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Everything posted by maadhav

  1. yes, when you mean the electric power by "electric current". The electrtic current is passive energy that is channeled into the plumbings (electric circuits) of the computer by the design and will of man. So, a computer works for man per his wish (if he knows hot to use it.) The current has no free will, but its nature. While in computer, it has no freedom but to flow where allowed.
  2. allah of islam is impersonal god, no face, no form. a muslim, per koran, strives to go to haven to enjoy sex with 72 hauris (virgins>. this produces jeehadis and suicide bombers. how the virgins remain virgins after 2000 years of jeehadis using them in haven? they do not have answer for it. muslims love sex, vaishnavas dont. muslims convert by force, vaishnavda dont. muslims are meat eaters, vaishnavas are not. vaishnavs sing, muslims are supposed to not sing.
  3. << Grace of the Divine is abbreviated as GOD. >> Who did it? Where is it recorded? Does any dictionary say so?
  4. fighting by itself is not absolutely bad. krishna said arjun to fight when arjun refused to fight. so, it depends for what you are fighting. what is mahabhagavatam? never heared of it. if you are a devi worshper. fine. worship her. we have no problem. realise devi, and you will know the truth from her, if not form others. suppsoe the world has just you and a barbarian and on one else, you will have no choice but to fight the barbarian, unless you choose to die at his hand like a coward. there are many ways to fight. the last act of fighting involves separating the soul from the body it controls.
  5. No. Check it out by directly reading the Books. Even the goal of each is not same.
  6. per the vedic literature, a rakshasa is a man-eater, a cannibalist. due to his/her uncivilized nature, he/she is tamasic. you could find some now a days in some jungles, not in citis where there is law and order, as they used to live in the vedic times. a daanava (daitya) is just one who defies the authority or thinks god is his greatest enemey and alsways goes against the wishes of god. they could be as powerful as a deva, or a human. ravan, kamsa, and hiranyakashipu etc were danvas, where as tadka or hidamba were rakshasis. ravana's elder brother kumbhakarna, althoug tamasic, was a good guy, he scolded ravana for making enemity with rama, but fought for ravana just because he was his brothre. vibhishan however, chose to take the side of righteousness -god. so did prahlad. it just happend that aditi's childen became aadityas, (godlovers) whereas her sister diti's children became daityas. both were married to kashyap rsi. this family tradition/mentality contiued for generations/milleniums. hope it helps.
  7. << I have to say after a lifetime of study, that the advent of Christianity and its forced establishment in the Roman Empire under the wicked Emperor Constantine is one of the great disasters in the history of mankind. >> so, we need to spread krishna consciousness. and stop the xians from "harvesting souls" from the vedic land and elsewhere.
  8. yes, indeed better. << Also, what is an illusion? >> it is when you accept something as truth, and it is not the truth. << Just because I see something which you couldn't see, it means I'm having an illusion? >> no. both could be illusioned. a test of a truth is to live per the truth, and see if it yields good/happy result. << Is my brain same as yours? >> yes, as far as from what material it is made. no, as far as what memory, transmission speed, nodes and interconnections it has. << Is my mentality same as yours? >> less likely. << My achievements and intelligence? >> different. it all depenss on past karma and experiences, and other things, we call sanskaras. the culture one grows in also plays a big part.
  9. Dear Dr.R. Mchenga, Welcome here, and I agree with your thought. The keys for the goal are education, friendly coopertion, and enterprenership. Zambia Gov. can invite Indian explorer companies to explore at an equitable business agreement. demand and supply rule. Additionally, money is not the only thing that brings happiness. Spiritual and simple living as Prabhupada describes helps a lot to conserve funds for other beneficial projects. I suggest please read Bhagavad Gita As It Is (it is only 700 verses long), and see if it can help Africans. I feel sad that some Africans in US are accepting islam or xianity, when they ahve better alternative - sanatana dharma. Never let the aggresive ideologies enter your country.
  10. onec i saw a legless man in dream. the next day i saw him on TV doing car repair in a garage. nothing haunts me. some, very few, can see future at will. nakul was able to see future, but was bound to not tell it unless asked by a well wisher. so, he chose to suffer on the back of bhima while bhima was rumming around to escale burning laksha griha. finally bhima remembered than nakul know the way, and he asked him. then they escaped.
  11. The news does not say humans exploded. if some chemical reaction in body produces a lot of gas, it could burst the body.
  12. Om being sacred, will get respect from good people. It is a good manner to put it at better places.
  13. << if "god" has a form( person) or he´s formless. >> god has no limitations. krishna says that the sadhan aof the formless, impersonal is difficult, while sadhana of a bhakta is easy. << - "if I should should pray to god who is formless or to god who is a person" - I know the end effect is the same but what is "better". >> per, krishna in gita, sadhana of the form or krishna is better. << another conflict: if I worship sri krishna as supreme , how can I say to my friend, who isn´t a hindu, for example a christ, that "his" god and "my" god are the same if they´ve thought completly different things, different theories. >> you say this: god is ultimately one. for us hindus there is no my god or your god. but the the source of infor about the god for us is the vedic literature, which is for all the people of all teh times and places, and for xians, it is bible. gita and bible have different mmessages. rather than shy away from telling the truth, say it truthfully that you like gita and its mesage than bible. because he is your friend, he should not get upset with you. if he has questions, invite him here, and we can talk, if you find it difficult to talk with him. <<.. but is my faith correct and universal. >> you practice it and you will know it. read gita, and you will now it. << Once my grandfather said that all the gods and stories are just created >> no offense to your father, but he is missing the mark badly. << should a give up worshipping sri krishna and search for "the ultimate truth", or is he the ultimate truth. >> god is sat, chit, ananda he is the absolute truth also. or you can say the absolute truth is only his aspect.
  14. accept her with the condition that she too now moves with you towards god.
  15. Hindu never fear god, when they are afraid of something, they remember god. tvame va mAtA cha pitA tvameva rvameva bandhus cha sakhAtvamev tvameva vidyA draviNam tvameva tvamev sarvam mama deva deva This is very incient vedic prayer.
  16. dear krishnadasa, thanks for sharing the link. i wish the vedic people know the truth about nehru from an authority like prabhupada. .. nehru, a dog in sweeden.
  17. duryodhan was of asuric mentality, and adharmi. so krishna says arjun to fight, and not give up fighting. in contrast to gandhi, krishna never said to keep suffering silently the adharma of adharmis. one cannot win over an enemy - perticularly the terrorists - by causing suffering or death to one's own self. hunger strike or protest is not the way recommended by Krishna to win over enemies. per the vedic literture, the aatataayis must be killed. there are six kinds of aatataayis: - one who attacks with deaddy weapon, - one who kills by poison - one who sets fires - one who takes away anothers wife - one who gabbles another's land - one who plunders or destroys community property.
  18. The link below has an articel about it. http://www.nationalreview.com/mccarthy/mccarthy200507071247.asp Two big allies' legal systems differ on the issue. United effort for common cause need common set of law and rules to follow. UK legal system still treats terrorists as just individual criminals to be dealt with police. The article also talks a bit about how to sweeze info out of bad guys including terrorists. Providing physical comfort, foods of their choice (halam meat), and a cup of tea cannot make them give the info, in my view, how they operate and who is where and doing what, etc. The method to deal with asuras is different than how one should deal with the suras. Krishna and Arjun, in Gita, use many adjectives for each other that are appropriate for Kshatriyas. These adjectives ( or some of them) tell how one can get info out of the asuras. Gita is universally good for all.
  19. << being traders and travellers, incorporated various teachings and traditions into their culture. >> islam is the killer/destroyer of the vedic culture. it never follows anythihg else than koran and hadith. manusmriti has never beeen followed as the law book of vedic kingdoms; koran/hadith is followed as the law book in muslim countries, even now. hinduism has never produced imposers of hinduism or manu smriti. by seeing you starting such as this thread, it seems you are not a hindu but a hindu hater.
  20. exactly this: mattah parataram na anyat ki.ncht asti dhananjaja mai sarvam idam proktam sUtre maNi gaNA iva. - Gita 7.7 O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are struhg on a thread. This is deffrent than what you said. So now remember this only.
  21. << " My dear Friend, if you desire to enjoy the company of material society, friendship and love, then please do not go to see this smiling boy Govinda, who is standing on the bank of the Yamuna and playing His flute, His lips brightened by the beams of the full moonlight. " >> A great devotee has said something like this about panduranga in pandharpur: "do not go to see panduranga. if you do, you will fall in such intense love with him that you will loose all the wordly interest in life."
  22. if everything belongs to krishna, then what is wrong in krishna putting nice clothes and jewelry and diamonda and perls? also, never try to imitate krishna. do as he says instead. he is not a mundale like us. he is god himself.
  23. karmaNye vaa dhi kaarast maa phaleshhu kadaachana vaishnav way is to make every desire one can make in the service of krishna or to please krshna.
  24. thanks. i know what you are saying by the above subject line. but no one would take "atheism" as "theism". we have no disagreement about your quote after your corretion.
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