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sai baba

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Ahhh so xexon is trying to say that the thread of a blanket is the same as the blanket because it is the same material in a different form.


So xexonji, please never use a full blanket from this day on. Only use one strand of it. I am sure it will keep you warm since it is non different from the full blanket, right?

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Please transfer all of your money into my bank account and hand over your women if you have one ;)


Please try to comprehend seperate consciousness, it's crucial that you understand.

LOL! We often would meet such gods on the street while on sankirtan. We would always ask them the same thing. "Since we are the same being why not place your watch on my arm."


Never got a watch BTW.


Xexon wants us to accept him as our Sai Baba. We do xexon,we do accept you as a baby Sai baba but you are not able to cheat as well as he. Got some learning to do there bro.

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Ahhh so xexon is trying to say that the thread of a blanket is the same as the blanket because it is the same material in a different form.


So xexonji, please never use a full blanket from this day on. Only use one strand of it. I am sure it will keep you warm since it is non different from the full blanket, right?

LOL Another one. So many good examples of what nonsense this all is one stuff. Prabhupada used to challenge, "Why do you place a shirt on your body and not just a cotten ball?"

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I am no doubt mocking the idea that there is no Supreme Being beyond the tiny souls. I appreciate that it is diametrically opposed to the principle of bhakti and therefore is a great danger to humanity.


On another front if someone approachs you and makes claims about being your teacher as an enlightened being and even God, I believe it to be violence to play along or remain silent.


It is ahimsa to challenge that person and attempt to dislodge them from such a misconception because clearly they are sadly mistaken.

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actually i planned on doing that, but he dosent meet with people one on one, do you have anymore bright ideas


Actually, Atmatattva dasa claims to have had lunch with him back in the 70s, and even conversed with him at length. He also says that he had a go at Sai Baba for allowing people worship him as a divine descent. The man no doubt has yogic powers/siddhis, but so have innumerable other yogis and swamis in India and probably other places as well, even today. As for him being God, well, I'm sure you can read in between the lines to see what I make of that.

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LOL! We often would meet such gods on the street while on sankirtan. We would always ask them the same thing. "Since we are the same being why not place your watch on my arm."


Never got a watch BTW.


Xexon wants us to accept him as our Sai Baba. We do xexon,we do accept you as a baby Sai baba but you are not able to cheat as well as he. Got some learning to do there bro.



God is the clay of creation as well as the hand that sculpts it. There is no worship of the fact, only observation of it.


I don't want your money, or visibility, or anyone falling at my feet. I have no use for any of that.


Call me a fool on the hill if you like. It changes nothing in me, but it locks you into an opinion you will have to escape from before you move forward.





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I appreciate that you are going on the spiritual path. But, spiritual path does not end at the realisation of all inclusive Brahman realisation. It also has to offer the localised Paramaatma realisation (presence of Krishna in the heart of all the living entities) and the Bhagavan realisation (understanding that Krishna is indeed the Supreme Person).


Even the person who first made the Impersonal philosophy popular, Adi Shankaraacharya, admits that "Narayana Parah Avyaktaat" that Naarayana is transcendental and cannot be known by the blunt material senses.


So, please be open to Personalism!


Hare Krishna!



God is the clay of creation as well as the hand that sculpts it. There is no worship of the fact, only observation of it.


I don't want your money, or visibility, or anyone falling at my feet. I have no use for any of that.


Call me a fool on the hill if you like. It changes nothing in me, but it locks you into an opinion you will have to escape from before you move forward.





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God is the clay of creation as well as the hand that sculpts it. There is no worship of the fact, only observation of it.


I don't want your money, or visibility, or anyone falling at my feet. I have no use for any of that.


Call me a fool on the hill if you like. It changes nothing in me, but it locks you into an opinion you will have to escape from before you move forward.






But I want your money. There should no problem in you sending it to me because according to you "I am you and you are me and we are all together."


No you are not the fool on the hill although I know you want us to see you that way. I'll let the obvious joke pass by, just too easy.


Time to drop the God act and humble yourself before the Lord. We conditioned souls don't like this idea. You are no different but you have taken to a mistaken idea that will cripple your ability to advance towards the real goal which is eternal love and devotion to the Supreme Lord.

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It is a difficult matter to explain a beautiful sunset to someone who has been blind from birth. No matter how eloquent the tongue, the idea will never quite carry because there in no common frame of reference. So it is with me.


I can never prove any of what I say here, but I will invite you to prove it to yourself by having the same experience. Is that not fair?


Its the ONLY way you will ever know.


A God act? Believe it or not, I have a regular life. I don't sit around all day thinking about God. But at the same time, it is a presence in my life that never leaves me. It permeates who or what I am. When I move, God moves as my shadow. When a question comes my way, the God part of me already has the answer waiting. It just a matter of how fast I, the human, can offer the translation through my keyboard. I never learned to type. I hunt and peck to this day. But I can hardly keep up with what comes out of me sometimes.


Don't confuse the one who types the keys with the one who dictates the message. One and the same, but measured out differently. I am aware of both, in the same way a flute is aware of the wind that blows through it to produce a sound.


I can't speak for Sai Baba, but I understand the difficulties in his life better than most.




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Illusion really comes from within by looking without. The soul, deep in his heart knows, feels the pang of his own self-betrayal. Betrayal of others is only a symptom, after all in this world everyone is a thief. It is said that what man hasn't "stole" a glance at a beautiful woman? Self deception is the basis of our illusion and the sympton of the greatest illusion is to claim that one is God.


I'm still waiting for some kind of evidence that Sai Baba has never helped anyone.

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Xexon, please desist with your condescending nonsense about how you are so advanced such common people as those on this forum cannot possibly understand you. We understand what you are trying to say despite the many contradictions you make in your posts but we simply disagree.


Look at it from our point of view for a moment. This shouldn't be hard for you being "god" and all since God is everywhere and simultaneously understands all angles on any philosophical point.


We see xexon claiming to be God but we know Xexon like us is an etrnal particle of God who can never be the Supreme. You are a part and not the whole of God. Claiming to be the whole makes you look rather silly in our eyes. It's comical to hear such claims but more than that it is sad.


You are a particle of sunshine who is claiming to be the Sun. Be happy with being a particle. A particle radiates light and warmth as does the Sun. That is glorious but a particle who claims to radiate light and warmth on par with the Sun is sadly delusioned.

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I can help people out too, but does that mean I am God? Every person who works in the humanitarian field is God?


God is not so cheap! He is beyond the scope of our limited senses and intelligence.





Indulekha is the sixth of the varistha gopis. She has a lemon-yellow (tan) complexion and wears garments the color of a pomegranate flower. She is three days younger than Srimati Radharani, being 14 years, 2 months and 10 1/2 days of age. Her parents are Sagara and Vela-devi and her husband is Durbala. On the southeastern petal of Madana-sukhada Kunja lies the golden-colored Purnendu Kunja, where Sri Indulekha lives. In gaura-lila she appears as Vasu Ramananda.

Indulekha-devi has a deep love for Sri Krishna and possesses the prosita-bhartrka-bhava. She often serves Krsna by bringing Him nectar-like delicious meals. She is vama-prakhara and her principal seva is fanning with a camara.

Indulekha is contrary and hot-tempered by nature. She is learned in the science and mantras of the Naga-sastra, which describes various methods of charming snakes. She is also learned in the Samudraka-sastra, which describes the science of palmistry. She is expert at stringing various kinds of wonderful necklaces, decorating the teeth with red substances, gemology and weaving various kinds of cloth.

In her hand she carries the auspicious messages of the Divine Couple. In this way she creates the good fortune of Radha and Krsna by creating Their mutual love and attraction. Indulekha-devi is fully aware of the confidential secrets of the Divine Couple. Some of her friends are engaged in providing ornaments for the Divine Couple, others provide exquisite garments, and others guard their treasury.

In Sri Indulekha’s yutha the chief gopis are Tungabhadra, Citralekha, Surangi, Rangavatika, Mangala, Suvicitrangi, Modini and Madana. The group of gopis headed by Tungabhadra-devi are the friends and neighours of Indulekha. Among these gopis is a group, headed by Palindhika-devi, which acts as messengers for the Divine Couple.

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That I can accept. But although you and the other leaves on the tree are sprung from the same tree you cannot say that you are the same as another leaf. Isn't that so?


Same in appearance. Same in substance. Different in perceptions.


And thats all that divides saints from sinners. Perception.





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Same in appearance. Same in substance. Different in perceptions.


And thats all that divides saints from sinners. Perception.






And it takes distinct individuals to hld distinct perceptions and at no point does any individual become the whole tree. Individuality.


We are eternal individuals because God is an eternal individual.

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So you disagree that the highest saints are not one with God?



The advaitan conception of oneness and that of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas is quite different. First it is necessary to understand Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's conception of acintya bheda [a]bheda tattva. This means that the individual jiva souls are simultaneously bheda, one and different or abheda from the parabhrahma or Supreme Personality of Godhead. The sunrays are one in quality with the Sun but different in quantity.

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Try to understand that God is unlimited and He knows about everything. Can we claim to know that we know what is happening in each and every nook and corner of the universe?


Hare Krishna!



It is a difficult matter to explain a beautiful sunset to someone who has been blind from birth. No matter how eloquent the tongue, the idea will never quite carry because there in no common frame of reference. So it is with me.


I can never prove any of what I say here, but I will invite you to prove it to yourself by having the same experience. Is that not fair?


Its the ONLY way you will ever know.


A God act? Believe it or not, I have a regular life. I don't sit around all day thinking about God. But at the same time, it is a presence in my life that never leaves me. It permeates who or what I am. When I move, God moves as my shadow. When a question comes my way, the God part of me already has the answer waiting. It just a matter of how fast I, the human, can offer the translation through my keyboard. I never learned to type. I hunt and peck to this day. But I can hardly keep up with what comes out of me sometimes.


Don't confuse the one who types the keys with the one who dictates the message. One and the same, but measured out differently. I am aware of both, in the same way a flute is aware of the wind that blows through it to produce a sound.


I can't speak for Sai Baba, but I understand the difficulties in his life better than most.




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Try to understand that God is unlimited and He knows about everything. Can we claim to know that we know what is happening in each and every nook and corner of the universe?


Hare Krishna!


I have never suggested that God was limited. But humans are limited. Even perfected saints can only do so much here. That has been my point all along.


While I make make a claim of being "God", I am fully aware of the limitations of my human self in it's ability to express the totality of what God is.


But there is still NO seperation from God. That exists totally in the mind, and the mind can be moved aside.


I may be a poor ambassador for the almighty, but I am never apart from it.





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