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difficult menstruation

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I sympathize with all out there who have this problem. I suffered with heavy periods and clotting for three weeks every month for 17years. It was an absolute embarrasment for me to go purchase sanitary towels and bring them to the ashram. I struggled with low energy; bruised thighs and confusion. I visited a Gynaecologists who assured me nothing was wrong!!!! Yet i continued to bleed for 3 weeks every month-very heavily.


I was frustrated. Even the auyurvedic doctors never helped. I read a book on water fasts and decided to try it....did a water fast for 15 days. Periods improved but went back to normal heavy flow after that.


I did a raw fast for 13 days. periods improved. So i figured i had to detox a bit as the above two methods were forms of detox. I then did 6 liver cleanses from Kuruvinda.com.


I then started eating lotsa soya - for strength and less carb.


I now have my periods at regular intervals once a month for 5 days and don't bleed heavily. Must say my moods are better too.


Your servant,


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  • 3 weeks later...

i have heard that bushwomen of australia lose only a thimble full of menstrual fluid during menstruation. they live on a primarily raw diet. menstruatiion is a way that the body cleanses itself of toxins to prepare for childbirth. victoras kulvinas's book survival in the 21st century has a section on this, i sadly dont have access to my copy of this at the moment cause im traveling. there is another book i had that talked about this, it was called "creation of the superman" by raymond bernard. its a pretty good book about eugenics. might scare you ladies a bit though, the guy is pretty intense.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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Jay Shree Krishna...


I wanted to ask whether girls are allowed to pray and chant their daily rounds during menstruation...my mum told me that the rule is that you are not allowed to step in the temple but what about just praying at home??



of course women can go into the temple during menstruation...

they just cant perform the worship or touch the paraphenallia during this time.


Srila Prabhupada also says that in the home, if it is unaviodable for the woman to perform worship in order that deity worship to be maintained, then it is also permitted...l the worship must not stop.


Like for me this week - I was having my period but my husband is out of town for the week, so I am still performing the deity worship in our home - it is acceptable according to Srila Prabhupada


whatever standard is reached MUST be maintained


Regardless of how long your period lasts for - it is only the first FIVE (5) days that it is considered unclean in this way.... after the 5th day you must take complete shower INCLUDING washing of the Hair (it is NOT mandatory for women to wash the hair thouroughly every day but on the 5th day of the period it is) If your period is only very short (5 days or less) than this would be performed the day after all bleeding is stopped.

This can be found in the Pancaratra_Pradipa_Vol 1 - Supplement book from BBT


(note that some temples, due to lack of matajis to perform essential service, will wave this down to 3 days)


another note is that in some places it is the custom that while a woman is having menses, she will wear her Sari in a different style (often in a "reverse" fashion - with the headpiece "pallu" draped over the RIGHT shoulder.. this is a nice way of informing others in the temple that you are unclean - and helps to avoid others coming in to direct contact with you during this time)




for this and other topics related to women please visit vaisnavi.com

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of course women can go into the temple during



uhh, i dont know about this... the women in india at the temple i am staying at do not go to the temple when they have their period. they dont even go into the KITCHEN.... i have heard in south india the women are locked away for there periods in a special room and the youngest boy in the family cooks for her and slides the plate under the door and runs away or something. anyways of course one must do the needful as far as deity worship, but you should aim for the highest standard possible


hope this is helpful

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...


What causes it, is there a spiritual cause, what can remedy feeling ill 2-5 days of every month? (Quite a problem with employers)

Try accupressure for the pain which is very simple. My wife Sumitra dd always had to take strong painkillers and since she uses accupressure she was able to stop. Another great help can be hypnotherapy or self hypnosis which can be learned easily.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i suffered from painful menstruation for years, and from terrible downs. I found the following remedy, on Dr. Andrew Weil's website:


take plenty of magnesium (against the cramps) and plenty of omega 3 caps (against the downs), beginning a few days before you expect your periods.


I thought it was too simple and too good to be true, but it's terribly effcient: i hardly notice my periods anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


I feel a little silly writing this here, since i have only second hand knowledge of this stuff. But my new devotee wife has irregular periods, and we want to have Krsna consious children, how to get her back to regularity? What is causing this? Does anyone know, why she would go months without any period? Help!

Greetings from India-Bangalore


Hare Krsna,


Well Noni can heal and maintain the hormone imbalance and get the periods corrected as its a Cell food. It not only enhances the good hormone for a timely periods but also enhances the power of motherhood at increases the ovary cells and blesses you with Krsna like boy child. As many people are consuming here in India. Please mail asap to harshvrao@


Thanking you,

Hari Bol



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  • 1 month later...

Menstruation (Periods)

In human females, the onset of the first menstrual cycle is called menarche and represents the start of puberty and becoming a woman. This takes place around the age of 12 years, although the age varies between the individuals. The menstrual cycle which lasts about 28 days continues until menopause between the ages of 45 and 50. The start of the cycle commences with the discharge of blood - known as menstruation, and this event is easily identified. This flow of blood, which lasts about 5 days, is due to the lining of the uterus wall being shed along with a little blood.

In the Shikshapatri, a woman during menstruation is referred to as a Rajsvala and should observe what is known as the Maasic Vrata. In the Shikshapatri shlok 173, it is written that a woman should never conceal the period of menstruation, and in shlok 174, Bhagwan Swaminarayan goes on to say that during this time, women shall avoid the touch of persons, clothing and other items for 3 days, and on the fourth day should purify themselves with a complete bath. They shall avoid all religious activity during this time and give domestic responsibilities to others within the household.

There are a number of reasons for this. One of the reasons is that a woman is considered impure during this time as she is losing blood, but along with that, heat and harmful toxins are also being excreted from the body. As a result, her body is weaker, and so she is required to rest. That is why she has been allocated these 3 days to rest and allow the rest of her family to look after her household duties. To understand this concept better, as to why we do not touch certain things during a period, it is comparable to sutak - a period of impurity consequent upon birth or death, where close relatives are not to touch or be involved in religious activity for a number of days. Another such example is when there is an eclipse and every activity is left aside, and when the eclipse is over, everyone should be purified by taking a bath.

However, on a more positive note, at this time of the month, the woman is a Devta, as Brahma (the creator) who resides inside her reveals himself, and therefore she is on a higher spiritual level than us all and so we must avoid touching her.

It is difficult to observe the rules laid down above in the modern day and age, although not impossible. This is Bhagwan Swaminarayan's aagna, and when He wrote it, He had the situation in mind. A woman feels responsible to feed her family everyday, but effort can be made to allow someone else to do the cooking, like a neighbour or a relative near by. In this situation, the rest of the family also have to be co - operative as it is important to follow this to keep the home as pure as possible.

The first day of Rajsvala depends on when exactly Rajodarshan (time of menstrual cycle) takes place. If Rajodarshan occurs at night, then splitting the night-time into three equal parts, if Rajodarshan occurred in the first two parts of night-time then the previous day should be considered as the first day. If it occurred in the last third then the next day is considered the first day of Rajsvala Vrata. Other Smrutis explain that if Rajodarshan occurs before the middle of night-time then the previous day should be considered as the first day. Nirnyasindhu however explains that one should act in such cases in accordance with what is accepted in the village, town, country etc.

Then is explained the prohibition of touch for a Rajsvala. It is even forbidden for a Rajsvala Stree to touch another Rajsvala: If a Rajsvala accidentally touches another Rajsvala, then they are purified by bathing. If they touch intentionally, then they should perform Upavaas (full day fast) and partake in Panchagavya (five elements from a cow - including urine) for purification. If a Rajsvala Brahmin woman touches a Rajsvala Kshatriya woman, then the Brahmin woman should observe the complete Ardhakrutch Vrata and the Kshatriya woman should observe half of the same Vrata. Thus all women of all castes should observe the Rajsvala Dharma.


Jay Shri Swaminarayan

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

If nothing works, both the person having irregular periods and the one with profuse bleeding for five days in a month can get rid of their problem by regulary doing meditation after getting self-realized through an experienced spiritual teacher especially a teacher who imparts the teaching of the same without taking any fee or money from his student.

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