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Posts posted by Tarun

  1. annAt pAnAt pacyamAnAt viN-mUtraM malaH, sAro rasaH |

    rasAd agni pakvAn malaH kaphaH, sthUlo bhAgaH rasaH, sUxma-bhAgo raktam |

    raktAd agni pakvAn malaH pittaM, sthUlo bhAgaH zoNitam, aNu bhAgas tumAMsam iti |

    tato'pi Atma pAvaka pacyamAnAn malaH mukha nAsA karNAxi prajananAdisroto malaH, sthUlo bhAgo mAMsaM, sUxmo medaH |

    tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt svedo malaH, sthUloM 'somedaH, evaM sUxma bhAgo'sthiH |

    tato pacyamAnAt malaH keza lomazma zruNi, sthUlo'sthi, sUxmas tumajjA |

    tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt zravaNa purISatvagAdiSu snehaH, sthUlo bhAgo majjA, sUxmaH zukraH |

  2. I've heard of yogis who only lived from cow's milk.

    I admire vegans, yet isn't some animal milk source required for human health?

    Also, didn't SP state: "Japanese r smarter materially due to fish intake; devotees r smarter spiritually due to dugdha intake."


    And don't those condemned cows (previous birth cow-killers)get benefit when their milk is newly/finally offered to Visnu, thus honored by practicing/preaching vaisnavas?

  3. sthUlAn vaMsa-malai sarvve, bhidyante dhAtava svidhA |

    svaH sthUloN 'zaH paraM sUxmas, tan-malaH yAti tan-malaH ||44||

    All dhAtus r divided into 3 parts: sthUla, aNu, mala = gross, subtle, excreta.

    DhAtu's gross part remains in dhAtu's body matrix.

    Subtle part gets transformed into successor dhAtu.

    Mala becomes concerned dhAtu's excreta.

  4. nanu yadi rasadAyaH pariNamandi ratnAnu bhAvena tarhi pUrveSAmutsAdaH syAt |

    satyapi pariNAme kincit tiSThati iti cet tarhi pUrveSam alpatA syAt uttareSAM bAhulyam iti |

    naitad asti |

    mala sthUlANu bhAga-vizeSeNa tridhA pariNAmo bhavati ||43||

    If rasa etc., get transfoprmed into rakta etc., then this should result in preceding dhAtus' complete non-existence.

    If it is argued they r not completely transformed, but portion remains as predecessor dhAtu, even then, preceding dhAtu wil get reduced in quantity & successor dhAtu will become excess in quantity.

    Ergo, argument doesn't hold.

    These dhAtus r actually divided into 3 parts viz., mala (excreta), sthUla (gross element) & aNu (subtle element) b4 actually getting metabolised.

  5. dhAtu-karma = Elemental Functions

    prINanaM jIvanaM lepaH, sneho dhAraNa pUraNe |

    garbhot pAdaz ca dhAtUnAM, karmANi kramazo viduH ||42||'

    [aSTAnga-hRdaya : sUtra 11:4]

    Nourishment (prINana), life (jIvana), coverage (lepa), oleation (sneha), basic matrix formation (dhAraNa), filling up (pUraNa), procreation (garbhotpAd) --- these r 7 dhAtus' functions respectively.



  6. "If I become diseased, don't take me to any hospital; just let me die peacefully, that's all..."

    Earlier during same conversation: "They wanted to examine my brain, this & that, so many..."

    Nurses r complaining they have to tend to 8 beds (8 in-patients). They feel this is too much. Meanwhile p-hysical therapists r afraid to get physical. Or just too lazy.

    Home remedies r best. No Place like Home

  7. Can anyone please further elaborate on this sUtra!?

    angittvAnupapattez ca

    angittva = relation of being principal; due to impossibility, unreasonableness; and

    181) Impossible that any one guNa may b principal in 'pralaya' state, hence material world would not originate.

    Can anyone explain this?


  8. [dhAtuH]

    'rasAsRN mAMsa sedo'sthi, majjA zukrANi dhAtavaH |'

    [aSTAnga-hRdaya : sUtra 1:13]

    Rasa (plasma + other anatomical liquids), rakta (blood's hemoglobin fraction), mAMsa (muscle tissue), medas (fat tissue), asthi (bone tissue), majjA (bone marrow) + zukra (sperm including ovum) - these comprise 7 dhAtus.



  9. vAjIkarANy auSadhayas, tathA xIrAdikaM ca yat |

    sva-laxaNa guNo karyAc, chukraM zighraM virecayet |

    yathA virecana dravyam, recayanti tathaiva ca ||40||

    Aphrodisiac drugs, milk etc. help in semen ejaculation by virtue of their own attributes' excellence.

    This happens analogous to purgative action of purgative drugs.

  10. i heara rolling around on de floorboards above my ceiling uppastairsa.

    She'sa make a me crazy! Please a stoppa now!

    Hey you! Yeah you, widda de green hat anda pants.

    Enough already. You drive a me cuckoo. No more a please.

    Thanka you very much. Molte grazie. Addio. Harey Krishna

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