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Everything posted by inahd

  1. well guys, there are a few things to consider here. first of all, who says that modern materialistic scientists have accurately judged the history of the universe with their descending knowledge. in fact who even says that they are trying to accurately judge the history of the universe? in previous ages, humans were said to be giant, and cultured and intelligent, long lived and posessing mystical powers. were not then animals also large sized? is it possible that just like they have covered up our devolution they also cover up the devolution of our animal bretheren? remember that according to them life comes from chemicals, that the universal arrangement is an accident, that we evolved from amino acids, etc... actuallly there is much archeological evidence that supports krsna consciousness and the vedic version. it has been supressed however, even to the point of threatened violence. see forbidden archeology by micheal cremo for more info. sorry for the short response but if you dig deep you can find out some interesting stuff in this regard.
  2. yeah its slow for me tooo alot of the time... what to do?
  3. wwwvedicmarriagedotcom is one... sorry i cant post links yet but i think you can figure it out. i think i saw another somewhere too but you had to pay for it. vedic matrimony dot com or something... hope it helps
  4. dont forget about the 10 megabyte attachment allowance. perfect for sending a friend some music
  5. for information on the life of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, please search for his life history cause i cant post links at this time.... Dr. Rife used a microscope that viewed living bacteria and virus, and he would subject them to electrical currents at different frequencies until he noted what frequency ruptured the cell of that particular bacteria or virus. this is like an opera singer hitting a note that can shatter a glass. the best unit i know of can be purchased from a dealer of jwlabs for $800 USD. its well worth it in my opinion. thats all for now cause its hard for me to type on a qwerty keyboard.
  6. i have heard that bushwomen of australia lose only a thimble full of menstrual fluid during menstruation. they live on a primarily raw diet. menstruatiion is a way that the body cleanses itself of toxins to prepare for childbirth. victoras kulvinas's book survival in the 21st century has a section on this, i sadly dont have access to my copy of this at the moment cause im traveling. there is another book i had that talked about this, it was called "creation of the superman" by raymond bernard. its a pretty good book about eugenics. might scare you ladies a bit though, the guy is pretty intense.
  7. one ayurvedic physician told me a few things that were interesting when i told him i was on a raw food diet. first he said that it is recommended in ayurveda for people with heavy diseases like cancer, for regeneration, but that everywhere else it recommends chapatis and dal and rice and stuff. the second thing he said was that one should cleanse first their liver, then kidney, then gallbladder, THEN intestines, which is one of the major things that happens on a raw diet. most of the sluggishness of the raw diet comes from the eliminatory organs being unable to process the massive amounts of toxins that get released from the intestines on a raw diet.
  8. while this is a practice found in ayurvada, it is found in the shiva kalpa and is for those in the mode of ignorance. i did it before, and its alright after the first couple of glasses your urine is pretty much like slightly salty water. ive found better things to do for health like salad eating and a little stretching. hope this helps
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