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Everything posted by maadhav

  1. << non-souled objects such as trees etc. >> per the vedic pitrature, every living being has a soul.
  2. sanskrit words for soul are aatma or jiva. it is sexless, in reality, and can take a body of either sex. the word jiva or aatma in different indian languages is masculine or feminine, or even neutral (I guess.) there is no way to tell why you got female body while you think yourself as a male. but it is due to combined effects of past karma of your self and others, and your own desires.
  3. << Warriors and hunters allowed to eat meat >> yes, the vedic kshatriyas are allowed, however,they too know that if veg. food is available, they would prefer it. << You're just a Puppet >> i see that in your view all are puppets. please tell in detail how, and who is the puppeteer. also let us know if you exclude from this. if so, how please?
  4. maadhav


    okay. i may not be totally right when i said "correct." from vaishnav view point the supreme god is one, and it has many names. so we call him krishna. additionally, there are devas, many many, but the chiefs are siva and brahma. I have not heard or read about siva taking incarnations like vishnu does, but brahmas are many. they are born and they die, and they have very long life. krishna tells about it in gita ch. 8. now, in sanatana dharma, one is free to worship any deva/devi or the supreme. if a less intellegent person likes to worship a deva, he/she thinks that deva as supreme, because without such a thought one has no motivation to worship a non supreme. also, krishna says that one who is intelligent to know who is the supreme, should not disturb others who worship devas. so, ideally, vaishnavas should not disturb deva worshipers and say "that deva is not supreme. give up deva worship." as time passes, a deva worshipper will know who is supreme ultimately, even from the deva himself. it has happened manu many times in the past that a greatly advanced deva worshipper can cause miracles (or they just happen around him/her) where as not so advanced supreme worshipper still is far behind ip spiritual progress. this however does not mean krishna is less powerful than an deva. it just means the deva worshipper is more advanced at the time than a supreme worshipper. so, basically, no vedic person should fight/argue hard with another vedic person. but one can alwasy debate with respect and to seek the higher truth in dharma and spirituality. the need for unity is very importantant at this time when ant-vedic forces are out to totally destroy this great culture. so unite. if we can respect a dog of vrindavan, why no respect a vedic person from the great vedic land as long as he/she is dharma oriented? sure we can. hope it helps. i will not argue/debate this issue more.
  5. The Random House College Dictionary, 1982 edition says this about the word: "Juggernaut - also called Jagannath - an idol of Krishna, at Puri Orissa, India, annually drawn on an enormous cart under whose wheels devotees are said to have thrown themselves to be crushed." Do we have historians to verify if the dictionary tells the truth about the devotees crushing themselves under the cart? If not, HK's and Hindus need to protest.
  6. maadhav


    vedic trinity: brahma, vishnu, siva is mentioned by god himself, and we can see that their three respective functions - creation, maintenance, and destruction - are going on all the times, and are cyclic also.
  7. welcome. 1. What does IIRAMII mean? I in sanskrit is a coma, II is a fullstop. Si it is .Ram. meaning incarnation of God as Rama. 2. What does Kailas mean? it is a mountain in Himalayas, and abode of Shiva god per vedic scriptures. So, for Hindus, it is holy mountain. What made you curious about it?
  8. good post! although you appreciate jesus, you have found from prabhupada something lot better than xianity. hare krishna!
  9. << Sâmkhya philosophy teaches how to get out of the hole. >> you mean that is the cause of all the births? we all came out of a hole. then we put others in a hole.
  10. On the side point: << A wise old Owl sitting in an Oak The more he saw, the less he spoke The less he spoke the more he heard >> the messge is "see the truth, hear the trutn, (know the truth.)" need to add: "spread the truth amonng friends, loved ones, and well wishers; live per the truth, and act per truth. act unitedly when necessary." else, the truth does not help.
  11. << The bhagavatpuran(5th canto ) gives us a better idea. Heavy descriptions: make sure never to look with a angry eye to a guest at dinner or prepare for torture in hell later, your eyes will be picked out by birds! Watch out to be lustfull or prepare for rendezvous with burning woman who will embrace you ( that s a hot date! ) etc. >> as far as i know, this lines are not in bhagavatam or any vedic literature. however we have very vivid description of different hells. we never have permanent hell for any one.
  12. not true. read ramayan. besides, rama was an armed kshatriya, and any forest gives a lot of oppertunity to hunt for food if one wants to eat meat.
  13. my guess is that you are a xian with the disguise of a hindu username. it pains you to see a non xian, and it is unfortunate. where does bible say that you could infiltrate infidels and till go to haven? is it righteousness to infiltrate in disguise?
  14. << Will Sri Hanuman help me? >> yes, if you want to live like a brahmachari/devotee. <<He is a brahmachari and I want to have controlled sex life. >> controlled sex means (in vedic culture) sex only with one's wife, and sex only for producing god conscious children. any other sex act is disuraged, even mental engagement is discouraged. do you want it? if yes, then hanuman can help. you have to love him and read about his pastimes. << For this I need to meet object of my sexual dreams, will he help? >> you are driven by your organ, it seems. hanuman is not a match maker.
  15. << Im glad you all worhship jesus the son of god..>> who said you so, or what caused you to think that way? we worship god, and all his family and creation. are you glad now, or it spoiled your gladness? we dont mind who you worship. why you mind what we worship?
  16. i suggest first get help from a psychologists and or a hypnotist.
  17. << Because, all that the vedic system cares is about spiritual progress. And if a boy/niece marriage can help both of them in that direction, then thats alll it matters. Rest of it is secondary. What do you all say for it? >> those who care for their own spiritual progress and care for no one, are selfish. the vedic people also have the responsibility to maintain helthy vedic society over generations. the body is the tool for spiritual progress, and better bodies and minds come in this world when the vedic traditions are maintained. not to marry within family is one vedic tradition. also note that animals and monkies have no sense with whom they mate. a son becomes husband of his mother or sister. we human beings are not animals, if we live per vedic traditions and wisdom. culture is an environment that hinders or helps progress spiritually. vedic culure helps all to progress spiritually.
  18. Vinayakan, please tell how one can post something in devanagari here. I use Sanskrit99 font.
  19. no vedic person worship kakadev. to regulate/control your sex activity you need to worship hanuman. uncontrolled sex means degradation or fall from spiritual/pious life.
  20. first get serious about practicing dharma as is given in gita. then visit temples and ashramas, places of pilgrimages. when acute desire for a guru is felt in heart, a guru automatically will come in contact with you. it so happend to parikshit maharaj. there are vaishnav, shivaite, advaita, shakta institutions, and they have guru paramparas. vist them per your choice of sadhana, and meet the gurus, then choose one of your choice. once you select a guru, be serious to follow his/her directiond and orders. else just havin ga guru is of no use for spiritual progress. never pick a guru who have no guru. never pick a guru who does not walk as he talks. never pick a guru who says "you become my disciple". when you request one to be your guru, he/she may refuse it first. then he/she may test you to see how serious/committed you are. a guru-shishya relation is of intense love and respect. hope this helps.
  21. the vedic people usually do not marry to niece/nephews. (this is however very common in the muslims of the world.) if a vedic boy's mother's family name is girl's family name, then such marriage is discouraged srongly.
  22. Very nice post, BinduMadhav. such discussion should not be used by any one to cause strife within the hindus. all the hindus need to unite against the conversions and attacks on hinduism and the vedic culture from the non hindus.
  23. << How do you explain the fact that from an Indian standpoint, reincarnation is a curse,>> no, it is not a curse. curse implies existance of a curser and his/her power. re-incarnation is a natural consequence due to one's own bundle of desires, perticularly at the time of death. << while from a Western standpoint, it is a happy fate? >> Western culture is materialsitic. they think they own this world. they think one day god will make the dead alive, so they keep dead bodies buried; which means they think god does not have power to give another new body to the dead. no dead has arisen, and none will arise, except for a few miracles. hindus know it that this material world is only a 25% of god's creation. the rest 75% is the spiritual world where we all living being belong and will go one day. but some could come back here as well again for a time.
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