Hi, hari bol. I had the same experience as Maitreya. About six years ago someone gave me one in the jar, etc. etc., and it was so fleshy-looking I also hated it and gave it to somoene else, who with her dad grew a bunch and experimented like blending the poor things up and using it on their skin and things.
Right around this time a friend who was in the business of growing both table and magical mushrooms, all very scientific, arrended a special conference on Kombuca and returned thoroughly convinced by the experts that lab conditions had to be very very strict, concerning sterility and temperature, etc. She had the equipment and felt confident that she could grow them, but for the common person raising them as a kitchen thing, it is very iffy and is believed to be carcinogenic and other things I forget now.
Anyway, since seeing one of those in the flesh, I have no interest at all in drinking any commercial concoctions either. It's gross.