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Anyone tried LSD?

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Its not the same as in the sixties. Now its just junk purchased from the paint department from the local hardware store.


It was a ritual of passage at one time, but it was not a spiritual high, like leary saqid.


I was a Ken Kesey dude. Party with the black double dome Owsleys. Not meditate with the brotherhood of eternal light yellow sunshine. The sunshine folks were quite pretensious, and would never listen to devotees because they were god. (BTW, Leary's bunch lived next door to the original Laguna Beach temple on woodland drive). But the deadheads, the ken kesey folks, they all chanted, and were very open, and even made Srila Prabhupada their spiritual guide, and gave Him top-billing on their famous SF showcase.


But that was then, different time, different place. If ya gotta do drugs, dont pretend its a spiritual trip, its just altered states artificially received. A rattle snake bite does the same thing. If you're strung, use just herb to minimize, like the rastafarians. Chemicals are too wierd to even mess with, and the govt/mafia/islamists are the ones supplying all the chemmie, and control folks with it.


haribol, mahaksadasa

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Mahak, you seem like such a cool and down to earth devotee.


Maybe LSD is a bit extreme, but I'm tempted to try alcohol just to see what intoxication feels like. Of course this will be a one time deal...I hope Krishna will forgive me.

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Thanks for your kind words. When I first began this process, I was influenced by very down to earth devotees as well. They told the truth about silly habits and how the process of hearing and chanting the Names of the Supreme Lord gradually make these unwanted things go away. These early disciples of Srila Prabhupada taught the way Srila Prabhupada taught them.


One cannot have an empty cup, and Srila Prabhupada is not one to remove enjoyment from a persons life. He comes to give ultimate joy. The joy of Krsna consciousness fills our empty cups, and if our cups have artificial joy such as intoxication in them, the purity of krsna dilutes this shadow joy and purifies.


I was told to not artificially give up the herb, which I was a great fan of. Instead, I was always encouraged to accept the positive practice of chanting hare krsna, and that Krsna was the one to remove any habit not necessary to invoke the real inherant joy of our realtiuonship with the Supreme Lord.


I will continue soo, my library time is now expired, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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To continue, intoxication is something that minimizes perhaps the most important spiritual asset one may possess, compassion and mercy. These are things a devotee of Krsna wants to increase. Srila Prabhupada does not deny us intoxication to make us religious zealots burning with unfulfilled desire. Quite the contrary, he teaches us a scientific formula to give us the tools to revive the pure joy that we have forgotten. To lessen or habits while taking up a positive process of sadhana bhakti is the gradual process of this science.


I cannot concur with your attempt to test the waters of intoxication. However, I do recognize that one must be a scientist. There are two types of scientific process. Inductive and deductive. One deals with self-experimentation, the other is acceptance of proven science. Thew self-experimentation is the way of Didyamous Thomas, the brother of Lord Jesus Christ who would not accept the rumors of the survival of Lord Jesus Christ without placing his hands on the wounds of His lord and spiritual master. Thomas is my hero, and Lord Jesus never rejected him, and actually appreciated his scientific approach.


So, if you are acting in the sake of science, Krsna may well protect you. If you have other motives, Krsna may give you forgetfulness and allow you to minimize your compassion. In other words, there is no guarantee that you will not find alcohol a greater joy than Krsna, and that alcohol may become your new guru.


This is how I was taught. There are many devotees who artificially renounced the joys of materialistic life prematurely. These folks are in worse shape than those who allowed the gradual process to take effect. In other words, we have no power to control our senses at all. Krsna purifies us, and does so like the mother gives herself to her crying child who says "mama, mama". One who renounces prematurely is still thinking he is Krsna, has power over Maya, etc. This is not Vaisnavism.


Anyway, I recommend that you use the method of watching your friends who use alcohol. See if they are joyous at the experiance. Ive done everything up to and including heroin, and I find alcohol the very worst drug, kills more folks than all the other drugs combined and doubled, ruins more family structures, causes more criminal activity, especially murders, etc. So, your first mistake is to falsely assume that alcohol is a reasonable experiment. I would recommend herb first, like I said previously. If you must, do herb. Then give it all up as Krsna resounds from your lips.


Good luck, scientist, I wish you only the best. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Hmmm...now you got me thinking. I like your advice about observing the effects of intoxication second-hand. I think

I'll stick with my usual intoxicants (soda and coffee) for the time being. Since I find those hard to give up, I can't imagine what alcohol, heroin, etc. must be like. Thanks, Prabhu.



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Let me tell you first hand to NOT DO LSD. You wont be the same after you take it.. It's really not worth taking.. I took LSD for my first time and ever since that time I was diagnosed Paranoid Schizo.. It was like I never came down from that first trip.. If you really feel the need to try it.. I say research it all that you can.. Otherwise.. stay clear of it.

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Personally I would not recommend any experimentation with drugs. I tried my first drug at 16 and spent the next 18 years with major addiction, and very poor mental health. It is funny we never hear of the burnouts, very hellish.


In . I was graced by the association of devotees and then spent the next two years trying to overcome addiction and mental illness.


THe past two years have been very nicely experienced with Krsna conscious activities. As the old 60's slogan from Iskcon goes...chant and stay high forever.


Then again we all need to learn in life, so I honor free choice.

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lsd makes your mind like a childs mind. your inthralled with things that most people ignore like a flashing led bulb on a childs toy. your spacal perseptions get messed up and your see things wrong. your hearing is screwed up and your laugh at stupid things. sometimes you feel physically different if the stuff is made poorly and your can end up silly acting forever or your never feel like you did before. some times things that you would regect like the cosmic theory of why you put grout between tiles and why flys like donuts all corallate, connect and become so unifing theory of hybolpissumm-apdipism and life as the LSD enlightened know it. LOL


your like your insane for 5-10 hours and no one but you knows it unless you act like a idiot.


i have been around anough hippies and people doing it for the first time to know they will eather act like fools or you would never know the differance.


it makes you weird if the truth be known LOL i have known a few friends that became buddhists after taking lsd, they said some horsecrap and thought they were some buddha-mind "whos it whats"


dont bother to take lsd it is the ruin of many a person to say the least.


there is a cure for lsd "brain rot " but then it dont work for everyone. it is a leaf from a tropical plant that is drank as tea. cubans use it as a voodoo cureall. but the stuff can cure dopers and get them back to normal. like they never did the crap in hte fist place.

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it is amazing how drugs and religion connect. to get off drugs you have to find religion, then god becomes your drug. hope dope. i am serious i am not making a joke eather. i hope this will fix things i screwed up. if your try it will work but with me i just find religion part of life and i have never been into doing anything that will get your a prison sentance. drug = jail time, probation and cost lots of money.

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Soon after Srila Prabhupada's earthly lila, Jayatirtha (one of the "eleven appointed ISKCON gurus) became a big advocate of LSD calling it the "sacrament". He believed that the soma referered to in shastra was a psychadelic tonic. He gradually became so bewildered that he was having affairs with his follower's wives, thinking it was spiritual. His so-called lila ended when he was beheaded by a disciple in the U.K. in the mid to late eighties. When Srila Sridhar Maharaja first heard of Jayatirtha's predeliction for psychadelic drugs he said LSD stands for "leads to spiritual death". (Jayatirtha already had a relationship with Srial Sridhar Maharaja and was posing as a standard devotee). He wondered how could western devotees think that something material can give something spiritual and would quote from Bhagavatam, bhaktya sanjayate bhaktya, "only bhakti can give bhakti." And who is bhakti?

One time in the 70's a devotee in the temple left for several weeks to go back out into "Maya". He came back in an extemely enthusiastic and faithfull mood. I was inquisitive about his new determination and he told me that he had a very wonderful vision of Krsna while on LSD. The temple president told us how a few years earlier a girl had come to the temple while Prabhupada was there and how she insisted that she had seen Krsna on LSD. Prabhupada tried to explain to her how it was more a less an hallucination, but she insisted that she had a vision of Krsna on LSD. Srila Prabhupada finally said, "Alright you have seen Krsna, now serve him."

The big difference between my devotee friend I mentioned above and Jayatirtha is that my friend did not take LSD with the intention of having a spiritual experience nor did he take it again. Jayatirtha on the other hand founded a psychadelic version of the Krsna Consciousness Movement and the result was chaos and finally his own destruction.

Srila Sridhar Maharaja would tell the story of a man who used to show pilgrams, "Krsna in a tree". In one open area there was a tree several hundred feet from the road and from that distance if you looked closely it seemed you would see Krsna in his three fold bending form. The whole thing became quite popular. Finally the man came to the Math and Srila Sridhar Maharaja explained to him how he was simply cheating others. Srila Sridhar Maharaja said, "We don't want that Krsna, we want the Krsna who is very difficult to attain." The main surrendered and became Srila Sridhar Maharaja's disciple.

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Are visions real, or are they hallucinations?


LSD- (face your fears, and 'poison will not harm them' . ..is what I was thinking). Also, curiousity, and no guidance against it at the time. I had no information about what to expect.


First, I started seeing a subtle rainbow light around the wood of the porch, but not around anything else. I thought that was strange; I had heard of auras but I thought they were around people, not trees no longer alive. I felt my eyes begin to open wider, as in I was observing more quantities of things than usual, if before, I would notice only that the wheels of the car made a sound on the road, I was then noticing that as well as the sound of my friend's hands as they moved around the steering wheel, I was observing her observing, and became interested in her perspective, where before I just hoped I would someday understand why she was more 'wild' than me, and less studious. Then nothing much more happened for awhile, but then I started to feel very fearful, I felt pure terror. I worried I would die, or go insane. I felt an energetic churning sensation around me, and this also made a subtle sound. I smelled a very strange and bad odor, and when I reached down to pet my friend's kitten, I saw my hand touching the kitten but did not feel it, only saw it. That scared me because I thought I might become insensitive to pain and not know if I was touching something hot that might burn me, for example. In my mind's eye, I had several visions, one of a fleur-de-lis symbol, (the same as for the saints sports team), one of something like a medusa, and a few figures who looked seated in meditation, kind of hovering, floating (these I saw with my eyes closed, not as I would see something in the physical world). I also saw a star that looked like the Moravian star and it felt like it was pulling away, it felt like a rubberband pulling away. Later I saw my crown chakra and it looked weird, like the inside of a flower bud that hadnt bloomed yet. I had a pleasant experience of the surrounding nature the next morning, and had never appreciated nature in such a deep way before. Overall, it was a traumatic experience.

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I tried LSD several times, my first time trying acid was a 18 hour mixed triped, i was halluncanting and feeling the speed that was mixed with the vial, I was seeing things like my clock moved from one side of the wall to the other and as I blinked again it was back at is spot, at some point of the trip, i saw my self turning into a train, not a real train but does cartoonish ones u see in a disney cartoon, it was just for 3 secs, I cried to a song I heard , and other songs seemed to changed the mood and lighting of the room, staring at your face for long time in the mirror turns you into a total different person, but once you realize this, your face changes back, at some point i started to belive that i permantly fried my brain, because a normal trip takes 8 hours, and i was still on it at hour 14, I dident know what else to do, i drank a cup of milk at my friends house and it calmed me down and I went home and slept, what i really learned from all my lsd experince, is that a drug is a drug, even if it comes in diffferent shapes, voluims, chemistry, it is still a drug, and that feeling of that drug i been notiching is always there with shrooms, acid , saliva, and etc, its still worth a experince :-]

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pure LSD does not cause halusinations. most visions people have are when they are taking PCP or laced LSD mixtures. or pscilcibin mushrooms.


lsd does not cause the problems people assocate it with , all these problems people usally speak of are from PCP sold as LSD.


lsd is not spiritual in the slightest. and secondly it is a synthetic designed from ergot mold, aka dead decaying matter. so any experiances from lsd is negative spiritually even if it seems fun or positive. it is anti-spiritual........ the END!

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Are visions real, or are they hallucinations?

LSD- (face your fears, and 'poison will not harm them' . ..is what I was thinking). Also, curiousity, and no guidance against it at the time. I had no information about what to expect.

First, I started seeing a subtle rainbow light around the wood of the porch, but not around anything else. I thought that was strange; I had heard of auras but I thought they were around people, not trees no longer alive. I felt my eyes begin to open wider, as in I was observing more quantities of things than usual, if before, I would notice only that the wheels of the car made a sound on the road, I was then noticing that as well as the sound of my friend's hands as they moved around the steering wheel, I was observing her observing, and became interested in her perspective, where before I just hoped I would someday understand why she was more 'wild' than me, and less studious. Then nothing much more happened for awhile, but then I started to feel very fearful, I felt pure terror. I worried I would die, or go insane. I felt an energetic churning sensation around me, and this also made a subtle sound. I smelled a very strange and bad odor, and when I reached down to pet my friend's kitten, I saw my hand touching the kitten but did not feel it, only saw it. That scared me because I thought I might become insensitive to pain and not know if I was touching something hot that might burn me, for example. In my mind's eye, I had several visions, one of a fleur-de-lis symbol, (the same as for the saints sports team), one of something like a medusa, and a few figures who looked seated in meditation, kind of hovering, floating (these I saw with my eyes closed, not as I would see something in the physical world). I also saw a star that looked like the Moravian star and it felt like it was pulling away, it felt like a rubberband pulling away. Later I saw my crown chakra and it looked weird, like the inside of a flower bud that hadnt bloomed yet. I had a pleasant experience of the surrounding nature the next morning, and had never appreciated nature in such a deep way before. Overall, it was a traumatic experience.


How is that traumatic? Did it leave a lasting impression of fear in you or do you look at that experience as overall a bad one? That sounds rather similar to what many saints detail upon their enlightenment. I believe this to be authentic, though there are those who can't handle it and it is a dangerous process that, if unchecked by a guru, can lead to insanity or death.

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Re: Hmmmm....

<HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->

"It's funny how some devotees are pro-illegal drugs, but anti-choice, when it comes to a women's right to choose".


surely you realise killing another human being in the womb is hardly the same as becoming intoxicated ... i am a mother by the way and dont condone either ... and without a doubt what you are alluding to by "a womans right to choose" is simply another terminology for murder ... plain and simple ... no matter what the resons for it .. either unwanted pregnancy ... rape or whatever ... the fact is women who make that choice take away the right of the human being inside the womb.

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While the images were being perceived by me, it was terrifying(x12) because I had never perceived in this way before, never had seen anything that was non-physical. There is a lasting impression of fear because I have been unable to find anyone willing to talk openly about this type of experience, so I can prepare for it if it happens authentically. I worry I will begin to have these type of visions while meditating/chanting/praying and possibly lose my perception of the physical world .. .then all kinds of things could happen to my physical body while I would be lost in the vision/non-physical world; but then what if I come back, to a body full of thorazine, for example, or something similar. . ..

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there is a book written quite some years ago by the author of the popular book "Brave New World".

The book is called Doors of Perception/Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley.

It details his visions on peyote/mescalin, he was a deep thinker and gained spiritual insights which he documents in this book.

He also proposes a theory that man has sought intoxicants since time immemorial, and he shares about the dangers of alcohol in our modern culture.

Then he goes on to talk about for example the native american peyote church and the benefit of intoxicants in a controlled environment.

I have not come to an opinion on all this but it is an interesting read.


It is interesting to note also that in "Patanjali's yoga sutras" he begins them by teaching discipline and control of the senses, correct behaviour etc. first ,before deeper spiritual awakening begins. From my own experience of coming to the sudden awakening of hallucionogens, I had not seen the world in such a way before. But I was not sense controlled or following what Patanjali teaches in the beginning of his sutras, so it was not so much a balanced experience. And was actually a difficult process for many years.


Around five years ago I began the process of following the teachings of AC Bhaktivedanta Swami, beginning with following the four regulations of no meat eating, no intoxicants, no illicit sex, and no gambling. I have found this foundation to be such a blessing for a smooth transition into spiritual perception, which is joyful, compared to the chaotic experience I found with LSD, Peyote, marijauna, etc.


Hari bol.

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there is a book written quite some years ago by the author of the popular book "Brave New World".

The book is called Doors of Perception/Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley.

It details his visions on peyote/mescalin, he was a deep thinker and gained spiritual insights which he documents in this book.

He also proposes a theory that man has sought intoxicants since time immemorial, and he shares about the dangers of alcohol in our modern culture.

Then he goes on to talk about for example the native american peyote church and the benefit of intoxicants in a controlled environment.

I have not come to an opinion on all this but it is an interesting read.

It is interesting to note also that in "Patanjali's yoga sutras" he begins them by teaching discipline and control of the senses, correct behaviour etc. first ,before deeper spiritual awakening begins. From my own experience of coming to the sudden awakening of hallucionogens, I had not seen the world in such a way before. But I was not sense controlled or following what Patanjali teaches in the beginning of his sutras, so it was not so much a balanced experience. And was actually a difficult process for many years.


Around five years ago I began the process of following the teachings of AC Bhaktivedanta Swami, beginning with following the four regulations of no meat eating, no intoxicants, no illicit sex, and no gambling. I have found this foundation to be such a blessing for a smooth transition into spiritual perception, which is joyful, compared to the chaotic experience I found with LSD, Peyote, marijauna, etc.


Hari bol.

For those who may be interested, I am the author of the above quote and also the post titled..drugs, addiction, illness.

yours, NG dasa.

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on that spiritual quest thumbing a ride to the Height all those many years ago, I had a gut feeling I should have jumped on board Vishnujana's tour bus, instead of with Ken and those merry pranksters...oh well.

ng dasa.

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