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Everything posted by livingentity

  1. I was just thinking about this also - I have been doing a lot of reading lately and saw that after all humans have honored prasadam then the remainder can be fed to the animals for their advancement.
  2. I read the other day that soybeans are not offerable to Lord Krsna. However, I noted that in some devotee cookbooks that tofu is used in some recipes. Why are soybeans not offerable but tofu (made from soybeans) is ok? Is soymilk ok to offer? I am not able to drink milk so I use soymilk.
  3. The peacock and logo look beautiful - so clean and crisp!!
  4. Jayaradhe told me that it was in the early 70's in San Francisco that she was initiated by Srila Prabhupada. I am not sure if she ever mentioned to me where she joined up with devotees first. Does anyone know how to contact the Memorial page people? I tried but it keeps bouncing back undeliverable. I want to find out if the Jaya Radhe listed is actually Jayaradhe. I would also like to ask them when we would be able to post memories of her.
  5. Since there seems to be some confusion - Jayaradhe told me herself that Prabhupada gave her name as one word not two.
  6. When I first met Jayaradhe, it seems she told me it was later than 1972 but in the early 70's. I have been trying very hard to remember that conversation but it was so long ago. I have also been trying to remember when she was in India - I believe her daughter was only a couple of years old then (she is 18 now). Jayaradhe also spent time at Bhaktivedanta Manor (she spoke to me of George Harrison being there). So if there are any devotees out there who remember her from any of these three places - please fill us in on her service and dates etc. As much info - dates etc as possible would be nice - this way it could be put on the database and the memorial page. Her name is listed there but right now that is all. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. There is a picture of Jayaradhe on this link: Jayaradhe Tribute Page Did anyone here know her in the mid-seventies and would recognize her in a picture? She told me of a picture that she was in and I think I have the correct one.
  8. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif I did not know that all bananas were celibate!
  9. Bananas' Days May Be Numbered LONDON (Reuters) - It is one of the world's favorite fruits, but the banana hasn't had sex in years and its days may be are numbered. Without scientific help the sterile, seedless fruit could disappear with 10 years, according to a Belgian plant pathologist. Emile Frison, the head of the International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain in Monpellier, France, said the fruit lacks the genetic diversity to fight off diseases and pests that are plaguing banana plantations and only biotechnology and genetic manipulation may be able to save it. "Frison sees it as the only hope for the banana," New Scientist said on Wednesday. Without assistance banana production could drop and mark the beginning of the end of the fruit. "We may even see the extinction of the banana as both a lifesaver for hungry and impoverished Africans and as the most popular product on the world's supermarket shelves," the magazine added.
  10. In order to be sannyasa you have to give everything, every part of yourself to the service of the Lord. You give up all attachments and connections to family etc. How can you do that if you are involved with household chores and problems? Raising children? How can you do that if you are lying in bed with your wife/husband? How can you do that if you have to go to work each day for the upkeep? That is foolish and can not be done. It is not just a physical renunciation but also mental - you must be able to keep your mind and body clean and uncluttered by mundane thoughts and deeds. It is not just a matter of changing color of cloth.
  11. Sorry but that just does not make sense. Either you are or you aren't.
  12. That is one of the best pics of me ever! I will have to remember to do my hair the same way for the next picture. Plus I remember the photographer was such a jokester! He made me laugh so much and then took the shot - nice natural look for me.
  13. This group also said something about the color purple. I must have blocked that out pretty good 'cause I don't remember but you can be certain it was either homo or devil worship related.
  14. "Actually real sannyasa is a state of mind. A woman might be more renounced then a so-called sannyasi who carries the danda with material desires inside his heart." There have been a number examples to illustrate this point through the years.
  15. I think it was the purple one and if I remember right it had something to do with the triangle shape on his head! Must be some secret "homo" code. But then I also heard that the same people think that dolphins are the work of the devil. What would happen if you had a purple dolphin with a triangle on his head?
  16. I have wondered for a long time if some dreams are windows that view past life events. For example; I have had a life long recurring dream of driving in a 40's style car. All the other cars on the road seem to be from the same era. Well, I am driving along toward a huge body of water and I see that the bridge is collapsed. I try to hit the brakes but they don't work. I can see cars sinking and people struggling in the water. I try and try to stop my car but end up in the water and I always wake up just as the car sinks. I have had this dream about once a month for as long as I can remember and it still scares me. To add to this - I have also had a life long unfounded severe fear of both the water and driving. I can not even look at an underwater movie with my heart pounding and getting very disturbed. On the flip side - I also have recurring flying dreams and I love them! I always feel incredible when I am flying around. I don't stretch out in the classic superman pose but I sit like I am in a lounge chair and just fly around. In these dreams I am always trying to teach other people to fly also. Flying dreams always are happy dreams for me.
  17. Now I won't be able to sleep!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gifARRRRRRRRGh!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif Not the teletubbies! Is this the future of mankind? Telebellys!!
  18. Another thing that we need to think about are deities. If you have deities in your home that you are serving - it is important to make sure that They are cared for after your passing. Again you can not assume that all will be well. Devotees need to ask around and find another devotee who will care for Them and then make sure this is in your will. I shiver at the thought of departed devotees deities packed in a box and forgotten in someone's basement or attic. Or worse!
  19. Gauracandra, I think that is an excellent idea. And if they would do that - then why not take it one step further - and that is transport the ashes to India. At least once a year there are whole groups of devotees that head off to Mayapur - right? It would be an easy task then to take care of the departed devotees ashes. Of course, no one wants to die and it is natural instinct to try to ignore this fact of life. While it may seem morbid we do need to think about it and lay out our wishes so that they are followed through. We can not expect our family or caretakers to know what is the proper thing for us. Another thing that Jayaradhe and I discussed was retirement facilities geared to devotee needs. This can take several different forms. For example, it could be a little complex of one story (old or sick bodies have trouble with stairs) studio apts with caregivers on site and a little temple and prasadam hall. There also should be hospital type facilities for the devotees - young, old or in between that cannot care for themselves and are going to pass on from illnesses. Or there could be a combination of both. These facilities would not only tend to the devotees physical needs but also to their spiritual needs to help fix their minds on Lord Krsna. These are issues that do need to be addressed - the devotee community is becoming older. Plus it is amazing how many devotees are out there far far from other devotees or temples. Look how many devotees use the internet as their source of association. We need each other in so many ways.
  20. Jayaradhe and I had a conversation sometime back concerning the subject of isolated devotees preparing to depart from their material bodies. We talked at great length about this and I will try to remember as much of our conversation as possible. I may have to do this in several posts as I remember more details as many months have passed and much as happened in that time. An important part of the conversation was how to insure that other devotees would be present at the time of passing. One thing that we discussed was a living will. The devotee would need to find others who would have the means to come to them at this time. It would also involve a family member or caretaker to contact these devotees, in as much advance as possible, so that they could travel to the devotee in need. Jayaradhe and I bounced around different ideas to help this happen such as an "insurance policy" of sorts to provide the funds if needed for the travel. This idea was also used in possibly funding a devotee and family member (if possible) to escort the ashes to India. We also discussed a "going away kit". This would be a box that each devotee should put together for himself/herself containing such items as a tape of Prabhupada chanting or a nice kirtan or other tape of choice, a picture of Lord Krsna, Tulsi wood or leaves, Ganga water etc etc. Also, in this box would be the devotee's instructions of use - in the case that a family member or caretaker would need to carry out the last wishes. Each devotee should also find a family member or other highly trusted person and educate them in what to do in the final moments of life in these bodies. Nobody wants screeching family members clinging to us trying to keep us trapped when we have no control over this. It is better to have nice chanting or tapes playing and if possible other devotees there to set the example and seeing us off on this final trip in a positive manner. Since this conversation I have discovered the Vaisnava Care organization. One of the things Jayaradhe and I had discussed was just this type of organization and I am very happy to see someone has started this. Perhaps the Vaisnava Care organization can also help with some of the ideas we had in that conversation. I will try to write more later of this conversation. I pray that if anyone has any other ideas on this that they will please input them. Jayaradhe and I talked of this being a network of devotees that would be able to help each other at this critical time whether we actually knew each other or not.
  21. Theist, you can send the details to me at govindasgarden@cs.com and I will pass them along to my friend.
  22. My friend works with an organization called Global Volunteers. He is a volunteer but he said that they also have permanent employees. He said they are on the web. You are probably better off following Theist's suggestion for the hospital - sounds more stable and more of what you are searching for. Good luck - let us know what happens.
  23. Atma says"I have no idea what LE and you'd been talking. My proof that I'm not 50." Showoff!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Theist, men always remember Ginger!! Women always remember the professor - unless of course they are gold diggers then it is Mr. Howe. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  24. I think of Jayaradhe everyday. She had a voice like an angel - sweet and gentle. Jayaradhe was careful to not hurt anyone's feelings. So much more advanced than I can ever hope to be - she was kind and patient with me always a wonderful friend. Tears still come easy to my eyes when I think about her but she is not suffering anymore - the ones suffering are the all the friends that are left to bear the pain of separation from this dear sweet soul that has left us with wonderful memories of her kindness and love.
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