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About VibhutiGanesh

  • Birthday 03/20/1955

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Gujarat, India
  • Interests
    Astrology, Numerology, Vastu, Spirituality, Yoga, Reiki, Hypnosis, Distant Healing, Past Life Regression,


  • Biography
    I am a student of mystic subjects and have been analyzing factors influencing human pains and sorrows for more than 28 years. I indulge in research and enquiry in resolving issues of life so that life can be made trouble-free. I love experimenting with remedial measures followed in different cultures and societies.

    In my quest for mastering ways and means to resolve difficulties, I became deeply interested in mystic subjects like Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Tarrot, Face Reading, Vastu, Mantra Healing, Reikie, Thiosophy, Distant Healing, various systems of Yoga and Meditation, Surya Sadhana etc.

    I feel happy as I could be instrumental in guiding people about undertaking remedies to resolve their problems.

    Besides mystic subjects, I am fond of computer graphics, spirituality etc. Irrespective of my being strong believer of Theory of Karma, I love finding effective remedies. I try to correlate the crux of Bhagvad Gita as I find the value of 'free will' during the consumation of rewards of Karma.

    With the grace of God, I have other better sources of income and don't need to earn from the guidance. This is the reason, I think I could remain honest with my research and usage of mystic remedies. I don't have much of respect for the Mystics who frighten the poor people during difficult phase of life.

    Personally, the dictum of 'Yatha Pinde; Tatha Brahmande' (What is in your body; So is there in the Cosmos) brightens my path. Knowing pretty well that I am a tiny sub-system of the Great Cosmic System, I take life easy ! Being a great believer of Cosmic System myself, I make people aware about the divine spark within themselves.

    || Aum Tat Sat ||

    - VibhutiGanesh -
  • Location
    Gujarat, India
  • Interests
    Astrology Face Reading,Spirituality, Meditation, Occult, Yoga, Distant Healing, Reiki, Life Coaching
  • Occupation

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  1. Mr. sadmim hossain, Salutes.!! All religions need to sensitize this value of respect for each other. This is the call of the day. I liked your response. May this spread throughout the world.
  2. Dear Karthik; One should be clear about one's objective for pursuing a Mantra Sadhana. What do you wish to attain ? If this is not clear, there are chances that you are misplaced in the ocean of all sorts of information.
  3. (Mr.) Callie, Would you explain as to what do you mean by 'This kind of spirituality' ?
  4. Thank you Mr Suthar. I am impressed with your providing information.\ The site was dormant.. and has been put to activation only now. This is the reason, I am writing back to you after such a long time. Hope, you appreciate this. Would be thankful if you can suggest an authentic book that would give all procedure. Is it possible ? Regards
  5. If Kalki is to ride a horse, I think the befitting time will come after world wide devastation either because of Nuclear missadvanture or environmental hazards or due to celestial accident. In some cases, people have been projected to future lives in a hypnotic trance and they have narrated life on earth without technology.. and mankind is seen going back to nature... If the poles of the earth shift because of electromagnitc Sun storms; our present technology would fail drastically. This cannot be rulled out.. that if electronics fails and if there is any major shift in the laws of physics, man has to ride on a horse again..!!!
  6. You must be visiting them with genuine spiritual queries. Know that, once they find that your common sense is intact and that you would not easily fall prey to their propaganda, they will not accept you and would ignore you.. Know that their caliber would not match to yours.. they cannot be your Guru.
  7. I have gone through UG's book 'the Natural State'and there he mentions : "...I was brought up in a very religious atmosphere. My grandfather was a very cultured man. Heknew Blavatsky [the founder of the Theosophical Society] and Olcott, and then, later on, the second and third generations of Theosophists. They all visited our house. He was a great lawyer, a very rich man, a very cultured man and, very strangely, a very orthodox man. He was a sort of mixed-up kid: orthodoxy, tradition on one side and then the opposite, Theosophy and the whole thing on the other side. He failed to establish a balance. That was the beginning of my problem. U.G. was often told that his mother had said, just before she died, that he "was born to a destiny immeasurably high." His grandfather took this very seriously and gave up his law practice to devote himself to U.G.'s upbringing and education. His grandparents and their friends were convinced that he was a yoga bhrashta, one who had come within inches of enlightenment in his past life.] He had learned men on his payroll and he dedicated himself for some reason—I don't want to go into the whole business—to create a profound atmosphere for me and to educate me in the right way, inspired by the Theosophists and the whole lot. And so, every morning those fellows would come and read the Upanishads, Panchadasi, Nyshkarmya Siddhi, the commentaries, the commentaries on commentaries, the whole lot, from four o'clock to six o'clock, and this little boy of five, six or seven years—I don't know—had to listen to all that crap. So much so that by the time I reached my seventh year I could repeat most of those things, the passages from the Panchadasi, Nyshkarmya Siddhi and this, that and the other. So many holy men visited my house—the Ramakrishna Order and the others; you name it, and those fellows had somehow visited that house—that was an open house for every holy man. So, one thing I discovered when I was quite young was that they were all hypocrites: they said something, they believed something, and their lives were shallow, nothing. I lived in the midst of people who talked of these things everlastingly—everybody was false, I can tell you. So somehow, what you call existentialist nausea—revulsion against everything sacred and everything holy— crept into my system and threw everything out...." So he had access to Hindu Vedantic Literature.
  8. I am really surprised to see that the site is active once again. It is almost more than 10 months that I got notification that Vikas has entered some message on the stream. Well, Vikas if you too got the notification and if you please provide the link to the said website, I would be obliged. Kindly also enlighten me about 'Trance being a kind of Astrology.
  9. Dear Krsna ji, Thanks for reproducing the article on Nescience of Science & Iskcon -BY: NAVA JAUVANA DASA I particularly liked the questions - ______________ "Where are all the great preachers? Too busy building non-ecological temples in India? Too busy flying around the world to the next festival? Too busy collecting donations or blowing bubbles?" _______________ I think, these are the questions, most pertinent to the CEOs (I call them CEOs because they work in businessmanship manner) - the present chiefs/mahants/priests who have suceeded great enlightened souls like Srila Prabhupada. This is the problem associated with institutionalization process. I find, most of them are engaged in the activities included in the above questions. I heard that Sri J Krishnamurti disintegrated his Ashram in Norway only to discourage the menace of followers after his death.
  10. Suthar Ji, Let me reproduce below the last para of my post _________________________________ "I want suggestions and help in following : Suggestions in addition/deletion of details to be collected Suggestion about methodology for the research Suggestion about an institute who can sponsor the project How to collect genuine data Volunteers for the project Net resources e.g. formulating the data collectiong form, uploading on a website, processing of data and analytical tools Please interact. Your support in any form would be a valuable contribution in furthering our cultural heritage." __________ Thank U for at least you have included people 'seekers, doers and experienced' Now, tell me is it wrong to put my appeal here ? --VibhutiGanesh
  11. Dear Vikas Trance and Astrology..!! Its a news, at least to me. I am very curious.. Please provide more information. Till now I know, I understand that Trance is an altered state of mind where the sub-conscious mind is predominant and the conscious mind exists only as a dormant witness. Under this state, a person can have experiences beyond the domain of logical mind and the senses. Breathing..yes. Breathing can be instrumental in the process of transgressing into Trance. When one undertakes excellerated and rapid breathing, a portion inside nostrills, because of passing of air go dry. This is qauite unusual for the physical body and for the part of brain that oversees and ensure that the inner surface of every organ must remain wet all the time. The portion of Pharynx is connected with the hypothalamus gland. Because of this connection, the hypothalamus gland get activated and hallucination can be experienced. Now,if the person who induces the other person, before starting the process, tells the subject that during the trance, he would feel great, he would have spiritual experiences etc.; it is all likely that the person concerned will lable the unusual feelings with 'divine experience'. This is due to the pre-conditioning of his mind. If you observe some of the Meditation Techniques (I don't want to name them), you can find the above phenomenon working behind the claims of magical, devine or spiritual experiences..!!
  12. Dear Anahatanada, The fact within brackets...(Which I later found out to be false) is very pertinent. In mythological subjects like Mantra, Tantra and Occult etc. we hear astonishing stories but very rare eye-witnesses. No scientific evidences. I feel, any one like me, you or others who have faith in the power of mantras etc. should pick at least one mantra with which one is very confident about pre-requisites etc., and undertake experiment in a scientific manner. Thanks a lot for sharing the link about Sri Yantra.
  13. Vikas, If you have some cronic sickness, too, I think you should visit a good hypnosis expert. Past life regression therapy can be useful. However, if you don't have any serious issues in life, just leave the idea and move ahead.. there's no need to open a Pandora box..!!
  14. Though this is not addressed to me; I reproduce few lines from the last para of my initial post : " Let us admit and sensitize as to what can be done and what cannot be done through Mantra.This is the way, we can curb the Cheaters and Thugs who are expoliting the ignorance of poor and needy people." In my personal opinion, we need to understand the process of creation : from subtle into physical. "Accumulation of Tremendus amount of Vaasanas - strong desires which can only be fulfilled through a physical body" is the row material by which the body is made up of. As water gets converted into steam and again if steam gets cool, it condenses and converted into water. Simillarly, thoughts vibrations turns into gross form and thats our body. So, mantra can have influence upon gross body. However, it requires very very huge volume of subtle vibrations of genuine mantra recited in genuine manner. It will first bring in change into our emotional body, aura body and then there would be changes in physical body.
  15. Observe the shape of a flame of a Diya. When something burns, it heats up the surrounded air. The hot air goes up. To take place, the cold air ghushes there. This creates a sort of upward flow. It is believed that when a prayer or reciting of mantra is performed near a Diya, the vibrations are easily carried up with the hot air upward current. Some people believe that different fuels create different kind of freqauencies when burnt. It is also believed that this upward current gets connected with the huge reservoir of Mantra vibrations already present in the ether. Because of this connection, the sadhaka gets backup of the collection of vibrations created by others and can get manifold benefits of Mantra recited by him. It is said that Ghee made up from Cow Milk, when burnt through a Diya, creates very effective bridge with the vibrations in ether. I am not very sure whether, some scientific research has ever beeen conducted to verify this.
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