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    Krishna bhakti.
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  1. I agree with the last para that reads: "It is time for Hindus to wake up, join together and show courage and determination to discriminate between good and evil to create a strong nation. It is a culture war, a paradigm conflict. It is a political invasion from within. It is a bloodless war for the minds, hearts, and souls of Hindus. It is being waged with force, foreign fund and deception on our television, in the class rooms, in the media and in the political fields. It is a constant and continuing war on our spiritual values in order to weaken our nation. We must stand up and take sides in this war for the minds. " Just as we need to know and understand our problems, we also need to unite in our neighborhoods and cities, and states and in the nation, and finally globally, to act to counter the anti-vedic forces, and preserve and spread vedic dharma and culture. One thing that can help is to make the constitution of Bharat pro-vedic. Remove any anti-vedic laws. That, when done will open more ways to counter the dushmans' activities. jai sri krishna!
  2. << Stop leaning to others. >> Yes, learn enough about Hinduism, and you will be proud you are Hindu, you have that ancient Vedic heritage. The other factor that makes one lean is the wrong tendency to not confront, attack verbally, or logically or physically if necessary; and just be a nice impotent guy/gal. Know what you have Hindus, its value and worth, be ready to asert it.
  3. maadhav


    << However, Hindus ARE NOT. >> Yes, but not true for all the Hindus. Things will change for better. We have to be the agents of the positive change. Talking is first thing, doing is next, helping others do is next.
  4. its effect is opposite to alcohol.
  5. maadhav


    reasons are many. ingorance, disunity, poverty, unoranized status againts the organized enemies, undue importance given to ahimsa and gandhi, etc. thingss will change soon.
  6. if god is dead no one will be alive, and nature will not hold its laws.
  7. pick a good user name, and i will help.
  8. maadhav


    <<.. if Islam had followed their religion there wouldnt be any manslaughter of hindus. >> Did you ever preach to the Muslims? Why preaching to the victims of islam? See quotes below. Open your eyes and mind to see the truth. Pick a good user name, or we will think you are a muslim. ---- Holy Terror - by Amir Taheri Some Quotes: "It is in the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its laws on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet." -Sheikh Hassan al-Banna, founder and Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. pg 10: Theirs (Islamic Jihad Organizations') long term objective is the conversions - "by force if necessary" - of all mankind to the faith of Muhammad. pg 15: "The world as it is today is how others [i.e. infidels] shaped it," wrote the late Ayatollah Muhammad Baqer al-Sadr. "We have two choices: either to accept it with submission, which means letting Islam die, or to destroy it, so that we can construct the world as Islam requires." Another leading theoretician of fundamentalism, Mustafa Chamran, wrote: "To us the East is like the West. Both are enemies." pg 16: The second characteristic that distinguishes the Islamic version from other forms of terrorism is that it is clearly conceived and conducted as a form of Holy War which can only end when total victory has been achieved. pg 16: The third specific characteristic of Islamic terrorism is that it forms the basis of a whole theory both of individual conduct and of state policy. To kill enemies of Allah and to offer the infidels the choice between converting to Islam or being put to death is the duty of every individual believer, as well as the supreme - if not the sole - task of the Islamic state. pg. 20: The division of the world in two mutually exclusive camps of the City of War and the City of Faith - lies at the heart of Islamic traditional view of existence. pg 21: In countries where Partisans of allah are still weak and not fully organized, they act as missionaries of the Faith. .. As long as Islam is not strong enough to impose its will on the inhabitants of the City of War by force, it may observe a period of truce. But they can never be peace between the two. pg. 22: "The very concept of a secular Muslim society is impossible by definition," said Habib Boulares, a leading Arab scholar with impeccable Western credentials and a member of the Tunisian Nations Assembly. pg 28: The dhimmis (i.e. Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians) and other infidels who may harbor hostile intentions towards Islam must be considered enemies making war on Allah. their punishment is death. pg. 31: Adding the number of believers and reducing that of the infidels is one of the most important duties of the militant fudamentalist. Pg 32: A true believer (a Muslim) cannot remain indifferent to the political fate of the society in which he lives. Islam is a thoroughly political religion, and cannot be put in position of weakness simply because some means and tactics may be considered immoral. pg 34: The unbelievers follow falsehood while Believers follow the truth. When you meet the unbelievers strike off their heads, and when you laid them low, bind them firmly. - Quran, Sura XLII, verse 3-4. pg 36: Islam's kingdom, unlike that of Christ, does not belong to the hereafter, and must be created here and now. pg 45: Those who are against killing have no place in Islam. Our Prophet killed with his own blessed hands. Our Ilam Ali killed more than 700 on a single day. If the survival of the faith requires the shedding of blood, we are there to perform our duty. - Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali, Islamic Judge. pg 59: Throw away your worry beads and buy a gun. for worry beads keep you silent, while guns silence the enemy of Islam. -Muhammad Nawab-Safavi pg 86: Islam is not Christianity. .. Islam is the religion of agitation, violence, blood, liberation and martyrdom. - Shaikh Morteza Motahari pg 89: Contrary to what is generally assumed in the West, Islam expressly forbids any form of suicide, and killing in the service of Faith is certainly more meritorious than getting killed for it. pg 91: Islam recognizes only one important dividing line in life - tam'yeez, or the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Girls cross the line at the age of nine, when they are considered complete women and can marry; boys cross it at sixteen. pg 118: It is worth recalling that U.S. has been one of the most important breeding ground for the Islamic Revolution outside the Middle East itself. pg 123: The Party of Allah's theoreticians see the 1980s basically as "an era of sowing the seeds of tomorrow." What is important is to take the message of the Islamic Revolution to as many Muslims as possible. this message, offered on tapes and in books, newspapers, and radio programs in many languages, is backed by financial, political, and military might of Iran, which is emerging as "the new superpower of the Persian gulf," according to some Western analysts. In an Arabic booklet, the Party of Allah states its objectives as follows: (1) To teach Muslims that Islam and impiety can never coexist. (2) To mobilize the forces of Islam for Holy War unto victory. (3) To teach every Muslim that his duty toward his Creator includes readiness to kill and to die. (4) To make sure that all the rules of Islam are obeyed in Muslim countries down to the minutest detail. The Party of Allah is not the party of the meek and faint-hearted, nor is it a gathering place of those who look on war as an abomination to be eliminated from human existence. In an address to fundamentalist militants from more than thirty countries gathered at his house in Jamaran on the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, Khomeini himself summed up the message of the party of Allah: If one allows the infidels to continue playing their role of corruption on Earth, their eventual moral punishment will be all the stronger. thus, if we kill the infidels in order to put a stop to their [corrupting] activities, we have indeed done them a service. For their eventual punishment will be less. to allow the infidels to stay alive means to let them do more corrupting [activities.] [To kill them] is a surgical operation commanded by Allah the Creator .. .. those who follow the rules of the Quran are aware that we have to kill .. ... War is a blessing for the world and for every nation. It is Allah himself who commands men to wage war and to kill. The Quran commands: "Wage war until all corruption and all disobedience [of divine law] are wiped out!" The wars that our Prophet -blessed be his soul- waged against the infidels were divine gifts to humanity. Once we have won the war [ against Iraq] we shall turn to other wars. For that would not be enough. We have to wage war until all corruption, all disobedience of Islamic laws cease [throughout the world]. The Quran commands: "War, war unto victory! A religion without war is a crippled religion. Had Jesus-Allah bless his soul- been allowed to live a little longer, he too would have acted as Moses did and used the sword ... ... It is war that purifies the Earth. Those courtier mullahs who say [war] is contrary to the rules of the Holy Book are enemies if Islam. But Allah be praised, our young warriors re putting his command into effect and fighting. They know that to kill the infidels is one of the noblest missions Allah has reserved for mankind. pg 125: Pilgrims to the "waiting room of Paradise" start their guided tour of the Islamic Republic with a visit to the Behesht Zahra (Paradise of Flowers) graveyard south of Teheran. There they are invited to stand for a minute's silence in front of the Fountain of Blood, a 14-foot high fountain out of which surges a blood-red liquid, symbolizing, in the words of the guide, the essence of Islam's message. At the end of the minute's silence, a choir of child warriors recites a revolutionary song whose refrain is "Khomeini Me Razmad! Amrika Mi Larzad! (Khomeini fights! America trembles!). Many visitors have tears in their eyes, tears of joy and determination. Some end up as Volunteers of Martyrdom, keeping the camps of Holy Terror busy. pg 126: Who are these Brides of Blood who have secured a unique place in Shiiate mythology? Not every female could aspire to so distinguished a position: one has to be marked out for it by divine will. The Brides of Blood are pure virgins who have decided to embrace death in order to avenge the blood of Hussein who fell - a martyr - on the battlefield of Karbala on 10 Oct. 680. The Brides of Blood are considered to be daughters of the Prince of the Martyrs and, once in the next world, will have their husbands chosen for them by Hussein from among "the most pious and shapely of young men, free from blemish." pg 133: .. the Shiiate tradition of taqiya, by which the faithful can conceal the truth in order to protect the higher interests of the community. pg. 146: In July 1986, for example, the Islamic Republic's Embassy in Beirut presented a strange gift to the Lebanese section of the Party of Allah. It was an electrical machine, developed in the Islamic Scientific Institute of Teheran, for cutting off fingers of people found guilty of stealing. pg. 152: Thinking (in Shiiate theology) is deemed not only dangerous but also unnecessary, since all the answers to all the imaginable questions can be found in the Quran and the Hadith. pg. 202: The Islamic fundamentalist movement of the 1980s spared none of the Muslim countries. It struck roots in societies as widely different as Indonesia and Algeria. And in every instance it had resource to violence as a means of furthering its political objective. pg. 219: The Bulgarian government itself showed the way by launching a de-Islamicization campaign aimed at "liberating" the country's estimated 1.2 million from "the tyranny of a decant ideology." pg. 224: Early in 1986 a Cairo lawyer, Nur Farwaj, pronounced a sentence no one had the courage to utter in the land of Islam for nearly a decade: "The shariah is a collection of reactionary tribal rules unsuited to contemporary societies." Another lawyer, Faraj Fade, a persuasive speaker as well as a passionate essayist, went even farther and published a pamphlet under the provocative title of No to Shariah. He put his argument directly: Islam has o policy suitable for modern society and should not be mixed with politics. Instead of entering into lengthy discussions all we have to do as thinking people is to cry out together: "No to shariah." pg 241: A. Islam Is Not a Religion of Pacifists There are two kinds of wars in Islam: one is called Jihad [Holy War], which means the conquest of [other] countries in accordance with certain conditions. The other [type] is war to preserve the independence of the [Muslim] country and the repulsion of foreigners. ====
  9. krishna says in gita: anta kaale cha maam eva smaranm uktvaa kalevaram ...
  10. thanks for sharing your view. we do not agree. "who made man out of chemicals" is a very vaild question. all smart rears need to answer it. who made scientific laws (like e.g. who made gravitational force, or electromagnetic medium, or why pure water is always tasteless, etc.), meaning, who made physical proerties is also a valid question. when something is done, there is a doer. there is no fault in this logic. jai sri krishna!
  11. sri sahajananda swami has said in his sikshaapatri that krishna is the supreme god and has his form. never thinnk he has no form. he also has said that he is krishna incarnated as an ideal sadhu. he incarnated with is abode - dhama - akshar dham - gunatitqnanda swai. later gunatitananda changed started telling that sahajananda is supreme, not krishna. that is unfortunate when even sahajananda has said his followers to never insult vaishnavas. well, the time is not to argue within Hindus. they are the vedic people, and we need to unite against the anti-vedics in bharat. swaminarayans have a lot of money and strong orgnization. they an bring results when they decide to do anything. for them the current guru is god HInself. so, they do as He says, and care less what the scriptures say. i wish they take the lead and all other sampradayas follow his leadership to make bharat free from islam.
  12. okay, who made the chemicals, and who made humans out of chemicals?
  13. we are better off only when we purge islam out of every muslims of Bharat. By giving our land to the muslims, we lost freedom to go in their country and check what they are cooking against us. we cannot stop them. in Bharat we have legal right to go in any muslim neighborhood and see what they are doing (unfortunately even police are not going in some muslim neighborhodds in Bharat. That has to change.)
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