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Posts posted by Tarun
I've heard of yogis who only lived from cow's milk.
I admire vegans, yet isn't some animal milk source required for human health?
Also, didn't SP state: "Japanese r smarter materially due to fish intake; devotees r smarter spiritually due to dugdha intake."
And don't those condemned cows (previous birth cow-killers)get benefit when their milk is newly/finally offered to Visnu, thus honored by practicing/preaching vaisnavas?
sthUlAn vaMsa-malai sarvve, bhidyante dhAtava svidhA |
svaH sthUloN 'zaH paraM sUxmas, tan-malaH yAti tan-malaH ||44||
All dhAtus r divided into 3 parts: sthUla, aNu, mala = gross, subtle, excreta.
DhAtu's gross part remains in dhAtu's body matrix.
Subtle part gets transformed into successor dhAtu.
Mala becomes concerned dhAtu's excreta.
mahad dIrghavad vA hrasva parimaNDalAbhyAm
having magnitude; having extension, perceptible; as, or/and; short, binary, sub-atomic molecule, particle; from atomic
184) And as origin of big & long from short = dimensionless & atomic = sizeless is untenable, so is VaizeSik's entire system.
nanu yadi rasadAyaH pariNamandi ratnAnu bhAvena tarhi pUrveSAmutsAdaH syAt |
satyapi pariNAme kincit tiSThati iti cet tarhi pUrveSam alpatA syAt uttareSAM bAhulyam iti |
naitad asti |
mala sthUlANu bhAga-vizeSeNa tridhA pariNAmo bhavati ||43||
If rasa etc., get transfoprmed into rakta etc., then this should result in preceding dhAtus' complete non-existence.
If it is argued they r not completely transformed, but portion remains as predecessor dhAtu, even then, preceding dhAtu wil get reduced in quantity & successor dhAtu will become excess in quantity.
Ergo, argument doesn't hold.
These dhAtus r actually divided into 3 parts viz., mala (excreta), sthUla (gross element) & aNu (subtle element) b4 actually getting metabolised.
vipratiSedhAc cAsamanjasam
from contradiction, plus, asamanjasam = disharmony, objection
183) Due to Sankhya philosophy's inconsistencies, it remains untenable.
According to Scarlet Pimpernel + all other bonafide zAstra:
"U can only get it... from someone who's got."
activists to terrorists. Just c how Kaliyuga turns everything upside down.
If u KILL & EAT, that's okay, but protest against killing???
Meat-packer outcry!!!
U must b weird 4 accepting/taking God's 6th commandment "Thous Shalt Not Kill" literally.
dhAtu-karma = Elemental Functions
prINanaM jIvanaM lepaH, sneho dhAraNa pUraNe |
garbhot pAdaz ca dhAtUnAM, karmANi kramazo viduH ||42||'
[aSTAnga-hRdaya : sUtra 11:4]
Nourishment (prINana), life (jIvana), coverage (lepa), oleation (sneha), basic matrix formation (dhAraNa), filling up (pUraNa), procreation (garbhotpAd) --- these r 7 dhAtus' functions respectively.
anyathAnumitau ca jnazakti-viyogAt
otherwise, in case of inference, and jna = intelligence, power, from missing, being destitute of
182) Even though sometimes contrarily inferred, PradhAn cannot create, for it possesses NOT personality, id est, it's no conscious being.
nAma vinA kichu nahiko Ara caudda bhuvana mAjhe
In one simple line ThAkur Bhaktivinod herein says it (rather sings it) all.
"If I become diseased, don't take me to any hospital; just let me die peacefully, that's all..."
Earlier during same conversation: "They wanted to examine my brain, this & that, so many..."
Nurses r complaining they have to tend to 8 beds (8 in-patients). They feel this is too much. Meanwhile p-hysical therapists r afraid to get physical. Or just too lazy.
Home remedies r best. No Place like Home
Can anyone please further elaborate on this sUtra!?
angittvAnupapattez ca
angittva = relation of being principal; due to impossibility, unreasonableness; and
181) Impossible that any one guNa may b principal in 'pralaya' state, hence material world would not originate.
Can anyone explain this?
So so many, but begin with whichever one captures your attention.
CC Adi 1.1 if u r aiming for madhyam-madhyam, otherwise aim lower.
zarIraM dhArayanty ete, dhAtvAdhAraz ca sarvazaH ||41||
They sustain body & entire body is composed of these dhAtus (tissue elements).
puruSAzmavad iti cet tathApi
man, magnetic stone like, thus if, so also
If it b thought PrakRti progenerates as lame directing blind, or as magnet moves iron, even then such hypothesis remains objectionable.
"I abject" & rightly so.
'rasAsRN mAMsa sedo'sthi, majjA zukrANi dhAtavaH |'
[aSTAnga-hRdaya : sUtra 1:13]
Rasa (plasma + other anatomical liquids), rakta (blood's hemoglobin fraction), mAMsa (muscle tissue), medas (fat tissue), asthi (bone tissue), majjA (bone marrow) + zukra (sperm including ovum) - these comprise 7 dhAtus.
abhyupagame'py arthAbhAvAt
even if it b accepted; purpose, from absence
179) Even if one believes PradhAn self-initiates activity, such theory remains useless, for it serves no end.
vAjIkarANy auSadhayas, tathA xIrAdikaM ca yat |
sva-laxaNa guNo karyAc, chukraM zighraM virecayet |
yathA virecana dravyam, recayanti tathaiva ca ||40||
Aphrodisiac drugs, milk etc. help in semen ejaculation by virtue of their own attributes' excellence.
This happens analogous to purgative action of purgative drugs.
anyatrA'bhAvAc ca na tRNAdivat
elsewhere, abhAvAt = from absence; and only not; as grass
178) Unlike grass' transformation (when cow-eaten), beacause when bull-eaten such transformation is absent.
tRNAdapi sunicena...
'rasa' gatau dhAtuH ahar, ahar gacchatIty ato rasaH ||39||
[suzrUta : sUtra 14:13]
Term rasa is derived from root 'rasa' meaning 'to go'.
Ergo dhAtu which always moves is called rasa.
i heara rolling around on de floorboards above my ceiling uppastairsa.
She'sa make a me crazy! Please a stoppa now!
Hey you! Yeah you, widda de green hat anda pants.
Enough already. You drive a me cuckoo. No more a please.
Thanka you very much. Molte grazie. Addio. Harey Krishna
Beard = barba in Spaans
Kulapavan Prabhu:: somehow or other it cruised on into my backyard, so it should b able to again cruise on out.
Have 2 unregistered cars in my yard, some papers, gov't says i must move them out. Any suggestions?
1986 Mazda suburban, 1989 Toyota Landcruiser
Ayurveda Ch. 4
in Ayurveda, Health and Wellbeing
annAt pAnAt pacyamAnAt viN-mUtraM malaH, sAro rasaH |
rasAd agni pakvAn malaH kaphaH, sthUlo bhAgaH rasaH, sUxma-bhAgo raktam |
raktAd agni pakvAn malaH pittaM, sthUlo bhAgaH zoNitam, aNu bhAgas tumAMsam iti |
tato'pi Atma pAvaka pacyamAnAn malaH mukha nAsA karNAxi prajananAdisroto malaH, sthUlo bhAgo mAMsaM, sUxmo medaH |
tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt svedo malaH, sthUloM 'somedaH, evaM sUxma bhAgo'sthiH |
tato pacyamAnAt malaH keza lomazma zruNi, sthUlo'sthi, sUxmas tumajjA |
tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt zravaNa purISatvagAdiSu snehaH, sthUlo bhAgo majjA, sUxmaH zukraH |