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Mantra to help me remove all my sins.

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In my life, I have committed many sins. I am a good person, I believe. But sometimes I would turn to other paths because I enjoy extremes... end result, was chaos and burning bridges with relationships. I am doing fine now but it took me a lot to finally get me straight. My girlfriend broke up with me and ran into another relationship to get over me; I lost a year of school; parents have given up on me and considered me the black sheep (when once I was the star child); I gained lots of weight... I finally see myself now and I realized that to get all these things fixed, I need to hold God's hand and allow him to lift me. I have made some lifestyle changes and have started to show true ambition in my work.


Please give me advice on a mantra to do where God will help me remove the sins that I have committed. Right now, I am doing the Gayatri mantra (1 rosary) and I am doing a small 10 minutes of simple bhajans. It helps me feel better. I am considering doing Vashikaran for my ex girlfriend because I love her so much and really she has even noticed a change in me. Now I want to learn a mantra where my sins can be omitted. I understand that nothing is a quick fix; I am going to do all these prayers for the rest of my life.


If anyone can help me, please help me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not know where from you ? Even in India from which location yo9u were ? Coming to answer to your requirement, it is not just Mantra japa can get rid of your all sins. First of all realization of your mistakes and feeling sorry and asking exquise(either internally or externally)before the God and mainly thereafter not repeating the same is the way to get rid of your sins. Next do TIRIUVALAM , means Pradhikshina of Tiruvanamalai Hill by walk, which is 14 kms . I came to know & I trust too that if one completes Pradhikshina to this Hill will vanish all the past Karmas account will be closed and from that second fresh account of ones karma will be opened. Knowingly or unknowingly we will be committing Sins. So uptill now i did 5 times this Girivalkem from the last year. If you require any more information of this place, viz., how to reach, fecilities available etc., i can put up before you making your journey / stay/ girivalam comfortable, in which case you comeforward from you & your ecoinomic possibilities(or limition of expenditure).

May Universal Mother Gayathri Matha bless you with right mind & right direction.

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You need only one request for forgiveness to give the Universe, part of the body of God. By seeking true forgiveness you are setting a covenant that you will not sin any more. You must make sure that you are not confusing sinning and caprice. Sin hurts your spirit and others. Caprice mostly or only hurts you. Are you sinning to make things easier? Then, you will need a mantra to accept life's challenges and not life as an easy ride or fun party as a whole. Make your mantra yourself that you can assign a prayer to God for strength in times of temptation. Yet, make sure it is temptation and not just another good option. You will not be allowed to sin without a price, but do not have curiosity for that lesson.

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I really liked your frankness as you admit your wrongs. Believe me, the feeling of repentance itself would be enough. The gayatri mantra would keep you up with self confidence and esteem.


However, I would suggest you not to go after Vashikaran mantra to attract your ex-girlfriend. If at all, it works, it will for sure, create more of a curse than a boon. To be in relationship, requires a certain volume of past life renanubandha. If you had the renanubandha only good enough to be with her for that point of time, please don't go after her through Vashikaran. I have seen cases where the verbitum objective is fulfilled by way of black magic but always at the cost that one has to repent all the time.


Once you are on the right path, why should you go unfair again ?


May My Master Bless you with Good discretion.








In my life, I have committed many sins. I am a good person, I believe. But sometimes I would turn to other paths because I enjoy extremes... end result, was chaos and burning bridges with relationships. I am doing fine now but it took me a lot to finally get me straight. My girlfriend broke up with me and ran into another relationship to get over me; I lost a year of school; parents have given up on me and considered me the black sheep (when once I was the star child); I gained lots of weight... I finally see myself now and I realized that to get all these things fixed, I need to hold God's hand and allow him to lift me. I have made some lifestyle changes and have started to show true ambition in my work.


Please give me advice on a mantra to do where God will help me remove the sins that I have committed. Right now, I am doing the Gayatri mantra (1 rosary) and I am doing a small 10 minutes of simple bhajans. It helps me feel better. I am considering doing Vashikaran for my ex girlfriend because I love her so much and really she has even noticed a change in me. Now I want to learn a mantra where my sins can be omitted. I understand that nothing is a quick fix; I am going to do all these prayers for the rest of my life.


If anyone can help me, please help me.

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dear akanand21,

i was moved by ur frankness.as u r decided to follow the right path n repenting for the

things committed u r already on the first step of righteousness.

as u hav asked for the solid advices, i think i should tell some other ways to lead ur life henceforth.what my bretherns here hav opined r valuable.considering ur status of mind i give u some suggestions which will b usefull in attaining self purity n love of god.

1) start with ur ishta devta

2)read srimad bhagavatha mahapuranam (vol I & II)

it is stated in the many of holy scriptures that reading those 2 volumes of srimad bhagavatha mahapuranam will relieve ones sins and make him worthy to b loved by god.it is my own experience too.whenever i read it i get some external force that rejuvenates me often n fills eternal joy in life.also these books r very cheap (300 Rs) if purchased from ghorak press.

3)follow ekadashi vratas, if possible it is to reduce the sin level of ones past life n present.

4)or follow pradosha pujas atleast in trayodashi (twice in a month).

5)or read devi bhagavatham which is also called as "the armour of mother goddess".

i think this is enough for u to transform into a holy soul.

may goddess mother bless u n guide u always.

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  • 3 months later...

the things u r saying is not completely possible .if it was soo easy to remove sins they i would kill a man and take birth in river ganges . first thing is to accept , next is to make sure u dont repeat them again .try to say gaytri mantras of devs and devi whom u worship . u cant escape from ur sins but can surely ask for forgivenness from god . do daan in morning hours . feed the cows .help the needs . hope god might get pleased and help u in ur life

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  • 1 year later...



Just know that it is not your fault. Especially, when you probably wanted to do the right thing. Somethings were designed before you were born. You just innocently walked into it. But, what you can do is keep taking the steps like you are. Not blaming yourself or others but doing what you are doing. A good website that helped me was pillaicenter.com, realsubliminal.com. Youtube has karma busting or karma removal mantras. Look up also mantras for removal of sins and pastlife sins on the internet.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest arti Gupta



It good that you know your mistakes, let me be honest with you we all do sins, knowngly and unknowingly. we all are created for a specific reason, and we are just puppets. so whatsoever happens is for a reason,


Life is a chain, and everyone whom we meet, we talk, we meet, we get into relation is just a kadi to complete that a big chain , we get all pains and all troubles depending upon the strength and limit upto which we can beer the pain,


So i would like you to just say few lines before you start day: oh God! in your presence i am staring my day and want you to accompany me through all paths, and be my true partner.


and once you end the day say to him that i know day was perfect coz you did whatsoever you wanted me to do. Stay just there and help me playing my part well.


Regret in front of him cry with him smile with him,


Stay blessed.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

1. simply create GOOD KARMA to balance out the bad karma


2. gaayatri mantra is excellent. hindus normally are taught this first as kids


3. you seem to be young. so you can just go to the concerned people and ask for forgiveness from THEM coz God will forgive you anyway but that won't spare you the punishment. As long as the concerned people are still hurt by your actions you will have to undergo punishment in one way or the other. This is the dignity given to living beings by God Himself. Imagine, you're hurt badly by someone and that person just chants some mantra and is forgiven! How would you feel?? Go and ask for forgiveness not from God but the living person you hurt. Do it as long as you're on this planet. Dont miss the opportunity while you're alive!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Girish


I have just started to read shrimad bhagwad geeta for knowledge and understanding, but according to my friend there are few rules which has to be followed while reading about which i was unaware of, have i accidentally made sin? if yes is there a remedy for it,  and can anyone enlighten me with what are the rules to read bhagwad geeta. 

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