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Everything posted by I_love_krishna_

  1. Vedas are not just about God, they are about culture, way of life, scientific research , mathematics etc. The vedas talk about "God" in Vedanta, If you want me to tell you on the authority of the veda, that I cannot do, because I am not qualified enough to tell you that . However, if you wish to understand the very fact that why there are demigods in Hinduism... with the notion that Hinduism is just a pagan religion that does not have the status when compared to Islam then that would be just laughable. Moreover, Vedas talk about alot of Gods, Gods such as Indra, Sun, Moon, etc. but they also say that if you pray these gods, you go to their planets after death and live there until your punya is run out. In hinduism, there is karma, karma is the effect of the past actions of an individual. If you are reading this, you will think of it as either nonsense, or either as interesting. If you think of it as nonsense , that would be because you have been exposed to other things in the past, and because of those other things, your karma has made you take the decision that you take now. To escape the Karma all together, you do not worship the demigods, you worship the God of all Gods, which is Krishna.--in vaishnava philosophy. The vedas explain about this krishna as Brahman, who is everything. thank you, but if you want me to quote the vedas and other hindu scriptures, I will take the time to do so, i guess.
  2. How can a "spiritual master" teach against shastra? Then the spirituality in the master will then become non existent. Thus leading us to conclude that the spiritual master who sometimes teaches against shastra is not qualified to be a spiritual master.
  3. Can some one explain the meaning of "Self situated" when Krishna talks about it Bhagavath Gita, I would like to know the exact meaning of being self situated. thank you /images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. Stupid discussions , I can't even comprehend why there is a follow up on such a base thing as this. Homosexuals have some sort of a disorder, yes, it is like a phobia of some kind. It should be stopped, and this whole society is obsessed with sexuality so much that the whole population is enslaved. Enslaved , we are to the mass media that extols the sexuality. I think these homosexual people are nothing but the people who were stressed with the enslavement of this sexual culture. This whole thread is useless, no matter how hard we try to elevate ourselves, we are force fed by this disgusting materialistic ideals. Even a spirituality forum is infected with the thoughts which are of such a base nature as this. This is completely idiotic, The follow up on this post here is idiotic, the only place that is not inflicted with the thoughts and disgust of this material world is the heart. This forum has lost its spiritual nature, it is nothing but a pretend thing that seems to deceive the eye of an unsuspecting devotee. This post is nothing but maya, maya of the material world. we need to first clean ourselves, but chanting bunch of names with out giving up the thoughts is useless. Everything is useless, this computer, this forum , this life, if there is no purity, then what are we trying to achieve.
  5. Why do only male brahmins wear the threads?
  6. /images/graemlins/smile.gif knock knock /images/graemlins/confused.gif who's there? /images/graemlins/smile.gif Olive /images/graemlins/confused.gif Olive who? /images/graemlins/smile.gif Olive you ( I love you) kids : /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif hahahhahaha!!!!
  7. Don't mind this but when i read it I didn't understand, but my cousin is like 9 years old and he laughed like hell. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. Yep thats right, but I am just too lazy to read all that stuff again. I like krishna and I love krishna all I care is about that.
  9. Its hard for me to make you understand, because you are looking at it from a totally different perspective.
  10. The fact is simple, Krishna is a God, he is not mortal. He is life and he is death, even though it is not true that he killed all his wives and used them as sexual toys, but he did have 16000 wives. Also, it is not praiseworthy for him that he married 16000 wives, how can it be a praiseworthy thing when you marry a worldly marriage? In reality , all the souls are married to krishna, so the fact is he is married to every single person in this creation. Krishna is sarvantharyami- lives in everything, everywhere and at all times with every one. So he doesn't just have 16000 wives, he has more than we can possibly ever imagine.
  11. You missed my point, the point I was making is that Krishna is so much knowledge that no one can understand him . The only way we can perceive him and have a connection to him is if he relates to us some way. Ofcourse , he does relate, but for the minds that have not understood vedas, the relation has to be real . Well how? He loves you so much that he decides to appear in any form you look him in . If he loves us so much, and if he wants us in his home then why shouldn't he come in any form? All forms are his, so why not come?
  12. Hitler was not kalki, though he was stupid.
  13. Hitler was not kalki, though he was stupid.
  14. i am sorry , but thats how i feel, when we are trying to elevate ourselves, why degrade our true nature by letting the thoughts of these poor misguided souls into our thought processes.
  15. Chaitanya= spirit soul I am serious, my grandmother used to say in "higher vocabulary" in telugu, she used to say, "let chaitanyaraalu have something to eat" In other words, she does not really use the exact name of the person when speaking. Because, it is considered some sort of an offense. so in telugu however, chaitanya or chaitanyaralu would be a spirit. The higher telugu is very similar to sanskrit because it came from sanskrit, so chaitanya means spirit soul, yep very true.
  16. I am just a lowly creature who has no understanding of the higher knowledge of bliss of krishna, but I would like to say this. If I know my Krishna, that I do, well I think he said that we shouldn't pay any sort of attention to the sexuality of the body. We should ignore it. Also, if we ignore it, who is heterosexual? and who is homosexual? I think that is the main point. The main point of the vedas is to keep materialism from overtaking our true spiritual nature of a life force. Our true form could be compared to a light. We get our power from krishna, and we should not think of our selves as this material garb that we wear over us. So, Sexual attraction of any kind should be kept at minimal, even if some one is attracted to the same sex. _________ I have to say, this culture (American) has too much emphasis on what sex we are, and has made us over aware of gays and lesbians. We should stop encouraging sexual attraction of the same sex in our movement, just like we are trying to not encourage heterosexuality.
  17. It is true, if we don't experience harsh things in life , our character will not develop. For people who have not seen what the others have experienced, They will not understand. Govindaram, Just like prabhupada says, the true devotee is silent, because no one knows what lies with in except for krishna. We are not the ones who judge who is a pure devotee or not, because we are not worth of that. A person may be harsh or he/she may look materialistic or may look too young, but we will never know what kind of a saintly heart dwells with in .
  18. If you want to know the Krishna Conscious perspective, then there is no connection to the demigods, because we are trying to reach Krishna. However, in so called "Hindu" perspectives, one answer would be is to see that Krishna exists in everything, so you pray krishna in the form of the demigod. So that you realize that he is in every form, thus being self situated. In other words, if you are a student and you want to succeed as a student then you pray Saraswati, who is suppossedly the demigoddess form of krishna who loves people who study. Anyway, in hindu perspective, you get over the sense gratification and become so devotted that your krishna (God) comes in that demigod form to take you. but in KC and in truth , it is not true, you just need to worship Vishnu because in many scriptures it says that if you worship the demigods, you go to the demigod's place... but you don't want that because, when you think about it, you would like to hold on to the highest, and the highest is krishna.... "Hinduism" or Sanathana Dharma is an ocean... there are many questions and many answers. _____ ABOUT: "point 2 Correct me if I am wrong but the real test is to live in this world that he has created for you and to remember him and him only at all times and thank him. Not to seclude yourself to some remote place and try to reach him as it goes against the rule of procreation and other standards of humanitarian existance set by him." _______ You are trying to enjoy in this world, then you are absolutely right, you need to thank him and carry on with your business... keep thanking him by going to the mosque and try to live happily and enjoy the sexual life, have sex as much as you want. You will then get older and older and older and then die of oldage (hopefully), then take another life again then you can thank him, keep thanking him until you die again... Then you take another birth, then you keep thanking him... see where i am going with this?. In order to stop suffering in this world, you need to come out of the thanking,when you are done thanking him, because this material world is an abode of boredom, He will call you. because, you would then want to go back to him. You don't have to go to a secluded place to go back to him. You can carry on your daily functions and think about him , remember him and lead a good peaceful life in devotion to him, then he will say... "I guess that soul learned its lesson , you can come back now" /images/graemlins/smile.gif thanks for reading /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  19. To a muslim, First of all, "the God" is one ofcourse, and the only reason he created you and me for his enjoyment. This is from the vedas-(scriptures very ancient, that speak about theology, mathematics, chemistry and astronomy). What about the demigods? they are created for his enjoyment. When we talk about enjoyment we talk about being his servants. Moreover, he didn't create you on this earth, you were there, as he was there. He was there before time, so were you. You decided to leave him and do stuff only for yourself. So He let you do that in this material world. But you won't be happy here, because no matter what, the world here has many diseases, a very small lifetime and suffering. You will take many births in this world, to have different experiences, to enjoy those experiences, but you won't be happy, because you have taken many births in the past, you are not happy. So, what you need to do is go back to him. How? You become the favorite of Allah (arabic name for God) by devotion and love for him. Also through the love for his other people here. They are also suffering in this world, so you need to make them realize their true nature and tell them to go back to his heaven, vraja whatever. How do you go back? ----- read hindu scriptures that explain how to be simple and live peacefully and detach yourself from this disgusting material world and jump to the spiritual world of his in this creation. If you decide to detach yourself of this material world, he will help you from with in you. but if you don't detach, if you don't lift that veil and see the light, then you will stay in the ignorance forever.
  20. Duh, we know that already . /images/graemlins/smile.gif ! Its not a shock for us ! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif shocked god is there!! oh my God... oh no! god is there, run away!. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  21. that just cheered me up /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  22. hmm, I think these wives are all expansions of Rukmini/Radha.
  23. Hey people! I am just curious if prabhupada has taken another human birth. If you ask why I think that? well, even though he is enlightened , didn't he say that a true Vaishnava takes all his brothers and sisters back to home and not just himself? well, i am just curious if he is coming back or not because of that reason, I think he is a true Vaishnava, so do you people think he is going to come back? I wish i could have been there near prabhupada , he seems to be very wise, but I can't , its my bad luck that I was not born then so that I could have had his "Dharshan". /images/graemlins/frown.gif
  24. Islam: Delusional set of beliefs that succeed in spreading Violence and more Delusion.
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