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Everything posted by ppena

  1. Puja for Saturn is highly recommended. Most important. Moon is in 7th house, that is 12th lord of loss Moon in 7th house of relationships - bringing in the energy of the debilitated Mars in the 12th house of cancer. extremely difficult marriage karma. This person could get frustrated and angry quickly too. Highly recommend Hanuman Chalisa and wearing Red Coral/Pearl talisman. But most of all pray to God intensely and ask forgiveness for past sins. - Pablo
  2. I know this wasn't addressed to me but thought I would give my 2 cents. Saturn, even when Yogakaraka, is still Saturn. It can give great results but must still "shake things up a bit". I believe you are in the first AD of Saturn. Usually the first AD of any planet things are still "incubating". This is particularly true during Saturn's MD. I would highly recommend "The Greatness of Saturn - a theraputic myth" by Dr. Svoboda.
  3. The only reason other sites will call you a virgo is if they are using a different Ayanamsha. That is possible. Medium height people are Leo, that's common. Reserved is Saturn aspecting Sun. Not athletic? If Mars were in 11th it would give athleticism/ambition. Mars in 12th debilitated is weak no athletic inclination. Also, 4th lord (Mars) debilitated in 12th house of loss indicates loss of the mother. There is one sure way to tell. Mars is very auspicious for Leo and very inauspicious for Virgo. You should wear a Red coral, put it on Tuesday when the moon is waxing and pray to Lord Hanuman and Rama on that day. If all sorts of evil afflictions and horrible misfortune fall upon you, then you are Virgo.
  4. This chart is very strong. There are 3 things which suport the Sun, Exalted Saturn, Venus in its own sign too and Sun in exact conjunction to ascendant. The problem is not that Sun is neecha, is that it is exactly 10 degrees Neecha - the worst. This creates fear, paranoia and insecurity. but it's not necessary. You are very fortunate. Honor Surya on Sundays. The moon is in strong kema druma yoga. A pearl would help with that. Best of luck, Pablo - Pablo
  5. I would agree with this. Chandra is weak. Also, you are currently running Mars/Jupiter. At first this seems strange time to face difficulties as both are auspicious planets and both are well placed in the chart. I believe what is happening is that Jupiter owns Pisces where you have this difficult Sat/Rahu conjunction. Jupiter activates this. Honor Saturn on Saturdays. By the way, this is just a side point. This chart is strangely similar to Celine Dion who is also a Cancer ascendant with Sat/Rahu/Venus in Pisces, Moon/Mars in Aries in 10th and Jupiter in Leo in 2nd. Interesting...
  6. I still have a sneaking suspicion you might be Pisces Ascendant. Remember birth certificates are not always 100 %. If you are Aquarius ascendant you will be lucky and graceful (Venus on Ascendant). But if you are Pisces Ascendant you would be aggressive and outspoken (Mars, lord of 2nd in asc). - Pablo
  7. Astrology is not flawless. The knowledge of Jyotish is there to help mankind and to give GENERAL guidance. But only God can say exactly what will happen and when it will happen. That's why a small percentage of astrological predictions will always fail. It's a way of keeping man humble. The point of Astrology is not to start feeling you are omniscient and all-knowing. If you start to think like this I guarantee, every prediction will start to fail! But I admit it is mysterious. - Pablo
  8. You say in the Western system you are Virgo Lagna 17 degrees. To go from Western chart to Vedic chart always means moving back planets roughly 23 degrees. If you don't believe me you can ask other astrologers on this list. I am absolutely certain. As I stated previously that makes you Leo ascendant (around 24 degrees Leo). Remember that as LEO ascendant 2nd house is not just aspected by Saturn but also by Jupiter. Jupiter is conjunct Mercury 2nd lord. So things will get better with time, in fact, your voice could end up becoming one of your real strong points. However, in the beginning there is some difficulty. Wear REd coral. Yogakaraka mars is debilitated in 12th house. This is critical. Good luck, Pablo
  9. You are currently going thru Saturn MD. The first phase is often the most difficult. You can wear Blue Sapphire for Saturn. But if you insist on arrogant posts about what you think you do or don't need it will not serve you. There is more to astrological science than just wearing a gemstone or going to a river or feeding crows. Astrology is, ultimately, a science of self-understanding. To just demand things from astrologers to whom you are paying nothing and refusing to even consider introspection or self-study is to take a very dull, tamasic approach towards astrology. - Pablo
  10. You do NOT have kemadruma yoga. Kemadruma yoga means there are no planets in the sign before, in, or directly after the moon (no planets in 12th, 1st and 2nd from the moon). You have Sani in 12th from moon and Jupiter in first. Rahu and Mercury are good cycles to get married (either MD or ADs). Best of luck, Pablo
  11. How sure are you about your birth time? If you were born 1/2 hour later you would be Pisces and then the Dasha results would make much more sense.
  12. My sincerest apologies. I had you down as a Scorpio Ascendant. Must have put in 12:30 am or something. Also apologies to the other astrologer who had her correctly as a Taurus ascendant, you were quite right. Well this changes things dramatically. And for the better! A scorpio asc with this chart would be unfortunate indeed. Now Moon and Rahu go into 6th house of service. It is still a Dusthana causing problems but not as bad as 12th. You will see some significant improvements at the end of the year towards Christmas. Honoring of Saturn and Blue sapphire is recommended. It looks like a strong time if you have any interests in performing arts, traveling, adventures, etc. Still you must do shanti remedies for the moon. I would recommend honoring Durga, repitition of Mantras to Durga, etc.
  13. I don't see how you are getting a Virgo ascendant. I am still getting Leo, 23 degrees. And a SHY person with Sun in the 10th house? Very unusual. Also, lord of the 2nd with debilitated Mars is hardly important in the all powerful 11th house. Moreover, Saturn really must aspect the 2nd house to be having this much problems with voice. That makes you a Leo. A Leo would care if they are not being heard! For a virgo, speech would hardly be an issue (unless there was a more practical reason for speech causing problems). Again, I'm only guessing here and I could be wrong. Could you have mis-posted your birth time? - Pablo
  14. I am getting a lagna of Leo 23 degrees. Saturn aspects both signs of gemini and is retrograde. Of course one of those signs is the 2nd house of speech. Jupiter influences both Mercury in the 10th house and aspects the 2nd house as well, so definitely through time these problems will get better. But I suspect the main problem is more one of confidence than actual physical problems with the vocal chords. Ketu is on the ascendant. Sun is aspected closely by Saturn and Mars, yoga-karaka Mars is in the 12th house and debilitated. Wear red coral, do the Hanuman Chalisa & honor Lord Rama. Especially wear red coral and try to be a little more athletic. These things will make the issues of voice/speech go away faster. - Pablo
  15. Sometimes when many planets are along the Rahu-Ketu axis there are different strange & difficult problems to face. Lord of the 2nd house Mars is posited in 10th house which is excellent but alongside 3 malefics (Venus, Mercury, Ketu). Still lord of 10th is in own sign in the ascendant which is truly superb. This is the chart of someone who will be very well known, practically famous and quite wealthy. There is much luck and grace in the chart. You are very extroverted and this is a good time to earn money through hard work and careful, consistent approach to career. 1990-2006 was likely a good time no? I would not necessarily resist offers abroad. Saturn lords over 12th house of foreigners. It could be good for you. Despite this great chart, I do see problems with family. Rahu in the 4th house and 4 lord mercury with Ketu closely conjunct Mars is not so good for the mother. Also, lord of 6th in 9th is not so good for the father either. You can expect a change in March of next year (2009). Because of SadeShati and the current transit of Saturn you should get "The Greatness of Saturn" by Dr. Svoboda - a great book. - Pablo
  16. Yes, Monday makes complete sense. I was actually going to say it happened either on Saturday or Monday. As I said before Shanti remedies for the moon are necessary. As for your husband he is not dependent on you for happiness. And I have to be honest, it does not look like an auspicious match between you and your husband.
  17. You are getting her chart wrong. She is not a Taurus Ascendant. She is a Scorpio ascendant. Please re-check.
  18. Well in your chart Saturn is in a sign of Venus and aspecting the ascendant and Venus as well. There is a parivartana yoga between Venus & Saturn. Which means when you get Venus, you simultaneosly get Saturn. So it can bring some difficulties. But I would not expect those difficulties to be overwhelming. Rahu is also in a sign of Saturn but in the 12th house, away from Saturn's glance and in a sign where Rahu does not do badly. Mercury is, of course, 5th lord & 8th lord for Aquarius and is slightly benefic for this Ascendant. I would expect the Venus time to be more "important" but not necessarily easier. I would expect the Rahu cycle to be easier but less significant for your life as a whole. Can you clarify what you mean by difficulties during mercury/venus and "good times" as defined by mercury/Rahu? Does this involve money, family, career, health, spirituality? Thank you, Pablo
  19. Wear Pearl and honor the divine mother. The mind is in great need of soothing & comfort. Meditate and do some yoga. Did the shoplifting incident happen on a Saturday? Chant Sani mantras on Saturday and get "The greatness of Saturn" by Dr. Svoboda. Very good book. You attract aggressive men. But your current husband seems cruel and difficult. If divorce seems inevitable, don't fight it too much could turn out to be a blessing. - Pablo
  20. This post had me laughing. Cruel people are not "worried about being cruel". lol. You are obviously good hearted person. But much work to do in the world with so many planets in angles. I don't see a need for red coral. It is strong in the 10th house. I believe Ruby would be more important. But DO follow the advice of honoring Mars as mentioned by other astrologer, very important. Also worship the divine mother. Lakshmi mantras and devi mantras very important. Best regards, Pablo
  21. Usually when so many malefics are in angles it gives strong vitality but cruelty. You are in a venus cycle (venus/Sun) and moon is very strained in 12th house debilitated. Mental anguish. You must do pooja to the divine mother and honor Lakshmi. The mahalakshmi stotram is a wonderful chant I would highly recommend. As regarding the curse of Mars, I don't really see it so much but, of course, it would not hurt to take other astrolgers' advice. When Ketu is on the ascendant sometimes there is a lack of self-confidence particularly when the Sun is also afflicted. Ruby will really help as the Sun is auspicious and under heavy stress in the chart. Put it on Sunday when the moon is waxing. But the main thing is the moon, honoring the divine mother. Best of luck, Pablo
  22. deepa.bhandari is absolutely right. Stay away from these things they will cause massive karmic debt. Such evil/manipulative actions ALWAYS cause misfortune in the end. If you like this girl so much try again. Send a note saying why you like her so much and try and convince her in a straightforward manner. If she's still not interested then find another girl.
  23. I would need a time for this chart.
  24. You are going through difficulties now because you are running Rahu/Sun both planets are in Dushthanas. (8 & 12) In Oct of this year things will get a little better, it will be a good time for money making opportunities. Right now best thing is to do propitiation for Rahu. Please ask other astrologers' advice on this, I am not so familiar with Upayas for Rahu. Also Sun should be strengthened. Either wear a ruby or red garnet stone. Chanting the Aditya Hrdaya on Sundays is very good. Gayatri mantras also would be excellent. Rama is the best deity to focus on. Right now, if you can afford too, it's a good time to take a break and study things like astrology and immerse yourself in some type of spiritual sadhana. It's a strong time for meditation/contemplation/spiritual retreat. A gemstone for the moon is also recommended. Best regards, Pablo
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