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Everything posted by JRdd

  1. I do!!! (where's the smilie that raises its arm eagerly?)
  2. Thanks, MC, I have been doing the google doodle but it is so extensive and I just can't find the kind of site I know exists, as I am certain I had such a wonderful site once. There is just too much out there. I am hoping someone has bookmarked some specific site they recommend, as what I found took HOURS and was like trying to find a camel in a haystack. Honestly. And not that helpful so far. Also, I would like to be able to look up symptoms, not jsut shoot in the dark at this or that disease I suspect. There's more wierd things going on here now. But I'll keep my goggles open. Remember, if I drop dead, don't summon my relatives. Get the devotees! Thanks for the direct link, BB. JR
  3. Does anyone know a really good website that deals with alternative and/or natural health, or that links one to specific such sites on particular ailments or symptoms? I used to have one bookmarked, I am sure, but I can't find it. Living rurally I am not always able to get promptly to a doctor, and I am having some very strange symptoms which are causing me some concern and which I would like to research until I can get checked. Inputs will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jayaradhe
  4. Yes I too was thinking the same thing about the images on sarees getting sat on, etc. As for the T-shirts, is it better to advertise those Divine Forms for the benefit of others, or better not to wear them in the bathroom? Until I have absolute conviction otherwise, I am sticking with avoiding the offense.
  5. I have often wondered if it is proper to wear images on T-shirts, as one would inevitably be wearing them in the bathroom. I have asked several devotees for their opinions on this but have drawn a large blank from all. Until I know for sure, I also draw a large blank on having Deities on my clothing.
  6. I would like to add something I wrote on that same other forum, in regards to Srila Prabhupada's views on women: Sun Sep 2, 2001 6:52 pm Re: Defending Srila Prabhupada Hari bol, Prabhus, I am very much appreciating this calm discussion which I just stumbled across. I would like to add to xxxxxxxxxxx [dasi}'s comments regarding women. I too experienced in my first few years in the movement the protective attitude toward women. Respectful behaviors and attitudes were mutual to both genders, and I saw my Godbrothers as brotherly and/or fatherly. I remember going out in small groups of four, and while two devotees knocked on doors, the other two would stand on the sidewalk singing the Holy Names together, in this way taking turns between doors and chanting. I was paired up with a Godbrother, and there was no agitation, only harmony. I also remember heading up the Sunday feast as a quite young devotee, and telling my brothers what they should do to help in the kitchen. There seemed to be little or no ego surrounding this service, only bliss in being able to collectively pull off yet another wonderful feast for the Lord and for the charming of up to two hundred bumblebees who attended the Sunday program. I remember, too, dancing comingled with the men in the temple room. We were simple. We saw the Deities, not each other. And I remember brahmacaris being sent to me, individually, for me to measure, so I could sew them kurtas, in the days when our saris came off the rolls as voile yardage, and kurtas from India were not available. Nowadays these dealings might be seen as almost unbelieveable, or the working of selective memory--how could it have been possible for such comingling without general or rampany sexual agitation??? I believe it was possible because of our implicit faith in Srila Prabhupada, causing thorough imbibement of his books, teachings, examples, and attitudes--including his attitude toward women. None of us women felt slighted by any of his comments, ever, at least not in my awareness. I am glad xxxxxxxxxx has mentioned things even though they might land her in hot water as she said. I will jump in that hot tub with her, in drawing conclusions from her statements about lower forms suffering more, [coupled with]...her pointing out the suffering women undergo in childbirth and all the rest. (Srila Prabhupada wrote that the more highly evolved the consciousness, the more the capacity for enjoyment. I beleive this is in the book Raja-Vidya, but I'm not absolutely certain of that.) Anyway as we all know it is a moot point, in view of the rampant sudraness overall. But I did want to add to her point that there are advantages in either type of gender-birth, and although as women we may lack in some discriminatory powers in matters of the heart, we have the advantage of (gulp--is this going to mean boiling water for me? a cauldron over a fire?) being more prone to taking a humble position, which is of course far more conducive for spiritual advancement. Thus I perceive that our challenges are different but we are all equal in our opportunities for being lifted out of our ridiculous predicament of embodiment by Divine Grace. I appreciate xxxxxxxxxxx's straight shooting, just as I do...the rest of yours here, following in the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada, who never minced his words to align with popular opinion. Women definitely have a particular position, this fact is timeless and inarguable, and I never felt any insults from Srila Prabhupada. Defending Prabhupada means upholding his legacy, holding up the real Srila Prabhupada for all to see. I am so sorry that some believe him to be responsible for the misogynism which others brought with them to the movement. thanks, your sister, Jayaradhe
  7. Here's a post from another forum: Wed Aug 22, 2001 12:12 pm Re: Defending Srila Prabhupada "Thanks, xxxxxxxx Prabhu, for your comment. My letter is in reference to the question of whether the spiritual master is infallible. I should have been more specific in stating my point of contention which was with the statement in Infallibility vs. Dogmatism that "No jiva soul is infallible, be he guru or pope or whatever." My references show how Srila Prabhupada described the pure devotee as "infallible in words and action." If I am over-reacting, it is because I expect to see a different attitude amongst initiated followers of His Divine Grace. "Another article by Niscala Dasi says that Srila Prabhupada's perfection was in presenting the philosophy of Krishna consciousness, but [that] that is where his perfection ends. Niscala dasi questions Srila Prabhupada's judgment and states that his attitude towards women was antiquated. The underlying premise is that Srila Prabhupada's view of women was a result of his upbringing and the environment in which he was raised. I do not believe this is the proper attitude of a disciple. But then these authors do not consider themselves disciples of Srila Prabhupada. Niscala Dasi's quote from Bhaktivinode Thakura reveals that she thinks of Srila Prabhupada as an "old author" with antiquated ideas. "This same mentality was expressed by a devotee who was teaching a course on the Bhagavad-gita at Harvard. He said that because of his antiquated ideas about women, he would cringe at the thought of giving Srila Prabhupada's books to his students. Actually, Srila Prabhupada's attitude towards women was BASED on the philosophy of Krishna consciousness. Any woman who ever dealt with Srila Prabhupada would come away with the impression that he was a perfect gentleman. Women were joining this movement as much as men, and Srila Prabhupada saw to their protection. But perhaps thinking that women need protection is itself an antiquated idea. It is certainly a Vedic idea, but Vedic culture is also antiquated, just like the idea of having four social classes and four spiritual orders. Even the idea of having one spiritual master to whom you surrender can be said to be antiquated. "What really makes these devotees cringe is the idea of surrender, of becoming the menial servant of a perfect spiritual master who will take charge of delivering them from the nescience of mundane consciousness by enlightening them with transcendental knowledge. Your servant, xxxxxxxxxxx dasa"
  8. I have a tummy ache just thinking about saffron pudding, after reading the recipe. I admire your strength of spirit, Gaurachandra, and I must say I am feeling a wee bit envious. Living entity I just read your email and I know that your tummy ache is from laughing so hard. Did you get up off the floor yet?
  9. I added a thanks to BB for his wonderful picture of Radhacarana on the site. Anyone else who has any pictures to contribute please do! Deity photos, paintings, drawings, poetry, etc.
  10. This picture was sent to my by Girish Gohil. It is a beyond words to even hint at in terms of beauty and divine presence. Check out other new images on the site, too. http://www.geocities.com/theopenheart/Krsnawonderful.html (edited due to incorrect url) [This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 09-01-2001).]
  11. Yes thanks! I was sent a similar photo months ago but did not understand the story behind it. Anyway, hope the point is well taken--a picture speaking louder than a thousand pro-choice arguments.
  12. But football is the best. I remember my dad watching it and the sound vibration is definitely soporific. As in total mode of ignorance.....zzzzzzzzzz....... (Wouldn't it be easier to finance birth control than providing televisions to everyone? Not that I'm condoning that, but seems like few care about the morals of it anyway anymore. Guess I just am not intelligent to understand the depths of governmental policies.)
  13. Oops! I'll go see about that. Had trouble this morning for some reason. thanks for the heads up. JR
  14. I just remembered I asked Krtakarma who used to serve Lord Jagannath in Berkeley about the hair on Subhadra and he had heard of this too, but said it was a concoction as far as he knew. I do remember Subhadra having what was called braids, though, and they were these swiggles on either side of Her face, trailing down past her neck/waist, sometimes made of buckram, and covered with jari, sequins, rhinestones, and beads. They look so beautiful on Her.
  15. I just got a fantastic book of haiku by Radhika devi dasi, called Under the Rose. I excerpted some of it on The Open Heart site at: http://geocities.com/theopenheart/haiku.html
  16. Personally I'd settle for some of that saffron pudding we've been teased with. Seems like the only way I'm gonna get any satisfaction in my life.
  17. Hari bol, prabhus! I promised living entity and atma through email that I would tell them about Radhastami at New Jagannath Puri. Well since I just now wrote a description at some length, without planning to, at an egroup, I will repost it here for their pleasure, and maybe others will enjoy it too. Hare Krsna brothers and sisters, I have said a few times I would describe the festivals I have been to but it almost seems to be a case of "you had to be there" and I do not know if I can give sufficient description, as Locanananda prabhu does in sharing the Times Square harinams, or Dhamaghosa does in describing the Seattle programs (and where is Makhancora, who also used to write so wonderfully about these special days?). But maybe I will try a little, I feel I owe some reciprocation as I read here with relish but say so little myself. I must say I am impressed with New Jagannath Puri, the Berkeley temple. They put so much into the daily puja, and then so much more into the festivals, and with such joy and enthusiasm, that it really does astound me how they keep it up. The decorations in that large and high-vaulted temple room are always elaborate, and I was lucky enough to be able to make as many garlands as I wanted, to decorate the gorgeous swing that hangs from that ceiling. Tasteful white streamers and thin colourful streamers hung from chandelier to the faux balconies, and helium-fed giant metallic parrots were tied to these streamers--though one escaped of its own accord during a particularly ecstatic kirtan on the morning of Radhastami and remains to this day, I believe, with its head at the ceiling, maybe thinking to get to the higher realm. The abhiseka arch was a joy to watch the assembly of, with magical little white lights and loads of asparagus fern and palm fronds and large deciduous branches. A woman named Carol created beautiful rings of flowers and greenery for this gazebo, as well as many many huge and wonderful vases for the temple room. This temple uses a lot of ginger flowers which look like the crests of some exotic birds. The Deities looked absolutely wonderful this day, and the abhiseka went on for a very long time, as there were so many substances to offer. At this point in the day the temple wasn't as crowded as later, so we got to go back and pour even more conches full of mango, or banana, or yogurt, rose water, etc., on the beautiful forms of Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda, Who look absolutely sweet in Their simple bathing robes, with no crowns, and Who shine with kindness in allowing us to perform such intimate service. Sri Gokulanandaji has a very attractive topknot which is not normally seen, due to His crowns and turbans. A word about the kirtans. There were beautiful singers and much chanting of the mahamantra, along with Radhe Jaya Jaya Madhava Dayite, and other songs to Srimate Radharani. These kirtans and melodies had a way of sweeping one along with them, so that chanting felt natural and flowing as one gazed at the Divine Forms, and felt Their Causeless Mercy. After the abhiseka the Deities were again dressed, and I must say I never saw Them look more beautiful or sweet than They looked then. Someone standing next to me verbalized these same thoughts. Radharani had small perfect flat kind of pink roses framing her face, and a line of rhinestones inside that arch, in the depths of Her hair, and She looked all cuddled up with elaborate clothing and jewels and flowers. I felt Her sweet kindness more than ever before, as if She mercifully made it easier to perceive this, just as many reported feeling the particularly personal reciprocation of Srila Prabhupada during his last visit to Bhaktivedanta Manor in August 1977. Sri Gokulananda also looked especially sweet, and seemed to take pleasure in giving Radharani frontstage. Forgive me if that sounds sahajiya. I can only relate my feelings at the time. I do not claim them to be real. But because they are in relation to The Lord, I relish them all the same, and await the day when I will feel more than the shadow or show of attachments. The afternoon feast was marvelous, as was the evening one which was cooked by the Hare Krsna Youth (more about them in another post). Actually I didn't have the second feast, but the pappadums were great, and I know from other feasts that these young people know how to cook. Special mention from the earlier feast goes to the gulab jammons. Special mention the next day, Sunday, goes to the gallons of caranamrta from the Radhastami abhiseka. There was a banana-ish and a rose-y one and a yogurty one. After the first feast the abhiseka commenced, and continued for a good hour or so, maybe even two, who knows. People lined up in eagerness to get a chance to swing these Deities. One old woman did not let go of the rope so quickly, and had the most beautiful smile on her face as she sang and swung the Deities. I took a video home of this festival and have seen it twice now; it brings Divine Beauty into my home and heart. Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda ki jai! Srila Prabhupada ki jai! and all glories to the assembled devotees! your sister, Jayaradhe (edited to remove spaces in the middle of sentences due to pasting this in) [This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 08-31-2001).]
  18. I am so encouraged by these strong posts, this is what is needed, so many coming forward without mincing words on this issue. Anyone who is blind to the offenses of this person may be feeling the same in their own hearts, that is all I can gather from the astounding assertions being made that jsr should be given another chance to pollute our ears. Thank you for running a tight ship, jndas, and thanks to everyone else who spoke strongly on this matter. I feel that I have a safe shelter here when such protection is going on. Thank you thank you thank you! Jayaradhe dasi
  19. Audarya the Godship: Demon crazy overboard! over bored by aparadh we applaud Good rid dance!!!
  20. I know. You have to come back and start over again. Anyway I'm glad it didn't work. You might have come back too young for me to converse with. JR
  21. Yeah so funny, true. But I thought Talasiga's capped them all. (hee hee)
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