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Posts posted by Tarun

  1. 2.2.1 Liberated Women Insulted? [re: Tarun]

    05/13/05 06:54 PM Edit Reply


    racanAnupapatez ca nAnumAnam

    construct, due to impossibility; and not; In ferred One = PradhAna = world as proof of

    PradhAna's not causing material world, for it's impossible for her to have created universe (having nop intelligence).

    Reged: 06/30/01

    Posts: 2577

    Loc: Utopia, Queens, New York

    2.2.2 Find any sutra shorter than this [re: Tarun]

    05/16/05 05:53 PM Edit Reply


    pravRttez ca = from activity, and/only

    175) And inert matter moves only due to intelligent direction.


    Reged: 06/30/01

    Posts: 2577

    Loc: Utopia, Queens, New York

    2.2.3 Karma-free activity is best, smoothest [re: Tarun]

    05/18/05 05:52 PM Edit Reply

    payo'mbu vac cet tatrApi

    milk, water, as if, there too

    If it b said pradhAn in & of herself transforms, variegates into milk, water sans conscious direction, Veda replies diligent supervision guides all changes.

    Matter is inert.

    Didn't Jesus says: "Beware the movement of earth"

    IOW, don't rebuild WTC just yet.

    I walked by WTC yesterday. No need to rush. Beware b4 u move any earth.


    Reged: 06/30/01


    2.2.4 NO VOID ANYTIME WHATSOEVER [re: Tarun]

    05/25/05 06:50 PM Edit Reply

    vyatirekAnavasthitez cAnapextvAt

    in absence, due to non-necessity; and due to independence

    177) As pre-creation, there was no other cause save & except PradhAn, so there would/could b no other need for any other cause than PradhAn Herself to produce Her changes.


    Gokula Taruni Mandala Mahite...

    {"We r prepared for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur"

    "We recognize there r hurdles, and we shall achieve those hurdles"

    "It will take time to restore order & chaos"} GWB

    "adanta-gobhir viSatam tamizram" PrahlAD

    Never trust a woman or a politician" ChAnakya PaNDit

    No Meat No Fish No Eggs So Pure

    No Need To Kill To Live So Kind - TKd

  2. payo'mbu vac cet tatrApi

    milk, water, as if, there too

    If it b said pradhAn in & of herself transforms, variegates into milk, water sans conscious direction, Veda replies diligent supervision guides all changes.

    Matter is inert.

    Didn't Jesus says: "Beware the movement of earth"

    IOW, don't rebuild WTC just yet.

    I walked by WTC yesterday. No need to rush. Beware b4 u move any earth.

  3. kecid Ahur aho rAtrAt Sad ahAd apare, pare |

    mAsena yAti zukratvaM rasaH pAka krameNa hi ||36||

    [aSTAnga hRdaya : zArIra 3:65-66]

    According to some scholars, rasa (gastro-intestinal digestion's end product) by pAka process (metabolism) takes one day + one night to become zukra.

    Some others contend it takes circa ~6~ days.

    Still others hold view this rasa to zukra process takes one full month.

    "Save your seeds, brother, save your seeds."

  4. bhaumApyAgneya vAyavyAH, pancoSmANaH sanAbhasAH |

    pancAhAra guNAn syAn syAn, pArthivAdIn pacanty anu ||33||

    yathAsvan te ca puSNAnti, paktvA bhUta guNAn pRthak |

    pArthivAH pArthivAn eva, zeSA zeSAz ca deha-gAn ||34||

    Thereafter, 5 bhUtAgnis: bhaumAgni, apyagni, agneyAgni, vAyavyAgni, nAbhasAgni digest 5 food groups.

    These attributes, after metabolic transformation of their bhautik separately, nourish those of the dhAtus.

  5. sarva-dharmopapattez ca

    all qualities; due to reason, proved & provable

    173) From another perspective, id est, the BIG PICTURE, Brahman includes all natures, no matter how conflicting, ergo to all He renders justice, yet He leans toward His self-surrendered dearmost.

    ps - become one of them

  6. Diet located in AmAzaya (stomach + small intestine) gets digested analogous to rice cooking mixed with water, placed in vessel upon external fire.

    At first, 6 taste consistent food becomes sweet, thus producing foamy-natured kapha (mucous).

    2nd stage, due to vidAha (burning), diet becomes sour, and during this process, as food leaves AmAzaya, pitta is produced.

    After it has left AmAzaya, watery portion from residue gets absorbed by digestion taking piNDa (solid mass) shape.

    Meanwhile, pungent mAruta (wind) manifests.

    Still finding these gross bodies attractive?

    Recalling MahArANI RukminI's dazama-skandha anatomical description?

  7. annaM kAle'bhyava hRtam, koSThe prANAnilAhRtam |

    'dravair vibhinna sanghAtaM, nItaM snehena mArdavam ||29||

    sandhuxitaH samAnena, pacatyAmAzayasthitam |

    [audaryo'gnir yathA bAhyaH, sthAlI-sthaM toya-taNDulam] ||30||

    Adau SaDRsamapy annaM, madhurI bhUtamIrayet |

    pheni-bhUtaM kapham, yAtaM, vidAhAdamlatAM tataH ||31||

    pittam AmAzayAt kuryac, cyiva mAnaM, cyutaM punaH |

    agninA zoSitaM pakvaM, piNDitaM kaTumArutam ||32||'

    [aSTAnga-hRdaya : zArIra 3:55-58]

    Food honored at appropriate timeistaken to koSTha = gastro-intestinal tract with prANa-vAyu's help.

    There it's disintegrated by liquid secretions & becomes soft by unctuous secretions produced by samAna-vAyu stimulation.

    tbc in next post (30-32)

  8. upapadyate cA'py upalabhyate ca

    Although coded, do notice its rhyme & rhythm.

    reasonable, as in GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), not too far-fetched

    and verifiable, with precedent, zAstrik; plus, both

    172) Supreme Lord's partiality towards His/Her/Their bhaktas is both understandable & easily referenced, observable in scripture as well as daily life.

    "Wow! That was a close on."

    Brings to mind ZrI kRSNa's famous nondual yet dual GItA zloka: samo'ham sarva-bhuteSu...

    His Divine Grace - ziromaNi, descending thru paramparA

    Our 6th grade teacher Molly Reff forced us to join her

    "We Never Guess We Look It Up" club.

    Same idea.

    Question: in English can we say referable, meaning easy to search out?

    Meanwhile let's refect via mahA-prasAd.

  9. na karmAvibhAgAd iti cen nAnAditvAt

    not jIvas' actions; from non-distinction thus; if not from beginningless

    Karma Theory cannot explain (inequality & cruelty seen in universe), for upon creation, at first there was no distinction between souls, neither of their karmas nor karma-phalani.

    This objection is invalid, however, for creation knows no beginning.

  10. annaM kAle'bhyava hRtam, koSThe prANAnilAhRtam |

    'dravair vibhinna sanghAtaM, nItaM snehena mArdavam ||29||

    Food honored at appropriate timeistaken to koSTha = gastro-intestinal tract with prANa-vAyu's help.

    There it's disintegrated by liquid secretions & becomes soft by unctuous secretions produced by samAna-vAyu stimulation.

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