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About chandu_69

  • Birthday 01/10/1972

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  1. What Texts?.Buddha's teachings have nothing to do with God(s). There is no such sutta taught by Buddha. Again no such sutta taught by Buddha. Lord Vishnu is the one who gives names to all devas.There are innumerable threads in indiadivine threads showing quotes from rigveda. Sir elliot has a problem reading scriptures.Dieties are irrelevent in Buddhas teaching. The maitthreya buddha and all such extra literature are NOT recognised as Buddha teachings.
  2. Namaste, As i understand sesame oil wick preparation is same as that for Ghee. Also please go through this article(Why is ghee lamp preferred to oil lamp during puja ritual? | Introductory Articles
  3. It is highly unlikely that Ghee sources in Philadelphia are free from other fats.MaKing ghee from fresh butter would be a better idea. There is always Vegetable oil to fall back on.
  4. Maturity, yes. The mature islamic god called Allah advocates killing christians and jews unless they pay Punitive tax(Jizya) unless OR worship Allah of Quran and accept Muhammad as the Final messenger. 09.029 Y: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. 009.030 Y: The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!. Very Mature indeed.
  5. Not only that, it is plain offensive. Jai Sri Anjaneya.
  6. No, i am not falling in to the trap of your's trying to side track the issue;namely all paths are valid It is foolish on your part to assume Rk's teachings have any thing to do with what happened before. R.K didn't appear in those people's dreams.Atleast they didnt say anything to that effect.You cannot resist posting rubbish and unintelligent comments.Don't you? I merely said "Because of gurus like R.k.,". He is not the only one who perpetuated this myth. I am not talking about imbalances.I am talking about Large scale massacres and rapes .Had the Gandhis and nehrus were aware of the theology of Killing for God they would have approved of partition before Violence or would have Amassed troops on streets to put the Murderous mobs in control. And the thoughts of the Likes of RK's have prevented them from exploring that angle.Got it? . That is what i am doing.But i am not the only one.There are plenty of people out there. No, it is not an enjoyable thing to do.
  7. Dear Lovealliance, My intense aversion with the "end of the world" theories might have showed through my posts. As you suspected i have not gone through your post but i am responding to hindusthani. As per hindu scriptures the world is not going to end any time soon.Jndji made an elaborate post somewhere. We have at least 2 billion years to go before everything merges in to God and a new cycle begins after a considerably long time. The following link could give some idea. Re: Yuga
  8. Good one, Hindustani .The world will certainly be a better place for non-human life without Humans.
  9. I am not that old.But i am not somebody like a neohindu who wants to forget what happened and what is happening.It is not just 1947.It is also what happened before where millions of hindus were massacred and millions more were sold as slaves.This is the proof i am talking about and the theological basis for it as explained in another thread. Brahmagyan doesn't mean behaving like a delusional person as evident from the wikipedia link i gave above.You are an expert in dodging the subject and filling the page with trash. My basic objection to R.K's teachings is his [n]ignorance which is mistaken as spirituality has masked the imminent dangers of a blood thirsty theology.This kind of ignorance perpetuated has caught Hindus unaware and led to massacre and rapes in 1947. Because of gurus like R.k., Gandhis and nehrus were caught unawares during Partition massacres.
  10. Sure, but you cannot feel the bottom when you didn't even touch the surface. This is how he felt the Bucket of water. Ramakrishna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Ramakrishna said that he "devoutly repeated the name of Allah, wore a cloth like the Arab Moslems, said their prayer five times daily, and felt disinclined even to see images of the Hindu gods and goddesses, much less worship them—for the Hindu way of thinking had disappeared altogether from my mind."[68] According to Ramakrishna, after three days of practice he had a vision of a "radiant personage with grave countenance and white beard resembling the Prophet and merging with his body".[69]" No quote whatsoever from quran or other islamic scriptures.
  11. Sure, but you cannot feel the bottom when you didn't even touch the surface. This is how he felt the Bucket of water. Ramakrishna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Ramakrishna said that he "devoutly repeated the name of Allah, wore a cloth like the Arab Moslems, said their prayer five times daily, and felt disinclined even to see images of the Hindu gods and goddesses, much less worship them—for the Hindu way of thinking had disappeared altogether from my mind."[68] According to Ramakrishna, after three days of practice he had a vision of a "radiant personage with grave countenance and white beard resembling the Prophet and merging with his body".[69]" No quote whatsoever from quran or other islamic scriptures.
  12. That is how neohindus behave.it is uncool for them to acknowledge the sufferings of hindus leave alone responding to them.
  13. Nobody accused him of that.But he endorsed a religion that advocates killing for god, which makes him ignorant since he is a non-violent person. This is where education plays a role.Claim of spirituality cannot be a guard for ignorance.I am objecting to the ignorance of RK and the large scale embrace of this ignorance by hindu population . I have no problem with that.Dont bring unrelated issues in to discussion and cloud the subject. Sure, you would not, despite the evidence presented. And because of people like you who perpetuate this nonsense Hindus continue to suffer and have no clue what has hit them and what continues to hit them.
  14. I perfectly understood what you are talking about and u used Ramakrishna quotes to drive home your point.This is where i differ with your Guru. Thanks for your generosity.I question i raised is specifically related to R.K. hamsa quote you provided. Then you admit R.K. was wrong when he referred to a religion that celebrates killing unbeleivers as a sure way to reach Heaven(Quran 9:111) No, the christian missionaries don't show that much hatred towards a hindu.Love the sinner but hate the sinner is their motto.They hate your beliefs not as much You.The missionaries are trying to save you from eternal hell.Their theology tells them that a hindu like you has no hope for salvation.They are simply following their theology.Nothing personal there. or I am unabashed in discussing their theology.If i come across as a hater let it be.I am not trying to win some popularity contest. . Rama krishna was a simple saintly person but uneducated.Being uneducated he should have refrained from passing those comments he made.everybody knows which religions he was referring to.I don't have any qualms in making it bare; Not much. But you cannot hide falsehood under sentiment. If you think hurting other people sentiments is bad you would have refrained making several comments against prabhupada. Dont follow double standards. I am brutally honest(in matters of theology).Nothing negative about that.I back up with proofs for what i say. Yes, i am positive about Hk's(not towards shills and noobs,though) cause they have neither killed millions of hindus nor they express their intention to do so in Future. Nothing sentimental about my approach.
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