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yakshas or yakshini or something more evil?

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sambya it is not easy to turn spiritual and everything will be fine.

Specially when you are being attacked and your condition is deteriorating day by day.Iff she'd got fever then would you tell her to go to the mandir? certainly god will help but youre going to give a crocin.IT is easy to give advises on on othe peoples lives but when you yourself suffer and go through problems you realise that not everything is under your control.Or you are too weak too know that things are under your control.

i know that and feel for her !!


but i thought nothing to break the spell could work without a faith in god . thats why i was instructing her . with the hope that she might turn spiritual after her recovery ( i know that doesnt happen without innumersble good samskaras) which would prevent her in falling victim again . all were said in the best of intentions .





IT is easy to give advises on on othe peoples lives

you are forgetting that it is precisely what even you are doing to angelic devil and me right now !!

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Sant. read my above post



There are two things coming to my mind.

1. You strongly believe that it is the effect of black magic. If so you can take help of a reliable Jythshi or pandit or baba to get relief of this. I mean it reliable because there are some babas/Jyotshis who will only relieve money from your pocket. If you can tell the place which you belongs to (or near plance if you don’t want to disclose ) some one can help to find out a reliable Jyothshi or baba.

2. chanting powerful mantras may cause problems if you are not doing it properly. The pronunciation of words are very important. If you are doing a wrong pronunciation it may cause wrong effect.

From the above two points you need to identify what is the cause of your problem.

We all are here to help you.]

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both of you

Im sorry .Just reacted to this.

llz sreeram dont insult by saying this is a story.....for you it may sound like a story but this is someone's life .




6 years is a long time and i wouldnt want to make things worse for her.

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first of all... i m not upset with anyone... i understand sreeram n sambya both were trying to help me out too.... thanx sant for understanding my situation and suggesting me.


i m a spiritual person already, i have already mentioned tht....from wat i have read its often easy to get targeted for anyone...and a baba told me it effects more on clean souls as evil too loooks for clean souls to fulfill their desires or tasks.


going to mandir hasnt solved my problem infact i used to visit shiv mandir and sheetala mandir ever monday before i fell ill....probably tht saved my life.


i dont believe gods n goddess tgt ppl - so bhairav thing no way! i believe in shivji more than anything...it cant be tht. probably my sould travelled in astral and saw something that was bhairav . as for kali.....no i dont think she can harm me...wheneevr i hear durga kali hyms or listen to the drums in her puja i feel like dancing to it...she cant harm me if thats wat i feel .


as for going to any baba's and all i dont want to take tht risk since i donno wat i m dealing with exactly....now may u say how iwll i know wat i m dealing with till i go to someone....well most ppl i spoke to seem to be money crazed babas.....as far as i know jyotish an dtantra have a rule of not demanding money. if u demand money u become powerless. both the knowledges are cursed....hence i wud rather see a baba who is geniune , if his solution works i dont have a problem him paying him money but if he demanding money i have problem morever such babas who r geniune are in their own world money shud not matter to them as they dont need it.


btw if anyone of u can interpret dreams or know someone who can just tell me what i m dealing with wud be gr8.

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btw today monring again i had a weird dream , i saw i was in my house and a big crocodile was there in my house....it was hungry probably and roaming around the house looking for me. my mom and dad were there but it didnt trouble them though i worried it wud...it was coming after me only.



also today morning my dad saw a young girl in probably black lehenga choli in ur house.he saw she opened the door and went into another room. he was terriffied .


does this indicate anything?

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  • 1 month later...

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.


- Bertrand Russell


there is no body is stupid(u better called them ignorant) or no body is intelligent.This quotation is correct but way of describing it is stupid.


God bless All

Rishi Vatsyayan

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no the paath was done because i was fascinated by the goddess...n for no other reasons. ... r u implying tht i m going mad since i m getting these kinds of dreams?


All these sort of esoteric practices need proper guru and guidance.As someone else mentioned,in the north,east and west this has become common and all of them treat it as tantric and only in the south,they say it is vaidic.But whether it is tantric or vaidik,shastras always pronounce proper Guru should guide such mantra and tantra practices.

Hence get guidanece from a Guru and do as per his instructions

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  • 2 weeks later...

to angelic_devil: your posts are really interesting and truly, awesome. i dont have much experience with worshipping chandi devi but the richness of experience that you have shared in your previous threads really got me awestruck. May you get all the answers you seek and may all truth be known.

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ok when i fell ill seriously a baba cured me . however , he mentioned that if i came before the lady who cast the spell on me within 3 months , the whole thing will get reversed back and he wont be able to do anything...the lady in question is my bua/chachi ...well so i avoided going before them for 2 months , my bua wud enquire abt me, turn up suddenly i mean she tried everything to see me. one day , she came and rushed to my room, i ddint get time to close the door of my room and she saw me and her face turned pale more like as if she will cry any moment. within 10-15 days again the previous symptoms started and the whole thing came back and i fell so ill i had to be hospitaziled. somehow my friend knew of a person and took me there and then i became normal....during the time i was hospitalized i smelt blood from food and i cudnt eat.


though my life got saved, it changed totally, i m living since i m alive.

my health is just not recovering,


before i fell ill, i was a very good looking girl , now i look straight from graveyard. before there was a marriage proposal, at that time my chachi practically seemd as if she wud have a breakdown. the groom , had gone crazy and insisted on marrying only me, seeing this both bua n chachi were very upset. but the proposal fell thru , i m not upset abt it since i wasnt keen on it, i was praying that it falls thru. but from then on any marriage proposal that comes doesnt go thru ...they plan to come and then it falls thru....i was working i gave my job due to illness and mental harrasment by my boss, it seemed as if everyone was finding faults and suddenly started targeting me only. during the 2 months the scenario had changed to my favour everyhting went gud, but again it back like before. i started doing trading i was making huge money made abt 10 lakhs in 1 year . during this period both cua and chachi didnt know anything abt me doing this, bua wud insist dad marry me off to some peon kind of person . i m a enggineer , they wud pressureize my dad abt things related to me, infact she told my dad tht my mom did some black magic on him leading to his downfall. and i m suffering due to her being bad person. this is crap . my mother is such a pure person that saints tell her she is a very pure soul so pure that she doesnt even need to pray god. when any relatives ahve an function they tell my mother to step into their house first and do the rituals first so they get luck. seeing this my chachi wud be jealous. for her too, things changed , all the people who knew how she was harrassed by bua after marriage suddenly started speaking in bua's favour would taunt my mom and praise chachi, so much so they actually speak ill abt her character . as for my trading from the time they got to know things changed, so much so i lost all my earnings, i went for interviews for job tht didnt work. now the only person left is my sis and now my bua keeps asking abt her the same things she asks abt me . i dont want her to face the same hell i faced


as for durga puja thing, a person i know's mother gets possessed by the devi. he asked her abt this and she told him someone close to my family has done black magic on me to prevent me from gettin married and settling down in life. so much so that either i will die of illness or life will become hell and i will suicide. if i got married the effect will destroy my marriage too. the only thing thats keeping me alive is the puja tht i had done at the time to durga devi.



i m disgusted with life, no matter how much i pray , it seems god is not showing me a path to cure my problem. i m losing hope its been 6 years of this struggle and i dont have any strength left to fight it.


people may say its just luck but i know it not. sometimes i feel probably i should either kill them or kill myself.


if anyone can help me find a proper geniune solution to my problems plz help me out.


p.s- another thing we left tht city and shifted , and now the condition is better than before, however my bua visited out place and from then on problems seem to start again. she makes it apoint to come to our place atleast once a year during ganesh chaturthi for past 3 years and calls daily atleast twice to speak to dad,...and dad becomes like a fish taken out of water if he doesnt speak to her...watever she says is right for him now... be it marrying me off to some khalasi, he gets upset at tht point and then he's like she's worried so she gets matches....i fail to undertsand how can he not see wat she's trying to do. we have forgotten wat happeniness is thanx to god knows who.


if anyone can provide me with geniune help and guidance , i will be highly greatful to that person.



This is probably a big plot against your success by your bua and chachi, they are jealous of you or something. Your aura is being polluted by their ill intent and they have done some terrible black magic(whose mechanism i can only speculate would be to send some kind of spirit that gives weird dreams and sucks/ manipulate your physical "prana"(it is the essential read about it on google, which spirits feed on) due to which your experiences are so drastic and even physically influencing.



There are many well known babas who are really good at their work who can help you. I myself have gone to this baba: Dr. Prakash Indian Tata although i had weird health problems, my problems were more related to astrology. It may not have made much sense for me to have gone to him but i think your case is very deserving of his service. He is NOT a tantrik , he is a man who has attained many siddhis by meditating from the age of 6 to 20 years of age. You can check his info on youtube.com(actually i saw his stuff on mano ya na mano on star utsav). His practices are also not tantrik, he only meditates on people auras and check if there is some trail or something evil attached to it and he can trace the energy of it( you can say he is psychic).



Until you actually seek a real solution to this problem, i can only tell you keep away from your bua/chachi and recite narayan kavach and hanuman chalisa. Many a time such evil vengeance from some women( in your case, bua/chachi) and then, women performing black magic (which definitely involves some or the other aspect of Goddess Durga, as they only tend to make wrong use of such a powerful Goddess); can be a very difficult problem to actually resolve.


"also in my dreams i see temples gods and real ones ...these places i have never visited in person but they do exist as i get to know later"


this means that sometimes there are also solutions in your dreams. You definitely need to find out about these temples and visit them.


There is a Kamakhya Temple which is the only worldwide-recognised tantric temple in guwahat in assam where many tantriks come to perform you know, rituals, quite recognised as they are, you may try giving it a thought.


-> Dont accept anything that your bua/chachi give you to eat.

-> Try to avoid directly looking into your bua/ chachi's eyes. That "negative will power" is transmitted by their eyes.

-> Try reciting any hanuman mantras and visualise defeating their drishti. For example, since your fav god is shiva, try visualising shiva by your side and crushing all the negative energy that your bua is sending with his trishul. Or even reciting hanuman mantras at the time you interact with them could be very useful.

-> try having "ganga jal" every morning after bath.

-> wash tulsi leaves in ganga jal and hold it in your palm. Chant hanuman chalisa and any shiva mantra that you like and after that, INTEND that all your problems are solved, THEN eat it.


Personally i feel that any religious practice that is concerned with durga needs great discipline, mental and personal hygiene and pure sattvic intentions. It is a difficult practice and since Durga ma is most pious even to evil spirits, these attach to her wherever there are prayers or hymns of any form of Durga devi. IT IS observed that people have weird experiences with the practice of durga ma especially because of this.

IT IS better if you can worship Parvati devi instead of Durga for the reasons of which i have stated in this paragraph. And it is actually because of this reason that elders who have posted on this thread have told you to have a proper guidance from a guru to practice chandi paath; as your guru will make sure the "way to worship Durga" is clean and without influence of bad spirits.


Hope you get well.

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  • 1 year later...

Dear Angelic_Devil,


I also have been suffering from last 10-11 years. Few people confirmed as well that it's black magic. It was just ditto like your case as I was very good looking and now looks like a dead body is walking around. I am just way into depression and trauma. More over i had 3 surgeries in last four years and my physical and mental health is getting worst day by day. I am only 35 years old. I was just wondering if you have reached the right person to treat the problem you had.


Any help can save my ruined & painful life. Please, please, please help if you can.......!!!!!!


A Friend......................

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  • 8 months later...

I came here & read angelic_devil 's experiences..and that has encouraged me to share a somewhat similar problem I 've been facing for a long time now. So much so, that I generally dont sleep at nights.


Whenever I used to sleep, I would feel something trying to take possession of me. I would be in a semi awake state and very much conscious of what was going around me. If I slept reading a book.. I could see the page number on the book. In this state, I would be dragged out of my bed and venture out where I could see which cars were parked outside and what their numbers were. When I finally used to wake up..everything would be the same as I saw them when I was sleeping.


The attack would come in pulses, there was no shape or form, just the feeling that something is trying to enter my body...I would fight back very hard.. recite Hanuman Chalisa & Maha mritunjaya mantra,Gayatri mantra..the feeling I would get was like I was paralyzed with my eyes open.. my tounge wont move,I couldnt shout.. and with immence will power I wud try to call for help..only small grunts came out .. I couldnt move an inch and all I could do was take names of God, my ancestors and wait for the final assault.. which would end as a sudden release from all this..I would be very scared then..and totally drained I cannot express that feeling.

After some years I stopped fighting him and let him do what it wanted..mostly he would take me to places which I had not heard about.but felt that I had been there before....but it would end mostly near an old temple on the mountain in the city of Rajgir.I could not see any Buddhists there..or the new temples.Sometimes I would feel that its day and all activities are going around me.. but nobody could see me.. or help me. Then he would just push me off the ridge into the valley. The freefall was very scary..and it lasted for a long long time.


When I got up ..it would be impossible to sleep again. What is this ..anyone else had this experience..its been on me for a long time..at least 14 years....I hav learned to live with it.....and its really scary at times. Any suggestions..any help ?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

you dont accept any person as guru unless you are firm. Put 100 % faith in maa and surrender her and pray her to put you out of this suffering. Chandi path will surely put you out of this sufferings as it is ment for that only and to fullfill her bhaktas Right desires. I suggest you two remidies, 1- you do japa of navarna mantra on any japamala and wear it before going to sleep. 2- you chant gayatri 1000nam daily

and apply this vibhuti. If anybody is trying black majic on you, certailly the above remedies will help you, but you have to do it continuously

for three months except 4 days of ladies natural problems.

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  • 1 month later...

I very much agree and appreciate the views of Respected Durgaputra.


  • "the chances of great Gurus being there on this forum are rather limited. For another- this is as wise as having medical diagnosis and surgery done over e-mail( forget about all the other accoutrements of tele-medicine"

Very true..!!


Please keep it up.






These are NOT natural experiences of the path you have treaded except in some peoples fevered imagination. Without intention to cause insult to Neer- he/she is talking through his hat.


There is a danger when you take up such practices without proper guidance. This is quite the same as doing kundalini yoga without guidance. Go get the proper guidance. You wont get such guidance on such forums as these. For one- the chances of great Gurus being there on this forum are rather limited. For another- this is as wise as having medical diagnosis and surgery done over e-mail( forget about all the other accoutrements of tele-medicine).


There is nothing wrong with Hanuman Chalisa, but if your ishta deva is Chandi, then there is no reason you should not do Chandi path- UNDER PROPER GUIDANCE- I cannot over stress this point.


If you were doing Chandi Path for kamya prayoga, the tradition is that it is not to be done without a full purascharana of the mantra being completed, which brings us back to the point about guidance. You can get it done by someone else for you as well..

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Dear Scorius,


I bet, if you take a survey on the forum with your experiences e.g.


"the attack would come in pulses, there was no shape or form, just the feeling that something is trying to enter my body...I would fight back very hard.. recite Hanuman Chalisa & Maha mritunjaya mantra,Gayatri mantra..the feeling I would get was like I was paralyzed with my eyes open.. my tounge wont move,I couldnt shout.. and with immence will power I wud try to call for help..only small grunts came out .. I couldnt move an inch and all I could do was take names of God, ....free fall..etc."


You would find that almost every one experiences this on fewer or more occasions. Some remember, some dont.

The following are the most likely (applicable to 90%) reasons for such experiences


(a) Wrong direction of the room in the house

(b) Wrong direction of pillow

© Bed under a column

(d) rubbish under the cot, even an old news paper

(e) wrong food habbit - pitta and gastric attack (uneasiness and illusion of flying) - The food in our stomuch has a direct link with what is absorbed in the blood and the chemical composition of the brain and its experiences.


(f) Sleeping flat on the back with both palms resting upon chest. (this creates the feeling of possession) - ask some one to be beside your bed and change you sides as you make noises (during such experiences, person normally tries to speak something but could only make partial attempts)


(g) the feeling of 'free fall' or 'passing through a tunnel' is experienced when the body posture changes and the pressure of gas and the hands on the chest gets released.. this is a junction of a level of sleepiness and most probably the person would get awake.


If you take the suggestions in right perspective, I am sure, you would come out of the bad experiences.

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  • 2 months later...
Dear Angelic_Devil, kkI also have been suffering from last 10-11 years. Few people confirmed as well that it's black magic. It was just ditto like your case as I was very good looking and now looks like a dead body is walking around. I am just way into depression and trauma. More over i had 3 surgeries in last four years and my physical and mental health is getting worst day by day. I am only 35 years old. I was just wondering if you have reached the right person to treat the problem you had.Any help can save my ruined & painful life. Please, please, please help if you can.......!!!!!!A Friend......................
Dear all beloved children of shakti, If you are genuinely having such problems, i would recommend you to get a "BAGLAMUKHI SARVA KALYAN ANUSHTHAN" done at your respective homes. Also for your personal protection against these negative powers , you should get yourself a "BAGLAMUKHI KAVACH (a copper amulet to be worn around your neck or wrist)".MAY THE POWER OF THE INVINCIBLE GODDESS PROTECT YOU..BAGLASUT
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  • 3 months later...

I don't know if Angelic_devil's problem has been solved, or it is still ongoing, but hopefully this helps someone.


You saw a crocodile in your house looking for you...thats a definite indication of magic being done on you. Crocodiles are a symbol of strong magic.


sreeram and the rest, are trying to point towards satvik bhakti, where nothing else exists except God. They are right in their own way, and people who follow that path with complete faith, never experience these things.


I would recommend the bhakti of Lord Shiva. Or the bhakti of anyone you desire or feel close to.


Blow a Shank (Counch) before starting the chanting below. Sprinkle Ganga Jal on yourself, and around where you will be chanting, and also drink some. after drinking, wash your hand with the ganga jal.

Where Shiv is concerned, just chant the panchakshari mantra Om Namah Shivaya 108 times a day. You will start seeing results within 2 weeks. Chant it aloud, don't be afraid of anything. These things are actually afraid of us....WE CAN PRAY, WE HAVE BHAKTI....THEY CANT. In effect, we are more powerful than these forces, because God loves us the most :)


At the end of the 108 times daily chant, blow the Shank (Counch). It might take a little practise, but try. And then ask Shiv to protect you and your family, and bless you. He is so innocent, he will definitely grant your request. Try it.

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  • 5 months later...

Namaste Deviji,


First, may urge you to change the way you refer to yourself: Angelic_devil. You are neither Angel nor devil, both concepts created out of delusion. Your inherent nature is DEVI. Please first hod on to that TRUTH. Every other thing is false and nonsensical before that single TRUTH. That is the first step to healing.


Second, if you are in India, and are willing to go to a monastic center of impeccable reputation, both domestically and internationally, I can suggest a place and can make arrangements. The monks there are genuine and powerful Tantrika practitioners, while being strictly celibate. That place is Namgyal Monsatery, under the auspices of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. There are more than enough strong tantrika yogis in Dharamshala, besides the monks at Namgyal. I have personal knowledge of some of these sadhakas. So, you are welcome to listen to suggestions based on good intentions but no real experience, or to take advantage of those who can effectively help you without making themselves public. I do not know how to use the personal message system of this forum and have tried and failed to find that facility; I would like you to contact me via that system.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest stoned monkey


well no i dont eat meat i gave up from around the time i started the chandi paath....somehow i just started hating meat non-veg...only raw egg sometimes( since i was told by dietician to eat it), i dont do any yaksha sadhana or anything

only devi puja. i was totally confident person before somehow these things have broken my confidence and i have become more of introvert.

i dont listen to gothic or any such music ...or satanic thing....they totally disgust me.


and no ...till now no one has answered me clearly as to wat is happening to me other than vague answer...and honestly i need proper answers with explanations so i know y and wat and all.


i dont believe tht doing devi puja can harm anyone thts rubbish...god never harms...and mother can never harm her child . as for geting a guru ...till date i have not met any person who made me feel yes this person is truely enlightened and can guide me ...i need to feel that to accept a person as my guru. so when i do puja its only god who is my guru.


hence non of the methods have worked. and i dont believe that pundits or such ppl can do puja better as they r mostly money minded. hence i do watever i know whole heartedly....


few who think these things r probably mad halucinations...i can just say ....those who face it can only understand.


btw ... in my dream mentioned above the last part


the very next day i got chicken pox.


now ppl will think probably i was hallucinating but i wasnt.


and i cud do with some geniune proper explanations...instead of vague ones.


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