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Does it matter if he is a fake?

If he is a fake then he is a deceiver, if he is a deceiver then he must also be a self deceiver. How can a self deceiver help the self deceivers of the this world become free from their self imposed illusion that they are the enjoyers of this world?

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If he is a fake then he is a deceiver, if he is a deceiver then he must also be a self deceiver. How can a self deceiver help the self deceivers of the this world become free from their self imposed illusion that they are the enjoyers of this world?


And your point is?

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And your point is?

Illusion really comes from within by looking without. The soul, deep in his heart knows, feels the pang of his own self-betrayal. Betrayal of others is only a symptom, after all in this world everyone is a thief. It is said that what man hasn't "stole" a glance at a beautiful woman? Self deception is the basis of our illusion and the sympton of the greatest illusion is to claim that one is God.

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Very well said Beggar Ji. How can a drop of ocean claim that it is the whole ocean?



Illusion really comes from within by looking without. The soul, deep in his heart knows, feels the pang of his own self-betrayal. Betrayal of others is only a symptom, after all in this world everyone is a thief. It is said that what man hasn't "stole" a glance at a beautiful woman? Self deception is the basis of our illusion and the sympton of the greatest illusion is to claim that one is God.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by eshwaar101

they say that he is an incarnation of lord krishna.....i just think hes a fake




You are no doubt right.


Another one who claims to be God but is really god spelt backwards and a big one at that.



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He is a human with some magic trick and knowledge. There was an article in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> today in later 2000 that he some people raised complaint against him that he was involved in some sexual harassment. May be true may not be true, but those who call himself as god and asking others to call him as god and asking others to praise him like got are fake and stupid. I feel pity on those who compare him with god or Vishnu.

He normally shows the tricks like taking vibhhothi from the air. That can be done by any magicians nothing great on that.

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I have no problem calling myself God. Would you be so quick to pass judgement on me as well?


Most of the problems concerning this claim are not so much that it's true, (which it is), but in the way people have their belief of what God is challenged by it.


When you BELIEVE that God is one thing and not another, you are still allowing duality to cloud your vision.


God is the part of you you can't see. Yet.


To pass judgement on those who have begun to awaken to this realization themselves is not possible unless you are at the same level as they are.


Judge them as a human if you must. You are at that level already.


Judge them as a saint, you better wait a while longer.





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I have no problem calling myself God. Would you be so quick to pass judgement on me as well?




Srila Prabhupada


L.A. February 1, 1968:


Yes. That is offering respect. The whole, our Krsna consciousness movement, is to ask people to surrender to God. They have rebelled against God. Somebody says, "There is no God." Somebody says that "I am God." These nonsense things are to be eradicated from human society. So they should be trained to submit. So the submission is symbolized by bowing down: "Yes, you are great; I am humble." This should be taught. Otherwise, whimsically somebody is thinking that "I am God." They do not know what is God. It is most foolish proposal if somebody claims that he is God. He is dog. We very much hate this proposal, when a man claims that he is God. It is most blasphemous.
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I have no problem calling myself God. Would you be so quick to pass judgement on me as well?



I will. No problem. You are a fool if you think no one is supreme over you. God is feeding the universe and has no need of anything. But you must scrounge up a few pounds of veggies every day or your body will die. If you are God why are you bound up to the laws of birth and death like the rest of us?


Give the God act up brother. You fool no one but yourself. Become a little humble before the Lord.


Hope this helps.

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I will. No problem. You are a fool if you think no one is supreme over you. God is feeding the universe and has no need of anything. But you must scrounge up a few pounds of veggies every day or your body will die. If you are God why are you bound up to the laws of birth and death like the rest of us?


Give the God act up brother. You fool no one but yourself. Become a little humble before the Lord.


Hope this helps.



Ah, it is a play of words that has you confused?


You see "God" as a deity form.


If you stretch out a piece of taffy and fold it again and again, what has changed other than the form? The substance remains the same. So it is with the creator and the created.


There is no difference.


Except in form.


I am neither above you or below, because I AM you.


Just a different form.


And aware of it.




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Ah, it is a play of words that has you confused?


You see "God" as a deity form.


If you stretch out a piece of taffy and fold it again and again, what has changed other than the form? The substance remains the same. So it is with the creator and the created.


There is no difference.


Except in form.


I am neither above you or below, because I AM you.


Just a different form.


And aware of it.





You sure are a silly god. This Baba Ram das routine is such old and boring news.

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When does the study end? When do scriptures become written upon the heart instead on paper. When does the kingdom open?


People will fondly read accounts of beings thousands of years old, but have a much more difficult time when it stares them in the face. There is less time to sit around and muse over it, so it forces a new channel of thought.


God Realization.


Why not now? Why not today? Why not this very instant?


What are people waiting for? Have you been conditioned by what you believe in to not even try? Will you spend the rest of your lives with book in your hand? Hoping for some future date?


Any person who can at least raise their head above the water of maya can still see better than those below the water of maya.


The difficulty comes when attempting to translate these inner experiences into something coherent for the outside world. This where the human weaknesses present in the messenger are going to be a problem.


Silly god? Maybe just a bad stereotype?





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Any person who can at least raise their head above the water of maya can still see better than those below the water of maya.


Both impersonalists and personalists consider Maya to be that energy or Sakti which attracts us to the temporary and fleeting pleasures of this world. Within Maya is the conception of ahankara, that I am this temporary material body. But staunch impersonalists consider Maya or illusion to be the concept that we are individual souls and desire to merge with Brahman or God. The problem is that when merged with Brahman, even if such a situation exists for billions of years eventually the soul (jiva) will again begin to manifest desire. It is actually the intrinsic nature of the jiva to desire. Since that jiva is still adverse to the divine service of Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he will again return to the material world to experience samsara. The most subtle illusion is that we are both one in quantity and quality with the Supreme. The reality is that our position in realtion to God is acintya bheda [a]bheda tattva, that we are simultaneously one and different; That is one in quality and different in quantity. A drop of the ocean is never the full ocean.

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Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur:

In an article entitled Circumambulation of Sri Brajamandal printed Nov 1931, Chaitanya-Era 445 in the Harmonist magazine

Sri Ramanuja soon excelled among the students of Yadava Prakasa and become his teacher’s favorite student. Yadava Prakasa preached the theory of nondualism, and stressed the illusion of all form, including the form of Sri Visnu. As Sri Ramanuja’s devotion to Visnu blossomed, his disgust with this philosophy grew. Still, out of respect for his teacher he avoided conflict. Soon, however, the day arrived when he could no longer tolerate the impersonalism of Yadava Prakasa. One day Sri Ramanuja was massaging his guru’s back as Yadava Prakasa explained a verse from the Candogya Upanishad. The verse contained the words kapyasam pundarikam evam aksini. Following the interpretation of Sankaracarya, Yadava Prakasa explained that kapy means “monkey” and asanam means “ass.”

Sri Ramanuja was enraged at this blasphemy, and the hot tears flowed which from his eyes in anguish fell upon his guru’s back. Yadava Prakasa could understand that his disciple was disturbed, and inquired as to what the problem was. When Sri Ramanuja took issue with his guru’s interpretation, Yadava Prakasa was astonished. He demanded Sri Ramanuja’s interpretation. Sri Ramanuja explained that kapyasam means, “that which sits upon the water and flourishes by drinking,”?in other words, a lotus. So the meaning of the verse is that the lotus eyes of Visnu are as beautiful as the red lotus which blossoms in the water.”

When Yadava Prakasa saw his disciple’s expertise in defeating his argument, he knew that he had a powerful rival in his midst. From that day on, he began plotting Sri Ramanuja’s murder. He conspired with his disciples to go on pilgrimage to the Ganges and kill Sri Ramanuja in a secluded place. After killing Sri Ramanuja, they would bathe in the Ganges to expiate the sin. Fortunately, Sri Ramanuja’s cousin learned of the murder plot and warned Sri Ramanuja, who managed to escaped unharmed. After some time Yadava Prakasa returned to Kancipurnam, and Sri Ramanuja continued going to his lectures, although inwardly he was looking for another path.

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I am neither above you or below, because I AM you.


Just a different form.




Please transfer all of your money into my bank account and hand over your women if you have one ;)


Please try to comprehend seperate consciousness, it's crucial that you understand.

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