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Please pry for me, I am in trouble

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it's my request to all of you who near to GOD or GODDESS please request or pry to GOD for me that he will helps me and solve my problem.


Please Virendra

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Guest guest

One elderly Vaisnava was having discussion in his quarters with sadhakas, he said that many people come to me for help with their worldly problems and I can give them help with that. Vaisnava is merciful is one of the qualities of a devotee.


Also perhaps intuitively Guest is understanding that the devotee even more merciful than Krsna. That is why he is asking the devos for help; apparently his soul intuitively knows that.


In addition for the neophtye devotee we are supposed to be merciful and encouraging. Say even if Guest is neophyte sadhaka the shastra does not say we should slam the neophyte. We are encouraging.


And lastly in Bhag Gita it says that four types of people come to me, one is the distressed. So the sadhaka is in distress is a valid stance to approach the Divine in fact that is why the Divine gives the jeeva distress, according to the shastras.


Anyway of course those close to the Goddess will pray for the suffering jeevs and rest assured that is the heartfelt prayer of any enlightened person they like to deliver all of the other jeevs from blazing fire of material life. Not like Prahlad Maharaja said, "Okay I saw God; I'm outta here." He asked to remain in material world until all jeevs were liberated and out of distressed condition.


Well anyway maybe some people having a bad hair day. Is nice to ask devos to pray for you; is one of the six types of Vaisnava exchanges. One type of exchange is to disclose the mind. So "I am suffering, please pray for me" is disclosing the mind. So what's wrong with that?

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  • 3 weeks later...


it's my request to all of you who near to GOD or GODDESS please request or pry to GOD for me that he will helps me and solve my problem.


Please Virendra


Do not ask any thing from God which is either related to present or future. When you ask some thing in present or some thing in the future, it clearly means that you are reminding Him about the corresponding reaction that is to be immediately implemented in the need. This indirectly means that God is not alert as you are. This is insulting God. Due to such sin the requirement is not answered. If you are asking to protect yourself or somebody else, it indirectly means that He is not aware of the things to be done due to the irresponsibility and this also indicates that He is not as kind as yourself.

It means that God has potency to help but not kind enough to render the help. On contrary, it also means that you lack unfortunately the potency. It means if you fortunately have the potency you could have immediately responded and helped. Therefore, when ever you ask for anything it clearly means indirectly that God has some type of defect, which does not exist in your case. When you ask Him to fulfill the desire it looks as if that your desire is constitutionally justified. But God is not positively reacting due to either lack of positive response immediately or due to lack of knowledge of the constitution or due to lack of kindness to help the needy. All these points are very very subtle. But God is the most subtle and therefore, the knowledge of this analysis will certainly restrict you from asking any fulfillment of your desire.

Never bring present and future before God. Confine to the past always before God. Look back at your past life. Hundreds of incidents are there where you were helped by God. Even if you dispose some incidents through the incidental probability of success or through the efficiency of your efforts, certainly there are plenty of instances in which the help from God is clearly evident. At least remember those few incidents and express your gratefulness along praise to God for His kind help that was already done. The word Krutajnata means remembering the past help. Kruta means the past help done. Jna means identifying it by analysis. If you confine to praying the Lord and thanking Him always about the past helps from Him, the Lord will be immensely pleased. Then the present and future are spontaneously taken care of by the God. But do not adopt this technique with a mind that you will be helped by God in the present and in the future by following this procedure!

You should really follow this path and you should really forget the present and the future. When large number of people came to hear the message from Jesus, they were hungry by the <st1:time minute="0" hour="12" w:st="on">noon</st1:time>. This point was brought to the notice of Jesus. He never asked God to provide food for those hungry people who came to hear God’s word. Had He asked for that, He would have insulted God. God knows His responsibility very well towards the devotees who came there to hear about Him. God has the power to fulfill His responsibility even in the last fraction of second. Had Jesus told God to bless the devotees with food, it clearly means that God is not as kind as Jesus. Jesus never asked for any thing. He came to know that there were four breads. He took them and showed to sky. He thanked God for providing those four pieces of bread.

Immediately the present was responded and the four breads became four thousand breads. This application of analysis is limited to Nivrutti only. You should not extend this to Pravrutti. When you are hungry you have to beg the other souls because they are not omniscient to know that you are hungry. Pravrutti and Nivrutti should never be mixed.

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it's my request to all of you who near to GOD or GODDESS please request or pry to GOD for me that he will helps me and solve my problem.


Please Virendra

There is no need to pray to God for your problem. Be strong and face the truth and accept your past mistakes and present payment. Learn from your mistakes to avoid future mistakes. See your problem as a lesson from God to teach you of your mistakes. This is knowledge. One who has proper knowledge, has no any problem.

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  • 1 month later...


There is no need to pray to God for your problem. Be strong and face the truth and accept your past mistakes and present payment. Learn from your mistakes to avoid future mistakes. See your problem as a lesson from God to teach you of your mistakes. This is knowledge. One who has proper knowledge, has no any problem.


You are totally wrong, do you know why people go to temples, churchs and mosques...God likes us to test us and in return expects us to beg his help....

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You are totally wrong, do you know why people go to temples, churchs and mosques...God likes us to test us and in return expects us to beg his help....




never...still the creation has been on the basis of give n take. Gods are created to help us human, in return we gotta do Pujan n all kinda stuffs. Gods are to help us. But praying the Gods to help us??? IT's total nonsense. Would you give anyone 1000 bucks pleading ??? No, never. But if that guy with gun asks ????You'd better go naked giving him all your things and walk around in birthday suit. This is exactly what applies to the Gods too. Are you daring enough to shackle the Gods? Got the Guts???




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You are totally wrong, do you know why people go to temples, churchs and mosques...God likes us to test us and in return expects us to beg his help....




never...still the creation has been on the basis of give n take. Gods are created to help us human, in return we gotta do Pujan n all kinda stuffs. Gods are to help us. But praying the Gods to help us??? IT's total nonsense. Would you give anyone 1000 bucks pleading ??? No, never. But if that guy with gun asks ????You'd better go naked giving him all your things and walk around in birthday suit. This is exactly what applies to the Gods too. Are you daring enough to shackle the Gods? Got the Guts???





The results of sin are not only serving the purpose of alternative intervals in the continuous happiness but also serve as the cane for guiding the soul in the proper spiritual path. Due to happiness the soul becomes lazy and proud with ego and such continuous laziness and ego will ruin the soul. Therefore, the results of sin are required immediately to bring normalcy to the soul.


After some time these punishments bring down the soul to the subnormal state and now good results are required to bring the soul up to the normal level. It is just like balancing the horse with a double chain controlling it from both sides or it is just like balancing the patient with the weakness caused by antibiotic medicines and strength caused by nutritious food alternatively. The treatment is very critical and balanced and is highly specific for each soul.

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You are totally wrong, do you know why people go to temples, churchs and mosques...God likes us to test us and in return expects us to beg his help....




never...still the creation has been on the basis of give n take. Gods are created to help us human, in return we gotta do Pujan n all kinda stuffs. Gods are to help us. But praying the Gods to help us??? IT's total nonsense. Would you give anyone 1000 bucks pleading ??? No, never. But if that guy with gun asks ????You'd better go naked giving him all your things and walk around in birthday suit. This is exactly what applies to the Gods too. Are you daring enough to shackle the Gods? Got the Guts???





God is not at all bothered about the atheists or theists who criticize the misery

A person (God) cooked food containing sweet and hot dishes (created world containing happiness and misery), served it on the plate (rules the world) and eats the entire food (destroyed the world). An ant (the human being) entered the plate (exists in the world) and tastes the food. The ant criticizes the hot dish and likes the sweet dish for some time but gets bored with the sweet. The ant can neither cook nor serve and nor eat the entire food. If the ant enjoys both sweet and hot dishes, the ant resembles the person at least qualitatively in this one aspect of enjoyment. Similarly, the individual soul can neither create nor rule and nor destroy this world.

If the soul is able to enjoy both happiness and misery with equal attitude, at least in this aspect the soul can resemble God in a micro scale (Matbhavayopapadyate….. Gita). Otherwise, the soul does not resemble God in any way and if the soul says that it is God; it is the climax of foolishness. The soul can attain God at least in this one aspect and such attainment is called as Yoga (Samatvam Yogauchyate..Gita). The human beings should understand that God creates this world for His own entertainment and this is not for the entertainment of any soul. If some ants criticize that the person does not exist, the criticism of such ants is not even heard by the person. Similarly, God is not at all bothered about the atheists or theists who criticize the misery.

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  • 3 months later...

To the original poster,

Krishna will listen to you, you have full right to talk to him and ask for strength. But it can only happen when you have full faith and faith is developed in the situation when you understand that regardless of your problems, our Krishna makes things ok in the end.

To everyone who is being rude and saying no need to ask for help, shame on you, as a human being your heart should have the bhavana of feeling oher sorrow. Each person is different on the knowledge platform, guide them don't insult them. Thousands of people go to temples everyday and pray, most of whom have no clue what they should be doing or what there focus should be.

If we insult even these people and say we don't care, then how will they learn. You nor I am perfect, at least share what you know and try to be a bit sympathetic. Your knowledge won't decrease and you WON"T get materially entangled but rather what you can help may lead to someones well being.


To the original poster...

In the end Krishna is the only one there for you and he will answer your questions. My humble love is with you!


Jai Shri Krishna

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it's my request to all of you who near to GOD or GODDESS please request or pry to GOD for me that he will helps me and solve my problem.


Please Virendra


Namaste my troubled brother.


I'm surprised at the cold reception you've gotten so far for your post. Now to an extent I do think most people here have a point. Things like this (eg: seeking help or forgiveness from God) are a very personal matter. So though I will indeed pray that the Lord will watch out for you, and protect you from any harm or troubles, I think the most important thing for you to do, is to do this yourself. Also remember not all times of hardship are completely negative in the end. Some bad things happen to us, that will eventually lead us to real happiness or to better ourselves in the end.


Jai Shree Krishna!

Jai Shree Radha!

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Namaste my troubled brother.


I'm surprised at the cold reception you've gotten so far for your post. Now to an extent I do think most people here have a point. Things like this (eg: seeking help or forgiveness from God) are a very personal matter. So though I will indeed pray that the Lord will watch out for you, and protect you from any harm or troubles, I think the most important thing for you to do, is to do this yourself. Also remember not all times of hardship are completely negative in the end. Some bad things happen to us, that will eventually lead us to real happiness or to better ourselves in the end.


Jai Shree Krishna!

Jai Shree Radha!


I don't think that our purpose is to give people a cold reception. But I think we should have faith that whatever Krishna is doing for us is for our own good. If we are put throught troubles then we should take it in a positive light- that we are being relieved from our previous karma. Actually if you think like that the pain of your problem will be mitigated.


I am a very young girl and the past year I have been through three operations and lost almost 30 pounds (the weight loss has caused many additional health problems). Many people told me to pray to the Lord that my suffering goes away, but I refused to do so. I knew that Lord Krishna was doing this for my own good. Our prayer should be, "Krishna, I am totally dependent on you. You know me the best, therefore whatever plans you have in store for me no matter how painful they are, are beneficial for me in the long run."


Spiritual problems is another matter. There, prayer isn't an optional thing- it is needed. However, most of the praying should be done by the person themselves, not other people. However, I have been praying for this person that his spiritual life goes good and strong because if that is so then all the other problems that he/she may have will not trouble him/her.

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Please pray for me, I am in trouble

<HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->

it's my request to all of you who near to GOD or GODDESS please request or pry to GOD for me that he will helps me and solve my problem.


Please Virendra



Hey Sri Paramatma! Aham Bhaktajan, sukriya please give Virendra:

all Artha, kama, dharma and moksa, all 7 feminine opulences, all good wealth, all good health, all good happiness, an all good mate, and Krishna-Prema. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=Om</st1:place> tat sat.

Others are reticent in offering your request, because of the impersonal nature of the request. For, example, you are a Muslim radical asking for the thrown of the world, or, your needs are very very petty and mundane, and thus a 'nonsence'.

But, maybe the affliction is too severe. Anyway we must practice being wellwishers.

Humility springs from a persona. The gods and goddesses don't respond to requests because they were not born yesterday and so they avoid the association of we people on this terrestrial abode who full-in-all-imperfections.

If in pursuit of you problem solving you must try to learn the truth by approaching a superior authority in humbleness (Bg. 4.34) and be very inquisitive to know the transcendental science deeply, offering obeisances with no reservation, Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him.

The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.—but you reserved your reasons for asking for favors, so this is why most hesitate quickly to make your reform your approach, which almost always is your doing and or lesson in life to elevate you to a deeper appreciation the way people are —when the student is submissive and is always ready to render service, the reciprocation of knowledge and inquiries becomes perfect.


PS: Is the "Offering Prayers" of the 9 processes include 'praying for others' or is it just 'praising Krsna?

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Dear Virendra,


I dont know what prompts you to post such a sad message on this forum. Whatever maybe the reason, I pray you find your peace and happiness soon, very soon. Dont allow doubts to bog you down, trust God implicitly and pray ardently. After all, every human being likes to feel loved, so it is foolishness to advise you to lead a loveless existence where you are led to believe God is not hearing your cry of pain. At the same, dont expect miracles - God is not a magician - He nutrues, loves, maintains, protects, but ultimately, your actions decide your future - good / bad, only you can tell. But trust God will be there at every stage to hold you though all the miseries / happy times. I pray you see only happiness in your life.



Deeptha Echampati

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