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Everything posted by JRdd

  1. A poet. You have no cows. They are not purple.
  2. Well better a rumble than a ramble, and better a watchful eye on the kids than on the movie I just saw. Just wanted some company. I mean, that's it, we are in this world, and it is such a ridiculous and ludicrous situation, would be hilariously laughable if it weren't so downright outrageously tragic. But better to laugh than cry. I'm off to check out the jokes before I check out. For the night I mean (don't worry, I don't go the suicide route--it ain't THAT bad. Besides--alas--I know better.) JR
  3. Looks like three of us are here right now. I only just logged in, making sure everyone was behaving themselves.
  4. Dear Atma prabhuji, You have my sympathies. I can imagine how you feel. But at least your kids have a firm grounding in Krsna consciousness, in th emost important (formative) years of their lives. I can not even imagine my daughter chanting Bhagavad-gita slokas for me. She never even went to Gurukula; when the devotees lost Caitanya College due to "leaders'" greed, my child was three months old and we were sent to a town to help with a restaurant, at a small temple. I created a Sunday children's program and of course she got the temple program, but she went between regular school and (mostly) home school. I actually had an innate sense of distrust for the gurukula, and a conscious wariness about my child developing an arrogant attitude, perceiving a "them and us" indoctrination in the gurukula. I preferred her to be educated in a more broadminded way, among people from all walks of life. That part of the decision I do not regret. But either we make mistakes, and/or this world has so much to offer in the good/bad realm in any given situation, it seems to me, and we can only do what we think is best at the time. I am sure you are doing your best. I believe that my daughter is a devotee to the heart and that Krsna will remember her at the most important moment of her life. It is so painful to see my daughter not with devotee association, all ages, as a regular part of her life. It is plain old painful in many ways to be a parent in this world, isn't it? ys, Jayaradhe [This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 08-22-2001).]
  5. Thanks for all the nectar, Jagat prabhu. I guess you will let us know when the book is out! JR
  6. All these ideas are pretty exciting to me. I hope I get some of this information, maybe you will be able to share it when it arrives, GC? And this business directory, a great idea, reminds me of the bartering system--anyone ever heard of or taken part in one of these organizations? All goods and services are listed, with value points attached to each (at the discretion of the one offering the service). Everyone has the lsit and can pick whatever they want in the way of service or goods, and the appropriate number of points is dedecuted from the person's account, or added to if he or she gives something to someone else. No one is limited to trading with the same person for services rendered or taken. The secretary or secretaries also get points for keeping the whole thing together, and giving out regular updates of the list. This is a simple summary of barter clubs, but I would be glad to help research if someone had the acumen to initiate such a project. JR
  7. This last technique, of Jagat's translation, sounds like a fully alert state. I agree with Audaryalila that whatever it takes, but I more agree with Valaya in heart over mechanics. That's what we're strivng for anyway, but I guess the two go hand in hand along the way, ala the way of sadhana. I have had to make one room in my new place be only a temple room, in hopes that that will trigger off the feeling in me that in here, I can chant, and I keep the busy stuff in other rooms like sewing, computer, videos, but I will let myself paint in this temple room. I have now put up a thin white veil of curtains over the arch leading from kitchen to temple room to further the separation of this room from the rest of the house, and let them down this morning and it did seem to help. but I am pretty much almsot a hopeless case on concentrating, so am appreciating this thread and its practical suggestions. I look at paintings or the Deities while I chant and this helps.
  8. Sometimes, the elastic waistband in my skirts feels tight. Then I think to myself, "Oh yeah I must have thrown them in the dryer this time." There is little joy in thinking too far beyond that about the whole thing. The inevitable will soon make its mark. And indeed is, even as I speak.
  9. Here are some suggestions on how we can excersize freedom of speech, which is vital to the pursuit of truth. 1) We shall retain the right to disagree with any statement, belief or religious doctrine and to express our own views, in the spirit of friendly discourse. "...in the spirit of FRIENDLY discourse" being the key phrase here, the rest being a given. 3) In the event of a discourse erupting into a battle, the rules of engagement are one on one, and that it be 'taken outside' the spiritual discussion forum and hashed on on the test forum. Suggestion 1) can be formatted to allow for spontaneity, with some restrictions applying. How do you FORMAT and RESTRICT SPONTANEITY though? And isn't that a bit controlling, to decide that there must be spontaneity? How could one be spontaneous in such a format? And why would want even want to, necessarily? Seems like thoughtfulness might work just as good if not better, in such situtations. Whichever works at the time. For example, someone may refer to their 'opponent' (and not the opponent's guru) as a jerk or a b**ch, but calling someone a f**khead would not be allowed. Now who got to decide that you could use "jerk" and "b**ch", but not "*uc*head"? And would this be the same person we go to to find out if "p*ssears" is acceptable but not "sh**shoes"? If the heat of the battle becomes too intense, (to everyone else's immense pleasure) the moderator can intervene by imposing a cool-out period for both forum members. Ooooo, more fun, jndas! A step up from the garbage man! Now you get to be referee! Whee! 4) We acknowledge that our views, while different, may not be the highest truth, due to incomplete knowledge, faulty receptors, and personal basis. True. But there's lots of things we may acknowledge, for the benefit of all. We don't need all these rules about all this, although I think that you make some very good points. Just basic respect, sensitvity, and consideration would solve it all. In fact, it wouldn't happen in the first place if some were more careful with how they speak. There really and truly are basic tenents written in the books of truth at our disposal, which clearly state where one is crossing the line as regards attitudes toward exalted souls (and it should, for safety's measure, include the assumption that ANY Vaisnava is an exalted soul, one way or the other, on some level or other), and anyone who is aware of these tenets is dutybound or morallybound or compassionatelybound--in some way bound or inclined--to speak of this truth. We are all in the position of being a teacher at some point. Sometimes it's you teaching me, and sometimes it's me teaching you. There is nothing arrogant or wrong in pointing out where there is some serious or near serious aparadh, and asking for the offender to reconsider his/her words or, if it gets really out of hand and the person is incommunicado, to simply ignore the person and also see to it that anything that is truly poisonous to the heart of a loving disciple be removed from the place where it fouls. That's why the umpire cries "Foul!". Someone's gotta keep things flowing along. But we can make his job less time-consuming by honoring the basics of respectful dealings, and oh, run like anything from any crazy thoughts that spring to mind about speaking loosely about the Mahabhagavats. Now as Vaisnavas there WILL also be times when we will hear Avaisnava attitudes being propounded, impersonal acaryas quoted, etc. One has the right to state clearly that it is avaisnava, etc., and if the material gets too voluminous or or inappropriate or offensive to justify its presence on a Vaisnava forum, calling the moderator's attention to this would be perfectly in order, and not at all oppressive or repressive. There is always too much discussion after someone gets banned by a moderator, simply because someone still doesn't understand what constitutes serious offenses. 5) We recognize that freedom from illusion comes from Divine Grace. Once freed, no-one's former illusion/delusion may be brought up and used against him/her. Right on. You know, reading this last bit I realise you are not necessarily writing a charter but are simply putting food out for thought? Well, it's been a very good meal, thank you, and I hope an enjoyable discussion follows, if this thread continues. I think this last point about not bringing up one's past is vitally important. It is so irrelevant, and so contrary to the basics of our philosophy to bring up one's past, and the person who does this clearly engages in breaking the principle of mental speculation. How many lifetimes would we have to go back, anyway? We are not God that we can judge when someone has left their past behind, anymore than we can even know a smidgen of the other person's past. Nor is it our job to point the finger outward. If we could use more "I" statements, and avoid the "you" statements, always keeping in mind that I am expressing how I feel, what I think, etc., and not speculating about or accusating another person, we may find ourselves talking about something mutual, something central, outside ourselves, you and me. The ego is such an embarressing thing I would rather hide it anyway when I come here, and behave AS IF I were free from it. Wow if we all did, that imagine what this place would be like! Actually I just read today that the person with their moon in Libra (as mine is) always wants harmony in every dealing, big or small, business, family, friends, and that when there is harmony this person is in Paradise. But don't we all feel that way? Along with these suggestions, I propose that we wipe the slate clean and invite banned members such as Jayasriradhe back into the forums. I don't agree with this one at all. And I agree with Janus who said she has plenty of places where she expresses herself on the internet, I have seen it myself. And I would like just one place I know I can go where I don't have to hear my spiritual master and others' spiritual master grossly offensively put down. It is dangerous for any creeper of love, and it is also a hundred times more distasteful than quinine, for the one who tastes the sweetness of the pure and gentle devotee of the Lord. Thanks, Jayaradhe P.S. I won't be able to reread or edit this so please forgive any typos that may be there, or uneven flow. [This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 08-21-2001).]
  10. Good article. I also want to dig out some articles packed away somewhere, one from a Sunday newspaper zine which points out that by a certain year, not so far away, the shortage of teachers in regular schools will be extreme, I forget the figures but it was impressive. I woudn't say my daughter is a model homeschooler, being rebellious against study and deadlines, and preferring to learn in life experiences, and through creativity. A couple of years or so ago her homeschooling was much looser, but California, wishing to control people more, as is the way of our governments, imposed all these standards even onto the independent charter schools. No longer can the child's facilitator simply write a little report on what she or he deems to be educational in the child's life (be it nature experiences, making jewelry, visiting a temple, going abroad, etc.). Now there are tons of textbooks and paperwork, both by student and the education specialist who has to verify that work has been done, and even grading is now required. However, the grades are decided upon by the ES, the child, and the parent together, at least in our little charter school. My daughter gets A's in everything--the ES decision, not ours--which slightly amuses me but I also know that just getting the work done is a stretch for her, and I gotta hand it to her for pushing herself. One of the only things I like about all this, this schooling in her life that she is not exactly diving into to, besides that fact that she gets to order her art supplies at the State's expense (which in our house is a boon as we have always spent loads in this area for us both), is that there is some discipline involved, which people need, especially her at this stage in her life. As for the outcome or value of doing the algebra itself, that eludes me. I took algebra not so long ago and it was in one brain and out the other for me. Wish it wasn't required. Even in college even if your major is art they make you take it. This semester will be different for the members of our homeschooling charter, for they have found a house to rent on some land, where students can come together for studying several times a week. I doubt my daughter will take advantage of it though. For her, school is about putting as little into it as required, and getting it over with. Her ed specialist, an enthusiastic woman with a daughter of the same age who is getting ready for college, has high hopes for my daughter's further education, and offered her honor student status, but my daughter is simply not interested at this time. I believe she will find her direction some day though.
  11. Got this from another site. Dear [.....] prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, who may be compared to both Matsya Avatar for saving the Vedas and to Braha Deva for saving the earth. Of Coures, this does not mean that he is Lord Vishnu, but rather that he carries the potency of the Lord as Shaktevesha Avatar. I read with interest your posting re the concerns of Dina Dayadri dasi about mounting international karmic reactions, exploitation by demons, etc. To bring the issue into perspective, let us take a look at how SP dealt with the question of impending WWIII. I was personally present in Mayapur, about 1974-75, when SP was giving his famous WWIII morning walk conversation. Naturally, the devotees were all freaked out, yet SP remained cool, calm, as if it were no big deal. Potentially massive destruction "no big deal?" Apparently not for the self realized Maha Bhagavata Acharya. SP's only real concern was that if there were a war, who would maintain the temples in India, since the foreigners would be asked to leave. The Indian nationals had not emerged as leaders of the movement yet at that time. Rameswar asked him "...But what about the radioctive contamination?...". Again SP responded as if it were no big deal. He said, "the atmosphere is already contaminated!" On other occasions, several different times, SP clearly stated "NOTHING CAN DISTROY THIS SANKIRTAN MOVEMENT!" (devotees had inquired about demoniac political conspiracy rumors, possible tyranical dictatorships,etc.) Once SP told Prajapati Das (here in L.A) that "the waves of the Pacific Ocean would be comin up Wilshire Boulevard" (the L.A. financial district). The "steet talk" of the time was that California was going to fall into the ocean (Edward Casey). This would mean a natural disaster of epic proportion, such as a sunami (giant tidal wave) or pollar shift. Still, SP would not get into a flap over this possible scenario, in spight of the anxiety and speculation of the devotees. He would only answer in terms of pure Krishna Consciousness, not on our terms of bodily consciousness. He said that even if Los angeles DID fall into the ocean, the devotees would be rescued by swan planes. [sP spoke of what might be pollar shift when he stated that New Vrindavan (which normally has freezing winters) was going to become tropical]. Once SP stated that the war had been postponed because Krishna saw that the people really didn't want it. Certainly, it is also essential to factor the power of the Sankirtan movement all over the world, no matter how flawed the movement may be by external calculation. The key word id "external", because the shortcomings, or "dark side" of the movement, are created by the actions of falllen conditioned souls in under the jurisdiction of the material energy. HOWEVER, the conditioned souls DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO ECLIPSE THE EFFICACY OF THE INTERNAL POTENCY THAT COMES ALONG WITH THE SINCERE SERVICE AND CHANTING OF THE HOLY NAMES BY TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DEVOTTEES, NO MATTER HOW IMPERFECT! Krishna Himself states, in the Bhagavad Gita, that "one who does good, oh Arjuna, CAN NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL!". The "evil" which has sometimes penetrated into this transcendental movement has caused damage, set backs to pure dharma,and other trauma,no doubt, but has NEVER OVERCOME IT! The bottom line is that this movement has already had AN INCALULATABLE EFFECT IN HOLDING BACK THE GIGANTIC OCEAN OF SINFUL REACTION GERERATED BY THIS DEGRADED AGE OF KALI. The mitigating effect can not be under estimated! Also consider the statements in the disaster predictions by the famous psychic Edward Casey, visions of warnings by Mother Mary, etc. Such visionaries tend to temper their predictions by stating that THE ONLY THING THAT CAN STOP THESE IMPENDING DISASTERS IS A WORLD WIDE SPIRITUAL REANASANCE. Srila Prabhupada, on behalf of the entire guru param para and Lord Chaitanya and Nityananda themselves, set this Sankirtan ocean into motion, and it still continues to grow at every moment, all over the world. Never the less, the sum total sinful reaction may still manifest in natural disasters, war, etc. But the only means to mitigate, or at least reduce, those distrubances, is the sincere application of Srila Prabhupada's teachings. there is no mundane solution! Lord chaitanya said, "Nasteva, nasteva..."; "there is no other way, no other way, no other way". Your servant, Makhanlal das P.s: You may publish this in appropriate forums according to your discretion
  12. Strange timing. Today is the first day of school for my daughter, who is home schooled. She has been camping all summer and it is going to be a difficult transition, but I told her to take her text books out to the river where she has been living all summer and take it easy and others will help her too. when we get back into it, she is having an algebra tutor this time as I had to spend hours relearning it jsut to help her with each one hours worth, and now we have reached a point where it is too hard for me to learn at all. PE is her normal walking and swimming, it counts. She has a drawing course, typing online, world history, and her English books came yesterday. I hope that's all she has, can't remember. It is hard work but she gets it done in a fraction of the time it takes kids to do it in regular school. Like last Spring she did a year's worth of algebra in four months. She never wanted to go to high school, and I don't blame her, and I'm glad she didn't. They teach too much status quo and nine to five mentality. JR
  13. If I don't eat some time in the evening I can't sleep. Anyway I am glad when I have an appetite, after years of none.
  14. Thanks, I don't take that as negative at all. How could the truth be negative? I was just wondering if there was an occasion when She wore hair, but now it seems like concoction. I am surprised though at the different costumes Jagannath does wear. Even a Nrsimhadev costume. I am told the hands They wore in Los Angeles this past Rathayatra are extremely beautiful and lifelike, and gold, or golden. I want to hear more interesting sublime things about Lord Jagannath. JR [This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 08-19-2001).]
  15. This is a picture of my Jagannath Deities. I am putting a link in case the image doesn't show up here. http://www.geocities.com/theopenheart/JagMarch.html Isn't Subhadra pretty? A friend made Them on his lathe so they are round and not flat in back. (I have since made Her a crown.) Any other pictures of Jagannath to put here or link to?
  16. I do remember now someone pointing that out before. Yes it is Subhadra's birthday too, isn't it? A friend just told me today that she seemed to also remember seeing Subhadra with hair. Long black braids, but on some occasion maybe. I am going to email Krtakarma who has served Jagannath for many years gone by, at New Jagannath Puri, and I'll report back here if I get any information on this. JR
  17. Anyone who is sensitive to their pet knows what the animal is saying. It's a combination of getting used to the sounds and also something telepathic, once they get close to their pet. Even I understand dog talk, and I don't care for them as a species (though I can get into playing with my friend's puppy; devotees' dogs seem a bit different). I am a cat person, though I wouldn't have one now (it all started with my daughter wanting a horse, a kind of compromise) and I could also tell what my cats not only were saying but their mood from their gestures. They are even more clever than dogs at communicating, in some ways. And very easy to communicate through eye to eye contact. Cats have a sense of humor too, which is extremely intelligent. I make good imitations of cat talk and once they knew it was me, they were amused. My last cat used to love drinking my paint water when I wasn't looking. I sometimes pretended I didn't notice, unless there was too much acrylic in the water. One time, when she was near me, she was drinking it very quietly and smally, hoping I wouldn't notice. I looked at her, and as she knew she was busted, she started drinking it fast and loud, while she could. Such a mischievous intelligence. I learned a lot from her. Srila Prabhupada said animals of the same species can share love. I notice that dogs and cats brought up together also share comeraderie, and are careful not to hurt each other in play with their teeth and claws. I also find that amazing and fun to see. So if they can do it, why not us? Quack!
  18. Hmm, never thought of that. In light of all the viruses and alerts going on, I am deleting my email address from here. If anyone wants some of that maha please put your email address here and you can delete it right after I email confirming I got it. Then you can give me your real address. I will check here regularly so your address shouldn't remain here too long. I still have some maha jewellery left. JR
  19. That makes real good sense. How can trust develop when everyone is scattered anyway? There's nothing wrong with tying up your hippopotamus. Time is of the essence. We're beginning to sound a little like Talasiga.
  20. But it is treu that trust has to be there. Seems like it has to develop organically, naturally. But that takes time. Hmmm....
  21. To me it seems more feasible to reduce the number of devotees and increase the payments than the other way around, but I may be wrong. Say, 500 devotees to put in two thousand each. Or 250 to put in...oh but four thousand is starting to sound steep to me. Would it all have to be done at once? You mentioned something about monthly. What seems harder than the money, to me, is getting enough devotees together on it. Like ten devotees seems a stretch. But I'd be one of them, if possible. Any rich men out there?
  22. I feel like Im going nuts. Everytime I delete the message meant for another thread, it keeps reposting it and adding a new one. Help!!!
  23. Prabhu? Me? Aw...geee.... You really mean that? Quack home Quack to Godhead!
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