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Big bang was not the beginning of time

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What a load of rubbish! The silly old man who made up the theory of the 'big bang' must have been on drugs. I wonder if he has heard of god. How can anyone think that. It's like saying god threw a couple of nukes into space and denotonated them. What a laugh. It's a theory just used for buisness and fame.


Why do you think that Big Bang expansion is impossible? Big Bang expansion is said to have taken place approx 14 billion years ago. Universe is expanding at present. Then, why is it so difficult to believe that it was expanding 14 billion years ago?

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  • 2 weeks later...

finally Guys it is prooved that three dimention space is not the real existant space and it prooves our vedic philosophy


Because, an atom's structure cannot be derived from this three dimention space, and for this purpose the scientists use a special kind of space architecture called gilbert's space which is of infinite dimentions


it is a solid proof that most of current scientific theories based on 3D space is limited to the current illution and has no scope, whatever outside this illution ( i mean reality)





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The sun cannot die because he is Surya-Narayan (god)


Astrophysics syas sun will blow up itself after some 5- 6 billion years afetr hydrogen gas is exhausted. But will not form a planetary nebula. All observed Planetary nebula are binary star at its centre. A planetary nebula called ring nebula is at Lyra constellation.This shows stars explode called supernova explosion.The sun is also a star. hence have lifetime.

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Guest guest


What a load of rubbish! The silly old man who made up the theory of the 'big bang' must have been on drugs. I wonder if he has heard of god. How can anyone think that. It's like saying god threw a couple of nukes into space and denotonated them. What a laugh. It's a theory just used for buisness and fame.



Is it not true that in Hinduism, there is a cycle of birth and death not only in the lives of we human beings and the various spirits and deities that surround us, but of even the universe itself? Is it not the case that Shiva destroys everything in the end and Brama creates it again? So perhaps what scientists see as the big bang really was a big bang. Perhaps that is how Brama chooses to begin the cycle again. Perhaps this figure sets it all in motion, imparts momentum to everything we know and allows the cycle to go around once again. I am personally neither a Hindu nor a physicist, I am just a person, and not a very intelligent one at that. I haven't even found a way to separate myself from the terrible wanting of material things, especially for a woman, but when I approach this problem, it seems clear enough to me that Brama and the big bang are simply two ways of viewing the same phenomenon. Perhaps we should all get along rather than squabble over such little things.

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Guest guest

Guest, immediately preceeding my post, said :

Is it not true that in Hinduism, there is a cycle of birth and death not only in the lives of we human beings and the various spirits and deities that surround us, but of even the universe itself? Is it not the case that Shiva destroys everything in the end and Brama creates it again? So perhaps what scientists see as the big bang really was a big bang. Perhaps that is how Brama chooses to begin the cycle again. Perhaps this figure sets it all in motion, imparts momentum to everything we know and allows the cycle to go around once again. I am personally neither a Hindu nor a physicist, I am just a person, and not a very intelligent one at that. I haven't even found a way to separate myself from the terrible wanting of material things, especially for a woman, but when I approach this problem, it seems clear enough to me that Brama and the big bang are simply two ways of viewing the same phenomenon. Perhaps we should all get along rather than squabble over such little things.



I agree with you guest. What you said were actually what some of the physicists have noted. I have read a book written by an australian physicist , can't remember the name, who worked also in Cambridge that mentioned about the cyclical nature of the reality of the world.


Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga



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I'm a hindu, but i believe universe does have a start....

but its not the only universe, it is a multiverse. I'm not so well versed in hinduism, but i've read lotsa articles to support my points. All 'gods' are positions, and souls live in the deva-loka and die as time passes.. Similiarly Surya is one of the vasus, his death might signify dying of this sun. Every brahma (prajapathi) creates a universe, for him a second signifies millions of years. He lives a 100 years and then dies, which for us is 311 trillion years. Within this period of time, there are multiple mahayuga (the combination of all the four yuga) and such. We have a concept similiar to an alternating universe, though i'm not completely sure of how it happens. One says its a contracting and expanding universe, the other says all will be absorbed and emitted by That. Whatever it be, there's no reason to go all crazy about big bang. It has some truth, with a reason.

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  • 1 month later...
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You make the mistake of assuming that the sun planet and the Sun god are the same. The Sun god lives in the Sun planet but he is not the sun planet itself. So therefore, the sun planet can have an end.


I don't have sources so I could be wrong about this.



The sun cannot die because he is Surya-Narayan (god)
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Has anyone ever noticed that the Bhagavatam's description of Garbodhakshayi Vishnu lying on Ananta Sesa in the Causal Ocean, sleeping and exhaling all the universes and then inhaling and destroying them very closely parallels the closed system Big Bang theory (where there are a cycle of expansions and contractions).


I never understood why Srila Prabhupad was so against the Big Bang theory. It seems to parallel the Vedic conception with the difference being, Vaishnavas believe in a Divine Consciousness underpinning everything while materialists ascribe everything to pure chance.

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  • 2 months later...

As when a sun dies, there is a black hole, which sucks in all the matter of the sun,

My vision was that our universe is a black hole of a previous sun before the big bang. As are there many macro universes, there are micro universes, everything is matter and energy, if time is infinite then one day when our sun dies and our solar system is no more, the black hole of our sun would contain all the matter and must implode and expand, because energy can not be destroyed and would change shape.

Just has when we die all our energy all our thoughts, knowledge become a single cell or form and would become part of the energy and matter.

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  • 4 months later...
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"They say the universe is undergoing an endless series of Big Bangs, expansions, contractions and big crunches. There is no end of time and no need to define what existed before the universe was born."


As far as I can understand, there still needs to be some first cause, Prime Unmoved Mover (call it God or whatever) behind the constant change, even though the development of the universe would be seen as a never-ending cycle. There is no movement without a cause. There are no phenomena without a cause.


The only true reason why quite many scientists insist that there is no first cause is that they have made a personal religious choice, they have choosed not to include any Prime Unmoved Mover in their personal ideology. I think that that sort of an ideology is strongly biased and one needs strong faith in order NOT to believe in God.


What exactly the Prime Unmoved Mover is, is another, much more interesting question.

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  • 6 months later...



As far as I can understand, there still needs to be some first cause, Prime Unmoved Mover (call it God or whatever) behind the constant change, even though the development of the universe would be seen as a never-ending cycle. There is no movement without a cause. There are no phenomena without a cause.



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  • 2 weeks later...

But "Shebang Sheboom" did begin Rock n Roll.

"Time is on My Side" can only b sung by a bhakta.

Rolling Stones don't qualify, although Mick was chanting one round daily back in 1969.

visnur mahAn sa eva yasya kalA-viseso

Govindam adipurusam tam aham bhajAmi

Catur-mukha Lord BrahmA knows when time began, as does his son Lord Sivaji.

Everything is personal, specially Time (Gita 11.32)

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  • 3 months later...

And when you enter Krishna conciousness, you will see it for yourself.


Time only engages when you pay attention to this world. If you pay attention elsewhere, you are subject to a different timescale, and not the one of this world.


You can visit the city limits of this place when you sleep and dream. The timescale in the dream is different than the one here.


Ever lay down for a 10 minute nap, only to discover an hour has gone by? But you would swear it was only for a few minutes?


Awareness does not always pay attention to timescales. They are a mental creation and only have value on a material stage. The further you get away from the material world, the less time has a value.





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  • 2 weeks later...



I sometimes think of the known universe as just another cell in Brahma's body.

Or a collaboration/\union between Brahma and Saraswati. One of their offspring if youlike.

1+1=3 Godhead+Consort+child=Family

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was very happy to read this. Often times I have read that big bang was the beginning of time and therefore we should not ask what happened before big bang, because there was no 'before'. But, it never seemed believable.


If the was nothing before the so called "Big Bang", then there was no creator.


Such foolishness!:smash:


Just another attempt by overly proud,resource hungry Godless clowns trying vainly to replace faith with psuedo-science & money. :rolleyes:

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