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The greatest character in Mahabharat

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It is not possible for us to pass agnipariksha like Arjun,just next to impossible in my opinion.Eventhough we have Shri Bhagvat Gita with us now but can we impliment the rules set inside it like Arjuna did?No.!


Hare Krishna!


when i said i felt like i could relate, i did not mean that i am any where close to him in terms of his qualities, in fact, it's the opposite, my feeling is more like i can relate to his flaws, or perhaps internal struggle would be a better term.


just my thoughts upon first coming across the Mahabharata

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Arjuna had no flaws.He was acting ignorant.


This arjuna was unaffected by the best of apsaras- Indra's wife.

Indra had sent her to seduce him.

As soon as arjuna saw her,he said,"Mataji !"

The apsara was embarassed.


This arjuna says in the geeta,Mind is swifter than the wind.That is his leela,not his ignorance.

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Contrary to popular belief, I rather like duryodhana's role as the heavy. In any drama, the antagonist's role is most important, so we could actually say that the greatest yajna ever performed, the kuruksetra event, would have never come off without duryodhana.


Yeah, he caused much trouble, in fact, it seems he is guilty of every one of the seven capital crimes, and he did face the ultimate capital punishment. But I ask the devotees this, is it possible for anyone other than a pure unalloyed devotee of the Lord to take part in the chivalrous pastime of the great kuruksetra conflaggeration? My view is that no demon at all had any role whatsoever. Some of my peers will cry foul, citing the cheating at dice, the bad treatment of the pandavas (and especially Queen Draupadi). Yeah, it was as bad as it gets, but the role of duryodhana is played by the dearmost friend of none other than Sri Balarama, who did not like Arjuna at all, favored both Karna and duryodhana, and took sanyassi rather that fight against krsna on the side of his friends.


So, I always say nice things about duryodhana, and I even did this, explaining my position, to devotees much greater than I, and they never disagreed with my points. The war was a play, and everything that has happened in mahabharata is for our cultural upbringing, including how to die, how to reject bad gifts (one must remember how disappointed duryodhana was with aswattama when he heard of the atrocity of genocide against fellow kurus, the pandava heirs).


So, I know there are karna fans out there, saying he was better than arjuna, but he wasnt, he was their guru, but his role was such that he kept silent about his elder brother and rightful heir status. Again, to ensure that the kuruksetra change of age yajna took place.


The kurus died in the war, the pandavas gave up their throne to the only heir who died untimely, leaving the whole world to janamejaya, whose role was to turn it all into cavemen, after the yadus went to home and left this plante of death just as the great actors leave the auditorium cold and empty after the play is over.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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I like babhrus point about gandhari. It reminds me of my favorite "character" of ramayana, Srimati Manohari, the wife of Ravana and the daughter of Maya. There was no one more protective of Sita than Manohari. But if we get into Ramayana characters, I could go on and on, with Guhu, Jatayu, Puskara, so many beings of great import.

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Guest Melvin1

I can`t comment on who is my favorite character in Mahabharata because I have not read or seen it. But if we talk about Bhagavad-gita, I chose Bhisma. He was on the side of Duryodana, the enemy of Pandava Arjuna & yet Bhisma, a great soul and pure devotee of Lord Krsna( chariot driver of Arjuna), knew he was fighting a losing battle when he was about to kill the helpless Arjuna, who was with Lord Krsna fixing the broken wheel of their chariot. When Lord Krsna saw Arjuna was going to be killed by Bhisma, He immediately grabbed a wheel from the chariot and heading towards Bhisma was about to throw it on him. Sensing that Bhisma was going to be killed by Lord Krsna himself, the former lowered his bow and arrow and called for a time out from the battle.

Bhisma was sad at this event because Lord Krsna promised He would not in any way interfere in how the battle would be conducted. & Lord Krsna lied to him.

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Bhisma was not at all sad, because he, unlike everyone else, could choose the circumstance of his death. No one could ever kill bhisma, only Krsna could, and Bhisma was filled with transcendental bliss when krsna broke his vow not to fight, because no vow would prevent Krsna from SERVING his authority on loving Him, King Bhisma.


King Yudhisthira is dharma personified, and no lie would ever affect him. However, he created untruth by not informing drona that his son, aswattama, was not dead, only aswattama the elephant was dead. Yudhisthira was quiet, and because of this, his feet touched the earth planet for the very first time.


These supposed unrighteous behaviors are roles in the great play. Krsna did not break a vow, nor did yudhisthira lie to drona. Their roles in the great play (mahabharata) called for these actions, and they played their parts perfectly. Just as sure as drona was arjuna's enemy, arjuna shot his first arrow as a whisper of obiesance to his military guru, and his second arrow was a flower at his feet. Yudhisthira got off his chariot before the battle and approached his supposed enemy, Krpacarya, and asked permission to defeat him in this battle, and krpacarya granted him this request.


One cannot judge the kuruksetra war with any mundane war we may see, with the bloodshed, misery and pain. At the end of each day of battle, opposing soldiers got together for drink and play, for they were involved with transcendental activity. Without understanding transcendence of krsna's pastimes, nothing can be learned or taught by using these literatures. This is why mundane commentators come up with nonsense such as krsna being a villian or, for that matter, duryodhana as a great demon. These were all gods, and there is no access by those who have no "god" consciousness.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Guest Melvin1


Bhisma was not at all sad, because he, unlike everyone else, could choose the circumstance of his death. No one could ever kill bhisma, only Krsna could, and Bhisma was filled with transcendental bliss when krsna broke his vow not to fight, because no vow would prevent Krsna from SERVING his authority on loving Him, King Bhisma.

I know no one but Krsna as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles me roughly by His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and everything for He is always my worshipful Lord unconditionally.( from Lord Caitanya`s Siksastaka 8th verse)


King Yudhisthira is dharma personified, and no lie would ever affect him. However, he created untruth by not informing drona that his son, aswattama, was not dead, only aswattama the elephant was dead. Yudhisthira was quiet, and because of this, his feet touched the earth planet for the very first time.


One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and should be ready to offer all respects to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly.(from Lord Caitanya`s Siksastaka 3rd verse )


These supposed unrighteous behaviors are roles in the great play. Krsna did not break a vow, nor did yudhisthira lie to drona. Their roles in the great play (mahabharata) called for these actions, and they played their parts perfectly. Just as sure as drona was arjuna's enemy, arjuna shot his first arrow as a whisper of obiesance to his military guru, and his second arrow was a flower at his feet. Yudhisthira got off his chariot before the battle and approached his supposed enemy, Krpacarya, and asked permission to defeat him in this battle, and krpacarya granted him this request.


O almighty Lord, I have no desire to accumulate wealth, nor do I desire beautiful women, nor do I want any number of followers. I only want Your causeless devotional service birth after birth. (from Lord Caitanya`s Siksastaka 4th Verse )


One cannot judge the kuruksetra war with any mundane war we may see, with the bloodshed, misery and pain. At the end of each day of battle, opposing soldiers got together for drink and play, for they were involved with transcendental activity. Without understanding transcendence of krsna's pastimes, nothing can be learned or taught by using these literatures. This is why mundane commentators come up with nonsense such as krsna being a villian or, for that matter, duryodhana as a great demon. These were all gods, and there is no access by those who have no "god" consciousness.


O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings and thus You have hundreds and millions of names like Krsna and Govinda. In these transcendental names You have invested all Your transcendental energies. These are not even hard and fast rules for chanting these names. O my Lord out of Kindness You enable us to easily approach You by Your holy names, but I`m so unfortunate I have no attraction for them. ( from Lord Caitanya`s Siksastaka 2nd verse)


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


O son of Nanda Maharaja, I`m your eternal servitor yet somehow or other I have fallen into the ocean of birth and death. Please pick me up from this ocean of death and place me as one of the atoms at Your lotus feet.( from Lord Caitanya`s Siksastaka 5th verse )




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Dear Mahaksadasa ,


I really love your understanding !..Do you by any chance know who Durodhan & Karan was ?...i have heard that Duryodhan was "KALI"...but than did not "kali" come into being after the departure of the Pandavas..


i was told (again i have no ref. from the m/bharat) that just before the pandavas were leaving this earth , kali asked them to stay in his kingdom , yudhistir refused pointing to all the bad in kali's rule...bhim wanted to kill kali there & than , but yudhistir said there were some very good aspects to kali yug as well...for example a person just have to take god'd name sincerly and god would respond... like what shri chaitanya says hare nama...await your comments





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Hare Krishna Jaswant,


The Kali who was Duryodhan is not the same sinful Kali (predominating deity of Kali yuga). Kali (Duryodhan) was a great devotee of Lord Sankarshan in His previous birth. Only to show the world what happens when one becomes averse to Lord Krishna, Kali took up such a bad role (that of Duryodhan). However, this Kali is actually a pure devotee of Lord Sankarsan, which we can actually note by seeing His devotion to Lord Balaram when He was Duryodhan. This is all clearly explained in Garga Samhita.



Your servant,


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Hare Krishna Indulekhadasi ,

thanks for you reply , i never did read the GARG SAMHITA ,i have the mahabharat translated by ganguly...quite huge..just started reading it..i thought that predominating deity of Kali yuga was Duryodhan..who was this kali from garg samhita , can you paraphrase the details for me ?...also who karan was ...i know he has something to do with "Nar-Narayan"..who is Arjun-Krishna in the m/bharat..




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Hare Krishna


Kali was a great devotee of Lord Ananta. When Lord Ananta started to speak about His upcoming role in Kali Yuga as Lord Balarama, He assigned His devotees different roles so that He could perform His pastimes nicely. Kali was sad that Lord Ananta had not assigned Him any role in His upcoming pastimes. He asked Lord Ananta for a role. Lord Ananta told Him that He would have to play a difficult role as a sinful person- Duryodhan, to instruct people by example. Many people don't understand who Duryodhan actually was. However we can see that many great rishis and sages such as Muni Pradvipaka understood who Duryodhan was and addressed Duryodhan as: Oh pure one, oh spotless one. Many of us would be confused but know we can understand that Duryodhan was Kali who was actually a great personality playing a bad role.

Karna was a demon in his previous birth named Sahasrakavacha. He had 1000 kavachas. He could not be vanquished because of the kavachas. So Nara and Narayan took turns fighting with him to remove his kavachas. One day Nara would fight and remove one kavacha from his body and the next day Narayana would fight and remove another kavacha. Finally 999 kavachas were removed and only one was left. Sahasrakavacha escaped with this one kavacha and decided to take birth in Kunti's womb as Karna. That one kavacha was with him even in the next birth, but of course Indra took it away from him.

Ironically Hindus idolize Karna and hate Duryodhana when Duryodhan was a great devotee in his previous life and Karna was a demon...

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For me, it is a difficult choice between Baladeva and Kunti. I appreciate Baladeva's affections and His decisive nature. He had so much affection of Duryodhana and of course for His beloved brother Krsna. It was difficult for Him to see the catalysing of the battle. However, when He saw the line being drawn He chose to step aside and instead chose tirtha. The drama of the Mahabharat is based on faulted identifications and sympathies. There are proportionately few who display good judgement, with the majority suffering due to their lack of good judgement. Maharaja Bharata, Baladeva, and Vidura are characters whose judgement is arguably, flawless. Bharata's detachment from his children's automated ascension to the throne, while, instead, objectively choosing the most appropriate successor, is an indication to his rising above the general drama of the Mahabharata. Vidura was consistent in his good ministry and never sought any position outside of what he had. For me, Baladeva's action is what I would hope to emulate, for I know it is least likely that I would. Instead of becoming embroiled in the turmoil, do something productive for one's heart and existence. The world as we know it (and fight over it) will not be, in the relative near future. However, we are eternal and should consider our eternal path rather than our temporary existence. This is what I gather from His action. Krsna seemed to simply sport in Lila and had a great time observing the differing sentiments.


Kunti was perhaps the most admirable. While her situation afforded her much difficulty, she (as stonehearted mentioned) was the model of forbearance. I cant imagine one more tortured than her, and through it all she was affectionate, caring, thoughtful, faithful, and nurturing.

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my favorite character in mahabharata is Bheeshma, because in his whole life he did not do anything for himself, his whole life was dedicated to his motherland Hastinapur also he was the most respected person in the kingdom of Hastinapur, even he was respected by Lord Krishna also, so it depicts that how great he was.

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my favorite character in mahabharata is Bheeshma, because in his whole life he did not do anything for himself, his whole life was dedicated to his motherland Hastinapur also he was the most respected person in the kingdom of Hastinapur, even he was respected by Lord Krishna also, so it depicts that how great he was.


I find less people who can come close to be maryada purushotam like god ram one of then is bheesmji.

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definately karna and bhisma.

these are truly the greatest characters in the mahabharata. Don't think they are not hte greatest simply because of their mistakes. everyone makes mistakes. Even brahma and shiva had maken big mistakes by giving boons to many people who almost destroyed the world. Every character int mahabharata has made mistakes arjuna himself had made mistakes. He first let his gur cut the thumb of eklavya, second he married many princes although he himself had won draupadi in shyombara, third he called his wife a vikshya and ther are many others.

karna had lived in miseries all his life.he had been called sut putra and insulted and deprived of many rights although he was the eldest pandava and the rightful heir to the throne of hastinapur.He had been cursed for his unknowing mistakes and the curses all are of great power from great beings.In the swombara of draupadi he had been insulted by draupadi saying that she would not marry a sutputra.

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  • 4 years later...






Yudishtira blames himself for the death of Karna.Yudishtira remebers an incident on the occasion of dice match, where he lost the game and listening to the harsh and bitter words from sons of Dhritarashtra ,his wrath  cooled down at the sight of Karna's feet.It was because Karna's feet resembled the feet of his mother Kunti.Yudishtira remembers, even with his best exertions he failed to find out the reason of that resemblance between Karna and his mother, which kept him thinking  for a long time.Yudishtira became very sorry when learned about the truth behind Karna leaving him and his 3 brothers unharmed during the war eventhough he was able to take their lives.



Yudishtira and rest of the pandavas were not virtuous ,but compared to rest of others they are better .Against popular believes they had to sufferer next 36 years after kurukshetra war.The bad karmas accumulated by the heinous adharmic crimes against Bhishma,Drona,karna,bhurbuvsena and duryodhana caused them to suffer a lot.All these mentioned kauvarava maharathas were killed unfairly against the rules of engagement of war.This was because there were no other way bcoz they are best in their respective field and cannot be won over in a fair fight. Yudishtira went to hell for his role in taking part in the heinous crime against guru drona,Arjun suffered massively for the rest of his life against the unfair fights and deaths of   Bhishma,karna,bhurbuvsena. Arjuna lost all his powers and skill after the war and he was defeated by mere robbers and took away the wifes of lord krishna and their wealths,.Arjuna was defeated and killed by his own son bcoz arjuna killed karna and bhishma unfairly against kashtriya code and rules of engagements of war and against social laws at that time.Arjuna was brought alive back by using mritunjaya mantra.Later arjuna become so powerless that he cannot even lift his gandiva.Bhima was cused by his guru balaram for fighting and striking duryodhana in his thighs which was against the law of gaddha fight.Bhima did this bcoz Duryodhana was the best mace fighter in the whole world and bhima cannot win over him without using deceit.Balaram cursed bhima to be known as a crooked warrior for eternity.


From a k gangulys translation of mahabarath 


After the great war was over, Duryodhana was struck with mace by Bhima in the thighs(which is highly forbidden in mace fight) and facing death.Pandavas along with Lord Krishna become very much ashamed and afraid  when Balarama,the brother of Lord Krishna took his weapon( the plough) and came to kill Bhima.Lord Krishna consoled Balarama,but angry Balarama cursed Bhima that he shall be reputed in the world as a crooked warrior. Balarama blessed Duryodhana that he will obtain eternal blessedness and glory.


 After the end of great, [[Duryodhana]] was struck with mace by [[bhima]] in the thighs, which was highly forbidden in mace fight and facing death. Duryodhana  afflicted [[Lord Krishna]] and [[Pandavas]] with keen and bitter words.He asked Lord Krishna about the unrighteousness killing of [[bhishma]],[[Drona]],[[Karna]] and the foul play of Bhima on him motivated by Krishna.

|"The dart that had been given by Lord [[indra]] to Karna for the slaughter of [[Arjuna]] was baffled by you through [[Ghatotkacha]]! Who is there that is more sinful than you?  Karna had done a great feat for vanquishing Partha(Arjuna). You, however, caused Aswasena, the son of that prince of snakes (Takshaka), to be baffled in achieving his purpose! When again the wheel of Karna's car sank in earth,you caused that Karna to be slain! If sons of Pandu had fought me ,Karna , Bhishma and Drona by fair means, victory then, without doubt, would never have been yours. By adopting the most crooked and unrighteous  means you caused many kings observant of the duties of their order and ourselves also to be slain!
'|Duryodhana speaking to Krishna and Pandavas|
The Mahabharatha,Book 9: Shalya Parva Section 61
Upon the conclusion of these words of  King [[Duryodhana]], a thick shower of fragrant flowers fell from the sky. The Gandharvas played  many charming musical instruments. The Apsaras in a chorus sang the glory of king Duryodhana.
The Siddhas uttered loud sound to the effect, "Praise be to king Duryodhana!" Fragrant and delicious breezes mildly blew on every side. Beholding these exceedingly wonderful things and this worship offered to Duryodhana, the Pandavas headed by Lord Krishna became ashamed. Hearing (invisible beings cry out) that Bhishma and Drona and Karna and Bhurishrava were slain unrighteously, they became afflicted with grief and wept in sorrow.
Beholding the Pandavas filled with anxiety and grief, Krishna addressed them 
|"All of them were great car-warriors and exceedingly quick in the use of weapons! If you had put forth all your prowess, even then you could never have slain them in battle by fighting fairly! King Duryodhana also could never be slain in a fair encounter! The same is the case with all those mighty car-warriors headed by Bhishma,Drona and Karna! From desire of doing good to you, I repeatedly applied my powers of illusion and caused them to be slain by diverse means in battle. If I had not adopted such deceitfulways in battle, victory would never have been yours, nor kingdom, nor wealth! Those four were very high-souled warriors and regarded as Maharathas in the world. The very Regents of the Earth could not slay them in fair fight! Similarly, the son of Dhritarashtra, though fatigued when armed with the mace, could not be slain in fair fight by Yama himself armed with his bludgeon! "|Krishna speaking to Duryodhanaand Pandavas|
 Krishna Speaking to Duryodhana and Pandavas The Mahabharatha,Book 9: Shalya Parva Section 61
Later gandhari, mother of duryodhana cursed krishna that his entire race will be destroyed.After few years entire yadavas perished.
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  • 3 weeks later...
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Guest Sang

Draupadi, in my opinion, is the greatest charachter in Mahabharatam. She is a strong, intelligent, courageous, strong willed women and is one of the few women in indian mythology who were not afraid to speak their mind in a man's world. She was loyal to her husbands despite being betrayed and mistreated by them over and over again (arjuna married twice more, yudhistra gambelled her away like chattle, etc., not to mention their silence during the disrobeing incident). She was a devoted friend, or sakha, to krishna, who is also an amazing character. Many people (particularly Karna's fans) have brought up how rude she was in rejecting Karna and not letting him compete, but honestly, allmost every other character has done/said things that are much worse (including karna).

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