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About radharani#473

  • Birthday 03/05/1974


  • Biography
    sincerely spiritual, inquisitive, deep thinker;have undiagnosed mild autism,ADD,PTSD,germo'phobia'
  • Location
    rainsville, alabama
  • Interests
    writing in tongues/translating chinese, sanskrit, hebrew, arabic, painting, writing, guitar, piano
  • Occupation
    'triple goddess', human, being oversensitive with undiagnosed chronic pain and fatigue

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. maybe kali was created and then left to be discovered; as truth was ignored and spiritual laws broken, her body darkened so that it couldnt be seen
  2. When the Gods lay exhausted after warring with the demons, the evil-natured demon king Mahishasura took the opportunity to assemble an army and declare himself Lord of Heaven, Ruler of the Universe. This blasphemy reached Vishnu's ears and, in anger, he shot forth a terrible light from his forehead. Shiva, too, was angry. ascended from his lofty state of meditation and beamed a sharp ray of blinding light in the same direction as Vishnu. Brahma, Indra and the other mighty Gods did likewise, each issuing forth piercing rays of light. All the Gods' rays joined at one point and, slowly, the blazing concentration of light took shape in the form of a woman. The light of Shiva formed her face; Yama gave her hair and Vishnu her arms. From the light of Chandra, the moon God, her two breasts were formed. Indra modeled her waist and Varuna her thighs. Earth gave her hips and Brahma gave her feet. The light from the fire God, Agni, fashioned her three eyes. Thus, all gods contributed their power to manifest the auspicious Devi, the great Mother Goddess ("Devi" is derived from the Sanskrit root word "div" which means "to shine" - the Shining One). As soon as the Devi was fully formed, the Immortals prayed to her and worshiped her with praise, ornaments and weapons. Shiva gave her a trident drawn forth from his own, Vishnu a powerful discus, and Indra, the king of the Gods, gave her a thunderbolt identical to his own. Surya, the sun God, bestowed his rays on all the pores of her skin, and Varuna, God of the ocean, gave her a divine crest jewel, earrings, bracelets and a garland of unfading lotuses. dakshineswar.com
  3. i do not think durga is the mother of kali. durga is too young. maybe kali's parents are dead
  4. Yama is a Lokapāla and an Aditya. In art, he is depicted with green or red skin, red clothes, and riding a water buffalo. He holds a loop of rope in his left hand with which he pulls the soul from the corpse. He is the son of Surya (Sun) and twin brother of Yami, or Yamuna, traditionally the first human pair in the Vedas. He was also worshiped as a son of Vivasvat and Saranya. He is one of the Guardians of the directions and represents the south. He reports to Lord Shiva the Destroyer, an aspect of Trimurti (Hinduism's triune Godhead). Three hymns (10, 14, and 35) in the Rig Veda Book 10 are addressed to him. Yama (Sanskrit: यम) is the lord of death, first recorded in the Vedas. Yama belongs to an early stratum of Indo-Iranian mythology. In Vedic tradition Yama was considered to have been the first mortal who died and espied the way to the celestial abodes, and in virtue of precedence he became the ruler of the departed. In some passages, however, he is already regarded as the god of death. Although usually presented in the West as simply dark and violent, Kali (Sanskrit: काली) is a goddess with a long and complex history in Hinduism. Her earliest history as a creature of annihilation still has some influence, while more complex Tantric beliefs sometimes extend her role so far as to be the Ultimate Reality and Source of Being. Finally, the comparatively recent devotional movement largely conceives of Kali as a straightforwardly benevolent mother-goddess. Therefore, Kali is associated with many devis (goddesses) as well as the deva (god) Shiva. Kali's name is the feminine version of the word 'kala' (Sanskrit) meaning 'time' - time in this form being a euphemism for death - or 'devourer of time.' It also means 'black' or 'black female,' in contrast to her consort, Shiva, who is white, like the ashes of the cremation ground (Sanskrit: 'śmaśan') in which he meditates, and with which they are both associated, hence Kali's epithet 'Śmaśanâ Kali properly transliterated from Sanskrit is Kālī, which should not be confused with the common Sanskrit word properly transliterated as kali, meaning "terrible." They are grammatically unrelated, the first being nominal/ablative the latter adjectival. Frequent confusion comes in interpreting the "kali yuga," or "terrible age," one of the four great ages (yugas) of Hindu cosmology, as conflated with the goddess Kali. This is mostly due to her appearance, which is often described as terrible and fearsome. In fact, the goddess Kali should not be confused with kali yuga, as her name holds separate and unrelated meaning. (from wikipedia)
  5. who is the 'consort' of kali? i think he is yama siva is the brother of radharani. finally she has figured it out krsna- son of kali-radharani? who is the father of kali-radharani? who is her mother?
  6. i battle nutritional issues on a daily basis. there was a point where if i had someone to 'cook my food for me' i could have remained a vegetarian, most likely. but radharani lives in the sky, doing nothing but lounging around all day with krsna . .. . kali-radharani-candravali-binai-dhrtrastra is not insane
  7. if i was eating for my tongue, i dont know what i would eat, because i hate all food. maybe i would eat eggless cake
  8. i think the phenomenon of crooked teeth is a result of eating dogs and horses
  9. as far as which animals should be eaten, if you get to a point where you cant be vegetarian and still survive on earth, without cannibalizing your friends, i think the torah provides that information. in egyptian images, you dont see cow headed people but you do see dog headed people; i think this is a clue that dogs should be looked at as non-meat animals, closer to the evolution of conscious humans
  10. to lose my right to be conscious is a hellish state in my view. i think it's possible to become so non-animalistic that the body ceases to desire food, or to be able to digest it with one's 'animal' parts. i can go for awhile without rennet-cheese, but my body stops accepting food, i dont absorb it. i need the animal enzymes to be able to eat; our pure spirits dont need to eat
  11. also, I used to live in a retirement community and the bodies of the people who died would sit and rot for days, and that rot got into my food. Now I live near a funeral home and (that type of rot) has gotten into my food once or twice so far-why bury when you can cremate? Eating meat helps to block up my nadis so the rot doesnt come into my awareness-I dont know that there's anything I can do about it once a person has died and begun rotting. I'd rather eat the animal the person has already reincarnated as than the rot from their human corpse, the food becomes inedible and I'm already on food stamps so I cant waste food
  12. Can someone say something that will help me to have a better reaction to insincerity? I dont know what to do except become insincere myself; I get so frustrated when people act frivolous and make jokes when I am sincere all the time. You probably could emotionally abuse someone to death, but why would you?
  13. it's really hard to not leave the 'black sheep' behind . ..but we have no choice but to come back to the material plane if we do so
  14. i'm dying here- and someone should focus on their 'inner blooming .. . ' most compassion leads to better success in the world which leads to a desire for and feeling that one should have wealth, even while others are dying . ..what if it's NOT because it's 'just their karma'? what if God doesnt want you to leave it up to Him?
  15. 'oh please, give me qualities like the goddess please please' can i have a side of fries with that? seek truth, not to become a 'goddess' vomit.
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