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Everything posted by bija

  1. That's really interesting. I use it as an anxiolytic often...leaving it in the side of my mouth.
  2. my connection is poor and the video stopped half way through...i will write a few thoughts when watch it again...cya
  3. Mankind has needed a sense of the sacred throughout its journey...some have called it God. There is no doubt though, we are deeply inter-connected and One. And our existence here on earth as a human family has great potential if sacredness can flourish. Earth can be that sacred place. One Organism... Even the atheist may have a deep sense of sacred and find harmony within that kind of sacred place.
  4. One and Two go together to make three - such as me. Zero is inconceivable...but still it be. Polemics or harmony? Why dare to call mayavadi... But instead seek the complete non-dual truth - where one, two, and three - can be...
  5. where are you heading with this ranjeet?
  6. ...In South African traditional healing, river and forest rituals constitute essential components for the training process of individual diviner-healers (igqirha -sing/amagqirha- pl ). There is a variety of rituals performed during the training process which are usually prompted through dream messages that the novice receives. Ubulawu, a concoction of plants soaked in cold water that is beaten into a foam, is consumed by the initiate during these rituals. These rituals provide a neutral space whereby moral and social commentaries can be made. Inherent in this cognitive framework is an awareness of the integral balance between the social, natural and spiritual worlds...
  7. Thompson Shamanism in the Rig Vedas <embed src="http://d.scribd.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id=7281394&access_key=key-13vz11ftnnpmsn75gfwo&page=1&version=1&viewMode=" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" play="true" loop="true" scale="showall" wmode="opaque" devicefont="false" bgcolor="#ffffff" name="doc_710224584590534_object" menu="true" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" salign="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" align="middle" width="100%" height="500"> Publish at Scribd or explore others: Manuals Religion & Spiritual shaman Religion-Hinduism
  8. Not sure about lucid dreaming in vedic culture. In some cultures though lucid dreams were very important socially. Members of the communities would discuss their dreams collectively, to make decisions, when to plant crops, all sorts of things. The dream was highly esteemed and created a social unity and harmony. These subtle states were a natural part of societies function. The shaman's and their tribes used plants to invoke lucid dreaming, here is one example: <table class="infobox biota" style="padding: 2.5px; text-align: center; width: 200px;"><tbody><tr style="text-align: center;"></tr><tr style="text-align: center;"><td> </td> </tr> <tr style="text-align: center;"> </tr> <tr style="text-align: center;"> <td> <table style="margin: 0pt auto; background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: left; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;" cellpadding="2"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr style="background: rgb(144, 238, 144) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"> </tr> <tr style="text-align: center;"> <td>Calea zacatechichi </td> </tr> </tbody></table> Calea zacatechichi, also known as Dream Herb, Cheech, and Bitter Grass, is a plant used by the indigenous Chontal of the Mexican state of Oaxaca for oneiromancy (a form of divination based on dreams.) The plant naturally occurs from southern Mexico to northern Costa Rica. It has been scientifically demonstrated that extracts of this plant increase reaction times and the frequency and/or recollection of dreams<sup id="cite_ref-0" class="reference">[1]</sup> versus placebo and diazepam. It is also employed by the Chontal people as a medicinal herb against gastrointestinal disorders, and is used as an appetizer, cathartic anti-dysentery remedy, and as a fever-reducing agent. Wussow et al. (1985) indicates that the correct Latin name is Calea ternifolia Kunth, of which two varieties are recognized. <table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents"> <tbody><tr> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> Use The Chontal medicine men, who assert that this plant is capable of "clarifying the senses", call it thle-pela-kano, meaning "leaf of God". Whenever they desire to know the cause of an illness or the location of a distant or lost person, dry leaves of the plant are smoked, drunk in infusions, and put under the pillow before going to sleep. Reportedly, the answer to the question comes in a dream.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[2]</sup> Preparation & dosage Crushed dried leaves are steeped in hot water, and the resulting tea is drunk slowly, after which the user lies down in a quiet place and smokes a cigarette of the dried leaves of the same plant. The human dose for divinatory purposes reported by the Chontal people is a handful of the dried plant. The user knows that he or she has taken a large enough dose when a sense of tranquility and drowsiness is experienced and when he or she hears the beats of his or her own heart and pulse. Calea is a rather bitter herb. Many users prefer to smoke it rather than drinking the tea. Alternatively alcoholic tintures can be as effective as Tea while being much less bitter and so more palatable.
  9. that's it in a way though...earth is perfect place to discover rasa and heart ache:cool:. mind blowing really to perceive all the wonders of this universe, and at the core of this conscious manifestation, beauty and charm. amazing place..no mistake about it. we are fortunate conscious beings.. 'krsna, who are you? who are you really?' vidyapati
  10. thx http://totalbhakti.com/
  11. nothing needs to be said about this one..... http://www.geneclark.com/mp3/GypsyRider.mp3 Gypsy Rider Crank her over once again Put your face into the wind Find another road where you`re never been. Sing that 2-wheeled melody The highway symphony You know she`ll never understand. Gypsy Rider sing Your 2-wheeled symphony You know there`s nothing to explain. She should have known by now You`re just a vagabond You may never pass this way again. All the writings on the wall The paper all must fall You`re only as good as your word remains You can take it out if you Decide to follow through Just take what you earn and leave what remains. Gypsy Rider sing Your 2-wheeled symphony You know there`s nothing to explain. She should have known by now You`re just a vagabond You may never pass this way again.
  12. max, this was one of my fave albums years back... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Other this album has mood! click here for audio ...Have you seen the silver raven she has wings and she can fly Far above the the darkened waters far above the troubled sky Have you seen the changing rivers now they wait their turn to die But they turn their tide upon you when the sea begins to cry Have you seen the changing windows Of the sea beyond the stars And the sky beyond the sunbeams and the world beyond your dreams Have you seen the old world dying Which was once what new worlds seem Have you seen the silver raven she has wings that barely gleam They barely gleam they barely glimmer As she circles past the sun And she tries to tell her sister that her trials have just begun Have you seen the silver raven she has wings and she can fly Far above the the darkened waters far above the troubled sky Have you seen the changing rivers now they wait their turn to die But they turn their tide upon you when the sea begins to cry...
  13. there is various views about natural therapy and liver disease. some suggest treatments have effect and others doubt. the hardening of the liver is irreversable as far as i know...the most important thing now is to slow further hardening. http://www.himalayahealthcare.com/products/liv_drops.htm definately no alcholol or tobacco.
  14. that is not my mood...just want to read a learn...no reason to doubt you. thx for the links.
  15. please do look up that gitavali quote kaiser.
  16. Kundalini for me has very much to do with shakti. I feel and see the flow of energy within my body and surrounding it. And also see this flow around other bodies. Synchronicities, identifying with animals, intense emotions, insights etc. Six weeks ago I was doing japa outside, and slipped into trance. A trance which has nothing to do with the sadhana I am supposed to be practicing. A black bird flew into my yard and I became one with its energy...could see. I became a black bird and willed the mother bird to bring me its worms. The bird performed a dance on the fence and then flew and stood half a meter from my feet...holding the worms in its mouth looking at me. For two weeks everyday after that the bird came back every afternoon and would stand at the threshold of my door looking for me. These trances are very hard to explain. It is a very subtle state of consciousness that happens to me without any drugs. Dr. Grof and his wife Christina have written about these things. Christina experienced a very intense kundalini awakening and now specialises in spiritual emergence crisis. Without these two professionals I may have not had any avenue to understand these experiences. *************************************************** If the seed from this creeper is still in use Muktananda suggests, one does wonder why it went under ground. I guess ritual changes from age to age. The morning glory and hawiian baby woodrose once the ritual faded may not have really enetered mainstream recreational use. Tolerance is easily buillt up, so really a ritual every fortnight or more woould only work, and more than that it is very toxic to the body.
  17. lucky stanislav grof and christina.... I didnt go to the birthday paty:P. Was bound by the creeper of love:) bhakti devi. And not intelligent enouigh for deep jnana lol:smash:.
  18. ...But what came as a surprise to me is what followed. Muktananda not only knew what soma was, but he assured me that it was still being used in India to this very day. As a matter of fact, he claimed that he was in regular contact with vedic priests who were using it in their rituals. And according to baba some of these priests actually came every year down from the mountains to ganeshpuri, a little village south of bombay, to celebrate his birthday...baba extened his invitation to christina and me to visit his ashram at the time of his birthday and promised to make arrangements for us to participate in this ancient ritual...
  19. Soma here is something I read tonight that may interest you. It is from a book 'When the Impossible Happens by Stanislav Grof'. I would have to say he is one of the most interesting researches of non-ordinary states that I have read. A very nice person too. Earlier I suggested that soma was made from a seed Agreyia Nervosa. These paragraphs point to the same thing, Morning Glory which is of the same family. Thde intersting thing is these seeds are more potent when soaked in liquid and crushed.. Studying transpersonal psychology and spiritual emergence/crisis is of keen interest to me. At the age of 24 I experienced a huge kundalini awakening that is still ongoing now, 15 years later. Honestly the most profound way to smoothly experience that intense shakti, was taking shelter in bhakti yoga. Bhakti Devi is the most gentle of shakti.. The bhakti yoga is truly like a lotus opening in he full moon...cooling and soothing. In my earlier years the awakening was hot due to psychotropics...that is the difference I see. In the last few years I have experienced a complex synesthesia and other mystical states and found very little support for these encounters within the Gaudiya Tradition. Therefore I sought answers from Stanislav Grof. In my own encounter I have experienced non-ordinary states through drug free methods (in my later years) and as a youth through intoxication. As I have matured and had direct encounter with several phenomena, I can distinguish between the shamanic path and the vedic path. But realizing the differences there is a unique similarity in the encounters. Here is ttonights reading from Stanislav Grof book. Sorry for the typos I am typing it from my book on a mini-laptop;). "I understand you have been working with LSD" said Muktananda. "We do something very similar here. But the difference is that in siddha yoga we teach people not only to get high, but to stay high. With LSD you can have great experiences, but then you come down. There are many serious spiritual seekers in India, brahmans and yogis, who use sacred plants in their spiritual practice." He talked then about the need for a respectful ritual approach to cultivation, preparation, and smoking or ingesting indian hemp...and croticized the casual and irreverent use...by the young in the west. "The yogis grow and harvest the plant very consciously and with great devotiopn." ....In the course of the discussion, I asked Muktananda about soma...mentioned more than a thousand times in the rig veda and that clearly played a critical role in vedic religion. This sacrament was prepared from a plant of the same name, the identity which was lost over the centuries..... Talking about soma muktananda dismissed thje theory that this plant was amanita muscaria, the fly agaric mushroom. He assured me that soma was not a mushroom but a 'creeper'. This seemed to make sense and did not particularly surprise me becuase another important item in the psychdelic pharmacopeia, the famous mesoamerican ololiuqui was a preparation containing the seeds of morning glory (ipomoea violacea) which would qualify as a creeper plant...
  20. wise words amlesh...there is no greater reward than natural samadhi. it is like the beauty of a lotus opening in the sun... (everything else is secondary). as you have suggested...love of god is that treasure. inherently natural to all souls.. and not the claim of any sole cultural mileu alone.
  21. this may interest you: Medicinal use For centuries, the Guaraní tribes of Paraguay and Brazil used stevia, which they called ka'a he'ê ("sweet herb"), as a sweetener in yerba mate and medicinal teas for treating heartburn and other ailments.<sup id="cite_ref-14" class="reference">[15]</sup> More recent medical research has shown promise in treating obesity<sup id="cite_ref-nih_obesity_15-0" class="reference">[16]</sup>, high blood pressure, and hypertension.<sup id="cite_ref-nih_bloodpressure_16-0" class="reference">[17]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-nih_hypertension_17-0" class="reference">[18]</sup> Stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, even enhancing glucose tolerance;<sup id="cite_ref-curi_18-0" class="reference">[19]</sup> therefore, it is attractive as a natural sweetener to diabetics and others on carbohydrate-controlled diets.<sup id="cite_ref-gregersen_19-0" class="reference">[20]</sup> Possible treatment of osteoporosis has been suggested by observations that eggshell breakage can be reduced by 75% by adding a small percentage of stevia leaf powder to chicken feed, and that pigs given 2% stevia leaf powder in their feed experienced a doubling of serum calcium.<sup id="cite_ref-20" class="reference">[21]</sup> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevia http://www.stevia.net/
  22. Maybe by some energetic and natural therapies, so the brain function can be bought to a better balance (mentat is good for the apparently), then symptoms like tiredness and headache may ease. Subtle things often lead to gross manifestation and physical disease. I am no professional so can't really suggest too much. But sleeping less, maybe 8-9 hrs a day would alleviate some of that lethargy in due course. And some light walking during the day is always helpful to gain more energy. Some people need 6 hrs sleep some need 8 hrs to feel refreshed. Anything over 9 or 10 usually leaves me sluggish for the whole day. Hope you feel good soon, so that you can study well. All the best.
  23. I dont know what snog:crazy2: thinks...but I would say a mind leading toward synthesis seems natural at some point in development. The natural flow. Other wise the angst is quite itching...and the stones quite large... I appreciate your post, lets hope the world does;). Little by little... Little by little, my heart green Little by little, I call your name Little by little, my tears fall Little by little, everything changes Little by little, the time goes Little by little, the days pass by Little by little, the air clears Little by little, I can breathe again I can breathe again -- Back at the mirror - your good friend Talk to the mirror, but play out your game Sat in the middle, I stop then Look at the winner, and the price you pay Close the window - I tremble Love was a fall that had no end Now little by little - the air clears Little by little, I can breathe again I can breathe again -- I call your name - I call your name I call your name - I call your name Everything changes - everything changes I call your name I can breathe again -- r. plant
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