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Posts posted by Tarun

  1. Along similar lines, www linked:

    I heard this one on Malaysian radio 4 yrs ago.

    I think I mentioned it on VNN Forums.

    This one can also be adjoined to various neighboring he/she threads.

    For those of you who missed it:

    How do you know computers are female?

    3 undeniable symptoms sustain:

    1) They speak a language only other computers can understand.

    2) They recall details long after you've forgotten them that can surely be used against you.

    3) Just after you've $committed$ hard earned $cash$ to one, a better, more attractive, updated model becomes available.

    So don't fault sannyAsis for appearing to be married to their laptops.

    Grhasthas neither. Things could be worse.

    Then again...

  2. I just spent 2 months in Miami + 1 month in Alachua.

    Alachua population is 7,000, some 700 of whom practice vaisnavism.

    Some say more like 500-600. Then again, including children...

    PrabhupAd foresaw, "It's a fact. Not everyone will take to KRSNa consciousness. But if we can convince 5%, then the other 95% can see their good example and be benefitted."

    This 5-10% may be possible within Alachua's near future.

    Actually, they're already there!

    Alachua County includes Gainesville with its famous University.

    Gainesville is 16 miles southeast from Alachua.

    Right now most Alachua devotees still drive cars.

    Archaic yet true.

    Rolling hills make bicycling strenuous though possible.

    I did it. I did both. Hitchhiking too.

    90% live within a 7 mile radius of the main ISKCON temple.

    RTvik Reform Restore adherents often meet separately.

    ZripAd Narayan Mhrj followers often meet separately.

    About 200 devotees regularly show up for Sunday feasts.

    About 300 showed up for Sunita dd's funeral Sunday morning 10am-Noon.

    About 70 show up for mangalAratrik & Tulasi-pUjA 5am.

    About 70 show up for Govindam & guru-pUjA 7am.

    About 30 stay for BhAgavatam class 7:45-8:45am.

    Some haven't shown up for years.

    Some prefer to do their bhajan at home.

    They're all vaisnavas. So many levels. No 2 are alike.

    Acintya bhedAbheda tattva. Hare KRSNa.


  3. Prabhus, This Bush-Gore wrestling idea is not so far fetched.

    Much closer to Vedik standard than what's going on today.

    PrabhupAd said, "Xatriyas would rule by bodily strength, not by votes."

    He added, "Nowadays, the vote-giver is a tiny rascal and the vote-getter is a big rascal. So how we can expect good government?"

    By the way, Gore is taller. And probably stronger.

  4. My Tax professor at CUNY Queens College would often give examples from his own practive using the term "Traditional Family" meaning (in his own words), "The husband controls the money, the wife controls the house."

    Then I went to Holland where I saw women controlling both dome and dough. Not only that! Quite often these women were kicking their husbands out shortly after their 1st child was born.


    And their gov't backs Ma; Pa has little or no say.

    Like abortion, such things were unimaginable to Vedik sages of yore.

    Or unbearable. Tri-kAla-drk eyesores.

    Ergo, they're not specifically mentioned in 12th Canto.

    Perhaps elsewhere?

    Anyway, Gary Null and others have done studies directly linking homosexuality increase with both woman's liberation and urban overpopulation.

    PrabhupAd said, "KRSNa's Land = China and India are overpopulated. Yet much of the rest of this planet remains empty, uncultivated."


  5. Doing laundry too often wears your clothes out faster. It's true.

    Even quicker than wearing them on your body and walking around.

    Yes, it's a fact. So it stands to reason we should...

    And furthermore, this way each wash is worth that much more.

    Or should we say that many times more?

    Qualitative, quantitative: Either way, both are correct. Men know.

    Yes, men are analytically as well as mathematically right on this one. No doubt about it.

    Do laundry less often. Wear your dirty clothes.

    Wear your clothes dirty. There is a difference.

    You save on soap, water, labor, so many things.

    Your washing machine and dryer will break down less often.

    Last but not least, at no extra charge, you'll attract many types of ghosts: jins, bhUtas, pretas, pizacas, guhyakas, brahma-raxasas, all of whom shall in turn become purified by your intensely loud recitation of HarinAm japa and sankirtan.

    It's economic. It's scientific. It's merciful.

    It's inversely proportional. What you want more?

  6. Just minutes before the plane was to crash, this song (with addendum) began to sound through the jet's loudspeaker:

    (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman

    Bhaktin Carole King - VAkya Tapestry

    Didi Aretha Franklin - Bhajan Orchestry


    Looking out upon the morning rain

    I used to feel so uninspired

    And when I knew I had to face another day

    Lord K, it made me feel so tired

    Before the day I met You, life to me seemed so unkind

    Now Your BhAv is the key to my peace of mind...


    Cause You make me feel, You make me feel, you make me feel like a natural woman


    When my soul was in the lost-and-found

    Your bhakta came along to claim it

    I didn't know just what was wrong with me

    Till Your bliss helped me name it

    Now I'm no longer doubtful (asaMzayam) of what I'm aiming for (vyavasAyAtmika buddhir ekeha)

    Cause if I make You happy I don't need to do more... (samsiddhir hari-tosanam)


    Cause You make me feel, You make me feel, You make me feel like

    A natural woman (manjari-bhAva)


    Oh, Prabhu, what you've done to me

    You make me feel so good inside

    And I just want to be close to You

    You make me feel so alive (jIv jAgo, nac re amar man)

    Cause You make me feel, You make me feel, You make me feel like

    A natural woman

    *gopi-bhAva rasAmrtAbdhi-laharI kallola-magnau muhur

    vande rUpa sanAtanau raghu-yugau zrI jIva-gopAlakau



  7. The Temple President was very straightforward. Generally.

    TP: "There'll be no women in this istagosthi's 1st 10 minutes. We'll call the women in later on."

    ALL the resident matajis and didis remained outside, for a moment feeling a wee bit dejected.

    Then they quickly went off to do their assigned seva.

    TP: "Today I want to speak something very frankly concerning matrimony.

    I know some of you are thinking of becoming grhastha.

    PrabhupAd warned us all, 'A brahmana or brahmacari should only marry a virgin.'"

    Gardener: "Only a virgin?"

    TP: "Yes, like virgin soil, untouched."

    Temple Commander: "Yes, it's true. I read it. He said it."

    Potwasher: "But how can we know for sure whether she's virgin or not."

    Sankirtan Leader: "One obvious symptom is that even while out on traveling sankirtan, she'll never ever buy, offer nor eat bread baked by karmis."

    Pujari: "What's that? I never heard this one before."

    SL: "That's right. Nothing cooked or baked by karmis for her. No way."

    Car Mechanic: "Sounds impractical. Suppose her sankirtan van breaks down hours away and only store bought bread is available?"

    TC: "She's so strict; she'd rather starve than succumb."

    TP: "Yes, for sure. No compromise."

    Treasurer: And that's yet another reason why we never purchase karmi bread to offer to our Deities."

    Pujari: "Hmm. Kinda makes sense."

    Headcook: "Yes, it's true. I've seen it. Virgins will bake bread or roast chapatis themselves, yet never ever buy commercial bread."

    Potwasher: "Oh really. Hmm. I never noticed that."

    Headcook: "That's because your back is always to the oven."

    TC: "Yeah. If you turned your head around, away from those 2 sinks, then maybe you would notice."

    Potwasher: (scratching his head) "I must be missing some point here."

    Gardener: "Yeah, me too."

    Pujari: "Me three!!!"

    Lifemembership Director: "Yes. Please tell us succinctly how a woman baking bread instead of buying bread provides positive proof she's a virgin?"

    Headcook: "Only oven fresh."



    TP: "Okay, you can invite the bhaktins back in now."

  8. Zri Caitanya MahAprabhu is definitely a Tantrik God.

    No doubt about it. He's tantrik in the all-inclusive sense.

    In fact, He's the Supreme Personality of Tantrik Godhead. How so?

    He encourages us to clap our hands in KRSNa-kirtan: that's tantrik.

    *mrdanga-vAdya, zunite mana, avasara sadA jAce

    *Gaura-vihita, kirtana sune, Anande hrdaya nAce

    He encourages us to dance in KRSNa-kirtan: that's tantrik.

    He encourages us to play musical instruments to accompany KRSNa kirtan: that's both yantrik and tantrik.

  9. Haribol BrahmA, Jagat et al,

    Should we have purchased Pittsburgh Ellsworth Mandir or what?

    Did PrabhupAd want that building or what?

    Am I in illusion or what?

    I went back there 3 yrs ago and knocked on the door.

    A nice couple owns it. I asked, "Did you know that...

    They said, "Yes, we've heard that this was once a Hare KRSNa temple."

    Very well kept. Wrought Iron Fence still intact.

    1st large annual ISKCON Mayapur festival was 1974.

    A few days before 1976 Gaur-purnima, 16Mar that year, so around 11Mar76, Visnujan Svami led mangalAratrik at Mayapur festival.

    Nice but something was gone. Missing.

    An hour later he went on morning walk with PrabhupAd.

    Ater that, we never saw him again.

    We've all heard his Triveni Atma-ha story.

    But have you heard this one?

    2 yrs later, just after PrabhupAd's tirobhav, I drove through Houston, Texas.

    (When Vayasaki interviewed me, maybe he included this story. Maybe not.)

    One Radha-kanta from New VrndAvan had a foreign auto repair shop about 20 miles outside Houston. I went to see him, passed through.

    Radhakanta claims the following (also verified by Sarvezvari dd of Cedarhurst, 5 towns, Long Island, NY):

    A man from California pulls up and needs some auto work done.

    While in RKdas' office, he notices something familiar: a Hare KRSNa painting.

    He inquires: "Are you affiliated with hare Krsnas?"

    RK says: "Yes, I was an active member a few years back."

    "Oh, I have a neighbor who used to be a Hare KRSNa Svami. Now he's married."

    "Oh really! What was his initiated name; maybe I know him."

    "I don't recall his spiritual name, but I do have a photo with him in it."

    He showed Radhakanta the photo. Plus hair, Shaw nuf...

    One never knows, do one.


  10. Yes, tonight there is HarinAm-sankirtan at Timessquare 7-9pm.

    In Miami 7 weeks ago, I asked BhaktivedAnta Aranya Mhrj this question:

    "Can we get sAdhusanga on the Internet?"

    He said, "Yes, if you have full faith in the sAdhu's words as your reading them on your Internet computer screen."

  11. Haribol SatyarAj et al, Onde esta voce agora?

    Well, so far I've heard,

    1) tan means body, that which covers the soul, the real self grossly.

    2) man means mind, that which covers the soul, the real self subtly.

    Thus, tantra delivers the body, mantra delivers the mind.

    Tantra is meant to raise one from tamogun to rajogun.

    Mantra is meant to raise one from rajogun to sattvagun.

    Depending on the mantra's potency it may then raise one further up to nirgun.

    As Zrimad BhAgavatam (1.2.24) states,

    pArthivAd dAruNo dhUmas

    tasmAd agnis trayImayaH

    tamasas tu rajas tasmAt

    sattvaM yad brahma-darzanam

    Passion is higher than ignorance, yet goodness is best, because it affords and yields Absolute Truth.

    Zriman MahAprabhu came to give us that: that mantra which would raise us beyond even sattvagun to nirgun, no material qualities.

  12. Gauracandra et al, Why not study Sanskrt right here! We can do zravanam kirtanam right here on this thread. Or begin a separate thread.

    I also have that Coulson book here next to me. We can go through it together. Something can be learned daily. Forward Ho!?

    If so, on what page shall we begin?

  13. Gauracandra et al, Why not study Sanskrt right here! We can do zravanam kirtanam right here on this thread. Or begin a separate thread.

    I also have that Coulson book here next to me. We can go through it together. Something can be learned daily. Forward Ho!?

    If so, on what page shall we begin?

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