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Is 2012 the end of Kali?

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There is no yuga better than Kali!!In those old yugas one has to do lot of tapa,japa but today in kaliyuga if one just recite the name of God with pure mind person gets same fala of aghor tapa compare to old yugas.Kaliyuga is not evil,it is our mind which sees different things and capture evils.

Don't worry 2012 may not be the end of life,it may be last even for few thousands years from now or may end after 5 minutes who knows?Better offer prayers to God thats all.


Money is the creator, protector and destroyer in the kali. Would Kali be terminated by 2012 and a new cycle begin where love be the creator, protector and destroyer of this earth? What are the symptoms of Kali and how to know it has peaked?
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There's been a lot of hype around 2012, people saying it's the end of the world etc. This is nothing new, people have been trying to predict ends of ages and cycles for ever. The deal with 2012 is that there will be some astronomical evens and it is also the time when the Mayan calendar starts a new cycle. i don't think it will be the end of the world nor the end of the Kali Yuga. We still have a long time to go for that to happen.


I agree with Hindustani, spiritual advancement would be very hard for us if we entered a new yuga. Unless every consciousness has a complete makeover we would still have our Kali Yuga mind set and thus the tapas would be very very difficult.


I think it's best to not worry about such things. Remember God, try to surrender to him, and be happy. All is well.


Hari Om!

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Money is the creator, protector and destroyer in the kali. Would Kali be terminated by 2012 and a new cycle begin where love be the creator, protector and destroyer of this earth? What are the symptoms of Kali and how to know it has peaked?


Well, in 2012 they say that TATA motors will be exporting their ultra cheap, $2500 cars to the United States. So if Kali is not finished by then, hopefully the cost of living in the West will at least decrease.

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To be able to import the Tata into the States, they will have to meet all the emissions regs + meet all the frontal and side impact crash standards. It will require many modifications to the existing design plus extensive testing with the EPA and DOT. In other words, a lot of investment. If and when the Tata ever gets here, it will likely be not less than $7500 - $8500, possibly more.



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To be able to import the Tata into the States, they will have to meet all the emissions regs + meet all the frontal and side impact crash standards. It will require many modifications to the existing design plus extensive testing with the EPA and DOT. In other words, a lot of investment. If and when the Tata ever gets here, it will likely be not less than $7500 - $8500, possibly more.




Good point. So if TATA captures the entry-level automobile market, what will that say about Kali Yuga in 2012? :confused:


This is certainly a deep philosophical point which must be pondered carefully.

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Yes, Ragu, these are deep philosophical points which we must meditate on scrupulously !! LOL


But actually, Prabhupad called industrialization (industrialisation) ugrakarma. Can someone here define ugrakarma precisely ? On tape, Prabhupad says that Tata makes "big iron bars." Now, in their quest for industrial advancement, they simply want to make cars and trucks as well as iron bars. But Prabhupad said that "dog is running on four legs, and man is running on four wheels." This is to say that modern man is just like a dog, only more sophisticated, because he uses four wheels. Does that mean that we should all take up motorcycling, so we can run on two wheels and escape being called dogs ? LOL. Of course, seriously, it is our duty to beat our dog-like minds everyday, as Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur suggested, in an effort to surrender to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


As far as Kali yuga goes, I believe that shastra teaches that Kali still has approximately 427,000 more years to run. So this is only the beginning and it is already getting rotten. We can see that there must only be 10,000 years left of even the possibility to publicly pursue God and self-realization, before the bulk of the populous becomes so demonic that no one can openly proclaim himself a theist. As we know from shastra, later in the age there is cannibalism, which has already happened in China during the Great Famine and later during the Maoist cultural revolution, which lasted from 1966 to 1976. See commentary 7 of "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" at www.epochtimes.com.



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I could not find ( I also didn't look thoroughly ) a link to "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," but I will type some excerpts from a print version I have of commentary seven, "On the Chinese Communist Party's History of Killing."


"In the most serious famines in China's history prior to the CCP, there were cases in which families exchanged one another's children to eat, but nobody ever ate his own children. Under the CCP's reign, however, people were driven to eat those who died, cannibalize those who fled from other regions, and even kill and eat their own children.

The writer Sha Qing depicted this scene in his book "Yi Xi Da Di Wan" ("An Obscrure Land of Bayou"): In a peasant's family, a father was left with only his son and daughter during the Great Famine. One day, the daughter was driven out of the house by her father. When she came back, she could not find her younger brother, but saw white oil floating in the cauldron and a pile of bones next to the stove.

Several days later, the father added more water to the pot, and called his daughter to come closer. The girl was frightened, and pleaded with her father from outside the door. "Daddy, please don't eat me. I can collect firewood and cook food for you. If you eat me, nobody else will do this for you."

The final extent and number of tragedies such as this are unknown. Yet the CCP misrepresented them as a noble honor, claimed that the CCP was leading people bravely to fight the "natural disasters," and continued to tout itself as "great, glorious, and correct."


"This Great Famine was also a qualifying test for the CCP's cadres. According to the CCP's criteria, the cadres who had resisted telling the truth in the face of tens of millions starving to death were certainly "qualified." With this test, the CCP would then believe that nothing such as human emotions or heavenly principles could become a psychological burden that would prevent these cadres from following the Party line."


"Facts of the Political Campaigns after the Founding of the People's Republic of China" reported, "In May of 1984, after 31 months of intensive investigation, verification, and recalculation by the Central Committee of the CCP, the figures related to the Cultural Revolution were the following:

Over 4.2 million people were detained and investigated; over 1.73 million people died of unnatural causes; over 135,000 people were labeled as counter-revolutionaries and executed; over 237,000 people were killed; and over 7.03 million were disabled in armed attacks; and 71,200 families were destroyed. Statistics compiled from county annals show that 7.73 million people died of unnatural causes during the Cultural Revolution."


Persecution continues to this day within China with the persecution of the Falun Gong, a group whose only crime is wanting to follow principles based primarily on the yoga system. Because of its gross ignorance, the Chinese government sees the Falun Gong as enemies of the state. All this is truly symptomatic of Kali yuga.



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Money is the creator, protector and destroyer in the kali. Would Kali be terminated by 2012 and a new cycle begin where love be the creator, protector and destroyer of this earth? What are the symptoms of Kali and how to know it has peaked?


When people such as yourself cease to be ignorant of the real cause of Kali.

Money is not creator, protector or destroyer of anything. Ignorant is.


When Kali Yuga comes to an end, we will all know where the Ignorant comes from and how Illusions (Maya) have been clouding the eyes.

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When people such as yourself cease to be ignorant of the real cause of Kali.

Money is not creator, protector or destroyer of anything. Ignorant is.


When Kali Yuga comes to an end, we will all know where the Ignorant comes from and how Illusions (Maya) have been clouding the eyes.


Money creates everything in this material world, it protects the thing it created and it destroys the good on its way. This is some way related to ignorant capitalism. The prices of all the commodities rose a year back which was created, there was no truth in the price rise so it was protected and poor starved many times a week without good food which should be related to good destroyed on its way.


But at last Dharma was brought back into the world by the Financial crisis created by God.


You are very much ignorant of whats happening in front of your eyes, there is no meaning to talk about the unseen(illusions).

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Money creates everything in this material world, it protects the thing it created and it destroys the good on its way. This is some way related to ignorant capitalism. The prices of all the commodities rose a year back which was created, there was no truth in the price rise so it was protected and poor starved many times a week without good food which should be related to good destroyed on its way.


But at last Dharma was brought back into the world by the Financial crisis created by God.


You are very much ignorant of whats happening in front of your eyes, there is no meaning to talk about the unseen(illusions).


Do you have some better plans for the functioning of this world.

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Do you have some better plans for the functioning of this world.

Every individuals living in this world are cursed. Even God is cursed, he has to bear the pain of the poor. No matter how we push forward this world we need to understand one thing that we are no better than animals.:deal:


If you wanna take pride of being an human:smash: then wait for the black hole its ready to suck you into it.:crying2:

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Every individuals living in this world are cursed. Even God is cursed, he has to bear the pain of the poor. No matter how we push forward this world we need to understand one thing that we are no better than animals.:deal:


If you wanna take pride of being an human:smash: then wait for the black hole its ready to suck you into it.:crying2:


we are better than the animals. we are for one reason, we have the ability to remember the Lord.


Hari Om!

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.........Even God is cursed, .............. No matter how we push forward this world we need to understand one thing that we are no better than animals.:deal:



with a concept like that im sure you are , no better than an animal that is !!!!

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And above all, Kali yuga is symptomized (symptomised) by quarrelling, just as we often see on this forum.



In my opinion, things would exactly the same in all Yugas. They just did not have an opportunity to behave as we do, as there were no internet discussion forums back then. But rest assured, I am sure they did manage to find ways and means to disagree with their neighbors and create further action on these disagreements.


The Homo sapiens brain and behavior has not changed since 200000 years.



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Certainly quarrelling isn't new, just read the Mahabharata, but it becomes highly prominent and visible even in ordinary dealings in Kali yuga.


Also, in Kali yuga, a person is considered noble if he has wealth, regardless of how he obtained it and regardless of his personal character. Being a wealthy sudra is Kali yuga chic, for example the Tuttles of Orange County Choppers fame, or most gangsta rappers. That would also include most Hollywood and Bollywood actors and actresses, since actors are considered sudras.


So everything is topsy-turvy in Kali yuga. Sudras, such as actors, are revered, and brahmanas are scorned and considered an unproductive burden on society.



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Money creates everything in this material world, it protects the thing it created and it destroys the good on its way. This is some way related to ignorant capitalism. The prices of all the commodities rose a year back which was created, there was no truth in the price rise so it was protected and poor starved many times a week without good food which should be related to good destroyed on its way.


But at last Dharma was brought back into the world by the Financial crisis created by God.


You are very much ignorant of whats happening in front of your eyes, there is no meaning to talk about the unseen(illusions).


Oh really? Go and "buy" Life back to a dead man.

Pay the Sun to rise up in the middle of the night.

Or the rain to come down in a drought season.


You're being ignorant to simple facts. It is NATURE which produces food, water, air and warmth FOR FREE. But it is always people who are greedy who charge money for things they consider is theirs to own and sell.


And it is people like YOU who agree with this foolish and greedy people, ready to beg on your hands and knees so they could throw scraps for you to feed on. And when all is done, you blame it on God because it is always so easy to blame things on God rather than blame yourself.


People like you - IGNORANT - who are the true cause of Kali Yuga.

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In my opinion, things would exactly the same in all Yugas. They just did not have an opportunity to behave as we do, as there were no internet discussion forums back then. But rest assured, I am sure they did manage to find ways and means to disagree with their neighbors and create further action on these disagreements.


The Homo sapiens brain and behavior has not changed since 200000 years.




Another blind man. :rolleyes:


Was Hindus (and Indians in general) starved in their own home land over 5,000 years ago?

Have their rights to practise what they believe taken away from them 5,000 years ago?

Have India become 2nd in number of those infected by AIDS or other diseases such as that which was transmitted sexually?


If the answers for this are NO, then what the hell are you talking about?


As for your statement that Homo Sapiens have NOT changed for the past 200,000 years, THAT IS A LOAD OF BULLSHIT and you can ask ANY BIOLOGISTS and they WILL say the same thing.

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