered years ago were hindus and were forcibly converted to islam. so, why stick to islam and give pain the htemin heaven? you have come here to slander hinduism. no one will give up hinduism no mattter wht you say here. << Manu Smruti Chapter 9 verse 317 says "A Brahmin whether he is learned or not, is god. Even if he indulges in all kinds of sinful acts, he is a god" >> The words i read are: "A Brahmana, be he ignorant or learned, is a great divinity, just as the fire, whethere carried forth (for the performance of a burnt-oblation) or not carried forth, is a great divinity." This is written in the chapter of "Duties of a king". If a king ignores brahmanas, unlearned, it cannot give them chance to become learned later. Note that the workd "god" is not used. any way, there is no sense to talk about manusmriti with the anti-hindus becaue it never was a law book in practice in the vedic times. it was buried in india by ambedkar as a gesture to stop malpractice of varhasrama. now the time is to bury koran all over the world. and especially in india. Hindus, manusmriti v9-322 says: "Kshatriyas prosper not without Brahmanas, Brahmanas prosper not without kshatriyas, being closely united, prosper in this (world) and in the next." Over 1000 years all the muslims invaders slaughterd brhmanas first. (now islam got the reaction: israel assasinated a muslim reigious leader recently.) still, behold, after 1000 years of salughters and temple destructions they could not kill hinduism. teh world and the muslims need to learn something from this - forget killing hinduism. want to know what islam is? read the post here "hindu holocaust". why the moderators allow a muslim here when his intention are not to learn anything but to slander hinduism? why not have a few hindu moderators here instead of an HK moderator?
  9. muslim, assuming you are from india or indian subcontinent, your forefathers some few hundered years ago were hindus and were forcibly converted to islam. so, why stick to islam and give pain the htemin heaven? you have come here to slander hinduism. no one will give up hinduism no mattter wht you say here. << Manu Smruti Chapter 9 verse 317 says "A Brahmin whether he is learned or not, is god. Even if he indulges in all kinds of sinful acts, he is a god" >> The words i read are: "A Brahmana, be he ignorant or learned, is a great divinity, just as the fire, whethere carried forth (for the performance of a burnt-oblation) or not carried forth, is a great divinity." This is written in the chapter of "Duties of a king". If a king ignores brahmanas, unlearned, it cannot give them chance to become learned later. Note that the workd "god" is not used. any way, there is no sense to talk about manusmriti with the anti-hindus becaue it never was a law book in practice in the vedic times. it was buried in india by ambedkar as a gesture to stop malpractice of varhasrama. now the time is to bury koran all over the world. and especially in india. Hindus, manusmriti v9-322 says: "Kshatriyas prosper not without Brahmanas, Brahmanas prosper not without kshatriyas, being closely united, prosper in this (world) and in the next." Over 1000 years all the muslims invaders slaughterd brhmanas first. (now islam got the reaction: israel assasinated a muslim reigious leader recently.) still, behold, after 1000 years of salughters and temple destructions they could not kill hinduism. teh world and the muslims need to learn something from this - forget killing hinduism. what to knoe what islamis? read the lost here "hindu holocaust". why the moderators allow a muslim here when his intention are not to learn anything but to slander hinduism?
  10. yes barney, I understand it. advaita patha - gyan yoga - is a valid path. and so are other yogas, including bhakti yoga. now try to understand my point below and then let me now if you could, or need more help. 1. at this time of terrorism worldwide and in india, we the vedic people should not waste time in argueing about advaita-dvaita. focus on the common invaded eneney - islam -instead. 2. one who chooses the path of advaita -gyan yoga - should not/cannot also practice bhakti yoga at the same time, and vice versa. this is becaue when you say we all are gods, then a bhakta has no bhagavan to worship, and his sadhana is to worship bhagavan. krishna clearly has said in gita that the sadhana of impersonal - advaita- is very difficult ( bahUnAm janmanAm ante gyAnvAn mAm prapadyate). bhakti, He says, is easy. while gyani wants to realize god by his own might, a bhakta realizes god by god's mercy and by using the tactic of maya against maya. for a bhakta bkakti is not only the means, it is the end as well. he is satisfied doing bhakti any time, all time. a gyan yogi on the other hand, knows how much he has progressed and how much far he is from the goal. another danger a gyan yogi encounters is that he can get puffed up knowing how much knowledge he has. considering the above, dvaitis and advaitis need to respect each other and unite to fight the common enemies, and never fight within. just know: never practice both together. just pick one, and never bother to think about the other. now tell me if you understand this. a jiva is one how is not self realized yet. most people are like that. so, until they become fully self realused (reach brahma bhoota stage), they should not say, "i am god", or "you are god" when the other person is not self realized yet. if you and i both at this time are self realized, then we both are one, and there is no communication bewteen us, except a self dialogue. there is no conflict - difference of opinion between us. but because we both need to comunicate with each other to come to a common understanding, we are not god yet. meaning we have a long way to go to achieve self realization. till one is self realized, one should not act as if he is god. a bum on the street can possibly become a math professor. but till he become, he should not tell, "i am a math professor", and i am sure you would not tell a bum that he is a math professor. so, then why tell him or me that he or i are god? to become god is far more difficult than becoming a math professor. so, the bottom line is: until we realize we are god, we should not tell or think we are god. a mantra advaitis use is: OM ha.msaH soham paramAtma chinmayam sat chit aananda svarUpam sah aham brahma in complete contrast a bhakta's mantra is: Om namo bhagavate vaasudevaya or sri krishna sharaNam mama. so, no advaiti should try to convert a bhakta to advaita, and vice versa. however, the vaishnav aacharyas already have done it. so, never try to re-invent the wheel. bhaja govindam moodha mate.
  11. << 9.What is your stance on the gay marriage issue? >> no vedic scriptuer talks about it. a hindu consideres it a spiritual sickness. << 10.Does Hinduism teach to accept this or to push it aside? >> the milleniuns old vedic culture has never accepted it, nor there was any insane who asked for that right. does this make you like hinduism or hate it?
  12. you have no interest to become a hindu. so why worry about hindu things? no hindu is after you to convert.
  13. you need to read the vedas and mahabharat to know indra, the god of rain. indra helped arjun fight to win. by your such posts it seems you are anti-vedic person in disguise of a vaishnava user name.
  14. ok, you are god. om namo bhagavate barniyaya.. but then how you, the supreme god, fail to get your point across? god does not fail. (only sometime he chooses to act as if he failed.)
  15. maadhav


    yes. what progress is being done or efforts are being done in the following areas please? - removal of corruption - true hindu history in school books - removal of anti hindu laws - full freedom to live inkashmir - make islam illegal - remove the invaded aggresive idologies from the vedic land - uniting all the dharma gurus agaisnt islam in india. - no funding for haj. - a few hindu poojaris/ prechers in every village. - svayamsevak groups in every neighborhood well supported, equipped and funded to fight terrorism. - stop malpractice of hinduism where ever it is. - good basic education of hinduism in schools. - etc.
  16. thanks! please pick a username.
  17. << talk first to the aggressor invaders, not the victims of the invaders. - invaders is people dead from hundreds of years, now in india someone takes birth as muslim, someone as "hindu", someone as christian and so on.. who's invading? >> at birth all are animals. the ideology is invaded and the decendents of the aggressoors are ripping the benefits and trying to kill sanatana dharma in is own land. << -the barbaric ideology is terrorism and religious fanaticism, not islam or vedas...>> read koran. it is a book/manual of terrorism. no vedic person has done any jihad. the history shows that the muslims have done it all the time. so, it should be clear that slam produces terrorits. look at the thousnds of madresas in pakistan. they are factories for producing terrorists. there is nothing like this in the vedic culture. << who behaves as a terrorist is a problem, >> and you cannot realize which religion produces terrorists all the times. << we do not care wich god he uses as a pretext or justification >> why did you not are when talibans did so much terror? "have a nice day. subdue a muslim," -subdue? is this your mentality? >> yes, subdue a terrorist. convince him that it is worth giving up islam. concince it to the muslims of india too. pick a user name, do not come in mask of "guest" like a terrorist.
  18. << May be you do not understand what I mean to say as you have already locked your mind in the thought that Krisha is smoewhere in the clestial world. >> truth is one. gita shows krishna's words. that is truth. i care for truth only. you can open your mind and imaigine any different things. they will not help. if all do as you say, no one would agree what gita says. and then gita becomes useless for them all. krishna does not want to screw you up by telling in gita something so difficult to understand. he loves you and tells you in simple way so that you can understand it and benefit from it. i pray you benefit from gita, and never tell any one like you told above - open mind, etc.
  19. << The problem is that most hindus don't know hinduism....thats why they convert. >> those who convert are very poor mostly, and fall pray of the missionaries tactics, lures. it couses social disturbance. these conversions over time do not help even those who convert. the web page http://hinduunity.org may have more detail about conversions.
  20. contact nataraj@erols.com to get the vedas. Arya samajis study the vedas only.
  21. << True but how come there are muslim countries where women are allowed not to wear a burkha if they please?..>> that is good, and therefore they should give up islam formally because islam does not allow it. I said << --"and Xianity does not mind if women roam almost naked" >> because that is what i see in the xian countries. no church pastor has advised any better than that. << "i. Convince the Muslims of India to given up Islam if they want to live in India" I agree with you that it was an invaded religion, and has no relation to ours whatsoever, but what if a hindu voluntarily wants to convert..then what do you propose?? >> glad you coudl agree. if a hindu voluntarily want to convert, then he or his parents or hindu society in general failed to help him realise what hinduism really is. besides there always will be some fools. they should be sent to live in pakistan. why? because islam is not compatible with hinduism. you cannot keep fox and chicken together and expect that chicken will survive or be happy. never teach/preach tolerance to chicken. teach/prech it to the fox.
  22. the translation is by swami satya prakash sarasvati, veda prathshthan, new dehli. yes, i agree, but as i know him through is writing, he is not anti-vedic or one who would follow the anti hindu xians. he has exposed the anti vedic western indologists.
  23. << Love and Truth is GOD. >> so then because hitler loved aryans, and ben ladin loves his childen and muslims, both are god? you love them?
  24. udyadindro mahate daanavaaya vadharyamishhTa saho apratItam. yadim vajrasya prabhR^itau dadaabha vishvasya jantoradham chakaara ..## Rg. 5.32.7## "When resplendent self uplifts irretible will-power against the mighty devil, and when he subdues him with his bolt of determination, he makes him lowest of all living creatures." Rg. 5.32.7 This also says: When resplendent self (the civilized nations) uplifts irretible will-power against the mighty devil (teh barbaric ideology that casuses terrorism), and when he (teh civilized) subdues him (the terrorists and their mullas) with his bolt of determination, he (teh civilized) makes him (the barbaric ideology and their followers ) lowest of all living creatures. i like bush for his determinaton to fight terrorism, and his efforts to unite all the nation for the fight. this is such a fight that to withdraw from it is to loose the war and suffer tritple terrorism for ever.
  25. hR^iNIyamaano apa hi madaiyeH pra me devaanaam vratapaa uvaacha. indro vidvaa.N anu hi tvaa chachaksha tenaahamagne anushishhTa aagaam ..## Rg. 5.2.8## (this is ITRANS transliteration) "O adorable Lord, you have gone away from me, as if in anger. The protector of truth, the resplendent self has told me this: "Follow Truth". having been so advised, may I follow the instruction." Rg. 5.2.8 Does anyone have a purport from any vedic aacharya on this verse? As of now, i understand it as follows: O adorable Lord, you have gone away from me, as if in anger. (You were with me once as you were with arjun.) The protector of truth, the resplendent self (the voice of my heart and soul) has told me this: "Follow Truth". Having been so advised, may I follow the instruction (of god, given in gita or the vedas). for most of us, krishna is not with us as he was with arjun. so, we need to follow His words given in gita, till we can come so close with Him that we directly communicate with Him.
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