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Posts posted by Tarun

  1. tathA ca vRddhAtreyAt

    atrApi ca mahAprAjna, jijnAsA varttate'parA |

    raktam eva rajah strINAM, kiM vA raktaM vinA rajaH ||68||

    According to VRddhAtreya:

    Oh! Great Wiseman, there's another query about it.

    In women, whether rajas (menstrual blood) is identical to rakta (ordinary blood) or do they differ?

  2. raktaM punaH

    uSNaM zItanva madhuraM, snigdhaM raktaM ca varNataH |

    zoNitaM guru visraM syAd, vidAhazcAsya pittavad ||67||

    Rakta (ordinary blood) is both uSNa (hot) & sIta (cold).

    It is sweet, unctuous reddish, heavy & foul-smelling.

    Like pitta it too causes vidAha (burning sensation).

  3. I don't know! I don't know! (strangle, strangle...)


    "arttavaM zoNitam agneyaM, zukraM saumyam iti kRtvA agni agniSomIyo garbho bhavati|

    tasmAd artavasyAgneya tvam uktam, tat tasyApi kathaM nAgneya tvaM bhavati|

    tayoH svabhAva bhedAt ||65||

    Both rakta (ordinary blood) & Arttava (mentrual blood) r produced from rasa which is saumya in nature.

    Even then they differ.

    Arttava zoNita (menstrual blood including ovum) is agneya (warm) while zukra (semen including sperm) is saumya (cool).

    Embryo forms by their combination, ergo its nature is agniSomIya (both warm & cool).

    Their natures do differ.

  4. tataH suzrutaH rasa-raktayor abhedaM darzayan nAha 'rasAdeva striyA raktaM rajaH sanjnaM pravarttate ||63||

    suzruta : sUtra 14:6

    pravRttasya raktasya Rtu-jaM rajaH sanJam ucyate ity arthaH ||64||

    DalhaNa : suzruta : sUtra 14:7

    Difference betwixt Rasa & Rakta d'accord Suzruta

    Ladies' menstrual blood comes from rasa.

    Blood exiting during menstruation is called rajas.

    If u lose blood, u lose memory, no?

    SNL '80s Parody to Family Feud or some similar game show:

    To every question Jim Belushi asked _____ Jackson (blond woman) she replied "I don't know!"

    After a few times Belushi began to yell at her. At last he began strangling her.

  5. vaidharmyAc ca na svapnA'divat

    from distinct nature and not dreamlike: hypnotic nsuggestion, mirage, illusion

    202) Awake-state ideas r unlike dream-state due to different mature.

    In KRSNA Book VyAsadev/PrabhupAd give example:

    During day we may see Gold & Mountain.

    At night we may dream of a Golden Mountain.

    No such mountain exists, at least not on this planet.

    Everly Brothers sang:

    When I want u in my arms

    When I want u & all your charms

    Whenever I want u all I have 2do is DREEEEAM, dREAM dREAM dREAM...


    Gee wiz, I'm dreamin' my life away...

  6. vaidharmyAc ca na svapnA'divat

    from distinct nature and not dreamlike: hypnotic nsuggestion, mirage, illusion

    202) Awake-state ideas r unlike dream-state due to different mature.

    In KRSNA Book VyAsadev/PrabhupAd give example:

    During day we may see Gold & Mountain.

    At night we may dream of a Golden Mountain.

    No such mountain exists, at least not on this planet.

    Everly Brothers sang:

    When I want u in my arms

    When I want u & all your charms

    Whenever I want u all I have 2do is DREEEEAM, dREAM dREAM dREAM...


    Gee wiz, I'm dreamin' my life away...

  7. saMsiddhAs tejasAhyApaH, zarIrasthena dehinAm |

    avyApannA prasannena, raktam ity abhidhIyate ||

    (guruH provAca uttaram) inserted/continued

    Thereafter, preceptor replied:

    "Unpolluted Ap-dhAtu (liquid elements) of living creatures get(s) metabolised by body's unafflicted tejas (enzymes) as result of which rakta is produced."


  8. nAbhAva upalabdheH

    not, never external objects' non-existence; due to being perceived, we r conscious of them

    201) Ephemereal not without substance, 4 our senses bear testimony, witness daily.

    This reminds me of ZrIla PrabhupAd saying:

    "This temple room is beautifully decorated. If somebody says 'this is false'... no, this is not false, though it is temporary."

    Bob Dylan also sang Gates of Eden:

    "And the princess & the prince discuss what's real & what is not,

    It doesn't matter inside the Gates of Eden"

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