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Posts posted by Tarun
yuvAnaM piDikA nRNAM jAyante zukratas tathA | te kecid api zukra tejoSmaNA kRtvA yuvAna piDikA jAyante zukra-malAH ||50||
YuvAna piDikA = male face pimples appear due to zukra.
According to some, pimples appear due to tejas = zukra's heat.
Ergo, according to them, pimples r zukra's mala (waste).
samudAya ubhaya-hetukepi tad aprAptiH
aggregate, all objects; having 2 ccauses: external & internal; unestablished, unproven
Even admitting whole aggregate has as its cause these 2 object classes, still World Order remains unexplained.
tasmAd ojo bhinna eva | zmazru zukra-mala ity eke | tan nAsmat sammatam | zmazru hInasyApi | zukra darzanAt | tatra muSko puMbhAva saMjnatvam iti vacanAt | azmazrukANAm aNDayo revAsambhavAt xitAvevamala iti jaiyyaTaH |
So ojas differs from zukra-mala.
Some say zmazru = beard is zukra's waste.
We disagree with this because zukra's also found within beardless.
Testicles indicate male sex.
It's impossible 4 beardless 2 have testicles.
On this basis JaiyyaTa included beard as zukra-mala.
Walmart's email ISP ran a pro-cowmilk article last week. Maybe it's still running.
aparigrahAc cAtyantam anapexA
from (orthodox sages) no support, acceptance; and/so altogether, disregard
190) Atomic Theory not favored by any scholarly, scientific saint, so avoid it.
Anything impersonal should b immediately rejected.
That is my personal opinion.
Any person wish 2 disagree?
ubhayathA ca doSAt = in both ways and from imbalance
And there r hardships in both cases.
ojas tu sarva-bhUtAnAM, sAraH suzruta kIrtitaH |
yasya xayena niyataH, maraNaM tat kathaM malaH ||49||
According to Suzruta, ojas represents all dhAtus' (tissue elements) essence.
Its quantity reduction certainly results in death. Then how can it mala (excreta)?
Cheney's cover blown long ago
call me or Bala or Charu 4 more details. Mazda needs much more work
please email or call me if u r interested in investing in and/or living in etc.
Popular location.
tad yathA
kaphaH pittaM malAH kheSu, prasvedo nakha-roma ca |
karNa-viT caxuSaH sneho, dhAtUnAM kramazo malAH ||48||
[aSTAnga-hRdaya : zArIra 3:63-64]
'tis said:
Following r excreta of preceding 6 dhAtus seriatim:
1) kapha, pitta, orifice exitors,
4) sweat, nail & hair,
6) ear, stool & eye fat
veNuM kvaNan brahma-rasaM, vitanvan prAk kriDa tAvyAn nRpatiM sa-gopaiH zrI ToDarendra
something like - "saram ghu, daram gu, sab gu BABA!"
Dry stool, wet stool, its all stool Daddio!
rUpAdi-mattvAc ca viparyayo darzanAt
from possessing colour, taste... VaizeSik's atoms have odor, touch...;
and reverse, opposite; from observation
188) VaizeSik's Theory's further untenable, for its atoms have perceivable (saguN) qualities, yet opposite (nirvizeSa) is also seen in them.
We were busy last night singing all those Beatle 60s songs that gradually brought us nearer to, got us ready 4 Sri Guru & GaurAnga... when this control group strolled on over, saying, proclaiming we can't play... only silence = QUIET ZONE.
Supposedly Yoko across the street heard us.
She supposedly only wants John's birth & deathdays celebrated, not others.
If this is true:
Amazing how little she knew/knows about muziek, specially Fab4 harmony.
Discord devi dasi? u bet.
We were talking... abot a world that's grown so cold... Kaliyuga: shoot the piano player.
if u can do, please email me tornd@ & tornd@hotmail.com
nityam eva ca bhAvAt
eternal even, and from existence
187) This world would b eternal because SamavAya is eternal.
Affinity uniting atoms.
Will u b present Thursday Evening at Strawberry Fields?
"What Goes On" in your mind?
"Act Naturally", perform devotional service.
"Matchbox" for lighting pUjA incense or agnihotra-yajnas, not otherwise.
Even Srila Narayan Mhrj gave an example:
"When cool-sun guru is NOT physically present? Carry matchbox."
Hey Prabhus, "U Know It Don't Come Easy"
May Octopus' Gardens & Yellow (sattvik) Submarines b engaged in Srila RUpa Goswami's yukta-vairAgya spirit?
Y not? Any objections?
tato'pi pacyamAnAn malas tejo bhUtaM oja ity eke ||47||
According to some erudites, interaction between zukra & its dhAtvagni excretes ojas filled with tejas (energy).
ubha yathApi na karmAtas tad abhAvaH
in both ways, not motion; ataH = ergo; it's absence
185) Assuming either (whether adRSTa in atom or soul), both r motionless.
Consequently, world's origination's not there = absent.
samavAyAbhyupagamAc ca sAmyAd anavasthiteH
concomitant cause - VaizeSik lingo/term; from acceptance, acknowledgement; and from equality, parity; from non-finality - regressus ad infinitum
186) VaizeSik doctrine is untenable, for it accepts (fictitious) relation called SamayAya from which results by parity of reasoning infinite regress.
agnibhiH pacyamAneSu, malAH SaTsu rasAdiSu |
na sukra pacyamAneSu, heman IvAxaye malaH ||46||
Preceding 6 dhAtus produce malas (excreta) as they r acted upon by respective dhAtvagnis.
Not true in 7th case dhAtu, id est, zukra.
Analogy: pure gold exposed to fire produces NO excreta.
"On a wagon, bound for market, sits a calf with a mournful eye..."
Donna Donna Donna Donna... 1st album "Catch the Wind"
ubha yathApi na karmAtas tad abhAvaH
in both ways, not motion; ataH = ergo; that's absence
annAt pAnAt pacyamAnAt viN-mUtraM malaH, sAro rasaH |
rasAd agni pakvAn malaH kaphaH, sthUlo bhAgaH rasaH, sUxma-bhAgo raktam |
raktAd agni pakvAn malaH pittaM, sthUlo bhAgaH zoNitam, aNu bhAgas tumAMsam iti |
tato'pi Atma pAvaka pacyamAnAn malaH mukha nAsA karNAxi prajananAdisroto malaH, sthUlo bhAgo mAMsaM, sUxmo medaH |
tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt svedo malaH, sthUloM 'somedaH, evaM sUxma bhAgo'sthiH |
tato pacyamAnAt malaH keza lomazma zruNi, sthUlo'sthi, sUxmas tumajjA |
tato'pi nija vahni pacyamAnAt zravaNa purISatvagAdiSu snehaH, sthUlo bhAgo majjA, sUxmaH zukraH |
tataH pacyamAnAd api malo na vidyate |
sthUlo bhAgaH zukra eva ||45||
Post food & drink digestion, stool & urine form as excreta, nourishment/essence is transformed into rasa (chyle, plasma).
When rasa is acted upon by rasa dhAtvagni, its excreta come out as kapha, gross part remains in rasa MATRIX, subtle part turns into rakta (blood's hemoglobin fraction).
As rakta is acted upon by rakta dhAtvagni,, its excreta come out as pitta, gross part remains in rakta MATRIX, subtle part becomes mAMsa (muscle tissue).
As mAMsa is acted upon by mAMsa dhAtvagni, its waste exude from mouth, nose, ears, eyes, genital & similar channels.
Its gross part remains in mAMsa MATRIX, its subtle part becomes medas (fat tissue).
As medas is acted upon by medo dhAtvagni, excreta exits as sweat.
Its gross remains in medas MATRIX, its subtle becomes asthi bone).
When asthi's acted upon by asthi dhAtvagni, excreta becomes keza (big hair), loman (tiny hair), zmASru (beard hair).
Asthi's gross remains in asthi MATRIX, its subtle becomes majjA.
As majjA's acted upon by majjA dhAtvagni, excreta exudes as fatty substance in ear, stool, skin, etc., gross remains in majjA MATRIX, subtle transforms into zukra (SPERM OR OVUM).
As zukra is acted upon by zukra dhAtvagni, it DOES NOT RESULT IN ANY EXCRETA PRODUCTION.
Its gross part remains zukra.
The eleventh obstacle for the Vaisnavas is sectarianism...
in Vedic Verses
Some include word sAkhA = branch
Those who insist on seeing the branch, not the tree... and what to speak of the FOREST!