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Posts posted by talasiga
Originally posted by darwin:
What do you mean by "we are not without this body".
As I formulated:
"We are not this body + <u>we are not without this body</u> = simultaneously
one + different"
Undifferentiated Brahman (Nirguna) = Satchidananda, and
Differentiated Brahman (Saguna)= Satchidananda + Vigraha
then, conclusive formulation above reads as:
Undifferentiated Brahman + Vigraha = simultaneously one and different.
<u>Topic: Medicinal Properties of Tulasi</u>
Originally posted by JRdd:
Mr Das [dasanudas]refers to homoeopathy not in a literal sense but in a poetic and spiritual sense. Homoeopathy is so vibrational anyway, each hundred thousandth dilution taking you deeper, that I think it is a great analogy.
The truly spiritual or poetic sense is not a flight
from the heart of a matter but, rather, the reflection
of its very essence.
The essence of homeopathy is the principle that "like cures like"
and the truly poetic sensibility will explore that essence
rather than <u>escape</u> it.
Similarly, the essence of spiritual life is reciprocity in relationships
between the Divine and the devotees and amongst the devotees
and the truly spiritual sensibility revels in this reciprocity
rather than eclipsing it with some "one way" heirarchical dogma.
Originally posted by darwin:
There is no need to get upset about the fact that our bodies evolved from ape bodies. We are not this body.
Nirguna Brahman = Satchidananda = no attributes
Saguna Brahman = Satchidananda Vigraha = with attributes
Impersonal Supreme = Being Knowing Bliss = One
Personal Supreme = Being Knowing Bliss with Form (Body)= differentiation
Personal Supreme MINUS Vigraha = Impersonal Supreme
(Satchidananda Vigraha MINUS Vigraha = Satchidananda)
We are not this body + <u>we are not without this body</u> = simultaneously
one + different
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-08-2001).]
FAITH depends on FEELING
Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:
The word love
is conspicuous
by it's absence
The feeling love
is invisible
in its presence
Originally posted by JRdd:
Now here is my similar dilemma though. A couple of days ago I bought these great-looking organic cranberries. I really wanted some for a health reason and was so surprised to see some actually in the store, not in some bottle with sugar added. So at home my daughter was getting ready to make us a spirulina cranberry blender drink and I asked her to use honey, anticipating sourness from the berries. Now it turned out that the only honey we had was maha from when Lord Jagannath was "ill" at the Berkeley Temple before Rathayatra. She got the jar out and noticed manjari bits in it, which I had forgotten about. So what should we have done? What we did do was put it in the blender.
Did you ask the "manjaris" about this ?
Originally posted by dasanudas:
Just the names of Vrnda devi on the tongue
Will heal an ailing heart
Just feel her homeopathic potency
School of medicine founded by Dr S.C.E. Hahnemann (1755-1843)
in 1796 in Philadelphia,
based on the theory that large doses of drugs
that produce symptoms of a disease in healthy people
will cure the same symptoms when administered in small amounts.
This is loosely based on the theory that 'like cures like'."
(from Edition 14 Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary)
QUESTION for Dasanudas:
In light of this explanation, <u>what exactly is the illness
that you purport is caused by ocimum sanctum
that is cured by it in a "homeopathic potency"</u> ?
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-07-2001).]
talasiga: Dear Dasanudas - you appear to have had some problems quoting me
(particularly the excerpt from Lord Chaitanya which steered my message)
in your last post so here it is follwed by your own comments
Originally posted by talasiga:
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,
"There are not even hard and fast rules for chanting these names....."
No rules for the Holy Names to dance upon the tongue
But may not the tongue host the Holy Herb
unless all the songs are sung ?
Bush flower remedy.
Clues from the Muse
Just the names of Vrnda devi on the tongue
Will heal an ailing heart
Just feel her homeopathic potency
talasiga: Your response warrants an examination of
a) whether the Holy Herb can appropriately
be the subject
of <u>utility</u> requiring a consideration of homeopathic potency
with the <u>piety</u> towards the Holy Herb professed by some.
b) the modus operandi of homeopathy.
However, as there is a spring storm brewing in Eastern Australia
at this time (c. 11 PM, Tuesday night) I must switch off now.
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-06-2001).]
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,
"There are not even hard and fast rules for chanting these names....."
Originally posted by JRdd:
"Upon your tongue convey the Names."
No rules for the Holy Names to dance upon the tongue
But may not the tongue host the Holy Herb
unless all the songs are sung ?
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-05-2001).]
Originally posted by JRdd:
Ancient import directions say:
Upon a rival (leave bags behind and) convey a friendly countenance.
Ancient report recommendations say:
"Upon a friend convey your sorrows."
Ancient etherport instruction:
"Passengers are reminded to declare all happiness before departure."
Topic: Recommending JNDas
Originally posted by jndas:
I would appreciate it if you could act like a sane person, and not like Melvin. The question was whether there are references in the Bible which specifically state one no longer needs to offer sacrifice to the Lord. Your answers are just wasting space here.
Originally posted by dasanudas:
Ancient boomarang philosophy say.
'The smile you send out returns to you.'
Ancient bullseye precept say:
"The smile that hits its target falls with it."
Originally posted by jndas:
Anything from the bible?
Why search for Him in the Bible
He moves with the Hungry
When you next feed Him
Ask Him to feed you.
Originally posted by valaya:
He just likes horsin' around!
How dare you
PINCH my PUNCH line ?
Originally posted by jndas:
I've heard that before, but I wonder if there are any statements like, "stop offering sacrifices". Anything direct?
Yes !
The New Testament Sacrament of Bread and Wine
the Old Testament sacrifice of flesh and blood .....
Originally posted by marco:
I would like to give you an assignment and
please tell me from your point of view the
meaning of SAMADHI. And later, I would also
give you mine, according to my father, Mel-
vin. O.K?
Hey Marco !
Do you play Polo ?
Dasanudas Dasanudas
Where you been so long ?
Dasanudas Dasanudas
Where you been so long ?
I got a flute that tootles
I got a bell that rings
Have you been house moving ?
How sad the pine hurst sings .....
<u>[ i ][ b ]LOVE </u>
Hey Valaya !
Very hip topic heading:
I be LOVE be I
I notice you put I and be in brackets.
Pretty deep .....
Personal Info:
"Talasiga" is my nom de plume
Love is my inkwell
My writings are
a blot
Originally posted by talasiga:
The ferry of devotion
finds Radha waiting
at every shore
She feels the separation when the Ferry goes
Feels the union when the Ferry comes
and She feels the River at Her toes.
But can She feel His feelings
as He watches Her waiting
at the shore ?
jndas: In Vrindavana everyone serves the Lord in Madhurya rasa.
talasiga: Even a light study
of "The Nectar of Devotion" (ISBN 0-912776072-2 hardbound) by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad tends to contradict the above statement.
See especially Part 3.
Shaanta-rasa is deemed foundational and inherent in the other four "primary" rasa-s.
Clearly the Gopas in Vrindaban are mostly sakhya-rati and Yasodha and Nandan are vaatsalya-rati.
PRABHUPAD:.....in the Eleventh Canto of Shr[ee]mad-Bh[aa]gvatam, Lord K[rishn]a personally instructs Uddhava like this: "The state of being established in My personal form is called [shaa]nta-rasa, and without being situated in this position, no one can advance to actual pure devotional service." In other words, no one can be situated in the personal feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead without being situated at least in [shaa]nta-rasa.
(The Nectar of Devotion at end of Chapter 35)
jndas: The foundation of those rasas in Vrindavana is madhurya.
talasiga: This is quite a beautiful proposition and intuitively I find it acceptable. Prabhupad's comments on Lord Krishna's pronouncements about the precedence of shhanta-rasa need not preclude special pre-eminence of madhura-rasa in the very special Vrindaban.
However the statement,
"In Vrindavana everyone serves the Lord in Madhurya rasa" must continue to be incorrect even in the light of the proposition that "The foundation of those rasas in Vrindavana is madhurya".
For instance just because shaanta-rasa is foundational to the other rasa-s doesn't mean that you can say, "The Gopis serve the Lord in shaanta" !
And in pursuance of the proposition for the pre-eminence of madhura: Neither can you correctly say, that, as a generality, "In Vrindaban, Yashoda serves the Lord in madhura-rasa" !
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-02-2001).]
<u>Unfanatical Arrangements for Veteran Member Animesh
to Have a New Username Without Acquiring Junior Status</u>
posted by jndas,forum administrator (addressing Animesh):
I will edit the joining date so it can say you have been member since XYZ.
Animesh !!!
See, see, what did I tell you ?
There you are then and what about a chocolate for me ?
Huh ?
Originally posted by valaya:
Why no more Emails? Nothing personal you care to share? Afraid I'll break the rules? Nothing has changed from my end...
When you have sent me 30 or 40 e-mails
you will become one of my "senior corespondents".
Then I might consider getting "personal".
But don't hold out for it:
after all I might be a <u>robot</u> that marco has
not yet detected !
Originally posted by jndas:
In Vrindavana everyone serves the Lord in Madhurya rasa.
Even a light study
of "The Nectar of Devotion" (ISBN 0-912776072-2 hardbound) by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad
tends to contradict the above statement.
See especially Part 3.
<u>Shaanta Ras</u> is deemed foundational and inherent in the other four "primary" rasa-s.
Clearly the Gopas in Vrindaban are mostly sakhya-rati and Yasodha and Nandan are vaatsalya-rati.
valaya:Some are able to discern the difference between
using for material medicinal benefits and taking spiritual shelter.
talasiga: Indeed ! Both sickness and the seeing of ghosts
are tamasic. One may take spiritual shelter from them.
valaya: Also, the Holy Names have no restrictions
in this Age of Kali.
talasiga: The recommendation for <u>anyone</u>
is to chant from the <u>loving heart</u>. Does this include include
chanting from the <u>fearful kidneys</u> or the <u>angry liver</u> ?
valaya: Any offenses incurred by chanting
are absolved through continued chanting.
talasiga: How did the topic of "offense" arise ?
I don't recall raising it.
valaya: What's the matter, Talasiga, JRdd not responding
gratefully enough to your condescending `compliments`?
talasiga: I am grateful that sometimes JRdd says
things that make me feel like complimenting her.
If my compliments are not pleasing on account of my poor English
or difference of expressive style why mock me for this ?
As I do not have an agenda of manipulation with regard to her,
I am not overwrought if my flattery falls flat on the floor !
Nor do I seek to ingratiate myself in some way as my aim is honest.
So sometimes I will agree with her, sometimes challenging,
sometimes joking.
If I wanted to,
don't you think I could be cunning and intelligent enough
to play the game and work this forum so as to obtain
the majority's approval and pretend to be agreeable friend of so many ?
And do you think Krishna would be more pleased with me then ?
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-02-2001).]
Faith vs. Literalism
in Spiritual Discussions
"Sometimes it is better to do nothing than to waste time " - ancient Oriental proverb