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Posts posted by talasiga
Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:
Someone told me this weekend that when George
asked Srila Prabhupad for a sanskrit name,
Prabhupad said "You are already Hari's son
(Harrison, so you don't need another name."
Ahhhh !
The humour of the wise and diplomatic .....
Originally posted by karthik_v:
There is absolutely no reason to believe that Buddhism was ever a popular religion of the masses in India. If that were the case, there should have been many literature to support such a claim. But, even in an ancient language like Tamil, we can just come across a couple of Buddhist literature.
This is quite bizarre reasoning.
In ancient India, Sanskrit was the predominant scriptural vehicle
of Hinduism
Pali was the predominant scriptural vehicle
of Buddhism.
1.There is no need to speculate
that the absence of <u>ancient</u> Buddhist texts
in Tamil means the absence of Buddhism in <u>ancient</u> Tamil Nadu.
Nor is there a need to speculate
that the the absence of <u>ancient</u> Hindu texts in Tamil means the absence of Hinduism in <u>ancient</u> Tamil Nadu.
(In the ancient period under consideration here
I know of no significant Hindu texts in Tamil.)
2. Buddhism had its peak of royal patronage
under the Mauryan emperor Ashoka (c268 BC - 233 BC). Ashoka's reign represented the peak of the Mauryan Empire and even during his reign <u>Kerala and Tamil Nadu were not included</u> in the empire.
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-11-2001).]
Originally posted by suryaz:
So is loneliness just being ill at ease with the self?
A most tempting question
But we have no desire to answer it .....
Talasiga & Co.
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-11-2001).]
Originally posted by leyh:
I think it was raining and as I happened to be carrying an umbrella,I offered to shelter Srila Prabhupada from the rain,but he declined.
Perhaps it was a shower of blessings.
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-11-2001).]
Originally posted by JRdd:
This mood is so far removed from the days when devotees appreciated each other so much, and genuinely felt humbled in each other's presence, and meant the obeisances and pranams that were constantly offered.
Hey !
Am I in the past
or is it in your presence
those days do last and last ?
Here is my well meant pranaam:-
"I greet the highest in you.
Your goodness walks in front of me.
Your gentleness bids me good day.
Your laughter raises me to joyfulness.
Your quietness leads me away."
- A Ute Prayer for Friendship from
War Cry on a Prayer Feather: Prose and Poetry of the Ute [Red]Indians
by Nancy Wood,
(Doubleday & Co, New York
ISBN 0-385-12885-1 )
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-11-2001).]
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 01-07-2002).]
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
Not to worry. We just need to remember that most of us are just works in progress.
I feel like
a demolition in progress
Originally posted by gHari:
I have lived alone since 1974. I've never been lonely, .....
The greatest loneliness
is known in close company
Originally posted by Krsnacandra dasa:
For some reason, the media really does not want
to talk about him being a devotee of [Krishna].
It happens to many .
It is all part of His plan
To keep our relationship
A secret cherish .
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-10-2001).]
Do you enjoy
analysing droppings ?
Me too !
new readers may also be interested
in this older thread "Loneliness Vesus Alone"
commenced by Bhaktavasya:-
Originally posted by gHari:
Excerpt of letter to Syamasundara das, April 12, 1970:
I think George does not require to become my formal
disciple because he is already more than my disciple.
Ahhhh !
the diplomacy of the wise and loving .....
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-09-2001).]
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
Why get a Philosophy degree?
-It's more respectable than a theater degree, but you still get to
drink lots of espresso.
Let me see now ......
let me see.....
Learn how to put Des cartes before Des ass
and still pull the world along ?
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
So, was Kant on drugs or what?
Neela Kant Mahadeva !
Jay Jay Shambho !
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
What is the nature of Knowledge?
-I'm still trying to figure out the nature of *college*.
Knowledge without wisdom
is like a college with no dean
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
Can our minds exist separately from our bodies?
-If they could, we'd just send our minds to class and sleep in every
If you see a body with a sleeping mind
You will notice it is mourning
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
What is the meaning of life?
-All evidence to date suggests it's chocolate.
Black and Gold ?
How sweet -
Krishna and Radha .....
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
7. How do I know I'm not just a brain in a vat, hooked up to a computer
simulation of life?
-Look in the mirror. If you see a gray, spongy thing in a glass
container, you are.
Wait a minute !
First KICK the mirror hard
to see it really exists .....
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
. If a tree falls in the forest, and there's no one there to hear it, does
it make a sound?
-Not if it lands on a bunch of pillows.
Hey !
Where do YOU put your head
at night ?
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
What is the essence of being human?
-Not understanding the opposite sex.
Well, I don't understand you.
Are you a woman
or Am I a beast ?
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
How do I know anything really exists?
-Kick it *really* hard.
Yep, right again !
Try kicking a bad habit .....
Originally posted by Gauracandra:
Is there a God?
-A billion Hindus can't be wrong.
Yes you're right !
Each has his/her very own God .....
Originally posted by suryaz:
YES! YES! YES! Right On Talasiga
YES - A mistake, surrounded by confusion.
Oh dear - she is trying to beat
me with my own stick.............)
Nevertheless all the elements
in the mistake are real
and its result too......
you "have no idea how [it] happened"
and when you do work it out
you may no longer be confused
but the mistake won't disappear
and even if you fix it
while it existed the mistake
will have existed
as a real thing.........
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-07-2001).]
Originally posted by suryaz:
The object only has appealing value when I superimpose my notions about that onto it. ........bye for now
Oh ! So now you have introduced
<u>notional</u> temptation ?
It appears that you are suggesting that
Self generated Desire for Object
is due to the Choosing a Notion for superimposition.
T[emptation] is a <u>context</u> where S[elf] with Desire
has option of C[hoice] of N[otion].
This is a precise summation of what you just said - generically no different to the earlier summation encapsulating O.
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-06-2001).]
Originally posted by suryaz:
I have no idea how the underlining bit happened
(Perhaps not unlike Temptation) !
Please take responsibility (which you rightly promote)
and fix it up.
The Law of Copyright
requires accuracy of representation.
If you wish to insert something not in the original utterance
editorial convention requires your insertion to be in square brackets
or some separate notation admitting
the change.
Shvu is very knowledgeable and might
be able to help you with the underlining.
Otherwise, you should go back to where you quoted me
and in square brackets put a note like: [underlining by Suryaz].
[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 12-06-2001).]
John sang Krsna 'fore George
in Spiritual Discussions
If you are the former Animesh,
how come you are only a "junior" member ?
What happened ?
Are you trying to confuse the FBI ?
Hah !
But you can't fool
this Fiji Born Indian.
But seriously, Avinash
I think you will find that, if indeed
the US FBI are investigating South Asians -
it is the prospect of a Muslim terrorist element
that is instigating it.
have you ever seen a walrus with only one tusk ?
Ekadantiyum Atlanticum !