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Posts posted by talasiga
Originally posted by jndas:
According to Srila Prabhupada, the world "Arya" refers to those who followed the Vedic teachings. By comparing them against Dravidians you are comparing apples and oranges. Dravidians who followed the Vedic culture were also Aryans.
And this usage of "Arya[n]" is
consistent with the Sanskritic usage
which, again, is not a racial based usage.
the use of the term "Aryan"
on this thread appears to revolve
around a 19th century usage of it to denote
a racial or genetic grouping and such usage culminated
in the unfortunate turn the term had under Nazism.
The modern usage of the term is to denote
those <u>languages of Indo-European origin</u>
ie. from Sanskrit, Ancient Persian,
Ancient Greek, Latin, Old German etc
Please see a good dictionary.
See also a MODERN anthropology text book
of your choosing.
Originally posted by suryaz:
No there is no "India" as such pre 1947. There was the land mass but it was not technically call “India” although it was in short often referred to as India. What we call India today, that was part of a bunch of British colonies on the Indian or Asian - sub-continent for a while. Before that it was a landmass of separate Hindu kingdoms until the Muslims came
A bit like the land mass of Europe ?
A land mass with a mass of peoples and traditions no doubt ?
Ever heard of "European Culture",
"European History" etc ?
When did Europe become <u>A</u> country ?
Does it have to be a country to exist ?
Huh ?
You just don't get it, do you ?
Ah well .....
BTW, you didn't mention the <u>Portuguese</u>
the <u>French</u> colonies in India.
Probably, too much of a big picture issue.
Originally posted by jndas:
Jai Hind!
Hind: a female deer
Yes !
All glories to the Golden Hind
of Dear India !
See how she ranges across Her land
Crossing pathetic man-made borders drawn
in the sand .....
Originally posted by suryaz:
What is “India” today is not what people pre-1947 may have referred to in short as 'India'.
Post the Act of 1858 (which saw the British Crown assumed direct charge of government in the Indian sub-continent, up until -1947 was, what is to day called Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (some other islands also) plus “India”. The above were a collection of British colonies referred to as the Asian sub-continent aks the Indian sub-continent.
What is called India today pre British rule was a collection of separate Hindu kingdoms in the south and the northern part of what we today call India, plus Bangladesh and Pakistan were under Muslim rule from the beginning of the 13th century.
We can apply the same order of
hair splitting distinction
etc etc
No decent historian would
disagree that there is a contiguity of national identity in terms of history
and culture with all these countries
regardless of their
changing borders, different administrations,
and so on
at various points in time.
History, is by definition, a "big picture"
The details will afford greater meaning for you
when you can see the big picture.
"A History of India"
Herman Kulke & Dietmar Rothermund
ISBN 0-415-04799-4
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-19-2001).]
Originally posted by jndas:
This is a good example of how pride blocks one's spiritual path.
........His pride does not allow him to accept defeat, much like he would refuse to accept he was wrong on countless other occassions. (Example: that "the Bhavishya Purana is not a mahapurana", that "the scriptures speak about New World vegetables like tomatoes and condemn those who eat them", "potatos are eternally pure even if covered in beef", etc.)
Your win and defeat paradigm tends to contradict
your own espoused worthy approach which you
set out
in the "Audarya Fellowship" thread at:-
Also, your citings from other threads to denounce Satyaraja, are potentially misleading
as they are taken out of context,
and particularly as you have not provided the readers with
appropriate HTML references so they can see for themselves.
Satyaraja's contributions on this thread,
however disagreeable his point of view,
have been generous in their chivalrous
and stimulating manner.
Often it is not PRIDE but intellectual HUMILITY
that prompts some to have the courage
to take such views for the sake of developmental discussions
without regard to the unjustified personal unpopularity
that such views might bring them.
The important thing is that the discussions
remain relevant
factually, philosophically or poetically)
good spirited, and free from rude coarse language
and untrue slanderous comments.
Such challenges from Satyaraja should be seen
as opportunities for his antagonists
to polish their discursive skills
as devotional service.
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-19-2001).]
Originally posted by suryaz:
Herein Bhaktivinoda states:
1. The Aryans first entered India from the North West and subjugated the indigenous tribes around 4463 B.C. ..." (Shukavac).
Now, what do we have here ?
Bhaktivinoda Acharya said this way before 1947
but according to Suryaz India didn't exist
before 1947 .....
forget PBS
try QED !
Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:
"That which is the cause of bondage, applied theraputically, can be the cause of liberation."
You tie my left hand an I'll tie your right !
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 01-07-2002).]
Howz abouts some of his poems, Jijaji ?
Please ?
Originally posted by ggohil:
If I were to discuss this topic with my grandmother, she would have been very quick to point out that she did not need science to tell her the benefits of breast feeding.
And some do not need scripture to promote
their love of God.
Originally posted by JRdd:
I don't beleive that cow's milk is good for babies. Also, breast milk is very thin (and sweet like it has been sugared), whereas cow's milk is fatty.
I remember suckling at my mother's breast.
I also remember being sick with asthma when I was using a bottle.
Recently my aged mother told me that, at 6 months, I was put on cow's milk (because of some ill health she was experiencing) and I developed asthma. Have been allergic to dairy since then (yoghourt included.
In those days, in Fiji, fresh milk still warm from Mother Cow, was delivered by the dairyman himself in billy cans. It was very rich cream milk, unpasteurised and our family would boil it first thing for "hygiene" considerations.
According to Henry Bieler, "Food is Your Best Medicine", boiling of milk (even pasteurising) destroys the superior quality of the raw milk proteins and renders them somewhat harmful.
My two children who are now fully grown
were breast fed for at least 18 months
and have not "inherited" any of their parent's physiological weaknesses.
Also, no starch foods (particularly grains, pasta and other flour based foods) during
this period except gentle vegetable starches such as potato.
And definitely NO SALT !!
Originally posted by atma:
I don't know if any of you ever noticed the old ladies in India that can't stand straight, they are completely bended. This happens because they have many children and breast-feed for long time and they don't get enough nutrition themselves. They don't have any calcium left in their bones.
Excess mineral salt intake (common in India)
depletes calcium.
As does excessively high meat intake.....
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-19-2001).]
Originally posted by leyh:
The translation of the Narada Bhakti Sutras that I cited ..................
was completed by The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Narada-bhakti-sutra Translation and Editorial Board which consists of Satsvarupa dasa Goswami (Commentator and Editor in Chief),Gopiparanadhana dasa Adhikari (Translator and Sanskrit Editor) and Dravida dasa Brahmacari (English Editor).
Which translation are you using and how does it translate Sutra 74?
Mine is translated as,
"<u>Vain</u> discussion should not be undertaken ..." (my underlining)
from "Bhaktis[oo]tras of N[aa]rada"
translated by Nandalal Sinha
ISBN 81-215-0827-4
(Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers P/L)
Originally posted by leyh:
In the Narada Bhakti Sutras,Narada Muni instructs that:"One should not indulge in argumentative debate." (Sutra 74)
Dear Leyh
Friend of you know who
On the sliding sleigh:
Where did you get this translation ?
I am interested in the source of your info.
My translation says something a little, but significantly, different.
Thank You.
Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:
The Ferry of Devotion
Parts the River from shore to shore
Yet see how the waters are still undivided !
Would that Ferry parts swans and ducks?
Just come to the decks and see !
Swans to the starboard, swans to the portside
And ducks to the starboard, ducks to the portside !
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-15-2001).]
The Ferry of Devotion
Parts the River from shore to shore
Yet see how the waters are still undivided !
Originally posted by gHari:
How much can you part with?
Originally posted by talasiga:
Can you part with Separation ?
Originally posted by Satyaraj:
Isn’t Separation itself part of the Absolute? Just like Death?
Poor gHari
Asks one question
Gets three in return !
Originally posted by gHari:
How much can you part with?
Can you part with Separation ?
Originally posted by gHari:
tato duhsangam utsrjya
satsu sajjeta buddhiman
santa evasya chindanti
mano-vyasangam uktibhih
(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 11.26.26)
"The wise avoid the wicked and seek the holy. One who is holy, offering holy advice, cuts asunder the desires that create obstructions in one's spiritual life."
Those who know Him
Know not where to avoid Him.
Those who know wickedness
Will flee it everywhere.
Those who are wise
know this.
Originally posted by jijaji:
Within you Without you
we were talking...
about the space between us all..
Can you imagine jelebi-s
without the concentric spaces ?
They'd just be saffron lumps .
Who would stuff their faces then
When sweetness no longer corrals
the little voids in our life ?
Originally posted by suryaz:
As if boils could come from eating mangos in the summer ???????????
As a seasonal fruitarian for over 30 years with some considerable experiences in healing
and mitigation of the effects of serious illnesses
with the application of dietary healing and other natural
complementary systems, I would be inclined to view
any such effects from the eating of mangoes as a cleansing
crisis triggered by the healing potency of the fruit.
The systematic application of a natural cleansing regime
would be likely to cleanse such a body to an extent
that the mango would no longer trigger such a cleansing crisis.
When I was a child in tropical Fiji Islands
we had several
mango trees in our urban backyard which bore munificiently.
Also my mother's relatives would bring us bags of mangoes
from their farm. Naturally we gorged ourselves with the fruits.
None of us got boils.
However it was noticeable that children who usually ate little fruit
and whose diets were heavily dependent on rice and other starchy foods, excessively salty accompaniments
and oily foods tended to get tropical ulcers more consistently than others.
In summer when I am eating mostly fruits
I often enjoy raw bitter melon vitamised (blenderised) with tomato, origano, mint and lemon juice. Another simple but delicious way is to steam slices in water and douse with lemon juice before serving - no frying, no salt.
For people who aren't into some strict natural dietary regime
I would suggest this as a guideline (and not a rule):
1. don't mix raw juicy fruits (Satvic) with cooked foods (Tamasic).
2. eat such fruits on an empty stomach especially breakfast at least 30 minutes after your morning glass of water.
3. can be eaten with some raw nuts and/or good live yoghourt/laban etc if one can tolerate dairy. Never with anything starchy albeit raw (eg rolled oats etc).
talasiga: The essence of homeopathy is the principle
that "like cures like"
and the truly poetic sensibility will explore that essence
rather than escape it.
Originally posted by darwin:
Homeopathy doesn't follow this instruction.
Homeopathy uses fake medicine that is so diluted that
there is probably not even one molecule of the "ingredient"
in it.
The "principle" is not an "instruction" and "essence" is not an "ingredient".
Try a good dictionary next time.
Or, better still, start at square one and find a different monkey .....
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-08-2001).]
Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:
There is no reason to consider the material realm as inferior than Hari, as Hari is its operative cause and He is always Absolute. According to Vedanta no one should disdain Hari’s lilas of creation.
Bilkul ! Satyaraja Babaji !
Bilkul !
By Lord's Grace, one need not even go near any
Vedaantic text to know this.....
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 11-08-2001).]
Why does everyone always blame the Jews?
in Spiritual Discussions
You are easily puzzled.